《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 15
A few days passed, with Goku being healed in a few hours in the healing capsule. Zaraf along with Lily was ready to fin this Master Roshi, but Bulma wouldn’t allow him to leave. So, Goku spent a few days trying to convince her he wants to train. Finally she decided to tag along to make sure the pervert didn’t teach him anything bad.
Whenever either Lily or Zaraf asked, they were told the man a pervert and a retired master martial artist. It turned out that it he was also, the master of Goku adoptive grandfather, and someone called the Ox King. Somehow, an image of a minotaur surface in Zaraf’s mind and raised an eyebrow.
The morning to travel to Goku’s new master arrived, Goku called a flying yellow cloud. When Towa asked him why he doesn’t fly, he simple replied he couldn’t. After that, Towa shook her head as she headed back to her lab. She decided to stay behind and work on the fighting mimic idea from four years ago.
They had a prototype, back in the time nest but it could barely reach twenty thousand in battle power before short circuiting and blowing up. She also, said she would be looking in building a weighted clothes that go pass two hundred pounds without getting bulky or losing flexibility.
“Lets go,” Goku shouted as his cloud flew forwards and laughter was heard. Easily keeping pace with the cloud, Zaraf flew by Goku while Lily carrying Bulma. The two could easily Flame Step to Goku when he arrives, but using it to get around was just lazy.
The four flew for nearly four hours with three being over the ocean. Somehow, Goku managed to get lost and asked a Dolphin for direction. So, when they finally found the island, they found an old man in front of television watching women gymnastics.
“Isn’t this that pervert we found when we first came here.” Lily said as she recognized the battle power even if it low.
“I believe so, and didn’t Bulma flash him? Or that what Goku said but more innocently?” Zaraf thoughtlessly replied as he tilted his head. He listened to Goku adventure for the dragon ball and that how he explained meeting Master Roshi.
Zaraf barely felt something touching his head, as he turned to see Bulma holding her hand. Blinking a few times, it finally register that she hit him, since it was so weak compared to Lily, Towa and Whis.
“Ow, what is your head made of?” Bulma complained.
“Huh, my head normal,” Zaraf said pouting as he being called abnormal by one that can’t use Ki currently.
“Where did Goku go?” Bulma asked.
“Master Roshi, I’m here for training,” they heard Goku shouting and face palmed.
Goku, broke into the house and resorted to shouting into Roshi ear. Followed by some shouting and something about food in the fridge. Knocking on the door, Master Roshi looked annoyed until he saw Bulma.
“Who the two kids.” He asked.
“Friends,” Bulma said.
“Hello,” Zaraf said while Lily nodded as she hid behind Zaraf.
The feeling of being stared at by the old man in sunglasses made her feel uncomfortable. It was as if she was imagining her future body, and getting ideas. However, it also felt like he wouldn’t act on them. So she was confused how to act around him, and hid behind Zaraf.
“Are you here for training also?” Master Roshi asked, as he can’t feel their Ki or strength and that secretly worried him.
“Bulma is since she wants to be near her Boyfriend. Also, to protect herself from bullies and perverts.” Lily said.
“Ok, doesn’t explain why your here than?” He directed it towards Zaraf who remained silent.
“I’m here to train Goku on the full moon.” Zaraf replied.
“Why?” Master Roshi asked confused on what the full moon has to do with anything.
“You will find out,” was all that Zaraf said on the subject as a bald headed kid appeared.
He was about as tall as Goku who looked around seven, with six dots on his forehead. His clothing were yellow and seems to be some kind of monk martial arts robe. For some reason he was smirking at them expressially Lily.
For some reason, I have the feeling I want to beat him up. Zaraf thought which was shared by Lily and Bulma.
Walking over, the bald head boy attempted to introduce himself to Lily. Only, he attempted to grab her hand, before introducing himself to Zaraf. Since the boy was male, and didn’t introduce himself to Zaraf first, it became a invitation to fight for the lady’s hand. Only it won’t be to the death like in the other case, it rude to ignore the female mate if they have chosen.
“Hi. I’m Krillin, Do-”
Before anyone could register what happened, Krillin was sent flying over the ocean a few miles out. Master Roshi who watched was secretly glad he didn’t do anything and erased his thoughts about how Lily look in the future. Goku just smiled as he saw someone way stronger than he was.
“What just happened?” Bulma asked.
“Since, he was male, and didn’t introduce himself to Zaraf first, it was an invitation to a non lethal duel. If he however choose to challenge Zaraf for my hand, than it would become a duel to the death.” Lily explained.
