《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 16
The day of the twenty first world martial arts tournament has arrived. Arriving at the entrance, Zaraf sensed Towa energy signature with Panchy’s. Taking Lily over to them, Zaraf left Goku who was catching up with Yamcha.
It seems that Yamcha did some training, but Zaraf couldn’t tell if he improved or not because he nearly forgot the man. His strength is around a ninety give or take, but it doesn’t mean a thing in battle. Expressially as Yamcha looked terrified of the female gender.
“Did you already sign up?” Lily asked Towa as they sensed her energy. She has improved just above half a million if he estimate her battle strength.
“No, the only real challenge would be you two. So, I rather not fight you two, so I will just watch with Bulma and the others.” Towa said.
“Ah, ok as long you're happy with the decision,” Lily said not really caring if Towa joined or not.
“Oh yeah, Chronona found the person messing with the timelines. It some demon called Gu or something. His goal is to become immortal as well increase his battle power or that what his Demon profile said online.” Towa said.
“He posted his goal online?” Zaraf asked not totally believing the stupidity of that move.
For a genius able to increase other power using their lifespan, he did so dumb and simple is unbelievable. It the same man who couldn’t be found for four years, yet all it required was looking online. Thoughts of it being a trap or misdirection filled his mind since it seems too suspicious.
Tracking down Gu can wait until after the tournament, though how does he become immortal when he hits three hundred thousand? It sounds like one of those webnovels with cultivation he seen in his last life. Once they hit a certain point, they start refining their Ki or spirit energy hoping to reach Godhood.
Hmm, isn’t the same we are doing, training our bodies, to handle the energy. Than we began to control it until we can hope to gain God Ki? Zaraf thought. No, that wrong, we use the Ki to strength ourselves, which in turns make our bodies better, than an average person who doesn’t. However it doesn’t affect our lifespan unless we reach transcendent stage or God Ki.
The sound of snapping near his ear brought him out of his thoughts as Towa and Lily were looking at him. It seems that he dove into his thoughts and tuned everything out.
“Well, something on your mind, but you need to sign up before the deadline.” Towa said.
“Right,” Zaraf nodded as he went to sign up.
“So, what do you think he was thinking about?” Towa whispered to Lily.
“Probably, how a smart person like Gu makes a mistake. Than wondering how reaching our current strength would make someone immortal?” Lily said hitting the nail on the head, that it was scary. “Well, I got to go sign up, talked to you in after the primaries.”
After signing up and receiving their numbers, they were glad they weren’t in the same block. On another note they weren’t in Goku’s, or Krillians either. However, sadly for Master Roshi who Zaraf could tell in his disguises was his first opponent.
For Lily her opponent was someone named Ranfan or something and doesn’t seem like much of a fighter. Mainly as she looks like she wants to strip her clothes and do a different fight. Which was bad since Lily has a hatred for those that fake martial artist. Someone named Mark or Mr. Satan was the cause in one of her missions calling her out on tricks or something.
So, easily flicking all their opponents out of the ring, they made it to the final eight.
Looking towards the Blonde Announcer, he was holding a box and standing there a white board. He looked nearly the same since the last time he competed and won the tournament, well a little older.
“When I call your name, draw a number and find out who your opponent is. First up, Bacterian.”
A large man who had smoke coming off him, approached forcing everyone to pinch their nose. For some reason Killian also pinched his non existent nose as well. The thought of punching the man into the ocean crossed Zaraf’s mind, but he would spend an hour washing his hand.
“Number two,” the man said as he smiled and was missing most of his teeth.
“one,” he barely got out as he turned green.
“Lily,” The blonde announcer called.
“Four,” She replied with a bored expression.
“Three,” A tall skinny man said with a desert wear on.
“Seven,” a dinosaur with wings and blue green scales.
“Goku,” The announcer called surprising getting it right the first try.
“Eight,” Goku replied seeing the double zero.
With long messy hair and clothes fitting of a homeless man in the rich district, Yamcha pulled the number six out of the box. This was the first time Zaraf actually looked at Yamcha since he barely looked throughout the perminalry.
