《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 7: Sh*t happens


Chapter 7 Shit happens

When I woke up it was midnight, I looked around and saw that I was lying in the living room. How I did get here I didn´t knew what I remembered was that I was watching Sophie train in the garden. The reason that I woke up was that nature called, so I went to the back door to go out and do what needed to be done, but the door was closed. I didn´t thought much about it and went to the front door, but this one was closed too.

'what should I do now, in the store it wasn't a problem there was always someone around, but here they all slept at night. I need to hold it in until they wake up.'

I waited quite some time more or less, but it was hard to hold it, 'I need to do something to distract me. Stat menu.'

StatsNamePochiRaceDogAge7 weeksLifeStaminaMana14/149/924/36Strength3Force1Dexterity3Control2Agility3Intelligence2Vitality3Will4Look2Charm3Perception3Luck2

I was surprised to see that my will and one of the stat that I couldn't rise since my birth increased by one. That my mana was down to 24 was something I didn't expect either. 'Could I have depleted all my mana when I couldn't move that energy around that would mean that energy I was using was indeed mana. So was the reason that I couldn't understand them anymore be connected to it to. How could I understand them in the first place, maybe I have a skill to help me with that. Skill menu'

Skill listRace skill: Dog eyeBeginner 1Mana ManipulationBeginner 4Astral MagicBeginner 1--------

'when did I get Astral magic and what is it?' I looked at astral magic.

Astral MagicBeginner 1Astral magic is the magic of souls and stars

this skill enables you to use spells with the astral elementSpells+ Astral vision


'oh, I can use magic know, but how do I use this spell?' I decided to try using it with the name of the spell and it indeed worked, I could look around all I wanted while I was still standing still, I could look at myself from all directions and even could move my point of vision through a wall and look at things behind it. That was when I was suddenly pulled back into my body. 'What happened, why am I back again?' I looked once more at my stats and saw that my mana was completely depleted. When I tried to feel the energy I used before to confirm it was mana it was really gone. As that was now clear to me my mind shifted back to the problem from before, toilette. I started to look at all my skill´s to distract me and found something interesting my dog eye technique gained a new sub skill called astral eye it let me see all astral magic if activated, but holds for four hole hours or til I sleep. Then, I suddenly realized that there wasn't a skill that lets me understand humans. I double-checked it and there really wassn't one, 'so if it isn´t a skill then what else could it be? Are there menus I didn´t saw til now? Wait when I came to this world there was something about traits and basics. Trait menu'

[table]TraitsLarger litterLarger litterProtectiveLoyaltyLarge BrainStrong ClawOmnivoreOmnivoreLongLongDark brownPure whiteFemaleMaleEmpathyLanguage Comprehension[table]

'that should be it so let´s check all of them'

Large litter

when you make children you will make 1-5 more of them


when you protect someone who's live is in danger

your stats will be raised by 50% temporally


thought's of betraying the one person you serve can never enter your mind


in addition your mind resistance is 50% higher than normal

Large Brain

Your Potential in intelligence and Skillslotts increase by one

for every dice in that aspect

Strong Claw

Your Claws do 50% more damage and are 50% more durable than the ones of your race

in addition effects you put on your claws hold 50% longer


You may eat all kinds of food

Dark Brown

your fur is of a dark brown

Pure White

your fur is of a pure white


Recessive sexual characteristic


dominant sexual characteristic


you have the ability to understand the emotions of a being

Language Comprehension

you can understand all spoken language by using a bit of mana5 mana/hour

There it was the last one I looked at, my way to understand the human, but it needed mana. Before I could do anything else, my body remembered me of what I needed to do this past half hour and this time it didn't let me put on hold any longer.

As I looked around I saw a piece of paper on the ground right next to the living room table. I went there and did what nature wanted me to do. After I finished, I looked some more at the traits and then tried out if there was a basic menu, but there wasn't.

At the next morning I was woken up by an angry Monica she dragged me over to the paper I shitted on and said something I didn't want to understand, but even so I was really scared of her. She put the paper with the shit away.

The next one will come on monday, so i wish everyone a merry christmas, this time you can suggest a humanoid race for Sophie to evolve into :). I will try to release a chapter every Monday and additions if I have time.

And like always Thanks for reading.

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