《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 10
Zaraf watched three suns rise and set only doing the bare minimum of body conditioning. Whenever he attempted to push himself, either Towa or Lily would appear and put an end to it. However over the last three days he did notice Towa was a friend and assistant to Lily. How that happened or what for confused him but he decided not to question it. He just figured it was a girl thing and would tell him if or when their ready.
So three days passed uneventful, besides Bulma throwing things at him. However she calmly talks to Lily or Towa spreading vicious lie about boys. Somehow, the thought of pairing her up with Goku like Lucifer wanted doesn’t sound nice. He doesn’t have with Goku outside of being an idiot. So why would he wish a demon upon him, though I heard Chi Chi or something was similar later in the series. Maybe she will calm down in a few years, Zaraf began to think as he mentally shrugged.
“Well this is goodbye for awhile.” Zaraf said to the Briefs who smiled at them. Tights was begging to come along, while Panchy and Dr. Brief were smiling like usually. Bulma just growled at him.
“Just go already bastard and leave Lily and Towa behind.” Bulma growled out.
“Zaraf, what did you do to make her hate you so much? It wasn’t bad when we went to the demon realm.” Lily whispered in his ear.
“I really don’t know, as she fine with you and Towa but hates me. It really only started when I was chatting with you and Towa in the garden after getting out of the tank.” Zaraf replied.
“Is she jealous?” Towa whispered.
“Why? We are so young and shouldn’t worry about relationships that follow friendship. Besides saiyans don’t really have the best track record in relationships. It a very rare or uncommon to find a pair of saiyan that are married.” Zaraf replied.
“Than what about you and Lily?” Towa asked.
“Well, my mother paired us which is even rarer as she had a prediction of the future of us together. So that why we are together even if our feeling aren't beyond best friend currently. There also that our bodies aren’t producing hormones yet, which should happen when we turn twelve or thirteen. Until then we are just uninterested in the other gender.” Lily explained allowing Towa some information on saiyans biology.
“What happens to after you found a partner or mate when your older? Than someone comes along either wants to share or your partner want to end the relationship?” Towa asked curious.
“Polygamy aren’t common among the saiyans due to the fact that most saiyans never married. Most either picked on strength or teammates and usually very loyal to their mates. However, there been a few exceptions in the past like a pair of great friends or sister sharing the same mate. Though the biggest ever recorded was three females with one male.” Lily continued to explain while Zaraf lightly pushed them towards the space ship.
“That interesting discussing our nearly dead race culture and all but let start this adventure.” Zaraf said as he set coordinates to a small planet under control of a space tyrant named Gub.
Gub has nearly ten planets under his control with a battle power of hundred and seventy thousand. He is known to be one of the weaker kings in the universe but he been in power for nearly fifty years. So even if he on the weaker side of the space kings or tyrants, he has to have tricks to live that long.
According to the current time and engine we should be able to arrive in a month time. This should allow us to train and allow Lily to reach forty thousands in battle power. When she transformed into her Ooruza form then Gub won’t be much of a problem. Zaraf thought as he didn’t want either Towa or Lily to die and to a weak opponent at that.
Beside how can he and Lily accomplish their goal of having the gods tremble at their names. It would be a waste and pointless to go to otherworld and have to gather the dragonballs. Sure it not recommend to gather them before the story begins, but if Lily’s dies recommend or not he’s gathering them.
When the ship broke out of the atmosphere while he was deep in thought a small smiled broke out on Zaraf’s lips. To be back out in space and exploring the universe or sub-realm that he now knows. It sort of ruin his fun, thinking that what he considered a universe others called a sub-realm now that he thought of it.
Maybe I should look into making my own universe in the future. Zaraf shrugged at the passing thought.
“So, what the current destination and time?” Lily asked as she looked out to the void known as space.
“A small planet that covered in sand and ruled buy our target. Gub a small time space tyrant that came to power fifty years ago with a battle power of hundred and seventy. The last time he shown his power was twenty years ago so take that power level as minimum. He is currently ninety years old of a race that have an average lifespan of two centuries. We should be arriving in a month time.” Zaraf gave her all his current knowledge of their target.
