《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 12: Alicias friends


Chapter 12 Alicias friends

It was five weeks ago that I became Sophies Familiar, the time passed rather fast as most of the time I was a Tattoo, but after three weeks I found out that I could left the tattoo whenever I want. Because of this Sophie had lost a considerable amount of pants. Now she only wears skirts.

But that is not all that happened, I gathered Information now that I can use language comprehension all day long. What I found out is that Sophie and Alicia are on a holiday from school, school here is different from what I remember. Here, school is about the Human classes, they learn all about them like their advantages and disadvantages. Til they reach the age of 16, then they are power leveled to make them acquire a class. Today is the first day of the new school year for the girls and the day Alicia is going to get her class.

Monica was the most excited out of all of us, she was running around and talked hectically to Alicia and Sophie, "Alicia are you sure you have everything ready for your class?". Alicia was a bit annoyed by her mother asking for the xth time, but still answered non the less, "Yes Mom the familiar contract was the last thing left for me, so please stop asking.". "I'm just worried, what if you have forgotten one of the requirements and or only option would be to become a Labourer. So please check once more for me just to be sure." said Monica.

Alicia was slightly red from anger and answered,"Mom, I have Sword Mastery, Divine, Light and Life Magic, and of course I have Armor Casting. I even have Armor and Shield Mastery so I could have become a knight if the contract didn't work so please stop annoying me."

Monica was a bit surprised at her daughters outbreak at the end. So, she turned to Sophie, "Sophie do you have everything you need for school dear?". "Mom I don't want to go to school, I wanna watch how Alicia get's her class.", Sophie complained to her mom.


Monica bent down to Sophie and looked at her, "Sophie dear, you can't come. Zone 16 is incredibly dangerous. You need to understand this.". Sophie looked her mother into her eyes and stammered,"But, but, but.". "No, buts dear. You're going to school." said Monica strictly.

"Then take Pochi!" demanded Sophie. Monica pondered for a moment before she said, "OK".

I was shocked at how easily Monica accepted that I could tag along, I had seen how though a cockroach was so I don't want to know what real monsters can do. So as I wanted to run, but Monica already had me under her arm and talked to Alica, "If you are ready we can get going and are you sure you have all the skills you need to have.". As I struggled to get free. Alicia explained to her Mother that she had everything she needed.

As we walked to one of the six zone gates of zone 17 a chubby young boy came running after us.

"Hey Alicia wait!" the young boy yelled in our direction. As he reached us he needed a moment to catch his breath, while he continued with, "Morning Alicia. Huh huh. Are you going to zone 16 too? Huh huh". "Yes we are." said Alicia while blushing to the boy. The boy had a huge smile as he said, "Then let's go together?". Alicia nodded and wanted to continue to walk towards the gate between Zone 17 and 16 as Monica suddenly asked her, "Alicia, won't you introduce him to me dear?".

Alicia turned to her mother, her face was as red as a tomato at this moment, but before she could say anything Rob already introduced himself with, "Hello Miss Spektrum, I'm Rob Beninkton one of Alicias Classmates.". After he finished his introduction he bowed deeply. Monica at the sight of this chubby boy bowing before her, she burst out into loud laughter, "pfhahaha, Rob there is no need to bow. Hahahahaha.". While Monica was laughing she loosened her grip and I fell to the ground, but luckily I didn't get hurt.


After Monica finished laughing and Rob wasn't bowing anymore Monica said to Rob, "I'm Monica Spektrum and this little guy", she was pointing at me," is the familiar of my other daughter. His name is Pochi.". I looked at Rob he was shorter than the average human I have see so far and he was, I would like to say not good looking, but that would be an understatement. He had pimples all over his body or at last what I could see. As he sat down next and petted me. I felt pretty comfortable just being around him. His patting was just heavenly for me. When he stopped petting me. I used puppy eyes on him and a small, "ohhh" escaped his mouth, but he resisted my skill.

As we continued towards the gate Alicia and Rob talked a bit, but not much of interest for me til he asked, "So why is the Familiar of your sister tagging along?". Alicia pondered for a moment, then she asked her mother why. "He is coming along because of two reasons. Reason one so your sister can watch from time to time. Reason two so he can level a bit too. A stronger familiar is always good.".

When we finally reached the gate a girl wearing a robe was coming towards us. "Morning, Alicia, Rob and Miss Spektrum. Is this your familiar Alicia? He is so cute. "she said and knelt down and hugged me."Morning Veronica, no this is Sophies. Mine is still in the tattoo." Alicia told her as she pointed at the tattoo covering half her face. "What about yours?" asked Rob interested. "Mine is in the tattoo too." she simply told us. Alicia looked at the other girl smiled and said, "At the count of three. One. Two." but before Alicia could finish a loud yell could be heard "Hey Fatty, you should not have come, I'm pretty sure you won't make it back. Hahaha" it came from a group barley ten meters away from us, the group was made out of three boys and two girls and all of them were laughing right now.

Both girls looked at each other, nodded and said in unison, "three" and Arko appeared out of Alicias Face and a boar appeared out of Veronicas back, the boar stormed at the boy that had yelled and stopped only a few centimeters before him and Arko did a dive to land on the boy's shoulder, but before he could land the boy fell down on his behind and had tears in his eyes. The group was speechless at this til one of the boys did a small comment to Veronica and Alicia, "Alicia, Veronica why are you protecting this loser, if you leave him be I will go out with both of you.". Alicia didn't need long for a reply, "I would never go out with a guy like you Cesar.". His answer to this was arrogant, "I'm the most handsome guy in the hole zone and you don't want to go out with me, there must be something wrong with your head. Come guys we are going."

Monica watched this scene silently, but now that it was over she asked, "who was that?"

Alicia answer was short and simple,"do your remember the idiot I told you about that's him.".

So the new chap is out and the next plot line will be without Sophie, because this is an important event of the family and as said the dog will influence the whole family.

Like always thanks for reading.

PS: I deleted all the old polls to not spoil any new readers.

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