The clothing he was wearing were fairly cheap which he didn’t care, but it looked like he got mauled by a bear. Sad thing was there wasn’t any bears here in the tournament, or fifty miles around the city. So, he walked through the entire city like that, and the tournament looking like that.
“That leave Zaraf with five.” the announcer said as he wrote the matches order and their opponents.
Match one: Krillin vs Bacterian
Match two: Lily vs, Nom
Match three: Yamcha vs Zaraf
Match four: Goku vs Girin
“So, no killing the opponents, maiming, or hitting below the belt on purpose.” The announcer explained the rules.
Nodding in understanding Krillin mentally prepared himself for his fight, while Goku continued to smile. Off on the side, Zaraf sat next to Lily as they patiently waited since it not going to be interesting to watch. Most of the fighters here didn’t know how to use Ki or using it subconsciously. Well, only Goku, Krillin, and surprising Yamcha were using it subconsciously.
“I forgot how boring it was to be here,” Lily said as she closed one eye.
“Well, do you want to skip the next tournament?” Zaraf asked since he wasn’t sure what they were doing than.
“Not really, as boring it is, it’s super relaxing.” Lily said, “Though it be nice to have Towa Joined.”
“Hmm, maybe we can visit the saiyans in universe six, after we deal with the idiot genius Gu.” Zaraf thought as it seem appealing. There was also Namak where the Namekians lived to uses those wish orbs. Only he didn’t have anything to wish for, maybe infinite system points, or break the limiter on them.
Hmm, could ask the dragon on all the saiyans transformations or forms. Maybe even speed up the genetic breaking and becoming ancient saiyans. Zaraf thought as he he had a feeling that becoming an ancient saiyan is stepping into Alpha stage.
However, I haven’t really done anything with my Genetic ability besides giving myself a time stop or leap of .02 hundredth of a second. Zaraf wondered if he should wish for the genetic code for them. We shouldn’t have a bad reaction to it, if anything our saiyan instincts will be heightened. Only, we haven’t had any problem with them ever.
[Beep! Due to the host being human in his last life alongside being experimented on Host is out of tune with your instinct. Since, becoming a Saiyan the instinct are even furthur out of tune, and recommend on becoming an ancient saiyan.]
So, I should wait on becoming a ancient saiyan until I get in tune with my instinct, but Lily should be intact with them. Zaraf thought as neither of them are battle crazy, arrogant, and lusting for battles or destruction.
[Beep! This is due to her nature and guidance of Luna and you from the very beginning.]
[Mission Alert: Get in touch with your inner self
Condition: Discover what it truly means to be a Saiyan.
Rewards: Genetic Code for Ancient Saiyans
Failure: Unable to become an Ancient Saiyan.]
A mission, haven’t received one in a while, or completed any from the list either. Mainly they are based in another universe like reach floor one hundred in Danmachi universe. Whatever that series is. Zaraf thought as heard Krillin and Bactrian called out on stage.
Floating up behind the wall, Zaraf decided to watch that match trying to find a solution. How is he supposed to find his saiyan instincts? Hmm, maybe get Chronona to help after dealing with Gu.
The start of Krillin match began and lack for a better word, boring. He spent most his time running around dodging spit, or whatever Baterian threw. It wasn’t until Goku about not having a nose, that Krillin won due to his own gas attack.
For the next ten minutes, the staff clean the stage and sold air fresheners. The amount they made off it, was probably three times the grand prize at winning the tournament.
“Well, let give a warm welcome to our next pair.” The blonde announcer appeared on stage.
“Some of you might remember her from the last tournament as the runner up, Lily.” He shouted as the crowd cheered as Lily walked onto stage.
“Now for her opponent, from a small village in the desert, Nom.” A slightly weaker cheer happened.
Looking at the sight of Lily who looks a little over seven verse someone three times her size in height was funny. The serious attitude he shown was surprising due to him fighting some so young, which got Zaraf wondering. Easily able to peek into his mind due to his powerlevel and unable to use Ki, he looked into Nom thoughts.
