《The World is My Playground》Chapter 6 : Level Up


I wanted to try color coding the dialogue between the characters, so yeah, tell me what you guys think, if i should keep it like that, or if i should change it again. Every major character will have a color, and then the less important i’ll just write when they are talking.

David = Green

Ruby = Red

Mira = Blue


I awoke to a ray of sunlight piercing the canopy of the jungle trees straight to my face. I felt a stinging pain in my left leg and a slight headache most likely from the battle i had with the corrupted wolf. I sit up from where i am and notice that i'm on a pretty soft bed of leaves and i can see some berries placed next to my right arm. I grabbed a few and shoved them into my mouth because of how hungry i was at that moment. I was so busy eating the berries that i didn’t hear rustling from the bushes.

“Master! You're awake! I’m so happy you’re finally awake again!”

Ruby bolts straight from the bushes and into my lap, and begins to jump all over me while excitedly telling me how glad she is that i’m finally awake.

“Ok, ok, calm down Ruby, i'm alright, just a little pain in my leg.”

“Oh, that’s why i was looking for this.”

Ruby goes back into the bushes and comes back with a mouth full of amale to treat my injury. I thank her and take some of the amale and chew it to place on my injury while placing the extra into my pockets.

“Congrats on not dying in you first fight and winning. Especially against an enemy 14 levels above you. Not many level 1’s can do that.”

“Welp i couldn’t have done it without Ruby now could i.”

I started petting Ruby when a pop-up appeared before me.

Level Up

5 free stat points

“And again, congrats. You got enough experience from that battle to finally level up. As a reward, you now get 5 free stat points that you get to allocate to your stats.”

“Cool, so just think of the stats screen and i can place them where i want right?”

“Yep, just like that.”


Status WindowName:DavidAlignment:noneLevel:1Class:Monster TamerRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesnoneFame:0Infamy:0-Health:275 / 500Health Regen:0.5 / SecMana:1200 / 1200Mana Regen:0.5 / SecStamina:95 / 95Stamina Regen:0.05 / Sec-Strength:7Agility:7Vitality:5Intelligence:12Wisdom:11Endurance:10Luck:10-Attack:15Defense:10Physical ResistancesSlashing:5Piercing:5Crushing:5Elemental ResistancesFire:5Water:5Wind:5Earth:5Light:5Darkness:5

Let's put 3 points into vitality and 1 into both strength and agility.

Status WindowName:DavidAlignment:noneLevel:2Class:Monster TamerRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesnoneFame:0Infamy:0-Health:575 / 800Health Regen:0.8 / SecMana:1200 / 1200Mana Regen:0.5 / SecStamina:95 / 95Stamina Regen:0.06 / Sec-Strength:8Agility:8Vitality:8Intelligence:12Wisdom:11Endurance:10Luck:10-Attack:16Defense:11Physical ResistancesSlashing:6Piercing:6Crushing:6Elemental ResistancesFire:5Water:5Wind:5Earth:5Light:5Darkness:5

“Oh, tingly, hehe.”

After placing the free stat points into where i wanted them, i had felt a funny tingly sensation in my body. I could feel a ripple go through my muscles, like something was growing underneath my skin. It was a different yet similar feeling to when i grow my horn on my forehead, except less freaky. Not only that, my limbs felt a little more flexible now. Must have been from the point in agility. I couldn’t wait till i leveled up into the hundreds, i’d probably be able to smash mountains. Not to mention what abilities i could gain from any future monsters i tame. Who knows how many monsters exist in this new world.


“Hey, where the body of the wolf we killed, i don’t see it anywhere? “

“Oh, i had to drag your body over here so you didn’t have to stay near its body. You did split it almost in two and had its blood and guts fall all over you. Which by the way master, you kinda smell.”

As Ruby said this, i finally notice that my clothes were caked in dried blood with a few bits and chunks sticking on my sweater. There was also the unmistakable smell of decay and sweat coming off of me that i hadn’t noticed till now.

“Oh...wow, i do smell. Should probably look for a river to wash myself. But before that.”

I start walking over to what's left of the wolf we had killed and with a crazed look in my eyes, i kneel down beside its corpse.

“Hehehe, lets see what we can use from you little buddy.”

I grab one of my leftover rock shards and use it as an improvised knife and start going to town on the corrupted wolf’s corpse looking for anything that could be useful later on.

“Ha, this is pretty fun, dirty and disgusting, but fun.”

