《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 14
The next four years since they joined the Time Patrol, not much changed with either Zaraf or Lily. Their strength and bodies started to increase little to none. It was as if they hit a brick wall when their power level landed near three hundred thousand. According to Whis, it was because they hit the limit of their current body. If they attempted to increase the gravity over a hundred than they would injury their future potential.
However, Whis also told them that their Ki and strength will have a massive increase next time they’re heavily injured. Well, after they grow up, since than their body natural limits would be broken and be one Zaraf can’t break.
So, besides going on missions, Whis began helping them improve their energy attacks since both of them negelated them. Well, not really neglected them per say, more as avoided using them. They liked to use their fist more, than shooting giant energy beams that will most likely be dodged.
Towa on the other hand continued to grow in both looks, height and strength. She been slowly growing into an hourglass figure and adding curves in the right places. Though her red and black skin tight bodysuit with a v shaped hole around her stomach, and has slits on the bottom half, exposing the bottom of her breasts. Along with a white open leg cape that is jagged at the bottom, and red and black high heels
She is growing into a beautiful woman with her long white hair and light blue skin. For some reason however, she like to keep her right side of her hair longer. Zaraf once looked for few seconds to long, but was quickly punched into the ground by Lily. Her reason being, that he didn’t stare long enough.
The start of Dragon Ball should have began right? Zaraf randomly thought as he woke up. Untangling himself from Lily, he headed for a snack.
[Beep! It has been nearly a month since Goku and Bulma began their journey. They currently have six of the seven balls.]
Hmm, I wonder if Chronona will allow use to live on earth for couple years. It not like we have much to do, since she hasn’t found the time criminal they been after for four years. Zaraf thought looking out in their backyard. The apple he picked up ended up dropping at the sight.
He found Towa outback making out with one of his statues of them. Over the years, he made a few more statues of either himself, Lily, and Towa. Well, he made Chronona and Whis also, but they stored them somewhere else. So, a two options presented themselves to him in that moment. One, he can asked her why she kissing his statue self, or Two ignore it and pretend he didn’t see it.
Unknown, to him, he not the only one that seen it, as Lily stared at the scene sadly. It hurt her that her best friend held feeling for Zaraf. Even if she wasn’t aware of them or kept them hidden, she knew she need to confront her about them. Well, when Zaraf wasn’t present which was easy since she control the household.
It was her job to protect and managed hers and Zaraf household from family, financials, and cooking. Well, since they don’t really have any of the three outside of themselves and Towa not much she can do. Even if she tried to cook, Zaraf would always beat her to the kitchen and be almost done cooking.
An image popped into her head, with her and Towa sitting around with a third woman with big bellies. Zaraf was there placing down their plates and all them smiling. For some reason it looked like a possible future, but who was the third girl. Well, she will just have to wait and see what the future holds.
In the kitchen, Zaraf suddenly felt a shiver but couldn’t place why. Only that it might make his life interesting or bonding with the couch in the future. Tossing that thought out of his mind and taking deal with it when it come approach. Zaraf decided to clean up and visit Chronona.
Walking into the time vault, he spotted Chronona studying a couple scrolls. She most likely reviewing them hoping for a clue.
“Hey, Chronona, I got a question?” Zaraf asked.
“Ok, what your question?” Chronona smiled as she looked at him.
“Is it possible for the three of us to live on earth for a few years. Lily and I kind of stuck at them moment due to our age. Towa on the other hand is more interested in inventing so she probably come along with us.” Zaraf asked.
“Hmm, sure I will need to get ready. So, meet me outside in an fifteen minutes.” Chronona said.
Zaraf nodded before going to tell the other two. He probably should have checked with them first but oh well. At least they can hang out with Tights and Bulma again. Though, he began wondering if Bulma still hates him.
When he returned, Towa was blushing as Lily laughing as she held a picture. It seems that Lily took a picture of Towa kissing the statue.
“Get ready, we are going to earth for a few years since it pointless to stay.” Zaraf said as he drew their attention to him.
