《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 13
Six days passed since Chorona left the two saiyans and demon with Whis for training. Even if neither Zaraf or Lily gained much of a strength increase, they adjusted to their new powers. However, Towa on the other hand is now boarding around two hundred thousand in battle power.
Currently Zaraf and Lily were on the verge of collapsing which Towa did an hour before. They were currently standing on top of fifty foot poles balancing five hundred pounds on both arms. Only, they were under a hundred times gravity thanks to the gloves which Whis found fascinating. Which in turn made them having to turn up the gravity whenever he says so.
“How long have we been doing this? I think my arms are going to break.” Lily said gritting her teeth.
They have been in the same position for six hours unmoving and circling their Ki. They began using it to heal the tired muscles, and reinforce their body perfectly. If there is an imbalance, it would result in them falling and possibly a few broken bones.
“Hmm, that enough for today?” Whis said making the poles vanished and sitting Lily and Zaraf on the ground.
“Your getting better at subconsciously reinforcing your bodies and lowering the Ki consummating when you do. However, due to your ages and young bodies we need to do so in moderations. We can’t let training affect your height now can we.” Whis giggled into his hand as he explained their progress.
“Thanks, I guess.” Zaraf said raising an eyebrow.
“Tomorrow, you will be taking your first missions and you will have a rest day. I should be back by than as I need to cheek on Lord Beerus for a few days.” Whis said receiving a tired nod before he waved and left.
Laying down on Lily’s leg, Zaraf gave her a bright smile making her roll her eyes. Though he could see a slight blush, as she had her mind running wild. Somehow, Chorona thought it was appropriate to share books that are for these more than twice their age. Even he turned red as even an assassin and science experiment he had no idea some of the subject before hand.
“What do you suppose our mission going to be?” Lily asked.
“Fighting, probably against someone messing with time by either changing or strengthening certain events.” Zaraf said as he yawned and fell asleep on her lap.
Brushing some of Zaraf’s hair, Lily soon followed his example and fell asleep for the next few hours. The two however was soon heard a gently voice in their ears.
“Hey, wake up as it nearly time to find Chronona.” Towa gently said shaking both Lily and Zaraf.
Getting up from Lily’s lap, Zaraf stretch his arms, before rubbing his eye. He seem confused for a few seconds but regain clarity. Zaraf was sad that his dream of food was over, but he can’t do anything about it.
“Clean up and let’s find Chronona,” Towa pointed towards the bath.
Nodding, Zaraf followed Lily toward the bath and return nearly twenty minutes later. He had trouble finding clean clothes.
“Onwards, let go find the boss.” Zaraf said.
“Yeah,” Lily cheered.
Towa only rolled her eyes at their antics. Only they would be excited to get into a fight with others at their strength or stronger. She, on the other hand chatted with Chronona and became her assistant in assigning the missions. Though, she is still force to train just in case neither Zaraf or Lili were available.
After finding Chronona she seems to be looking over two different scrolls that are currently purple. However floating around the room, were hundreds of scrolls varying from black, blue, purple, and brown.
“Ah, you came well I selected a two beginning missions for you. Zaraf, you are fighting Raditz, Goku older brother alongside him and Piccolo. Normally, this wouldn’t be the case however, someone gave Raditz a major strength increase leaving Goku and Piccolo no chance of winning.” Chronona explained.
“Lily, you are fighting against, the Ginyu force on planet Namek. It seems the same person is involve and boosted their strength. However you don’t need to defeat them all, only four of the five.” Chronona said.
“How do we travel there and back. Also, will this affect their timeline?” Zaraf asked concerned.
“You just need to enter your Ki in to the scroll to enter and return. As for affecting the timeline don’t worry about it. Once you leave they will barely remember you as you be like an afterthought soon forgotten.” Chronona said receiving a nod from Zaraf and Lily.
Injecting some of his Ki into the scroll, Zaraf found himself in a field watching two saiyans and a namekian fighting. He heard the long hair saiyan shout something about joining him, or die with the planet. Who, he assume is Goku and Piccolo were on the ground panting heavily.
Isn’t Raditz that eight year old kid who I and Lily been beating up whenever he visited. Now that I think about it, that was sad as we were less than three when that happened. Ryu thought as he appeared in front of him.
“Who are you?” Raditz said before pressing the button on the side of the scouter.
Instead of displaying any power level, the scouted failed to detected him as it locked onto Goku and Piccolo. Only, Raditz failed to realize this as his recent power increase turned him more arrogant.
