《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 12
Two months passed by since Zaraf sad fight with Gub and leaving the east quadrant. Not much has happen in that time, even when Zaraf or Lily were sure they would fight space bandits. However anytime the pirates ship got close they would run away at the last second.
Everytime, it happen Zaraf and Lily would throw themselves into training to burn away the rage. They didn’t care if the opponents were weak at this point, the urge to fight was getting to them. Zaraf, learned that this was a con of being a saiyan with high instincts. The urge and wanting to fight only to be denied put him and Lily on edge with Towa smacking them.
We are finally arriving at our destination, though it time to break the next natural limiter. Zaraf thought as he dove into the genetic playfield. Soon arriving at the next wall, he quickly shattered it feeling a small change in his body.
It great that my talents and power grew a little, but the food intake to deal with them is going to be a pain. Zaraf thought as he quickly did the same to Lily.
He recently found out that everytime he broke a limiter, their cells will absorb more energy. This has lead him and Lily to increase their food intake. Though, this didn’t really matter since they love food, it makes it a bit tricky for long trips in space.
When he was about to open his stats page, Zaraf noticed a blinking light on the relationship tab. Opening it, he nearly fell over laughing as he seen the title next to Towa name. It has explained so much, on why she followed Lily or help her with the smallest task.
Lily: Crush, Best friend, Soulmate
Towa: Friend, Lily Servant/Slave, ???
Azure: Teacher
Pheon: Teacher
Luna: Otherworld Enforcer, Mother-in-Law
Dr. Brief: Friend
Punachy: Friend
Tights: Friend
Bulma: One sided mortal enemy
Dub: Imprisoned
Towa became Lily’s servent. That explains it, but why does she have question marks. Zaraf failed at hiding his grin but wanted to figure out the mystery.
[Beep! The one known as Towa is confused as her feeling due to her hormones. Demons are known to enter puberty as early as nine and late as fifteen.]
“Ah, yes Towa recently turned nine a few days ago.” Zaraf mumbled while wondering why she became a servant in the first place.
Not putting much thought into it, Zaraf told the other two they are landing in a few hours before taking a shower. After his shower which Lily joined, and attempted to get Towa to join but was denied. They, waited for the ship to land and was greeted by Dr. Brief since it seems the other members of his family were busy.
“Good to see you again, Dr. Brief though it only been four months.” Zaraf greeted.
“Hello again.” Lily said.
“Dr.” Towa acknowledge.
“Well that was a short trip if I say so?” Dr. Brief chuckled.
“True, though every planet we stop at blew up either from others fighting or a unknown pair. Though we did blow one up due to the planet being corrupted and couldn’t be left there.” Zaraf add a dry chuckle as Dr. Brief blinked a few times at him.
“Be careful as planets add bad karma.” Dr. Brief said with a shrug.
“Not with this planet if anything it will give us good karma.” Lily said with disgust remember the bad smell they gave off. It seems that the pheromones that the wood elves race gave off gave Lily a bad memory of visiting.
Chuckling, Dr. Brief led them to their rooms which were the same since last time they were here. When they walked by Bulma room she sent a dirty look towards Zaraf but a smile towards Lily and Towa. Even till now neither Zaraf doesn’t even know what he done for the treatment and Lily and Towa just shrug it off.
“So, what are your plans this time?” Dr. Brief asked.
“To contact the supreme Kai of Time and see if we can join her and correct time related issues. It should help us get stronger and better fights. Also, should help our luck of planets being blown up when we arrive.” Zaraf grumbled the last part but Dr. Brief managed to hear and laughed.
“Well, you are free to stay here or travel the world. I got a few experiments to get back to.” Dr. Brief excused himself before they heard a explosion. “Well one less I guess.”
“It always interesting around here, though the peaceful periods between fights is annoying. This world doesn’t have any decent fighters.” Lily grumbled.
“Well, we can’t do anything about that, though the faster we are done with my staff the quicker we can solve that issue.” Towa said.
“Do, you need any parts?” Zaraf asked.
“Nah, I’m good. Why don’t you and Lily go off to tran or improve your ooruza transformation.” Towa said as she nicely kicked them out of her lab.
Heading towards the garden, Zaraf wrapped his tail around Lily since it been awhile. She did the same as she smiled, thinking it been a while since it was only them two. When they arrived at the garden, he walked over to a large rock by the pond.
“What are you thinking about Zaraf?” Lily asked sitting next to him with her head on his shoulder.