“Pointless?” Lily asked raising an eyebrow.
“We need to wait until our bodies grow, so why not stay on earth? You can hang out with Bulma and Tights again. Though they probably be more interested in getting or hanging with their boyfriends.” Zaraf said.
“Ok, when are we leaving?” Towa asked.
“In an hour.” Zaraf said as he watched an after image appeared where they were sitting. In nearly ten minutes they were packed and ready with Lily even holding his stuff.
Blinking, at their excitement, he began wondering if they wanted to leave for a while. Why didn’t they say anything or suggest an idea, he thought. Even if they don’t leave at that moment, he would have known and they could leave before now.
Heading towards the meeting spot for Chronona they spotted her waiting with Whis. He was standing there with his prideful smile looking at them.
“Well, we can put our training on hold for a few years, since I also have to handle some things for Lord Beerus.” Whis said. “However, I contacted my sister and she agreed to allow you to enter universe six whenever.”
Whis handed over a button. The base of the button was red and the button blue. “This will send her a message to come for you whenever your ready.”
“Thanks. Whis.” Zaraf and LIly said while Towa studied the button.
“Well. time to go,” Chronona said as she surrounded them in a white light. Whis watched them leave before going himself.
An hour later, they landed in a desert where Chronona said goodbye and will contact them in the future. Left in the middle of nowhere, Zaraf looked around only to see sand and more sand.
“Zaraf, I got a lock on Bulma’s Ki signature,.” Lily said as she held Towa arm.
“I wonder if she still hates me for some reason?” Zaraf said as both Flame Step to her.
Locked in a steel room with a glass ceiling, Bulma sat there next to Yamcha attempting to flirt with her. Only to see him terrified of her or the female species according to Paur. Secretly deciding to give up on trying to catch him, not like it matters. In a few hours all them are going to die.
So, she began watching Goku attempting to blast them out with a kamehameha wave only for it to fail repeatedly. Oolong was complaining about how they are going to get him killed while rubbing his new underwear..
In the middle of the room, a small flame appeared before disappearing leaving three children there. However for some reason they seem familiar, and the boy greatly annoys her due to his looks. His spiky black mohawk and deep red and green eyes with a lean build and baby fat.
He wore a black vest shirt with a shiny golden and blue dragon on the back with black boots and wrist bands. His tail was wrapped around his waist while on his left hand a black glove. Though the tail looks more like a belt.
Next to the boy, a girl with long spiky black hair running down to her butt. She has a slender build and similar to the boy with baby fat. In a similar fashion, she has a brown tail wrapped around her waist also. Her outfit was cute though in Bulma’s opinion as she wore a white with a black shirt underneath. On the back of her gi was a red phoenix with golden eyes. On her right hand a black gravity glove
Finally the taller one of the group, a girl with white hair. She had light blue skin and appeared to be around thirteen with a slender frame and purple eyes. The left side of her hair is longer than the other and hangs in front of her chest. She has a golden infinity hair accessory that covers the back and both sides of her head. Her red and black skin tight body suit that has a v shaped hole around her stomach, and has slits on the bottom half, exposing the bottom of her breasts. She wears a white open leg cape that is jagged at the bottom, and red and black high heels.
Isn’t that girl a little young to be wearing a outfit like that? Bulma wondered.
“Bulma, it been a while.” The small tailed girl said as she ran over to her.
“Who are you, but you seem familiar?” Bulma asked.
“Huh, you don’t remember us, we stay at your house for a while.” the boy spoke as he looked at Goku.
“Isn’t that supposed to be Kakkorot?” she heard him asking the blue skinned girl.
“I don’t know ask Lily.” she said not caring.
“Who are you guys, and you cover yourself,” Yamcha shouted pointing towards the the blue skin girl.
“I’m Zaraf, this is Towa, and that Lily.” the boy said lazily as he looked at Goku.
“You have a tail,” Goku said happy he found someone with one.
