《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 11
Landing on the planet, Zaraf could only describe it as boring. He knew that the planet is ninety three percent covered in water, but did the seven need to be trees. When the ship landed, he managed to see a city in the distances. The only problem, it was in the trees, with five sentiers gun pointed at them.
“They are seriously pumping a lot of energy into those cannons. If I estimated the energy I can feel it on par with a blast of five hundred thousands or so. It might be more or less, but let not blow up the ship as we would be stuck.” Towa let out a small whistle.
“Zaraf, I got to say we suck at adventuring.” Lily said.
“It not my fault that our luck and adventing level sucks.” Zaraf grumbled.
Before Zaraf could continue to complain one of the men must have got trigger happy as one of the turrets fired. Quickly transforming into his Oozaru form, Zaraf’s power level quickly shot up multiplying his by ten.
Quickly gathering and condensing his red and black into his hands, he placed it by his hips and grew a smile.
“Dragon Wave.”
His Ki shot forward, easily blasting through the turret blast as it gained an image of a dragon behind it. The sound of a dragon filled the surrounding area as the turret blew up.
Zaraf felt Lily’s hand on the back of his head feeling like an itch since his power was around a million and hers was a tenth. Rubbing the back of his head, Zaraf put on a goofy smile while his eyes shouted ‘What did I do?’.
“Thanks, now they are scared of us.” Lily cutely pouted as she didn’t seem bothered.
“Oops,” Zaraf said.
“Whatever destroy the other for as they are preparing to firing. I collect the ship.” Towa said as she put the ship in capsule.
Zaraf shot off four small ki blast blowing up the rest of turrets effortlessly since they haven’t fired yet. Dropping out of his Oozaru form, Zaraf laughed as he kicked off the ground flying towards the city. Following behind him, Lily and Towa could only sigh as they sensed the city gathering it soldiers.
When he began looking over the city he watched as chaos ensued as they ran around trying to hide. For some reason, Zaraf got reminded of a wood elf from his last life when he looked at them. Their tanned skin and pointy ears left a lasting impressions, expressially since neither he or Lily can get a tan.
A few weeks ago, he noticed that their skin lighten up from the lack of sunlight. However, since he been upgrading their cells, they are immune to tanning. Now both him and Lily held a light skin and now nearly impossible to get a tan. The only way now is to fly near a star which would probably kill them with the heat.
“What wrong Zaraf?” Lily asked.
“Nothing, just I don’t sense anyone over ten thousand. Unless, Gub is an expert in at least an expert in advance Ki control which I doubt.” He replied sighing which he began wondering if he Gub is worth this effort.
The effort of tracking the guy down might not be actually worth it as they are progressing in strength. The only real challenge they could get is if they don't transform when they battle him.
Now I know why Saiyans are considered a cheat. It almost the same for a man in blue suit and S on his chest. Zaraf mentally complained as the streets empted.
“This seems counterproductive.” Towa said pointing in the center of the town.
Nearly twenty thousand soldiers gathered with the weakest being four thousand in powerlevel. However to Zaraf or Lily’s disappointment the highest was eight thousand. Though, they began wondering why they have to fight an army for food.
“This is too much trouble for food.” Lily shouted waving her hands as he fake annoyance turned real.
“To the foreign invaders this planet is under the control of Lord Gub. Leave at once or face our army.”
A loud shout came over the speaker causing a blank look to appear on the trio.
“We just want to restock our food!” Zaraf and Lily shouted angrily as they gather Ki above their hands.
“Ah, um...this is awkward.” The voice wry laughed as the citizens came back out and the army dispersed.
Removing the Ki from their hands, Zaraf and Lily watched as a chubby elf like creature ran towards them. By the time he arrived he was covered in sweat and weird substance that made Zaraf want to kill him. The smell alone instantly gave him a headache, while Lily appeared unfazed. Sadly Towa seems to have been drawn towards him as she slowly made her way towards him.
“Is it Pheromones?” Zaraf grumbled as he smelled the stench become stronger.
[Beep! Host is correct and is recommend ending this planet. The civilizations has began dying out and resorting to kidnapping.]
[Emergency Mission Alert.
Task: Blow up Planet x56789
Reward: One World Traveling Ticket.
Penalty: Lost of Towa and Lily]
World Traveling Ticket, what does that do? Zaraf wondered.
[Beep! World Traveling Ticket allows the host to travel to another dimension that isn’t connect to the Dragon Ball Universe. This will allow he host to battle with stronger opponents than Zeno the King of All in the future.]
Only able to let out a sigh, Zaraf blasted a hole through the chubby man. He watched Towa snap out of it, though rage began radiationing off her. It seemed there was a little more than pheromones and possible hormones control.
“Zaraf, let hurry up and restock. We are blowing up this planet.” Towa growled.
“Already planned that,” Zaraf said as he began throwing Ki blast through out the town where the higher power levels began gathering again.