“I was just thinking if there is a level passed our Oozaru transformation. Also, about the super saiyan legend, as if has to come from somewhere. They are describe as two different transformations, but what happens if it only half.” Zaraf began speaking his mind which Lily smiled. It been a long while since she heard him speak like this and enjoyed as it usually led to a discovery.
“Half? Like our Oozaru is only half our transformation?” Lily asked confused, but the smile never left.
“Correct, let list out a few facts we know about the Oozaru transformation. Our body defenses and strength increase by ten times. However our Ki seems to stagnate causing it to leak out forcing fur to grow. So, what happens if the super saiyan of legend is just us using our Ki differently. Only we need a certain trigger or strength before available.” Zaraf said.
“So, our Oozaru transformation increases our body strength, to hold the output of super saiyan. If that the case, wouldn’t there be a strain on our body in super saiyan forms? That would explain why there a large consumption of energy for the Oozaru form. That form wasn’t meant to consume our regular Ki, but a special Ki that Super saiyan produces. Though, that only if the myth is real.” Lily processed what Zaraf was saying.
“I believe it is real, but we just haven’t met the conditions or trigger to gain access to it.” Zaraf said knowing they haven’t meet the S-Cells amount yet. However there recent strength gain and training for the last four months cut down the time by a few years.
“So we can’t put this theory to the test yet?” Lily sounded disappointed.
“True, but if we pushed ourselves harder in training, we might meet those conditions sooner. However that only a theory, and I estimating our battle power need to be around half a million in our base form.” Zaraf thought.
[Beep! Host estimate is similar to the system estimate. At the current rate, it is estimated to be eight years before super saiyan become available. However this can change depending on Host attitude towards training.]
So, I was right when a few years coming off from before. At first it has us being able to transform when we were around twenty now it fifteen. Zaraf thought as he leaned his head against Lily’s.
The two watched the fish inside the pond swimming in circles subconsciously realizing something which turn into enlightenment. Slowly their eyes began glaze over as the Ki in their bodies began to dive into their cell. The Ki began forming an infinity sign as it tore down the cells and rebuilt them stronger and continued to repeat.
Impurities, began leaving their bodies from the deepest part of them, but was turned into energy by the Ki and cells. Soon, their genetics limits began breaking, causing their strength to soar as seven broke in rapid session. This would have worried Zaraf, as it was way passed the recommend battle power.
After an unknown amount of time, or nearly seven hours of watching the pond, Zaraf gradually awoken as Lily began moving. Looking over to Lily, Zaraf was shocked as Lily’s features became highlighted and a slight gloss covered her skin. It looked similar to when they finished their training sessions under seventy times earth gravity.
“Zaraf, what happen and we need a shower?” Lily said pinching her noses. It seems even if the impurities were converted into energy, it left behind the smell.
[Beep! Host has unconsciously entered state of enlightenment and broke passed seven genetic limiter at once. New estimate for super saiyan has been made, and should be available in two years. Due to the enlightenment, Host is rewarded forty thousand Multiverse points.]
“We seems to enter a state of enlightenment again of some sort. Though our Ki seems to be circling it self and I can conceal it all into my body easily.” Zaraf instantly noticed his Ki control and strength improved dramatically.
“Same, it feels as if we mastered this Mortal Ki was what Azure and Pheon called it?” Lily said trying to remember.
“Well, our bodies and strength for any other Ki at the moment, though my Sage mode increase as I can instantly enter and exit the state.” Zaraf said as primal tattoos and green ring in his eyes formed.
Barely feeling if any drain on his energy or a chance to turn to stone, Zaraf dropped the transformation. It seems that he can stay in that form indefinite as his Ki and energy recharge faster than it spends.
System, pull up my current stats and skills. Zaraf asked since he got a feeling a lot have changed.
[Name: Zeref
Age: Seven years old three Months
Bloodline: Middle-Class Saiyan (83%), Elite-Class Saiyan (17%)
Battle Power: 300,000 (2)
Multiverse Points: 80,000
Genetic Control: Mastered
Advance Ki Control: Mastered
Flight: Mastered
Ki Blasts: Mastered
Sculpting: Advance
Time Stop: Beginner. Current time 0.01
Oozaru First Form (10X): Master
Sage Mode (5x): Master
Genetics limit Broken- 15 out of 243
It been a while since I looked at this, though why does it feel like a random power up? Zaraf wondered.
[Beep! Thousand if not millions look for a slim chance at enlightenment only not to find it. The chance of Host receiving this again soon is smaller than three percent.]