A village in the desert dying as no water available surprised him. However, it made him wonder why the man didn’t just visit a well or clean river to collected it. Why would he enter the tournament for that reason? Unable to think of one, Zaraf decided to look into it after the tournament.
Before the match started, Lily looked towards him as she discovered the same thing as him. Giving her a shrug he didn’t really care what she does, since he most likely will solve the issue later. Maybe, give it a training exercises gaining a small bit of good karma, which is a thing in this universe? Probably.
“Begin,” The announcer said before Lily poked most of the acupoints on Nom in under a second.
“Uhh, Lily wins?” He said unsure what happened as most of the people in the crowd wondered the same. “Umm, Lily what did you do to him?”
“I poked most of acupoints and most of his opening. I highly doubt he will remember it, but oh well.” She said before walking back into the waiting area.
“Well, that was a surprise.” The announcer said unsure what to do.
“Now for our next match up we have Yamcha, verse, the boy who won the championship last time Zaraf.” The man managed to say before a staff member whispered something in his ear. “It seems that Yamcha, has been sadly disqualified due to passing out due to lack of food. So, Zaraf is the winner.”
A sad clap went most didn’t understand what to do. So, they gave a low clap to him winning the match before it started, even if he didn’t anything.
“It seems that your luck holds true. Betting them with your good luck and their bad.” Lily chuckled by his side. It sort of became Towa and her joke, as the amount of times it happened. Anyone outside his base strength seems to get a series of bad luck.
When he fought Gub, the four eyed alien was sucked into space and died soon after. If he sent on a time mission, and the enemy stronger than he supposed to be, something happens. Chronona even tested it and had him fight a pink blob called Buu. Somehow, Buu gained indigestered seconds before the fight and imploding on himself.
“Soon, I’m going to be known as the God of Terrible luck. Well, since it probably even affect the gods and angels.” Zaraf grumbled as he attempted to take on Frieza now. However it be his luck it didn’t happened and a painful fight, but managed with sage and Oozaru mode.
Hm, I also need to look into Super Saiyan since we should have been able to achieve two years ago. Zaraf thought as he added it to a mental checklist.
Before the announcer could call out Goku for his match a storm appeared forcing it to be postponed. Walking out of the waiting area, they met up with Bulma and Master Roshi, before heading to the restaurant.
“So, how confident are you for your match, Goku?” Zaraf asked wondering if he should attempted to solve the village crisis.
“He looks strong so I think it will be fun,” Goku smiled causing Zaraf to sigh. He began grumbling under his breath at the unfairness due to not being able to fight.
“I wonder who going to win between you two and Goku.” Bulma said.
“Zafar,” Goku, Roshi and Lily replied instantly.
“Huh? Why, that,” Bulma asked.
“Instinct,” Goku said.
“Sense of danger and borderline terror. That what my experience says.” Master Roshi replied.
“He a genius in ways of using Ki and attacks. Though it never shows, due to his enemies get a string of bad luck, directly or indirectly due to him. There was a time we went after a space tyrant well only one. He blew a hole in the ship while we were in the middle of space, due to an explosive wave. That tyrant was sucked into the vacuum of space and the battle ended.” Lily explained a dark spot in his his battle history.
“Is there more stories like that?” Bulma asked which Lily nodded.
“Yeah, but can’t really talked a lot about them due to Time Patrol policy. However, there were a couple times that his lucked help. There was a time that a timeline or universe was in danger of exploding, but the creature died to stomachache.” Towa said.
“There are beings that strong?” Bulma nearly shouted drawing a few heads towards them.
“They pop up from time to time. They are mostly produced from the bad apples of the universe and usually someone will fight and solve it. However, due to some traveling through time and messing with it, we go in and fix them.” Lily went on to explain the basic concept of the time patrol.
The group continued chatting about their different experience, except Master Roshi who stared at women chests. Zaraf who noticed it a few times wondered how the old man never got arrested for harassment.