“What only seven hundred battlepower. If those to can’t defeat me with that much power what make you can?” Raditz laughed.
Ignoring, Raditz laughter, Zaraf sent a fury of kicks causing a sonic boom on contact. Blinking, at the result and pretty sure he felt Raditz ribs break. He determined that the power increase didn’t strength Raditz body. So, estimating Raditz strength, he realized Raditz was drawing power from his lifespan quickly.
Looking down at Raditz, he felt his power dropping quickly as he settled just above one thousand. Waving to Goku and Piccolo, Zaraf vanished from area leaving behind a confused Goku and Piccolo. They quickly took the opening, and Goku died alongside Raditz to the special beam cannon.
Returning to the Time nest, Chronona looked at him confused. Usually the missions take at least a half hour or so to complete. Only, he completed it in a few minutes with a frown. The fight he had was very lacking, as Lily materialized next to him. The frown on her had the means she had the same result.
“That was quick? It usually takes longer, but you been gone five minutes max.” Chronona said as they could only shrug.
“Well, Raditz only had a Ki increase as whoever did this made it so he used up his lifespan for power. Not that he realized it, but Goku and Piccolo could have won if they survived a few more minutes. So, a few kicks to the chest snapping a few ribs and I was done as his body wasn’t that strong.” Zaraf shrugged.
“I noticed that too, but it seems that whoever done it is improving. They actually increased the targets body, but they didn’t balance it right. So, two of the bodies exploded when they were knocked down.” Lily commented.
“Well, just relax I supposed since I need time to investigate another mission for you.” Chronona said pushing them away.
Walking back to their houses, since Towa lives next them. Thoughts on when a real challenge would appear. It was tempting to build a training doll that can use all the move you can with max efficiency.
“Hey, Towa is it possible to make doll that can copy any our moves. We need something to fight, and we aren’t having any luck in finding it.” Zaraf asked peaking Lily’s and Towa interest.
“Hmm, I see what I can do, but I think it can be done.” Towa nodded.
Crashing as soon, as his head hit the pillow arriving home, Zaraf went to sleep. Curling up next to him, Lily followed his idea and went to sleep. Even if they napped not long ago they still needed to rest their mind.
While, they took a nap and Towa went on to building the training doll, Chronona held a meeting with Whis. They were looking over the fights that both Zaraf and Lily completed not even ten minutes ago. Somehow, she managed to get Whis to returned quickly as a maybe he knows what going on.
The first one they began watching was Zaraf vs. Raditz, with him winning with a few kicks to the chest. However, Whis barely managed to see a small device leaving Raditz body seconds after hitting the ground. Unsure it that was the cause he kepted it to himself until he saw Lily’s Mission.
Pulling up Lily’s mission, they pulled up a cold Lily as she appeared on Namak. Both of the could only blink as she usually wore a cheerful and happy aura around her. Soon, they decided it might just be her battle mode. Flying straight towards, the eight power signatures, Lily found her targets.
Laying on the ground, a bald human and small child with bowl cut were heavily injured. Next to them was a man in outdated space Frieza armor panting heavily as he held his arm. The man had long spiky black hair almost standing straight up.
However, in front of the three, five different grown men with different colors and frames were posing. In the back right was a large blue man with brown shell on top of his head acting like an airplane on one leg. Next to him was a large man with a blob of hair had his back turn and flexing.
The second row, held a small green alien with four eyes was acting like he was thinking. He looked fairly similar to Gub. While next to him was a man with red tinted skin and long white hair. It appeared as if he was a cheerleader without pom poms.
In front of them all, was a purple man with two large black horns coming out of his head. He was crouching down, with his fingers pointing out towards the ground.
“We are the mighty Ginyu Force.” The purple man shouted with the ones in back shouted ‘yeah’.
Pulling up and estimating their current strength, Whis put them all around three hundred thousand while frowning. It was the same strength that Raditz reached, but it seems something wrong. If anything they should be stronger, but they are barely reaching that as he noticed they were aging faster.
Lily, charged a Ki blast as the scouters failed to pick her up, and knocked the five away like bowling pins. Two of the weaker ones like the giant with blob of hair and green one crashed into the ground instantly dying. The green four eyes somehow managed to crush his head when he landed on it. The giant on the other hand seemed to be carrying some kind of explosive and blew up leaving a corpse in the creator.
The blue one landed on his back and the man with spiky black hair took the chance to kill him. Somehow, the purple and red skin man managed to get by with a few scrapes, but their Ki shot downwards as their booster vanished. If, Whis had to guess, it seems the blast blew up whatever those devices were and watched as Lily knock out the red one as the purple on fled.
