《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 10.1 A small conversation


Warning Spoilers

This is an extra chapter this will spoil some things that aren't revealed yet. If you want to experience this story purely out of the view of the protagonist skip this chapter.

If someone knows how to make spoilers on royalroad please tell me I tried to find out two hours today and still can't do it.

The normal chapter comes out tomorrow and thanks for reading.

Spoiler :

Chapter 10.1 A small conversation

Pov Leenoriel

Mon gave me a piece of paper with a modified Familiar ritual on it. It was quite complex it changed some things completely to leave room for improvement, but there was one part I didn't expect to see there. Hidden behind the circle for the ritual was a second one that only those with an advanced level in Arcane magic like me could see that circle was way beyond anything I had seen in this live. That circle was impeded with divine magic, something impossible to make for a mortal like me. What that circle did was so simple, but also impossible to recreate, it connected to the god of magic Epho and let him influence the ritual with his own power. I could only think of two being creating this Circle Dr.Falcon and Ephos himself.

I turned my gaze towards Mon and looked deep into her eyes,"Mon who created this?" I asked her as I activated a magic item of truth.

As Mon answered with,"My daughter did create it, I was shocked to when I saw it." the item didn't responed so she must be thinking she is telling the truth that means that Soph somehow did get this in her hands. She is eight so she hasn´t had the change to find something like this yet so could she be the new champion of Ephos that would explain it, "Mon how high is her arcane magic level?" as she answered almost instantly and proud with "Advanced 7" it only strengthened my belief that she is the new champion of Ephos, but I still wasn't sure, "Mon go and prepare the ritual room. I will oversee this ritual myself." Mon looked at me a bit in shock and overflowing with happiness and went to prepare the room.


Now I'm alone with her I need to confirm that she is the new champ I could trick her into spilling it or I could confirm her skill with a test. Wait I have the magic item of truth i just need to ask her.

I turned my gaze toward her, "Soph, you are the new Champion of Ephos and this here is your special." Soph turned around to me and looked a bit surprised before she said,"I don't know what you are talking about." instantly the magic item reacted and I knew she was the new champ indeed.

"You don´t need to hide it from me, I was the champion of Ephos before you so I know what is going on." Soph was irritated by what she heard,"but Ephos said that the last champions died, so he needed a new one, there is no way that you are the champion before me.".

" But it's the truth, before we fought the Pyrohydra i did some preparations in case we needed to escape, it was a close call, but all four old champions managed to escape alive, but at the cost of our city. I know that the god´s didn´t see how we escaped as I tried to hide our tracks from the hydra, so the gods assumed us dead when they couldn't feel us anymore. I found it out eight years ago as Ephos contacted me and told me I was no longer a champion."

Soph was bluffed for a moment before she said,"then why didn't he contact me that the old champions are alive?". "That is easy because it was a special occasion and the god of the beast accepted that he may contact me.".

"The god of beast?" asked Soph like she never heard of him and the Magic item didn't react neither. "So did you listen to what Ephos told you before you were reincarnated?" Soph gaze wandered away as she answered with a barley hear able, "No".

So I should start with the history of the world and the system. "Ok let´s start with the system, you know that the system in this world is an unfair one, but it wasn't always an unfair one. The god of beast, the first god in this world changed it to an unfair one because he saw as the human race grew in power more and more he removed all possible evolution and the original racial skill from the system so humans weren't able to fight against the beast anymore as the potential of humans was incredibly limited, beast were almost ten times as power full in each aspect that was when a world traveler named Dr.Felcon came to this world to study the evolution possible, but he found no place save enough for him to study so he changed the system, when the god of beast realized this, he reverted the changes back, but Dr.Felcon was a world traveler so he had experience with things like this, so he made a deal with the god of beast they discussed the how to solve it and in the end the beast of god accepted that Humans could gain a single evolution and that their racial skill allows them to grow stronger afterward, but at an incredible slow peace. When Dr.Felcon changed the system he made it so that no one may change the system again as long as humans or beast still exist and that the gods of the world my only interference in the world by reincarnating one champion into the world expect the god of the other race accept it as needed interference. So do you have any questions left?"


"why didn't Dr.Felcon change it so that the beast don't have evolution or are more limited if he could make such big changes to the system?"

"If I knew I could tell it to you, but that was before the human gods were born. So anything else you want to know"

"how is it possible for the god of magic to help with my ritual if they can't interference with the world."

"Good question, Dr.Felcon made it so that every champion get one special that no normal being can get by me it was two classes in your case that should be a special familiar contract. Am I right?"

"yes, so do you remember your last life to what was it like?"

"my last life, I died in a giant battle. A god that had lost it's power tried to regain it's power, but failed and freed the god of destruction and so my whole world died when all magic caster of my world together with the gods let the sun explode to stop that god from destroying all worlds. I still have some regrets bound to my old life, maybe if I had done some things differently I would have stopped all of it."

"it's OK I don't know what happened exactly, but you did your best, I think."

"Thanks, I'm OK. So, how was your last life?"

"I wish I could say I lived a peaceful life, but it wasn't much better than your's. in our world there were four heroes summoned to defeat the Skeleton king, but they failed miserable and died before even facing any generals of him. I died, by the hands of one of his minions, I don't know what happened to my world or my friends or anyone. But that's all gone I live a new live and I'm the hero this time. I will not fail like them."

"I think we should change the topic, did you meet any of the other Champions yet?"

"no, I didn't."

"Do you have decided which class you want to take?"

"I want to be a Mysticer or a Magus I'm not sure yet why, do you ask."

"would you like me to train you, my classes are Mysticer and Magus so I can teach you both."

"that would be awesome, when can we start."

"Slow down a bit, first we should go down and finish your familiar contract."

Soph nodded at me and we left with the dog that listened to us the whole time.

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