“What are we going to do with his planets after we defeat him?” Lily asked.
“Nothing as I’m not interested in running a empire and we are almost seven. I doubt many would want to listen to us even if we did.” Zaraf shrugged as he remembered seeing some fanfiction with them. Once the protagonist reached a certain level of strength they rampage through the universe. He not really wanting to follow their steps or running a empire.
“That true, but they are just going to be conquered again once the others kings get a scent of them.” Towa said.
“Not my problem. Besides they should train themselves to get them out of under someone else control. Why should it be our job to clean up their problems or the universe of tyrants?” Zaraf asked.
“Fair point.” Lily said sighing as didn’t want to run an empire either.
“Well let’s train so we can prepare for battle.” Zaraf sad with Lily nodding and Towa shrugging.
Towa sat around fifty thousand or so in battle power, but since he doubted her transformations. She was currently the weakest in the group, since he has sage mode and Oozaru currently. Though battle power doesn’t indicate who will win the battle, if they are more than double your strength you can only hope to scratch them.
This is due to the Ki unconsciously circulating over and through their body adding a small layer of defense. Also, the more Ki one holds the denser their body grow to contain their Ki and strength. It is why when Zaraf transform into his Oozaru form he looks twelve instead of sixteen now.
So over the next month, a small routine inside the ship began, with the gravity slowly increasing. At first they could only set the gravity to twenty inside the ship to twenty because of Towa. However since they could increase it with their glove neither Zaraf or Lily mind. They would train their bodies, while Towa would train her body but also in Staff art.
Though over the month, Zaraf could see more servant and master look between Lily and Towa. He still wondered why that is and just thought he was imagining it. As for their new level of strength, they all can withstand forty times gravity and seems unaffected. Though a small accident happened when Lily attempted her newest technique to multiple her strength. At first it was doing fine with a slight red glow, however in a less than thirty second it nearly shredded all her muscles.
Now she hovering around seventy thousand in her base form with Towa not far behind. It seems that demons or Towa are a prodigy in training. Her strength just keeps increasing effortlessly which sort of bugs both Lily and Zaraf as she does have the train they do. Though she did bake them a feast for their seventh birthday which passed not long ago.
“Our destination has come into view.” Zaraf gained a feral grin as he can’t wait to fight.
“Why does it look as if the planet devoid of all life.” Lily asked while, Towa frowned as she looked over the ship report.
“That because the only life on the planet is a tree that currently sucking the planet core dry of energy. If I’m correct that tree is known as the Great Demonic Tree, or Tree of Might. It will suck all the energy and life out of a planet forming fruits. If one eats one their strength will multiple and their lifespan increase.” Towa explained.
“Besides the destroying all life and planets it doesn’t sound too bad.” Lily said as she peeked at the report.
“The fruit is said to have a strong addiction to it, however the effects only work best once every seven years. However, many don’t know this so they travel to different planets destroying them to feed their addictions.” Towa said.
“So our original target might be dead if he was on the planet, and now we have to fight a addictic. However their strength might be higher or lower than our target and currently unknown.” Zaraf frowned as he hated unknowns but his Saiyan side wants to face the challenge.
“Their strength is should be below a hundred thousand, as there a few different theories. Once they pass a hundred thousand the effects are minimum or they might turn into the tree seed. It been thousands of years since one last appeared as it was thought the trees been destroyed.” Towa said.
It might be better to remove Lily’s and my genetic limiter. Zaraf thought even if he sure they will be fine.
Diving into his gentc playfield, a smile appeared as his Time Stop ability should be up and running soon. Arriving at his Genetic limiter he sighed as this is going to be his seventh one with seventy four left of the mortal limiters. He began wondering what it going to be like when they become alpha saiyans.
Breaking the limiter, he felt a rise in power adding and felt his cells began soaking up the excess energy growing even stronger. Even if it a small increase it raised his strength and talents in all aspects. Grinning, he switched over to Lily and broke hers and wondered if he should do the same for Towa.