“Hurry up than, this place disgust me with all the bad smell,” Lily said pinching her nose.
How come Lily isn’t affected? Is she immune due to being a saiyan or something else? Zaraf wondered as he thought of running test later.
[Beep! Lily is immune due to Soulmate status.]
Zaraf could only mentally stare at the system for giving an answer he could have researched. Well there always the options of of researching what a soulmate includes now. Zaraf thought as he never really looked into it.
Flying around, Zaraf began going through stores storing any and all food he could in capsules. Meanwhile, Towa and Lily either fought with a weak resistenstient or anything of use. Twenty minutes later, they stood outside the city walking into their spaceship.
“Goodbye,” Zaraf said blasting a hole down to the core and setting the planet to blow in ten minutes.
The ship quickly left the atmosphere and entered deep space while they watched the planet exploded from the distinct. Unknown to them, they just ended one of the universe's biggest threats in future. There was was a young scientist that recently came into Dna of a Tuffle and would have build a creature known as Baby.
“Zaraf, this is getting boring, due to any planet we go to get blown up. Even the Demon realm became a waste of time in the end. We only managed to befriend Towa and we have no idea about Dub. We haven’t even had any decent fights.” Lily complained as she sat on the couch.
“I suppose we could Kai of Time and see if we can fight some of the weaker time anomalies.” Towa said.
“Who?” Zaraf raised an eyebrow as he knew of Kai’s but never heard of that one. Though he only really knows King Kai which is also known as North Kai.
Towa pulled out a white board from somewhere and coughed into her hands. “Ok, the Kais are split into normal Kais, Grand Kai, and Supreme Kai. Kai themselves are each given a quadrant of each universe such as North, East, South, and West. They watch over the living world and help by offering training to heroes.” She began explaining drawing a bottom of a pyramid.
“To oversee them, the Grand Kai, stands above them montionering them to make sure they aren’t abusing their positions. Well, that one of their duties, the other is help their universe strength to raise in general. Above them are the Supreme Kai who watches over both the Living world and Other world and Kais. However, the Supreme Kai of Time duty is to watch over the time stream.”
“How do you know that?” Lily asked.
“I had thoughts of breaking into the time vault in the future at one point or another. Now I just changed my mind since with you we can legally travel through time.” Towa shrugged getting a bored star from Zaraf.
“We need to contact her first and see if we get accepted first.” Zaraf said. “We also, should pick a planet to go to. We are currently just floating in space not going anywhere.”
“Set course back to earth, than we try traveling the north quadrant and just destroy some of Frieza bases. It pointless to chase Gub since we can’t seems to get to any planet to gather informations.” Towa said.
“I have to agree.” Lily said.
“Well it seems, we now know his secret. No one really cares to take him out.” Zaraf said leaving the room to program the coordinates.
However when he entered the control room, he spotted a large ship heading towards them with a familiar symbol on it. A large green skull was on the ship hull and basically everywhere, caused a slight grin to appear. It seems that they don’t have to give up their target after all since it coming to them.
Walking out of the control room, both Lily and Towa looked at him confused. They haven’t felt the engine start or the ship moving. They soon paled a little as they thought they were stuck due to the engine breaking.
“We are about to board Gub ship as it should pick us up in twenty minutes or so.” Zaraf said causing Lily to laugh. It seems that their luck is weird as they find it right after they can’t be bothered.
For the next twenty minutes they prepared for battle and excitement since blowing up the planet didn’t bring any. Somehow, blowing up a planet didn’t really bring anything besides annoyance to them. Sure they got to fight, but the weaker beings didn’t really bring anything to the table since they relied on tech.
As if on cue, they watched as they floated into a hanger like being ate by a metal monster. Taking a sense around them, Zaraf felt a high power level on board stronger than his base form. However all the minions were a disappointment as they barely reach twenty thousand.
Is it destiny that we must suppress our energy and strength to match others for combat experience. Even than there no danger to push our potential out. Zaraf began thinking as Towa opened the ship door.
“Let’s begin.” Lily said as she punched one of the soldiers aiming a blaster at her.
“There about a hundred and twenty on board including who I assume is Gub. That means we get forty each give or take depending on how fast you move through them.” Zaraf said as he rocket forwards.
He quickly and efficiently plowed through them tossing the engineers and soldiers bodies in the air. How they landed or if they lived he really didn’t care as he sure he heard their bones breaking on the landing. Behind him he heard Lily and Towa shouted numbers as it seems they started a competition between them.
Ah, it always nice to have a rival to push on to new heights. Maybe I can find one in the future. Zaraf thought as he finished with his thirtieth opponent and rushing towards the control room.
Blasting down the door he came face to face with a green man about four feet tall and four eyes. Staring at Gub, Zaraf scanned the man Ki signature put his power around two hundred thousand give or take. However what grabbed his attention was the similar looking one next to him in a frieza force uniform.