“So, Zaraf you coming? We need to get a shower than check on Towa before we get some food.” Lily said, which Zaraf wrapped his tail around her and followed.
After taking a quick shower together, Zaraf and Lily found Towa grinning as they walked in. Towa’s staff seems to acquire an upgraded as another ring formed on the end of her staff. Though her smile also gave it away, which she blushed when she noticed them.
“I assuming that you completed it already?” Zaraf raised an eyebrow and holding back a chuckle.
“Well, I was almost done before we landed except we were missing a few tools I needed. Now, I’m kinda excited to test, but I would like to rest and eat.” Towa said earning a nod from the two.
“We can test it in the morning. Now let go eat and sleep in a bed that not traveling through the cosmos.” Lily said.
“Agreed.” Zaraf said as his stomach began rumbling making them laugh.
During the meal, Zaraf chatted with Dr. Brief, while Lily and Towa chatted with Panchy and Tights. As for Bulma, she just glared at Zaraf as if he killed her dog or pet dinosaur. Why she acts that way no one knows.
The next morning, Zaraf yawn as he woke up next to Lily with her bare body in view. For some reason she alternates either sleeping clothed or naked. He wasn’t going to complain and he basically seen her naked hundreds of time since day one.
Gently brushing her hair out of her sleeping face, Zaraf gently kissed Lily’s forehead. He watch as a smile took over her lips as she wrapped herself around him. He was about to roll over to get out of her grasp, but the door opened. Lucky for him he was wearing shorts this time, since Lily naturally infected him.
Bulma for some odd reason walked in with a camera and feral grin. She rapidly began snapping photos, of the two before she realized that Zaraf was watching her. Blinking a few times she walked out of the room, cursing.
“That was weird?” Zaraf mumbled.
Waking up to his voice, Lily let out a cute yawn before rubbing her eye. She didn’t bother or care to cover up since it was next to natural with Zaraf. Though, if someone else see her than they won’t live much longer. Her body was only for Zaraf to see according to her mother and she agrees.
“It time to shower and see if Towa device works.” Lily yawn pulling Zaraf towards their bathroom.
Showering and grabbing a snack, Zaraf and Lily walked out onto the yawn staring at Towa. She appeared to be double checking and preparing herself. Dr. Brief seems to be watching from the side while Bulma was nowhere to be seen.
Since the su barely looks to be over the horizon, Zaraf assumed that the other two are still sleeping.
“Are we all prepared?” Lily asked curious filling her eyes.
“Yes, just reviewing some notes.” Towa said.
Tapping her staff on the ground, a screen appeared above it showing a small pink lady. She had pink skin and green eyes appeared surprised. It seems that they called at a bad time as she seemed to just awoken from her nap.
“Hello?” She said.
“Hmm, so this is the supreme Kai of Time. She seems cute though Lily has her beat.” Zaraf said causing Lily to laugh and Chorona to toss him a playful glare.
“Let see what you say in seven five million years.” Chronoa said.
“She still look better, as she will look twenty with-” Zaraf was going to describe Lily, but she covered his mouth with her hands. The blush however was totally worth it as she seem embarrassed and knew what he was doing.
“Well, I actually expected you to take longer on contacting me? But to get it on your first try is impressive.” Chronoa praised Towa. “I know why you are contacting me, as I spotted you a couple month back. I do have a few issues in parallel worlds that I could use your help with. So, I pick you three up in an hour when I arrive.”
The screen vanished, with Zaraf realizing that Chronoa knew they were attempting to contact her all this time. It seems that this was some sort of test to see if they were worthy or skilled enough to work with her.
“Surprising, I thought it be harder than this.” Towa said.
“She seems like an easy going person.” Lily commented. “But, her dress was pretty.”
“Leaving so soon?” Dr. Brief said surprised at how simple that was.
“I suppose, though I think we will return every now and then to explore more of the universe. Hopefully, at that time we won’t end up on worlds blowing up in a few minutes after landing.” Zaraf said with a shrug.
“Well ok, I will continue to oversee your revenue until you return. We don’t want other stealing from you now do we.” Dr. Brief laughed as he left.
For the next hour, Zaraf just relaxed by the pond as Lily and Towa chatted about random things. Somehow, in such a short time they researched and found new topics that didn’t involve training or technology. Though, from what he can pick up, they seems to be talking about cake.
“Wow, you three are nearly impossible to track. I could only sense Towa here, and how did you two master Ki control so young?” Chorona asked when she appeared in a flash of light.
