《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 14: Pochis first battle


Chapter 14 Pochis first battle

Morris slowly advanced towards the three bunnies, he got closer and closer towards them. When he was as close as one meter towards them Karlos released his Arrow to hit the first bunny, but something unexpected happened a gust of wind appeared out of nowhere and the course of the arrow changed. When it almost hit Morris, he evaded it as if he was expecting this to happen.

Morris started to charge at the first bunny while Karlos fired another arrow. This time there was no gust of wind, but instead the arrow hit Morris blade in the instant that he would have hit the bunny.

The blade hit by the arrow hit a big root of a tree and was stuck. Morris instantly drew the next weapon and slashed at the bunny once more, the bunny just hooped over the attack and the Sword hit the other sword that was struck in the root and both of the blades shattered to tiny little pieces.

Morris didn't look like he was surprised at all at what had happened and drew his last sword and tried to split the bunny into halve, but this time the sword slipped out of the hand of the veteran worrier and was flying over to us, Monica casts a spell to intercept the sword, but failed at casting and the spell exploded in her face.

The sword flew past her scratching her cheek. As Morris retreated from the bunnies, Karlos fired a new arrow this time the arrow hit one of the bunnies and the bunny died. As Monica saw this, she casts a spell and a big fireball appeared before her and flew towards the two bunnies that still were there. As the fireball came close it exploded and wrapped the surrounding into a sea of flames.

Now that all bunnies were dead Morris returned to us and said, "Now you know why I got this many weapon with me.". He had a board smile on his face, Veronicas comment, "That he is clumsy?" hurt Morris or at last that was what I felt from it.

Monica that had heard it too, spoke, "He isn't clumsy he was pretty impressive", Morries cheered up a bit after he heard it, "Not Many people can fight like that against bunnies, their racial skill is a pretty nasty one that chance the odd to their favor. So most people are looking pretty funny when fighting them.", Morris started to smile.

Alicia then asked a question that I was curious about too, "then why didn't you let us fight them, it looks like that is all they can?" This time Karlos spoke, "because you would not be the first that had killed themselves by fighting a bunny and once you kill one of them the rest starts to run. So they are not suited to level you guys.".


Now Rob asked with a bit of hesitation, "So what type of monster would be best to level us.". I could feel that he was a bit scared what I could fully understand. Morris answered while Karlos and Monica started to ponder about it, "Something with a racial skill that isn't nasty and that is easy to restrain.". Veronia was the first to speak, "Like Hamfree.", Veronica pointed at her boar familiar.

Morris said plainly, "Yes, like him."

So, we went to look for Monsters like that the first thing we found was a deer like monster it was easily restraint with Monicas Magic and then killed by the three. Then, for a while nothing was found til Karlos came back and said, "Up ahead there are two Sniper Squirrels and four War Badgers. What do you think?".

Morris pondered for a moment and then told us his decision, "I think we should all attack them, the familiars of you will attack the squirrels while we take down the badgers. OK?".

I don't want to fight yet, even if my opponent will be a squirrel. While I was distracted by my own thoughts the others planned the battle a bit more.

When they prepared themselves for battle I looked around confused as I didn't knew what I need to do.

Suddenly a bird grabbed me and was carrying me of, I struggled to free myself, but the bird still carried me of somewhere. Then, as suddenly as he grabbed me he dropped me, I feared for my life, but he dropped me only from a height of a meter so I wasn't harmed.

As I looked around to look at the bird that grabbed me. I saw a Squirrel right in front of me and Arko flying away.

'Dam bird, Stupid Bird' I thought to myself as the squirrel before me took a stone and threw it at me. It hurts, but not as much as the stone from before.

As I looked at the Squirrel it prepared the next stone. 'No no no, your not going to throw that stone at me again.' I thought, but the stone was thrown non the less and of course it hit me as I was standing still. From behind me I heard strange sounds coming, I turned around and saw how four badgers came running to me, but before they could reach me an arrow struck the one in the front and the whole group turned around.