“So, you have one too,” Zaraf replied.
Tuning out the two boys conversation like they won’t die in a few hours, Bulma focused on the two girls. Wait, they could escape anytime they want the same way they appeared.
“Can you get us out of here?” Bulma asked.
“Huh, oh yeah that easy.” Lily replied with a laugh. “When the next full moon though?”
“Tonight.” Yamcha said grumpy since neither of the three made any attempted to free them.
“Oh, well this be interesting?” Lily said as Goku looked at he full moon.
After a few moments Goku suddenly began to grow as hair rapidly grew all over his body. His height stopped about ten stories up and looked like a giant monkey. His eyes glowed red as uncontrollable rage took over and began shooting energy blast everywhere. Zaraf calmly watched as they castle began to be destroyed.
“What is that?” Bulma shouted as Lily and Towa carried her.
“That is stage one of Oozaru form.” Lily said as if it common sense.
“Why did Goku suddenly transform?” Bulma asked.
“Ah, he looked at the moon which activate a transformation. Though, it only works if he still has his tail.” Lily said in simple terms as she didn’t feel like explaining the science or knowledge behind it.
“How come you and Zaraf not affected?” Yamcha asked.
“We can control it thanks you very much. Besides we reached the next stage, so we don’t need a moon to transform.” Lily said with pride.
“Yeah, but you get covered in hair.” Towa commented. “What Zaraf doing?”
“Beating up Goku,” Lily said before a sonic boom sounded as Goku flew and crashed in the distant.
Goku imminently stood up and roared at Zaraf as he fired another ki wave at him. Basically flicking the ki upward towards the sky. The grand explosion in the sky sent shock wave to the ground making seven of the nine below nearly fall.
Lily and Towa stoodfine, while Bulma grabbed them to keep balance.
Zaraf began sending a barrage of Ki blast towards Goku, which packed more power than Goku’s attacks. Wounded, Goku appeared to want to keep fighting despite the fact he can’t even get near his opponent.
“I don’t want to die, I never even had a boyfriend.” Bulma yelled as the ground shook as Goku rage powered him up.
“Why don’t you date Goku? Sure, he doesn’t seem bright in relationships or outside of fighting. However, he is a genius in fighting as his subconscious is learning from this fight.” Lily said as Goku moves are getting sharper and his Ki not blasting off everywhere.
“But the age gap, and besides Goku not interested in anything in food.” Bulma grumbled.
“He should be either eleven or twelve as I and Zaraf were born the same year. Besides, most of the males of our kind only care about strength, missions, and food. Relationships aren’t really there side and usually left for the females. They are extremely loyal, so don’t need to worry about them cheating.” Lily explained.
“Huh, really?” Bulma said with Towa nodding.
“They could see another woman naked and not feel a thing if they have a mate. I found out that Polygamy, aren’t common among them unless the wife wills it. Though, marriage was rare among them so it made that even rarer.” Towa said.
“Besides, Goku teachable but you have to appeal it as a form of training. However, if you need him to bring money in, it better be as something that allows him to fight. So, maybe open a dojo for him in the future or be a bodyguard. If not, anxiety sets in and makes him restless.” Lily continued to explained as Bulma began taking notes.
“Anything else I should know about?” Bulma asked.
“Hmm, that males love training and forget about anything else so they easily lose contact with everyone. So it can be a couple month to a couple years, that unless you contact him, he won’t meet you.” Towa said as Zaraf went out training on his own and didn’t return for two weeks. Lily wasn’t affected as she said it will be normal for him in the future.
Back on planet Vegeta, it would be normal for the males to be gone for months at a time doing missions or training. So, one of Luna lessons to Lily was patients or doing her own training. However when they were older, she would also be responsible for little saiyans.
“Hm, ok I will see if I can capture Goku.” Bulma said with fire in her eyes.