“How do you know this? I found from Towa that your planet blew up when you were three. So how do you know these customs?” Bulma asked since she talked with Towa a lot when the two train or hung out.
“Hmm, customs have been engrain into us to a certain extent, however my mother left us a video device. There she explain the custom and the old life on Planet Vegeta.” Lily explained as Krillin wash up to the shore.
The entire left side of his head is completely swollen and unconscious. Zaraf approached him and dunk his entire head into the ocean forcefully waking him up. Shouting about something unfair, he quickly quieted down when he realized who holding him.
Accepting that Krillin admitted defeat, Zaraf threw him towards the pink house.
“Well, the two of you or him, are strong why not get them to train you?” Master Roshi asked Goku since Lily and Zaraf are leagues above him in strength.
“He not strong enough,” Lily replied since she knows Goku would spend more time in a healing chamber than training.
Accepting the reasoning, Master Roshi knew that their training was different since they were so young yet so strong. He began to think about something before nodding at the thought.
“Ok, I will train you but you must bring a young lovely female here.” Master Roshi said towards Goku and Krillin.
Instantly accepting, Goku called his flying nimbus and took off with Krillin holding him. A few hours later they came back with a blue haired woman. They seemed to be talking about beating of cops or imposters of them.
Her long curly hair went down to the base of her back and wore a ribbon in her hair. She wore a green shirt and blue pants with slippers for shoe. Weird shoe for running away from the polices or kidnappers.
By the time they returned Zaraf and Lily were playing a board game, known as monopoly. Bulma was building a makeshift phone, and Master Roshi was in the bathroom for the last hour. It seems that the fruit didn’t agree with the old man.
“We are back, and this is Launch.” Goku said as he walked in.
“Ok, well I don’t know about if she meets Master Roshi condition welcome back.” Zaraf said barely looking up from the game. He was about to win, but he landed on Lily’s most expensive property and went bankrupt.
“How, did I always land on land tax, your property and draw the chance card to lose all the money.” Zaraf grumbled as bad luck made him lose.
“Bad luck?” Lily innocently said which made him suspicious.
“Bah, what bad fruit.” Master Roshi said finally leaving the bathroom. Three saiyans with sensitive nose quickly ran outside.
The seen of green smoke coming out the window, turned them green as Zaraf, Lily, and Goku nearly died from the smell. Two being that could easily wipe out the planets nearby nearly died to a weak old man.
[Beep! For surviving the unforgivable gas, Host has been rewards 1000, multiverse points, and passive regeneration.]
How can it be that bad, Zaraf thought as he fell to his knees in depression. How come it took killer gas to rewards the training instead of all the training?
The system never replied, as he recovered quickly and the green fog vanished. When He looked back into the house, he saw Launch and Bulma twitching on the ground. As for Master Roshi he was blushing from embarrassment.
“Ok, since it late we will just start training tomorrow.” Master Roshi said before seeing that it not even four in the afternoon. “I mean we will just go over basic stretching.”
Is he serious? Zaraf wondered what wrong with the old man.
For the next hour, the old man went through the importance of warming up. After that, Bulma took Goku and decided to begin teaching him the basics or common sense. It turned out that his reading skill was around third grade, but that about it.
They continued until Master Roshi said it time to move. He took them to a nearby island and sat them on top of a hill. He took Bulma, Krillin, and Goku to the side and showed them a stone.
“Ok, I want you to bring the stone back, and who ever doesn’t isn’t getting dinner.” He said throwing the rock into the forest below.
“Ah,” The three said before Goku jump over the vertical cliff and Bulma running down the hill. Krillin looked scared, so Zaraf gave a small boot.
Krillin went flying into the forest below, from the small kick Zaraf gave. The screams of thankfulness filled both his and Master Roshi ears as they entered the house. Inside, Lily was watching the news while Launch was cooking. However he noticed she wasn’t cooking the puffer fish right.
Note to self, don’t eat the puffer fish. I should tell Lily also. Zaraf thought sitting next to Lily.
About a half hour passed since, the training began, and the bald head one returned with a fake stone. The screams of thanks filled the surrounding again, as Krillin reentered the forest.
The next one to appear was Bulma who was carried by Goku. Zaraf wondered why he was smiling since he was carrying her, but didn’t say anything.
“Here you go?” Bulma said.
“Hmm, Alright, but since you two arrived at the same time you have to split dinner.” Master Roshi said pocketing the rock.
A groan from Goku was heard as the monster known as his stomach was heard. However, since it his master said so he agreed.
Goku is weird, was all Zaraf thought while he sat at the table next to Lily. They began eating with him telling her not to eat the fish. So, that night half the residents got bad case of food poisoning.