They watched Lily look around and nodded as she completed her mission and vanished. However, Whis managed to prove his theory that the devices were the causes. Only he wondered how anyone didn’t question the increase in power. Maybe, it was the device doing or they were drunk in the sudden increase.
“Well, I can say they could do a harder mission with a stronger opponent. Though it might be wiser to send them together.” Whis said. “However, did you see the small devices on them?”
“Huh,” Chronona said as she looked closer and than nodded. “It seem that their reason for the increase, but why can’t it go pass three hundred thousand?”
“It might be the limit, or the amount of Ki from their lifeforce isn’t worth anymore if they go higher. Anyways, I must get going.” Whis said waving as he vanished again.
“What is going on?” Chronona wondered as she stared at the other scrolls.
The next morning, Zaraf began his morning stretches wonder what he should do today. Since it’s a rest day from training, he was at a lost. A part of him wants to lay around, another part want to sculpt, another read a book. For the last one he has no idea why either since he barely read anything in this life.
Well, I just use the morning for sculpting, than lay around all afternoon reading or helping either Liyl or Towa. Zaraf thought as he looked at Lily’s sleeping figure before going to the backyard.
In the time nest, it is split into three different sections. The time vault which house scrolls leading to different timelines or univeses. The training area, which hasn’t been used in ten million years before they came. Finally the housing area, which are more of a mansion as each house has about twelve room minimum and a large personal space out back.
In the backyard there is a path leading to a small pond filled with colorful fish. Next to it was a small field of flowers. Somehow, recently Towa managed to get Lily interested in gardening recently. Except they have yet to plant anything.
If he remembers correctly, in a few months, they are going with Chronona and travel to a few planets. They want to collect some of the most rare flowers or beautiful in the universe and make a garden.
What would go good in a flower garden?” Zaraf wondered as an image of a smiling flower appeared.
Nodding to himself as liked his idea, he found a boulder that was in the way more than looking nice. Easily lifting it and carrying to his small workshop, that surprisingly Lily forced him in setting up. She said that it been to long since she seen him sculpting anything. Which happened on the second day they arrived after Whis training.
Outlining the chunks he needs to remove and focus on where to strike without removing to much. Realizing that he a little out of practice, wry smiled as he began striking the rock. Chunk by chunk, pieces fell leaving behind a piece of rock ready to transform into a flower.
Starting from the top, he began making a faint line circling around the circular rock until he hit the bottom. Repeating the same process a couple more times, he began engraving a flowers pattern between the lines. Slowly a few hours passed by as he got absorbed into, which he managed to finished before his stomach rumbled.
“Here is a snack.” Lily appeared by his side with a plate of fruit when he sat down the hammer.
“How, did you know?” Zaraf asked confused how she knew.
“I just do,” Lily smiled. ‘Also, I been watching for hours but you don’t need to know that.’
“Ok, so what do you think?” Zaraf asked pointing towards the sculptor.
“It beautiful, but it doesn’t really match anything here.” Lily said but frowned as there no where to place it. Well place it without it looking out of place.
“You can just place it in the flower garden your planning to make with Towa and Chronona.” Zaraf shrugged.
“Hmm, we can see, so put it in a corner or store it away. Which reminds me, can you bring out your masterpiece with us and Azure and Pheon. We can put it near the fish pond.” Lily said nearly carrying him as he ate.
Placing down the statue, Zaraf wondered why she couldn’t carry it. The sight of her small body carrying would have been a sight to see. The sight of her carrying him was not, and now he wanted to hide in a hole thinking about it.
However, the urge to be lazy overcame him, so he sat near the pond watching the fishes. Lily sat next to him, but grew bored and fell asleep on his shoulders again. Growing bored of watching, Zaraf shook Lily awake.
“Let's go check on Towa.”
“Ok,” Lily replied stretching.
Arriving at Towa’s, they walked into a war zone of blueprints and plans. The papers covered th floor, walls and even the ceiling. In the middle, Towa was hovering while holding her chin thinking. When Lily went to call out to her, she suddenly shout ‘ah ha’ as if she solved the universe biggest mystery.
“So, if I do this and this…” Towa mumbled not noticing either Lily or Zaraf when she looked in their direction.
“Let leave her be.” Zaraf said dragging Lily as they left.
“Now what?” Lily asked.
“We see what the next four years hold.” Zaraf replied with a shrug.
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