“Who has the nerve to run rampant in my ship.” A high pitch voice came from the man sitting on a throne.
Holding back his laughter and attempting to sounding intimidating which failed. Having a body looking five made it sound as if he was playing around instead challenging a small time space tyrant..
“My name is Zaraf and I challenge you to battle.”
“You,” Gub and what to appear to be his son burst out laughing.
Zaraf, quickly gathered most of his Ki into his hand and blasting them.
“How dare you kill my Son? Even if you kill us today, my son Guldo will avenge us in the future.” Gub shouted as the dust settled as he was injured and his son not so lucky.
Clique enemy lines much? Zaraf thought as he went into his fighting stance.
Fueled by rage and not caring about himself Gub, charage straight at Zaraf forgetting about defense. However his rage did push up his Ki and battle power up by nearly half a million, surprising Zaraf.
Shocked by the sudden jump, Zaraf took a heavy fist to his face followed by a few more to his head and torso. Coughing out spit and a little blood from his cut lips, Zaraf grinned as he continued attempting to block the heavy blows.
Bursting into the hanger, he caught a glimpse of Lily and Towa finishing up the graunts. Though Towa seems to be more worried about taking all their tech she can.
Taking a few more heavy blows causing his arms to go numb, Zaraf condensed large amount of ki before releasing it. Blowing a hole through out the ship, Zaraf watched as everything began to flow out into the universe while more explosion happened throughout Gub’s ship.
“Zaraf, you idiot why did you blow up the ship we are on. How are we supposed to fight if the target suffocated to death in space.” Lily shouted as she pointed to the dying Gub. It appeared that Gub’s species can’t survive in space, well not many Zaraf know can.
“No, my battle how can it end so bad. Stupid, stupid, stupid.” Zaraf shouted as he flamed step into the ship as they need to leave before the ship takes them with it.
Programming the earth coordinates into the ship, Zaraf carried himself to the healing room. Even if his body doesn’t need to enter the chamber, he still needs to patch himself up a little before either Lily or Towa complain.
However, both Lily and Towa were waiting for him with Lily smiling and Towa on the edge of exploding. In Lily’s hands was the first aid kit, while Towa seems to be holding scrap metal.
“You had to blow up the ship before I finished collecting some of their tech?” Towa shouted sounding angry though both could tell she not.
“Oops?” Zaraf could only chuckle as it was an accident and thought the ship was better built.
“Well let get you patched up. Than we can discuss your punishment for running off on your own to battle the boss.” Lily smiled towards Zaraf.
Somehow I feel terrified but she looks so cute when she angry. Ah, now not the time to be thinking that. Zaraf thought as he sat down on the stool.
For the next two hours, Zaraf went through one of his most painful times since entering this life. It seems that Lily formed a sadist side when she began patching him up. Any time he would flitch as she dabbed them a smile would form in her eyes scaring him.
“Well, back to earth until we can somehow contact Chronoa.” Lily said.
“I should be able to upgrade my staff and we might be able to. Though it might take couple months.” Towa said.
“Well we have two months of flying currently before we arrive so not a problem. Now it back to training.” Zaraf sad before an iron grip grabbed his shoulder.
“You resting until tomorrow, correct.” Lily smiled but a roaring demon and dragon appeared behind her.
“Yeah,” Zaraf said. System, why is she seem so concern. She shown some concern in the past but this seems different.
[Beep! Unknown, though it might be because she jealous that you blew up the ship and went to fight Gub by yourself.]
Ah, I don’t think that it, but let's go with that for the time being. Zaraf thought as he went to lay down.
While Zaraf went to sleep and Lily chatted with Towa as they went to work on Towa’s staff, a few glaltice force received word. In the headquarter of the Galactic Patrol, pictures of Zaraf, Lily, and Towa appeared. It was from them blowing up a planet as a lone patrol man was passing by.
Now they are wanted by the galactic patrol for destroying a planet and listed as class A criminals. Now only the elites or anyone over the battle power of seventy thousand is recommended to approach them. Sadly they are rare so, the galactic patrol just added them to a watch list.
Inside the Frieza force, a small green man with four received news that his father and brother were killed. From that moment on he will have his revenge at some point in the future when he finds them though food sound more appealing.
However either way, news of young looking monsters began circling throughout the universe. It has even spread to the Kai’s as they decided to take a look at the masterminds. When they saw it was trio of children younger than ten, they fell down. However when they investigate the planet they blew up they let it slide.
“Hmm, oh they want to get in contact with me.” a small pink skin woman mumbled as she was Chronoa the supreme kai of time. She was wearing a green and pink dress with her green eyes watching them closely waiting for their contact. Sure she could contact them at any time, but she was curious if Towa can really build a device that could do the same.
If she able to build it, than maybe she would agree to their requests since she could use the help. Sure there not many they could do yet as their strength needs to grow still, they can help out with the weaker ones.
- End197 Chapters
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