For the next month, Zaraf watched as Goku and Krillin trained hard delivering milk, outrunning a t-rex, outswimming sharks, and doding bees. Bulma began training, but decided to invent something and lost focus. Of course neither him or Lily slacked off, as they did their normal work out, which Krillin attempted. He required a week to recover even with the help of the healing chamber.
Finally the night of the full moon appeared and Zaraf was preparing to take Goku to practice his great ape form. If he left Goku how he is, others would probably cut off his tail and seal it without him knowing what it does. So, he could never bring out his full power, even when he doesn’t transform.
“Come Goku, we got night training to do.” Zaraf said as they all were preparing for bed.
“Tired, can’t we do it tomorrow?” Goku said as he was basically dead on his feet.
“Nope, because tonight the full moon not tomorrow night.” Zaraf said as he grabbed Goku.
Well it not like I can’t use a power ball, but that so inefficient and not useful for training. It make trying to learn control three times harder due to the unstable blutz waves. Zaraf thought as they appeared in a desert.
Here they can fight and not worry about the humans around. However, it was a good thing that the transformation will give Goku a boost of energy, but he going to be tired for a few days. Forcing Goku to look at the moon, he quickly grew into a ten story monkey.
Quickly hopping out of the way of Goku’s foot ,Zaraf sent some weak ki blasts. His goal was to allow Goku to regain consciousness. As for having him learn the Oozaru transformation that can be saved for some point in the future.
Training Lily was a lot easier when we were three. Though, she picks up or understands any my ideas pretty quick. Zaraf thought as he smacked the monkey a couple times.
[Beep! It is a perk of a soulmate, is they can keep pace with you in anything you do. Since in this case both of you like fighting, training, or exploring different transformation. She will be able to learn smaller details, if your by her side.]
Ah, so that why whenever a breakthrough she also experiences one not long after. Zaraf thought and surprised.
Zaraf kept punching or kicking the giant fists coming his way. It continued for a few hours before an internal struggle took place inside Goku. Soon, it ended with him looking over his entire body/
“What happened to me?” Goku roared.
“It what a Saiyan transform into on a full moon. Most of us, couldn’t control it due to unwilling to train it. However since we only have a few survivors, it would be a waste for you to not acknowledge our race traits.” Zaraf began explaining their almost extinct race from history that he knows, and customs.
“We were no better than pirates, I don’t want to be one.” Goku shouted.
“It our race history, humans aren’t perfect either. Besides it exactly like what I said, it is history mean you don’t need to destroy planets.” Zaraf sighed as he punched money head. “Besides, Saiyans weren’t always bad, it was until a space tyrant enslaved us.”
“Oh,” Goku said as he transformed back and fell asleep.
“Ah, the sun is coming out.” Zaraf said as he pick Goku up and took him back to Kame house.
Tossing Goku into Bulma’s bed, he went to find Lily’s as he was tired. Staying up for nearly twenty four hours made him tired mentally. Laying down next to her, she wrapped her tail around him as he fell asleep.
Far away, on top of a floating tower, the guardian of earth known as Kami was sweating heavily. He was listening in on Zaraf and Goku training. The thought of thoses much stronger than them by over a hundred times or more worried him. Well, that and how old he getting.
“Mr. Popo. I have came to realized that we are very weak in the universe in both technology wise and strength.” Kami said as if he made a groundbreaking discovery.
“So? What shall you do now?” Mr. Popo asked curious.
“I...don’t know.” Kami said making Mr. Popo fall over.
For the next seven months, Goku continued training hard and Zaraf would take him out on the full moons. When he asked why neither Lily or him were training to become stronger, Zaraf had to explain simply they can’t yet. It took a few hours before Goku could understand it, but when he finally got it everyone cheered.
“Zaraf, why are we here, it became boring quickly.” Lily said as they were hovering watching Goku delivering milk.
“To train our patients really. We usually end our fights or make a breakthrough in strength very quickly.” Zaraf said as Master Roshi appeared wearing a suit.
“Is that old man going to try for a date again?” Lily asked.
“No, I think it time for the tournament again if I remember correctly.” Zaraf said as he called Towa.
“Hello,” a sleepy voice came from the other end.
“Hey Towa, the tournament is here soon. Do you want to join?” He asked since it been a month or two since they talked. Towa began working on one of her projects and lost track of time and said not to disturb her.
“Yeah, sure meet you there.” Towa before hanging up the phone.
“I wonder how much she progressed in strength?” Lily said as Goku and Krillin changed into suits.
“We will find out tomorrow.” Zaraf smiled as they start heading towards the tournament.
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