[Beep! Towa possess the rare body where only the transcendent limiters exist. This allows her to increase rapidly and smoothly without facing any limits. However the drawback is she will have to do ten times the effort to break into the transcend layer.]
Somehow I should feel jealous, but I just can’t as I can easily break the limits and much more. Zaraf thought as he felt he could turn anyone into a genius. Though, he didn’t have any plans to take on disciples anytime soon.
“We need to prepare as we don’t know what we are facing. Even if we might not have a problem with our current strength we can’t be careless. Who knows what type of tricks they can have.” Zaraf said as the ship began breaking through the atmosphere.
When they landed on the surface of the planet, a barren wasteland greeted them with the dead trees covering the lands. It appeared as if a great fire swept through the burning everything except the giant root in the distances. A giant blueish tree was seen in the distances with a single power level around forty thousand standing in that direction.
Raising an eyebrow at the battle power, Zaraf felt something off as Gub was supposed to be here. So how can a forty thousand power beat someone four times his strength. The only reasonable thing he could think of is Gub wasn’t here to begin with.
“So, what your opinion of the situation, Zaraf?” Lily asked.
“Something off as there no way that power level defeated Gub. If what Towa says is true, than Gub must have left the planet before they arrived. However, they could be hiding their Ki or some device to change the limit. So, let's be careful.” Zaraf said seriously.
“If you say so?” Towa said unsure with Lily nodding.
Those two aren’t taking it seriously after looking at the opponent's Ki level. Why do I suddenly got a bad feeling about this? Zaraf wondered as he looked towards the sky.
Then as if answering his question, he felt a giant Ki power rapidly approaching with a smaller one as if they couldn’t hide it. It was pushing near six hundred thousand and seven thousand as space pods could be seen in the sky. Who ever it was just attracted everyone attention as the forty thousand went to investigate.
“I think our plan just got a lot harder.” Zaraf gravely said.
“The question is though who arrived.” Lily replied.
“Whoever it is, extremely angry and can’t control their Ki.” Towa said as the huge power level rapidly increasing before calming down.
Hopefully it not Broly. From my information I learned of him, he basically has no limits to his power. The angrier he grew the more power and that adding his super saiyans transformations on top. Zaraf thought as he remember that Goku had trouble beating from the wiki.
“Should we go or should we go track down our target on one of his other planets?” Zaraf asked as the forty thousand powerlevel vanished with a mountain.
“Are you afraid?” Lily asked in disbelief.
“Yes for our ship and the planet being destroyed. Even if we win the battle, it won’t do us much good if we are trapped on the planet. I doubt that Towa wants to shuffle us around until we got another ship.” Zaraf replied causing both Lily and Towa to blankly stare at him.
“Even if those are logical reasons, why don’t I just hang onto the ship in the capsule? I will just hang back and protect it since I’m not much of a fighter. Besides one of us have to move to get you in a healing tank later.” Towa offered.
“If that what you want and why do you make it sound like I’m going to get injured.” Zaraf grumbled as he lifted off the ground.
Towa chose to stay silent while Lily looked into the distinct. The Tree of Might just vanished in a giant green pillar of light. However that wasn’t the end of the destruction as more explosion shook the planet.
“I think that the planet core is unstable due to the the Tree blowing up. It must have reached the core and kept it stable. However since who ever blew it up, caused it to vanish the core is now set to explode.” Towa yelled.
“It seems our fight isn’t happening today if we turn to nothing.” Zaraf said dragging them into the ship and quickly picking their next planet.
Our first planet and it about to exploded in less than ten minutes of landing. Zaraf mentally sighed as the ship took off. He could feel the two other Ki’s having a similar idea with him hoping they don’t chose the same planet.
When the ship got a distance from the planet, he let out sigh of relief before joining Lily and Towa in their relaxing area. Out the window they watched the planet turn bright red with lava cracks appeared before exploding.
“I would say that it was cool explosion, but I highly doubted no one noticed our ship or the other pairs ships leaving.” Zaraf sighed.
“Why would that matter?” Lily asked.