While I was watching the scene another stone hit me. 'Ahh, i need to do something, but what?' As he prepared the next stone I decided to evade it. I waited and then he threw the stone and I tried to jump to the side, but before I could even leave the ground I was already hit once more.


'Ahh, dam it, I need to be faster.' so I tried it again and was hit again. I tried it two more times, but was hit always before I even had the chance to evade. ' Ahh, i can't evade the attacks of a simple Squirrel what do I do now?' as I was starting to panic I was hit once more.

Then I had an idea,' Wait a moment I'm hit again and again, but I'm still standing so' and once more I was hit by the Squirrels stone,' do I even need to evade the attacks of the squirrel?' and I was hit again. ' It still hurts, I need to do something to stop the squirrel from attacking me. Attacking, I could attack the squirrel too.' if I had hands I would have face palmed myself, but the squirrel took the job from me by hitting me with another stone.

Now that I had decided to attack the squirrel I clawed at it and the squirrel barley evaded it, but it needed to stop trowing for it so it was a win for me. As it landed I clawed at it once more and this time I hit it right in the face.

I was surprised that the squirrel was still alive because it had a really nasty scar in its face know.

'Wait a moment why did it get a scar from my attack and not a wound?' as I was pondering that the squirrel made a bit of distance between us and throw a stone at me once more. Hit hit like all of his attacks so far.

With the hit I regained my concentration and stormed at the squirrel, while I did that the squirrel hit me again, but I continued non the less. When I reached the Squirrel I jumped at it and clawed at it with both claws, but both of them missed, but luckily I landed on top of the squirrel.

The squirrel tried to get free it pushed me up into the air, I was surprised with the strength the little thing had and forgot to attack it. Then, it threw me away like I was nothing to it, it wasn't far, but the shock of the strength of the little thing was, was like usually, 'I need to stop thinking about things that were common in my world, the rules of my world don't apply here.' this time the squirrel to a stone as big as itself and threw it at me while I was still thinking. This one was pretty painful and I knew that my condition was getting worse.

I choose to charge at it once more and tried the same thing as before. This time the second claw hit, but the body slam was evade, but not only that, but the squirrel attacked me with a kick when I was lying on the ground. That kick was as painful as the big stone, ' I need to change the flow of the battle or else I will die' as I was thinking about how to change the flow of battle, roots shot up from the ground and entangled the squirrel.

I was surprised by what happend, but used this chance to jump at the squirrel once more this time all of my attacks hit, But the squirrel was still trying to resist so I jumped up and down on the squirrel and it died with just this one jump.

I was pretty exhausted so I looked up my status to look how close this battle really was.

StatsNamePochiRaceDog LV2Age12 weeksLifeStaminaMana17/1081/2470/140Strength4Force1Dexterity4Control4Agility4Intelligence5Vitality4Will5Look3Charm5Perception5Luck4

This time the chapter is longer then usual I hope it's OK for you guys.

The poll this time is the continuation from the last time so please choose what you like here are the choices explained a bit more. The winners are advanced and extreme. The extrem Magic was leading by three so those three are carried over to he new one.

Nature – Nature Magic is the Magic that covers all organic material and helps with the combination of those and other things. Combined with Magic like air or water it is possible to make Gases and potions

Metal – Metal Magic is the Magic that covers all Metallic material and helps with the combination of those and other things. Combined with magic like fire and earth it is possible to make new weapons from nothing

Physical – Physical Magic is the magic that covers one's own body, the body of others and telekinetic

Arcane – Arcane Magic is the magic that analyze other types of magic to bring out the most extreme effect of those. Arcane Magic makes it possible to prepare scrolls to skip casting or create magic items.

Divine – Divine Magic is the magic of harmony, Divine Magic is used to combine magics of different people to make gigantic magic rituals. The most used form is singing followed by dancing.

Space – Space Magic is the Magic that controls dimension and creates them. Without other types of magic it is almost impossible to do something not destroying everything.

Time – Time Magic is the Magic that controls time. Without other types of magic it is almost impossible to not die do to differences in the time continuum.

I hope you like the choices and thanks for reading.

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