More shockwaves arrived as Goku and Zaraf started picking up the pace. The once standing castle was no more than a pile of rumble. Goku seems to be breathing hard, and Zaraf was calmly fighting him with one hand. There wasn’t much of a challenge with two hands or legs so, he changed strategies.
The fight continues to rage on, for a few more hours, until the moon disappeared over the horizontal. Goku began to shrink down, until he was naked unconscious on the ground.
“Hmm, he didn’t regain consciousness in that form?” Zaraf pouted as he landed beside Goku.
“That was disappointing,” Towa said as she knew how much Zaraf likes to fight but most of his end to fast. Either he too strong and destroy his opponents in seconds, or something happens. Like what happen to Gub and sucked into space to die, planets exploding, or some random thing.
“Well, I guess I train him on the full moons during our stay.” Zaraf said with a shrug.
“Great, now where are we staying?” Lily asked.
“I’m sure Dr. Brief won’t mind use staying again. Beside he is currently watching my income from the healing chambers.” Zaraf shrugged as Goku woke up.
“Ah, why does it hurt?” Goku nearly screamed but attempted to stand.
“It because you picked a fight with Zaraf.” Bulma said. “Now, Oolong give Goku your pants and we can leave.”
“Where my power pole?” Goku asked.
“Right here,” Yamcha said handing it over.
“Ok, so I have to wait one year to find my grandfather dragon ball. Maybe it time to find Master Roshi for training.” Goku said.
“Nope, your going to heal for a few days before than.” Bulma said.
“Ok,” Goku said unsure why he feels weird with her now.
“We let go,” Zaraf said as he grabbed Yamcha and Goku and Flamed Step to the Capsule corp.
Following behind him was Lily with the cat and pig which instantly got knocked unconscious when he attempted to hug Lily. It took a Bulma a few minutes to stop her from cooking the pig in the over at a very slow pace. Towa brought Yamcha who instantly cowards in her presents, before moving away from her.
“Ah, we are back at capsule corp, perfect. Come Goku let get you healing.” Bulma said dragging Goku out of the room. Leaving, Yamcha with the cat and pig, Zaraf followed by Lily and Towa went to find Dr. Briefs. Following the Ki signture they found him in his lab.
Not much changed since they were last there except a few experiments changed. Dr. Brief was hunched over his work table putting pieces together. When he finally placed the piece he looked over and saw them with a smile.
“Ah, your back?” He greeted.
“Yep, for a few years at least. So, anything interesting happen?” Zaraf asked.
“Nope, besides you are one of the top ten richest in the world last I check. Those Healing chambers saved a lot of lives and decrease healing time. So you get many donations on top of what you make selling them.” Dr. Brief said.
“Ok, do you still have room available for us?” Lily asked.
“Yep, kept your rooms the sames besides them being cleaned.” Dr. Brief said.
“See you later.” Towa said a they left.
Wandering around the building, Towa went off to work on whatever project popped into her mind. So, he and Lily just began wandering around the building where they stumbled upon Bulma and Goku. Well, more Bulma was studying Goku body as he healed and she was running test on him.
Deciding that they don’t want to interrupt and walked towards the garden. The animal population grew since the last time as a large dinosaur appeared towards the middle. There were at least a dozen different species of birds flying around.
“It seems that a wide variety of animals came since four years ago.” Lily said as she looked around.
“Yep, and it amazing how they don’t eat each other.” Zaraf replied as he spotted a t-rex next to a sheep sleeping peacefully.
“Are we going to enter the tournament again that happening in about a year?” Lily asked remembering that it almost time for it again.
“I don’t why not. It gives us something to do.” Zaraf shrugged.
“But your training Goku aren’t you?” Lily raised an eyebrow.
“Only on the nights of full moon. It seems he already picked a master called Master Roshi or something.” Zaraf replied
“Maybe we should join him. Though, I doubt he teach us anything.” Lily suggested.
“Hmm, It would be a waste as our training probably be a lot harder than his.” Zaraf said. “However if you want we can check it out and do our training after his.”
“Let do it,” Lily hugged him.
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