《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 11: Familiar contract


Chapter 11: Familiar contract

After I had defeated my arch-nemesis, we entered strange room. Inside of that room there was nothing except Monica. As she came over to us she smiled happily at us and started to talk gibberish.

'Maybe some of my mana has returned already' I thought as I tried to activate my language comprehension once more and I really had enough mana to use it once more. So, I sat down and listened to what they were talking about.

Lenoriel said, "Good, you may leave now Mon.". Monica looked at Sophie and hugged her once and said,"good luck my dear.". Sophie hugged her mother back. After Monica and Sophie separated, Monica left the room. Right after she left Leenoriel started to speak to Sophie once more, "Soph, do you know what you need to do or do I need to explain it to you.". Sophie blushed as she answered "I know what needs to be done, but no peeking."

Leenoriel turned around and walked to the middle of the room there he put the paper he had gotten from Monica beforehand on the ground and sat down in the middle of it. As Leenoriel did this, Sophie did something I did not expect she started to undress and put her clothes on the ground. When she was completely naked she walked over to me and asked me, "Are you ready Pochi?"

my thoughts were in complete disorder, as I thought what could happen, there were different scenarios in my head like she wants me to fuck her or that we are going to do a naked pillow fight.

As I was lost in my thoughts Sophie carried me to a spot roughly three meters away from Leenoriel and she stood in a spot exactly on the opposite side.

When Sophie said, "Everything is ready." Leenoriel started to glow and stretched his arms out in our directions. A wave of glowing light hit both of us, the wave felt gentle and calm for me and my confusion and fear left me.


That was when for the first time since I was born a window popped up before me.

Sophie Champion of Ephos wants to make a familiar contract with you.

Do you accept?


When I saw this, I knew that this was part of the ritual. I didn't need to think long and accepted the contract. When I did I could see how full of joy Sophie was til I was interrupted by a new message.

Your Control over magic energy allows you to increase the potential of your contract partner do you want to increase her potential and change the familiar contract into a high familiar contract?


This came as a great surprise to me as I didn't expect something like this to happen. I found nothing wrong with increasing her potential so I wanted to choose yes, but before I could something else choose yes for me. I waited for the message that my time has run out like the time before I was born, but it didn't came. Instead a new massage appeared.

Your control gives you 3 points to improve your partners potential.

Attributes cost 1

Basics cost 2

Please choose what to increase.
















Skill slots:




I thought about what she would need in her life, 'she will need to find a good men once she has grown up and for that charm would be helpful as she is already really beautiful. She wants to be a mage so she would need more and stronger magic, wait she wanted to be a mageknight, then she would need techniques of both mages and knights so I will give her more skill slots I hope this is the right choice.' so I selected charm and skill slot with this my points were all used up after a short while a new screen appeared before me.


Your partner has decided to increase your




Skill slot




It shocked me to see how many of my stats Sophie did increase, I wanted to see what my stats looked like right know so I tried to open it, but instead another window opened before me.

You are in a ritual right now so you can't access your stat screen.

I looked at the window confused til the next one appeared before me

please touch your partner to place the familiar tattoo on her.

At this window I stared for quite a while before I started to think, 'what would be the best place for the tattoo, mmmmhh. I saw a bird appear out of the tattoo of Alicia so I think it should be a place that is easily accessible, so face or hand. Face would not be the best place so I think it should be a hand. Sophie is right handed so I will take the left one.' as I went over to Sophie to touch her left hand I tripped and fell down, slithered over the floor and touched her right inner thigh and a tattoo appeared right there were I touched her. The window that appeared was looking like it appeared just to mock me.

Ritual Completed

Racial skill changed to familiar skill

Sophie looked at me a bit blushing before she went to get dressed again. Leenoriel was still sitting in the middle of the room, but was watching as Sophie was getting dressed. As I was once a father, I could not let him watch Sophie getting dressed so I went over to him and put both of my front paws right before his eyes, as I did this, Leenoriel looked confused as to what I was doing. I couldn't keep my balance and Leenoriel didn't close his eyes so my paws went right into his eyes. Sophie saw what I did as Leenoriel screamed, "Ahhh my Eyes, my Eyes!". Sophies comment to his scream was,"That should teach you to not peek at a young lady." as she smiled at me.

Monica that had heard the screams of Leenoriel came into the room to see what is going on she saw Sophie getting dressed and Leenoriel lying on the ground holding his eyes. She just shook her head before she went over to Leenoriel and whispered something into his ear. His face went from normal to a pure white.

Monica went over to her daughter and hugged her what she said was barley audible for me, "you don't need to be sad dear, you can still get a fighter class even if you contract failed.".

Sophie looked at her mother a bit confused,"Failed? ... No mom it was a huge success.". "Wait what are you saying dear this didn't even take five minutes, the ritual normally takes at last an hour on success.", Monica said now more louder than before, but that wasn't of any interest to me anymore I wanted to see my new stats.

StatsNamePochiRaceDogAge7 weeksLifeStaminaMana42/429/956/56Strength3Force1Dexterity3Control3Agility3Intelligence3Vitality3Will4Look2Charm3Perception3Luck3

It doesn't look like they changed at no wait my mana and life did increase didn't they maybe i can now keep language comprehension running all day.

The chapter is here and the contract is now done with this the story will now pick up a bit more speed as the daily activities are shortened a bit, I hope you all continue to read and thank you for reading

The number of choices you can make will sadly decrease a little, but there will still be some pretty important choices to make like, the evolution of Pochi or how to place additional potential or some to decide what actions Pochi will take.

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