“You got some weird interest for someone who just did schoolwork and played videogames for most of his life.”

“Hey, if you got taken to another world from that kind of lifestyle and told that the world is yours for the taking, you would be interested in trying all sorts of things, like butchering a disgusting mangled corpse of a monster that just recently tried to kill you, so if you’ll excuse me, i’ve got some butchering to do.”

As i said that, some more blood splattered onto my face as i clumsily start what i believe would be how the skinning process is done on the wolf. I pulled each of its claws out since they were pretty sharp looking.

“Oh, these could come in handy, maybe attach them to a string of some kind and use it like a throwing weapon like in that game i played with assassins and stuff. Oh, these teeth are pretty long now that i look at them and not to mention sharp. I should know, you tore my leg to shreds you little shit.”

Your fur is pretty tough too, maybe a bit torn up from my spears and you know, my horn going up your ass and tearing you almost in two, but maybe i could make some nice gloves from it once i figure out how to make them, hehe.”

“Hey, you know you have been at this for maybe two hours now right? Ruby had enough time to find you a river to wash up in.”


“Yep, like an hour ago. She tried telling you but you were so focused on cutting up that wolf that you didn't hear her and she just decided to nap next to you.”

I look to my right and sleeping in a little curled up ball next to a pile of claws and fangs was Ruby just silently sleeping without a care in the world. It was pretty cute. I woke her up and asked her where she had found the river and had her guide me while she was in my hands after i had placed all the items i could scavenge into a bag i made from the wolf’s fur.


Once at the river, i placed Ruby and the bag down and removed my clothes so i could dip them into the water and wash them as i washed myself.

*Whistles* “Nice sword ya got there, i hear you have an ability to extend its reach so you can strike “deeper” into your victimes if you catch my drift, hehe.”

“Ha, now that's just creepy Mira. You're lucky you’re just an A.I. program in this gem on my wrist or i would have boned you on the head right now.”

After dealing with Mira’s comment about my “sword” i washed myself, and saw how the clear blue water began changing to a dark purplish black from the dried blood from my clothes and skin.

I was just enjoying myself after washing up my clothes and hanging them on a tree branch when an idea hit me. How come i haven’t tried out my evolution skills on Ruby? I mean, i barely even know how it works. Why not try it out on her right now. Evolve her as a type of reward for helping me out in the battle. So i quickly get out of the water, dry myself while listening to more of Mira’s dirty jokes that all revolve on my “sword” and ask Ruby if she would like to evolve, but before that, i quickly go over the evolution skills i had.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:

Forced Monster EvolutionUnique10%Ability to cause any monster you own to evolve to the next stage in exchange for mana.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:

Controlled Monster EvolutionUnique10%In exchange for extra mana, you are given the ability to decide how the monster will evolve.

Ok, i think i get the jist of these skills for now. Now to ask Ruby about what she knows about evolution.I sit over by the bank of the river and ask Ruby to come sit by me so i could have a chat with her.

“Hey Ruby, how does evolving work for monsters and you in particular?”

“Well, in order to evolve, a monster has to reach a certain level that is specific to each individual specie to represent they have gained enough experience to justify their evolution and they must have a specific amount of mana to use as fuel to evolve them.”

“Ok. So say i had an ability that could bypass all that by simply using my mana to make up for whatever you needed. Would you mind me using it on you to evolve you to your next stage of evolution?”

“Well if you did have an ability like that, i would gladly accept your offer to evolve me master.”

“Oh, that’s great then cause i actually do have the ability to do that, ain’t that great?

The moment i had said that, her eye’s looked like they were about to pop out of her eyes from excitement. She started doing flips from how excited about the chance to finally evolve to the next stage of her evolution.

“Really master? Do you really mean it? You can help me evolve to the second stage of my evolution?

“Yeah. Wanna do it right now?”


“Alright let's get this started.” *Forced Monster Evolution*

All of a sudden i see a bright flash of light before me and then everything going dark, and i think to myself, “What the fuck, another blackout, haven’t i blacked out enough already, god dammit.”


By the way, i would like to thank Andy8583 for being the first to give my story an advance review and for being honest with me about it. I will try my hardest to take what you have said to improve my story, but do be warned that this is my first story that i have every written so it may take me a bit to get better, but do know that i will try to get better so you guys can have an even better story to enjoy. So again, thanks for the review and thank you to everyone else who is enjoying my story so far. Advertisement Previous

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