《The World is My Playground》Chapter 4 : The Plan


While we were waiting for Ruby to heal up, i started getting hungry and asked if there were any plants that were edible to which Ruby pointed out that there was a few bushes with some berries that we could eat.

After walking for maybe a minute, i found the berries that she was talking about. They looked like normal blueberries so i took a couple and shoved them into my mouth. They tasted just as sweet as blueberries which only caused me to eat even more of them.

Ruby - Ahem….

David - Oh, sorry, hehe. Here ya go.

I grab a few berries and hand feed them to Ruby while she is still nestled in my arm. After we snacked on the blueberries, i took some leaves and vines and crudely crafted a four small pouches to which i filled with as many blueberries as i could.

Crudely Made PouchType:bagDurability:25 / 25Quality:poorA very poorly made pouch. This thing could break at any moment.

New Skill learned

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Craftingbasic20%The ability to craft items. The more crafts made, the better they will become.

David - Cool, another new skill. *Status*

Status WindowName:DavidAlignment:noneLevel:1Class:Monster TamerRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesnoneFame:0Infamy:0-Health:500 / 500Health Regen:0.5 / SecMana:1200 / 1200Mana Regen:0.5 / SecStamina:95 / 95Stamina Regen:0.05 / Sec-Strength:7Agility:7Vitality:5Intelligence:12Wisdom:11Endurance:10Luck:10-Attack:15Defense:10Physical ResistancesSlashing:5Piercing:5Crushing:5Elemental ResistancesFire:5Water:5Wind:5Earth:5Light:5Darkness:5

David - Cool, i wonder how much more EXP i need in order to level up?


level 1, 400 / 673 exp

David - Oh, well that was helpful.

So Ruby, about these “Corrupted ones”, what are they?

Ruby - I don’t really know myself master. They just suddenly appeared from a hidden dungeon and caused a panic throughout the monster community.


David - Monster community? The heck is that?

Ruby - The monster community is an alliance of monsters that have agreed to join forces to fight against the corrupted ones as well as any other monsters that may want to do us harm.

David - So there are different monsters working together to stay alive from stronger monsters? Sounds legit.

Ruby - Yes, but recently there has been infighting within the alliance. The different monsters have been fighting over how to handle the corrupted ones and this has led to everyone fighting each other instead of the true enemy. The jungle wolves have been extremely problematic at the moment. They have been demanding that the alliance simply charge into the dungeon and kill whatever it is that is causing all of this to happen.

David - Well why doesn’t the alliance follow with that plan?

Ruby - The alliance is hesitant with following with the jungle wolve’s plan because the corrupted already outnumber us 2 to 1 just by what we can see, and who know how many more of them are in their dungeon.

David - That is a problem. About how many are in this alliance.

Ruby - The alliance is currently made up of around 80 Horned Rabbits, 55 Jungle Wolves, and 35 Vine Serpents.

David - So that makes it around 170, and if there’s a difference of 2 to 1, then that makes the enemy number at around 340 plus however many are hidden in the dungeon.

Mira - Might i make a recommendation for a plan of action?

David - Sure, whatcha got for us Mira?

Mira - Seeing as your goal is to take over this world, you could begin taming more monsters to get stronger and then use that strength to have the Monster Alliance become a part of your monster army. After you strengthen your army by gaining more monsters and using your abilities to evolve them, you should be strong enough to beat the corrupted and then take over this island for yourself.

David - Hmm, sounds like a good plan to me. Let's go hunt us some monsters.


Chapter 5 coming out later today

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