《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 16: The End of the Dragon


Chapter 16 The End of the Dragon

While the Dragon took his breath, I started to panic,' Oh noo he is going to breathe fire, I need to stop him, but how I can't move my body and I think that I can't concentrate with all this pain.'

As I was thinking about how to escape the situation the Dragon released his dark-breath at me. Just as the dark-breath was about to hit me a bright shining circle appeared before me and a wall of light formed in front of me followed by the feeling of being called back into the tattoo.

As my body or what is left of it started to reform into the tattoo I saw how the Wall of light shattered and all in front of me started to decay at an incredible speed. Just before the breath reached my nose I completely returned to the tattoo.

I was so shocked by all that happen that I stopped thinking for a moment, but now I was thinking even more than before,'What happened? Why did that light wall appear before me? How did I return to the tattoo? Would I have died if that breath just touched a part of my body?' Those and more question were filling my mind, but I didn't have a single answer to any of them.

That was when I heard a familiar voice, it was Sophies voice, "you did great Pochi!". I tried to answer, but I couldn't, I waited for more, but it didn't came, I tried to leave the Tattoo, but right after I did that, I was absorbed back in and Sophie said something to me once more, "Stay in there Pochi, at last til all of this is over OK.".

As I was thinking about what happened something changed I could see something like a TV shining in a bit of a distance. As I tried to approach it, I really got closer and what I saw was a town moving.


No to be more precise it was as if the screen was moving in the town, it was like I had a first person view of a person moving thru a town. But the vision wasn't all there was there was the sound too.

What I saw was that the person whos view I had, came closer to a gate, the gate I remembered it, it was the gate we passed where I first me Morris. The guard at the gate stopped the person. The person is definitively smaller than the average person.

"Where do you want to go little girl, shouldn't you be in school right know?" asked the guard.

What I heard next was Sophies Voice, "I need to meet with master Leenorial, it is an Emergency a Dragon appeared."

The guard looked at Sophie and then laughed before saying, "If a Dragon had appeared in town. I would already have heard of it."

At that moment the gate opened, Sophie tried to rush through it, but bumped into the woman passing thru it. The women was short and board, had red hair and a red beard, but not as dense as a normal one, it was more of a fluff.

The women looked at Sophie that was caught by the guards. Sophie screamed at the guards,"Let me go, I need to tell Lee about the Dragon, so let me go!"

"Dragon. Do you know where it is?" asked the women.

Sophie looked at the women and said,"The Dragon is in zone 16."

the woman was silent for quite some time and then spoke to Sophie,"Do you know where exactly the dragon is and could you lead me to it Sophie?"

I was quite surprised when I heard Sophies name, but Sophie was just as surprised as I was.


"how do you know my name?"asked Sophie."Lee told me about you and can you lead me?" said the women.

Sophie nodded.

"then get on my back, I will run. By the way, I'm Karotta." said Karotta with a big smile.

Sophie got on Karottas back, and Karotta started to run. Her speed was just as fast as 100 meter Sprinter. After Karotta had run quite a bit and still wasn't slowing down she said to Sophie,"One of my friends has reached the Dragon just know, the situation is quite dire."

"What about my mother and sister" asked Sophie a bit desperate.

"It looks like they are alive" answered Karotta while she jumped over the gate from zone 17 to 16.

"So which way" asked Karotta. Sophie answered with,"That way." and pointed in the direction the Dragon was when i fought it.

Karotta jumped a second time and then we could see a person fighting the dragon bare handed.

Karotta and Sophie landed close to both of them. Sophie got down from Karotta and Karotta Moved toward the Dragon and a dorn dergar appeared in her hand.

Sophie looked around and saw her mother and sister. Alicia was unharmed, but unconscious and Monica had lost her right arm.

Sophie stormed over to them and hugged her Mother that was in incredibly pain.

At that moment Karotta reached the Dragon and swung her dorn dergar at him. As the dorn dergar hit the dragon, it the moved five feet in the opposite direction. The other person took this chance to hit him once more with his bare fist in the dragon's right side. The fist exploded as it hit the dragon.

The Dragon tried to oppose the two of them, but the two were so coordinated that the dragon had no chance. The person evaded all the attacks and Karotta just ignored them and forced her way thru them.

It did take them 10 minutes to kill the dragon.

While the battle took part Sophie did first aid for her mother.

When the Dragon died I felt a strange kind of energy flow threw my body and a blue window appeared before my eyes.

Max Level reached Evolution possibleMagic DogBreeding DogSpirit Dog

Thanks for readig the choice this time is pretty easy what should Pochi evolve into.

like asked more input on the evolution

Magic Dog - A dog good at magic may become it - A Magic Dog is a dog tat is better than other dogs at magic.

Breeding Dog - A dog with the large litter trait may become it - Breeding Dogs are used to breed dogs to be the familiar of people.

Spirit Dog - A dog proficiend in Astral and space magic and a strong soul may become it - Spirit Dog an evolution unknown to humen, it is a dog that can sift its existace to the astral plane.

Some people asked what a dorn dergar is, so for those that didn't knew it is a special dwarfen weapon in Pathfinder.

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