《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 10: First impressions and a new nemesis


Chapter 10 First impressions and a new nemesis

The first 20 steps were pretty easy to climb even for me and I was glad that we reached the first floor. When Monica went up the next stairs I cured myself because with my still small size each step was as big as myself or almost as big. Sophie and Monica went up the stairs without problems, but I needed to jump every dam step.

When we finally reached the second floor I was overflowing with relive til I saw that Monica went for the next staircase that happiness instantly changed to worry. Climbing the stairs, I felt how my whole body slowly got worn out. Then, we reached the third floor, I looked around if there was another staircase and there was. Monica was already heading to it. It was than that Sophie asked the question, "How high do we need to go?", I hoped so much that she wouldn't say to the top, but of course she said,"we need to go to the top Sophie. There are the rooms that the Master Magus residence inside." she was a bit dis-focused while saying it.

The next staircase was hell and we reached the fourth floor. The next one wasn't possible for me anymore and the kind Sophie decided to drag me up the stairs til we reached the fifth floor and she decided it was easier to just carry me.

As she carried me she didn't even started to sweat. I think that Sophie is incredibly strong for her age I can't remember any other eight year old that could carry a Puppy for fifth floors. At the tenth floor there wasn't another staircase and Sophie put me back on the ground. All there was on the tenth floor was a wooden door. Monica started to fix her Clothes then did the same to Sophie and said, "Remember Sophie, this is Mommy's Master so always show your full respect to him and please don´t disgrace me." after she said that she looked one last time at Sophie and herself, took a deep breath and opened the door.


What I saw on the other side of the door was pretty much what I had expected of someone named a Master Magus or Master Mysticer, the room had many things that looked quite magical like flying orb of light to illuminate the room or a workbench with all kinds of magical tools, but there was one thing that didn't suit this room it was a young men with his pant's down, masturbating to the flying image of a naked woman. Said man looked at us in shock, we looked at him followed by silence.

Then Monica said a hurried and barley audible "Sorry" and closed the door in all hurry. Monica and Sophie blushed and we waited in silence til a "Come in" came from the inside of the room. Monica opened the door a second time. This time the man was fully dressed and looked quite formidable, the completely opposite from before. Sadly that image was shattered again when he talked to Monica," Mon what are you doing here. I thought you were still on vacation and who is it you brought with you, could that be your little girl, Soph right? I'm Leenoriel, but you can call me Lee " Lee brought out his hand for a handshake.

Sophie looked at the hand and hesitated Lee saw it and said, "Don't worry, I already washed it." At this Sophie took his hand and shook it with all her might. "I´m Sophie, i´m a big fan of yours, where are you from? How is it there? Are there still other people? How did you push back the Dragons invasion three years ago?". "Sophie!" yelled Monica to stop her daughter from asking more questions, but it didn´t look like Lee was bothered by it. Instead, he looked excited,"Lively girl you have there Mon. So, I come from a human town called Genju.". He said and sat down on the floor next to Sophie and me."Genju was once a beautiful town with streams of water and steel, it had always a nice temperature around 38°C, there wasn´t much green there, but the little bit that was there could be used for all kinds of elixirs and Potions. Sadly there is no one there anymore as the town was fully destroyed eight years ago, only I and three of my friends managed to escape the Pyrohydra. After a fight with a Pyrohydra, some young dragons are easy.


Somehow I felt that Sophie was a bit afraid, but I did not know why. After a short moment lee turned to Monica, "So what brings you here Mon?". Monica took out the piece of paper and handed it to Lee here answer was gibberish, Lee looked at the paper and looked at Monica when he talked in gibberish too I realized that I used up all my mana once again. I´m such an idiot for not turning of my trait when I don´t need it. So, I just watched what happened, Monica left the room. For half an hour Sophie and Lee talked to each other and I used the time to learn the language or more or less start to learn the language, I now know the word for 'I' and 'you'. I hope I can one day just understand what is being said.

After Lee and Sophie Talked, they had decided on something and went down the stairs. I sadly needed to follow and this time I wasn´t carried it was hell once more. I prayed to god please never let me go down or up stairs ever again.

The new chapter and before everyone hates me because I let him run out of mana once more, the poll this time is if I should do the talk Sophie and Lee had in an extra chapter now or later. But that is not all to decide for now there is the decision what the original contract should Improve the rules are simple Sophie has 4 points to improve Pochi and Pochi hasPochi has 3 to improve Sophie

What can be improved and how much does it cost

Attributs cost 1

Basics cost 2

everything can only be improved once
















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