《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 15 Pochis last Battle?


Chapter 15 Pochis last Battle?

As I breathed heavily, I looked at the stat screen, '17 life of 108 that isn't much wait wasn't my maximum life lower before, Oh my race is now dog Lvl 2 that is strange why is the level displayed by the race? Wait weren't there badger storming towards me? Where are they?'

I panicly looked around and saw that Alicia and her friends just finished the last of the badgers and an other squirrel was lying next to Hamfree.

'So the battle has ended. That is good' I went back and looked more at my status. While I was concentrating on my stats to see what had all changed do to me leveling, the others collected the corpse of the defeated animals and skinned them and took their meat.

Monica that had watched the battles together with Morris and Karlos, cast a healing spell at all of us by the sudden change in my life I was surprised and jumped up.

As I looked around and readied myself for an other battle.

The people that saw how I reacted to the healing spell started to laugh.

Veronica was the first to say something, but I was to distract to understand it.

What was said afterwards by Karlos didn't make any sense to me, "Yes, your right. I have never seen one like that.", "But he is quite strong for a familiar if you think about it he managed to defeat a sniper squirrel, not only that the squirrel was dominating the battle at first." was Morris response to this.

"Alicia dear what is wrong?" when Monica said this all eyes turned to Alicia, Alicia was as pale as a skeleton, she was sweating quite a lot and shivered. When I saw her I immediately new that she was in a state of panic.


"Ar...Arko,di..died." her voice was weak and without any power. I didn't realize when, but Roy had gone to support Alicia.

Everyone was agitated, "Alicia can you tell us how it happened and what it did?" Monika was expecting some kind of answer from Alicia, but all she could do was point in a direction.

Morris looked at Monica and Monica just nodded. Morris then raised his voice, " Karlos you are to escort the kids back to the gate of zone 16 and 17, Monica and I will scout the area. We will meet back in two hours at the gate."

It looked like Veronica wanted to say something, but after looking at Alicia she changed her mind.

"Yes, sir.", Karlos said and looked at Alicia and her friends. Alicia was still pale, but still nodded at Karlos.

Karlos started to lead the way and we followed

Monica and Morris went the way which had pointed to before.

We already had walked quite some distance when Veronica asked a question, "Karlos, are they going to be OK?"."Yes they are going to menage somehow, Morris belongs to the elite of the guards and miss spektrum studies under the magus of the king, if those two don't manage then it would be something big and there shoulden't be anything like this" was Karlos answere.

As he turned around to smile at us, something came out of the bushes and bit a chunk of flesh out of Karlos. "Run" this high pitched scream escaped Karlos mouth before he was bitten another time by the sharp teeth dripping with his blood.

The being was standing over what remained of Karlos had red scales, the body of a big lizard and a pair of wings.

"Is that a dragon?" asked Roy shaken.


"I think so." was Veronicas answer.

All of us started to run where we came from. When I checked if the dragon was following us I saw that Alicia was not running with the rest of us she was paralyzed by fear.

'Dam it girl you need to run, wait she can't hear me.' is what I thought when I saw her and turned around to her. I bit her into the sleeve of her shirt and tried to pulled her away from the dragon, but she didn't move at all.

Unlucky for us the Dragon finished what was left of Karlos and turned around.

I let go of Alicias sleeve and looked the dragon right into his eyes of his half rotten face. Fear was starting to take over, but in this world I was already getting used to this feeling.

'I need to fight, I need to protect Alicia.' were all my thoughts. So, I charged at the Dragon.

I felt that the dragon was surprised by my action and it reflexively slapped me away like a fly.

The pain that hit my body was almost unbearable, but luckily I landed in a bush.

I turned around and saw that the dragon was advancing towards the now crying Alicia.

Once more I rushed at the Dragon and I even managed to land a hit on the beast, but the beast ignored it completely. I clawed at it again and again, but it didn't look as if it did anything to the Monster I was attacking.

I started to Panik, ' is there nothing I can do to save Alicia, there must be something. Magic!' I tried to remember the feeling from before, but this time I tried to move the energy into my claws and slashed once more at the Dragon.

The Dragon reaction to this wasn't what I had expected. It howled like his heart was being ripped out.

'What happened, was this something I did' as I was thinking this the Dragon turned to me and his claw started to slash at me so fast I almost couldn't react as I was still concentrating on my mana and started to panic I moved all my mana out of his attack instead of my body.

I didn't understand what happened, but I was on the other side of the dragon. The Dragon looked around to where I disappeared. Using this chance I repeated what I did with my claws before hand.

The Dragon howled in pain once more, but faster than before recovered and slashed at me. Expecting the slash I already tried to move my mana away like before, but unlike before it was somehow harder to do and something went wrong.

When I reached the place I had lost all my legs and an incredible pain struck my body.

The Dragon turned towards me, smiled and took one deep breath.

The poll this time is if i should let Pochi die.

Thanks for reading.

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