Heading back to the hotel, Zaraf entered his room with Lily, Towa has her own separate room. Sitting on the bed, he began thinking about how to go Super Saiyan.
“What are you thinking about?” Lily asked.
“How to enter the Super Saiyan state and if I should go solve the village issue now.” Zaraf replied.
“How do you know if you can enter that state?” Lily asked curious.
“A feeling, however the first transformation going to be destructive.” Zaraf said as thought of pushing all his strength behind it. However if he did that, the surrounding would be in ruins.
“Go, solve the village issue, than we can explore the transformation at the Time nest.” Lily said as she watch Zaraf nod before Flame Stepping away.
“What shall I do with that boy?” Lily said shaking her head, since if he not training, thinking about training, he helping others. “I wonder if I should force him to build another statue of some kind, maybe another me.” she mumbled as she hopped on the bed knowing he won’t be back for a few hours.
Arriving at the village, Zaraf looked over the land with a frown. He could feel the life upstream, and very weak Ki signatures in the village and one after it. Flying slowly as he followed the river bed, it took nearly an hour to arrive.
“So, this was the problem,” Zaraf frowned at the giant wall of boulders stuck together with a weird substance.
“Whatever,” he shrugged send a small ki blast into the boulders making a small hole to drain the water. Since the dam build up a large amount it could easily flood the village and others easily.
“That problem solved, now let find those responsible.” he mumbled as he appeared on top of the cliff.
Nearly thirty different colored lizard dinosaurs appeared seem angry at being woken up and their lake being drained. The one with a green and blue scale step forwards seeming to be the leader.
“Why did you destroy our lake, boy.”
“Because it was causing problem for others down the river. If you promise not to block off the water again we won’t have a problem.” Zaraf said in a tone saying ‘do as your told’.
“...And if we don’t?” he asked.
“Than a one way trip to Otherworld awaits you.” Zaraf said Flame Stepping away.
“Boss, I think we should listen.” one of the dino in the back said.
“Fine,” The boss said as he felt Zaraf would do what he said.
Arriving in the room, he found Lily asleep on the bed, so he just hopped in next to her. He didn’t bother to clean up or whatever, since he plan to do it in the morning. As soon as his head hit the pillow though, he was out as a light.
The next morning, they arrived an hour before the match, as they were going to help Goku warm up. Well, Lily is since they don’t want Zaraf luck messing up his chances since it hits at random.
Goku went on the attack, with Lily blocking all his punches and kicks with a single finger. Zaraf watched as Goku sent a faint towards Lily’s head only to follow up with a kick. Only his attacked missed and got jab in twenty different openings.
“How come I can’t hit you.” Goku yelled in frustration and unconsciously improving his fighting style.
“You haven't trained as hard, or under heavier gravity. Some of the planets in the universe have heavier gravity.” Lily said jabbing more openings.
“How am I supposed get to them.” Goku grumbled.
“Who says you need to leave? Bulma father created a gravity chamber last time Zaraf, I, and Towa visited.” Lily said.
“...And warm up time is done.” Zaraf said as he looked at the time.
“I will surpass you someday.” Goku shouted as he found a challenge.
“Go for it,” Zaraf said not really bothered since he would make a nice rival in the future.
“Can Son Goku and Girin report the waiting area, your fight begin in ten minutes.” Goku name was called over the loudspeaker.
Following him to the waiting area, Zaraf and Lily waited beside Krillin who was shaking at the sight of them. He already knew that he wasn’t going to win, but he at least thought he would get to the finals. Now he wished he asked if Zaraf or Lily were going to enter.
“Good luck, Goku.” Krillin said as Goku walked out on stage.
“This is going to be fun.” Goku replied.
The fight began, with Goku going on the offense forcing Girin back as he panically parried the blows. Swatting his tail at Goku, the attack missed due to Goku own tail swinging him out of the way.
Goku fist hit Girin in his head forcing him a few steps back. Continuing his assault, Goku force Girin to the edge of the stage before knocking him off the stage.
“Goku, advances to fight Zaraf, while Krillin verse Lily.” The announcer shouted earning the crowd cheering.
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