“We had great teachers and luck.” Zaraf shrugged since they did have luck at the end expressially when it happen to them both. Now he thought about it, he felt a mysterious force helping Lily along to stay with his power level.
“Ready to go?” Chonona asked.
Nodding, they gathered around, before she tapped the ground causing them to shoot off into the sky. However what none of the four realized was Bulma attempted to test a new stun gun on Zaraf. For reason unknown, the blast bounced off an invisible barrier, erasing her memory of Saiyans and the Trio.
“So, tell me about yourselves since we have about an forty minutes before we arrived.” Chonona asked.
“What do you want to know?” Zaraf replied as they aren’t going to share their entire life story.
“Likes, Dislike, hobbies, and current power level.” Chonona replied after thinking for a few.
“I like training, Zaraf, Towa and making music. For dislike, those creepy wood elves creatures that stunk. Frieza also in extreme dislikes, and those that blow up planets we just land on. As for my current strength it around three hundred thousand.” Lily said. “Well, base form if I use my Oozaru transformation than it three millionish.”
“For me it, training, Lily, sculpting, and Towa friendship. Dislike, is mind control creeps, Frieza and thoses that blow up planets that we attempted to visit. For my current strength is same as Lily.” Zaraf replied.
“Mine is inventing, and hanging out with Lily and Zaraf. Even if Zaraf grumpy some of the time. Dislike is my brother and a few demon races in the demon realm. For my current strength it around eighty thousand with no transformations.” Towa replied causing Lily and Zaraf to groan. How can she train so little and get more result than them and they work a hundred times harder.
“Hmm, ok, well I might as well tell you the current plan. Once a week I will send you guys either forward or backward in time to fix problems. However most of the they will either be parallel or different universes. Some will happen in this universe future while others may not, but if they do you can’t attempted to stop it.” Chorona explained in a serious tone causing them nod their heads.
“So, no stopping evil monsters that can wreck the universe before they become active?” Zaraf smiled.
“Well there are a very slim chance for a exception but most of time you have to allow it to come. It doesn’t mean you can’t train for it or whatever, you just can't stop it ahead of time.” Chorona said.
“Ah, ok no beating the bad men before they be bad.” Lily said. “Now what are we going to be doing upon arrival.”
Chorona went silent as if she received a message as she began nodding and sweating. When she looked back to the group she held some terror in her eyes. She began to speak but it sounded mechanical as if she really didn’t want it.
“Whis, the angel attendant and instructor of Beerus the God of Destruction has said he want to train you. Well, more he took an interest in you since you two are the first to master Ki control in nearly five centuries. Though it many because he bored since Lord Beerus is in his sleeping phase again.” Chorona said.
“Hmm, is that a good thing?” Towa asked.
“Depends, as he usually only help those ready to handle or began tapping into God Ki. However none of you are ready for that due to age and current strength. Even a little bit could cause you to explode.” Chorona said scarring them or Tow and Lily. Zaraf sort of knew that, due to the genetics limits and system explantain.
The three level that they will travel through, the Mortal, Alpha, and Transcendent. The mortal stage allows them to harness great strength and Ki, before moving onto Alpha. In the Alpha stage they will began accessing and sensing God Ki. Then finally moving into the transcendent stage where they will gain an unlimited lifespan.
As for why Lily was surprised confused him as he was sure he explained some what God Ki was to her. Well, at least Azure and Pheon did before, or she might have forgotten or he remembering incorrectly.
While Chorona continued to tell them about a few things they need to know, they landed in a giant next. Sitting up on a branch, a large bird with a long with beard was staring down on the new arrivals. However what caught, Zaraf attention was the tall blue tinted man.
The man has long white hair defying gravity as it went straight up, and purple and black robe on. In his left hand was a black and gold staff with a blue ring and black orb on top similar to the blue ring floating around his neck.
“Hello, Whis,” Chorona greeted the man.
“Hello, so these are the trio. They are younger than I thought, but no matter it be interesting to train them. Maybe in the future they could learn Ultra Instinct, bit let hold off for a few decades or until they got the strength.” Whis said holding his arm over his mouth as he laughed.
“I will leave them in your care, until I select their missions.” Chorona said running off.
“Very well. Now, your first assignment is to run around the outer edge of the nest until I tell you to stop,” Whis said summoning a pack of wolves behind them. “Oh, and these wolves haven’t ate in a very long time.”
“Good Luck,” Whis said smiling as they began running away from the wolves.
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