“Because they will be on the lookout and might mark us since we were at the scene with a planet exploding. It won’t matter much but we might be marked as an up and coming space tyrant.” Towa sighed.
“That bad, as the ones stronger like Frieza or others will come for us. We are nowhere near their strength or experience in fighting.” Lily said trembling from fear and excitement,
“Well not to that extreme, we might just meet some resistent or hostility on the nearby planets.” Zaraf smiled as he doubted the space tyrants scanned the entire universe at all times.
“So, more training?” Towa asked almost scowling at the subject since that all they did for a month straight.
“Hm, why yes but not today as we need to rest. We will find our target or another one and we need to be ready. Besides, Both Lily and I need to get stronger to defeat Frieza for blowing up our planet.” Zaraf said with a dark tone at the end.
Sensing and hearing his anger, Lily patted him on the shoulder while wearing a similar frown. She still remember watching her mother waving them bye as they left the planet before it blew up.
“How strong do you think Frieza is?” Towa asked.
“We don’t know except it over half a million. He might have a transformation or something similar to us or other races.” Lily said pinching her noses. “However there is very little information about him since he barely moves unless he blowing up a planet.”
“Well that sucks, a powerful enemy which you have zero information on.” Towa said.
Soon after that the subject changed into some more light, and they spent time relaxing as they head to their new destination. The next planet was about three weeks away due to an asteroid field forcing them to take a two week detour. Of course they could fly through the field, but is known to be filled with space bandits. Zaraf and Lily don’t mind if they have to fight except stopping every time by someone with twenty thousand power level is a waste of time.
Picking up their training Zaraf and Lily began training even harder upping the gravity to fifty and rapidly climbing higher. Towa however just continued at her own pace easily keeping pace with them. Which only pushed Zaraf and Lily to push themselves to grow in strength that their body currently limiting.
Time passed and when the planet came into view, they were greeted with a big boom. The planet exploded with them barely catching two space pods leaving the scene. However, a great disappointment filled them as their space adventure is off to a bad start.
“Should we try to go to a third planet?” Lily asked.
“Why not, it not a fact they would end up on the same planet.” Zaraf said.
“Hope we can restock as we are low on food.” Towa replied.
The sound of thunder and fear appeared by both Zaraf and Lily as they shuddered from the lack of food. It was almost a death sentence to them and reminded them of their time in the cell with Dub.
“The closest planet is a week away.” Zaraf said quickly planning and setting course.
“Hurry and set course, we need to get there before the planet goes boom again.” Lily nearly shouted.
Towa was behind them sweat dropping at their antics because food was involve. She secretly began to wonder if they would save the universe for food. Than a crazy thought of a universe ran by food popped into her mind before disappearing.
“The call for more training awaits as we need to prepare to face the duo blowing up planets.” Zaraf said in a serious tone. “They haven’t allowed us to taste that planets food before blowing it up.”
Towa and Lily only rolled their eyes as the reason for training hard came to light.
“Zaraf why don’t you just sculpt for the week under the gravity? You haven’t done that since leaving Planet Myths.” Lily asked.
“I suppose I can.” Zaraf said leaving them behind as he prepares to carve rock in space.
So for the next week instead of intense training, Zaraf began carving a new statue of whatever popped into his head. Everything from the faces of himself and Lily or lifesize of themselves with Towa. Though he did make a mistake on Towa’s body earning a small smack down from both her and Lily.
It seems that he accidently made their bust size a little too big for them currently and they entered a short depression. So, besides being beat up and making them self conscious and the fact they yet to turn ten, not much happened.
“The ocean planet where water covers ninety three percent. The highest power level recorded is forty thousand ]and fifth planet Gub conquered. Sadly afterwards there no records after conquering he has yet to return once.” Zaraf read the ship file.
“So the chance of our space emperor being there is almost none.” Lily sighed.
“It would seems so, but one can never know if it's his hidden get away.” Towa replied.
“Well we will find out in two hours as we are landing and there no sign of the two space pods.” Zaraf grinned.
“What the worst that can happen.” Towa said setting up a flag as they drew closer.
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