《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 8: Sophie changes to the Basic components


Chapter 8 Sophie changes to the Basic components

Shortly after Monica finished to scold me, Alicia came down the stairs. She looked different from yesterday evening because now she had a large tattoo that covered a part of her face. The tattoo was in the form of a large bird.

I was interested what was going on, so I activated language comprehension. ".....familiar tattoo?" asked Monica. Alicia looked at her mother and said, "It is kinda strange, it feels like there is a new form of power in my face, but I think I'm getting used to it. Was it like this for you too?". "Yes, when I got my contract with Balto, i couldn't sleep the first night, but you get used to it faster than you think you will."when Monica said this, she sounded kind of exited. Alicia was now down the stairs, "Mom do you think Sophie will manage preparing her contract today?".

Monica pondered for a while until she said, "if she would take a standard contract I wouldn't have to worry, but you know your sister she likes to make her own contract and only has time til tomorrow. So, I don´t think she will finish it. Don't tell her yet, but i´m prepare a standard Battle/Magic contract for her.". Alicia looked at me and showed me an expression of relief before she knelt down and said to me, "it would be sad for you, if we needed to kill you wouldn't it."

I was shocked at this, who wouldn't if he heard that they planned to kill him. Monica saw my expression changing and looked strangely at me before she said, "Pochi, roll over.". This time she didn't use the hand signs. I was a bit surprised at this sudden action of her and only looked at her stunned til she shook her head and said, "must be my imagination.". Alicia who saw this laughed,"Can you now understand how we thought he understood.". Monica looked at her daughter and laughed too.


Some time later Sophie and Hank came down too and they all had breakfast. When Hank started the conversation with, "How is it going Sophie?" I was instantly interested in what they were talking, it did determine my future after all. Sophie swallowed the bit she had taken and started with, "I just now finished the basic circle, I exchanged the summon part to a recall as tattoo so I had a bit of structure mana left so I added an inter wined casting option to the contract. I hope it will all work out like I think it will. Oh and mother do you know mana, space, astral, physical and arcane magic?". The other three looked at Sophie partly in awe partly in shook. "Yes I know all of those, wait a moment what did you say you did? You removed the summon part and added something else. Really?" Monica asked with a bit perplex.

"Yes the summon part was to mana costly not only in the construction process but also in the usage. So, I removed it and added the function for Pochi to always return to tattoo form, no matter the distance, as that only cost a part of the mana construction costs so I added a new construct I thought of, with the help of a bit space and mana magic it is now possible for each of us to cast spells as if we were standing where the other one is standing, nothing impressive, but still better than not having it."

Alicia and Monica looked at Sophie in disbelieve, Hank looked like he did not understand anything Sophie said. When Monica finally calmed down she asked Sophie,"Sophie do you have Arcane Magic?" Sophie nodded at this, the look Alicia had didn't change til now when she said, "Sophie you can use high magic why didn't you tell us what types of magic can you use right know? If you know arcane magic do you now time magic too?" Sophie smiled at her big sister, "I can only use arcane and light magic sis, you know arcane magic is really simple you just need to understand what each circle means and what it does, then you can do almost anything with it."


Monica took a deep breath, then she asked Sophie a question she had been asked by her master, "Sophie, what happens in a familiar ritual?", This was by no means an easy question you need to truly understand what is happening and Monica hasn't been able to grasp what it does either. Sophie looked strangely at her mother then answered the question as easy as possible, "in the ritual normally used two souls are ripped apart and then fixed with parts of the other soul, those souls then strengthen each other to reach a power beyond each of their limits. Is this OK as an answer Mother?"answered Mother." after this Sophie took another bit from her breakfast.

Monica stood up and went to look at the circle she had prepared for her daughter looked at it intensely and was quit for some time. Alicia asked more and more questions about arcane magic

The summary of what I found out about it, is Sophies Arcane Magic is at Advanced seven that there are seven known ranks for skills Beginner, Apprentice, Learned, Advanced, Experienced, Expert and Master.

As I thought about it I understood how impressive Sophies understanding of arcane Magic was. If I would rank Mathematics the same way it would look like this.

Beginner = Elementary school level

Apprentice = Middle school level

Learned = High school level

Advanced = Bachelor degree

Experienced = Master degree

Expert = Something even more advanced than a Master degree

Master = Some kind of legendary Mathematician.

It looks like Sophie is some kind of genius in the aspects of Arcane Magic.

When Sophie finished eating breakfast she went upstairs to finish the Ritual circle for her own contract. I´m kind of exited about it.

It looks like the Familiar contract is drawing closer, the question I asked the last time didn't look like it was as clear as I thought it was so this time there is a poll for it.

Thanks for reading

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