《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 9
The day of the match arrived with both Zaraf and Lily wondering who they fighting and their battle power. During Towa’s last couple visits, both of them lightly suggested that she joins them in their adventures. However she has yet to agree or disagree to come with them when they leave.
“So how are you two feeling about your matches?” Dub asked as he was covered in fresh wounds from his latest match. His last opponent was an expert in blades and gave him some difficulties but in the end won.
“Confident,” both Lily and Zaraf replied smiling.
Nodding at his short time students, Dub smiled as he watched the guard approach. He let out a sad sigh as he had a bad feeling. The feeling didn’t include the two little saiyans, but himself and the last time he had it he was nearly killed. It was also the time his son changed and gained the M on his forehead.
“Zaraf, you're next match has arrived with your opponent having the power level of fifty thousand and basic military training. Lily your next opponent has the power level of forty eight thousand and also basic training.” The guard spoke as if he didn’t care and left.
“I want you two to be careful in your fights. The basic military training very savage as it targets all your weak points. They will aim for your neck, eyes, joints, ect, hoping to either kill you or cripple you forever.” Dub began explaining.
“Ok,” Both Zaraf and Lily replied but the lust for battle was there. There was no fear or arrogance just excitement.
Dub only let out a sigh as he thought about saiyans and their need for battle. It hasn’t changed since ancient times but he doubted for the future. According to them he learned that a tyrant known as Frieza blew their planet up. So, as far as they know less than six is living and all but one female.
“Just prepare yourself for your fights.” Dub groaned.
He watched as Zaraf and Lily began to stretch and warm up their muscles. When he began thinking of their personalities he could only smile. Zaraf seems to be a genius knowing which even he doesn’t though it mostly in genetics. Though he is smart he still acts like a child most of the time or making mistakes in his thoughts.
As for Lily she a naturally happy and loves to be near Zaraf, though she is cold towards the males. He noticed the coldness and fury when she looked at the other males in the nearby cells when they whistle at her. It wasn’t hard to figure out why they were here after those whistles and Zaraf nearly blasted them.
Not long after they finished, the guards appeared taking Zaraf causing the cheerful Lily to vanished. It not that she turned off her emotions but focusing on Zaraf through Ki sense. A part of him wondered what going to happen while they seperate for a while to train or fighting above their level.
Nearly ten minutes passed since Zaraf left, before the ground began to shake as small rocks began to float. However the shaking didn’t worry him or Lily as they felt Zaraf’s energy increased by nearly ten times. Some of the weaker ones in the cells fainted as they couldn’t handle the pressure that came baring down.
Not long following Zaraf increase, another one not much weaker appear. Dub instantly knew what was going on as they hoped to get rid of them earlier than plan. Zaraf opponent wasn’t at the powerlevel of what was given. In fact it was nearly three times the amount overpowering Zaraf by twenty thousand.
“Why is his opponent a general? They are the only ones with the power level of three hundred thousand or more, but Zaraf seems to be holding his own. How long is the question.” Dub thought as Lily grew angier at every passing second.
“Hurry Zaraf you only got five minutes left in that form at the pace your going.” Lily worried as she figured out they been tricked. They all thought it would happen either on the fourth or fifth match instead of the second.
Hearing her worries, Dub sighed as he began gathering natural energy in case he needs to recuse the boy. It is over kill to kill them for wandering into the dimension by accident and wonder what his son up to.
However before he was about to fight a one man war to rescue the boy one of the Ki signtures vanished. Checking who it was, Dub was shocked that Zaraf won, but the amount of wounds caused his Ki to barely noticeable. Weak it may be he was still living which was good enough for Lily it seems.
The joy did not last long as more strong opponent Ki skyrocket and seems directed at Zaraf. He could only sigh as he felt his Son also raising his power level but directed at someone else. It took him a moment to realized that it was Towa’s. How did this happen? Was the only thing going through Dubs head.
=== Zaraf Side ===
“It time for your match boy,” Zaraf heard the guard as he walked out of the cell.
Following the guard up to the arena the feeling of danger began to fill his body with every step. It felt as if something is horribly wrong and one wrong move mean death in an instant. Step by step the feeling of lead filled his legs but his saiyan blood roared in excitement.
Entering the arena, Zaraf let out a sad sigh as he instantly felt they were tricked. He can barely feel it as his opponent was a Intermediate bordering advance in Ki control. The giant green skin demon had a battle power over three hundred thousand.
So they plan to get rid of me this soon and bring out the big guns also. Zaraf thought as he looked at the demon. He wore a red uniform and it appeared he was in a hurry to remove emblems and pins. Holes covered the man uniform making it looked worn out except the color hasn’t faded and looked forced.
This isn’t going to end well as he a master of martial arts. Zaraf began thinking rapidly as he felt just as strong or strong staring at him. So even if I manage to win I doubt they are going to let me live anyways. Now the question is why and what changed?
“Welcome to the execution of the boy. He has been learning the secret arts of the sage.” Dubura shouted causing a massive gasp.
“His teacher is sadly my very own father who made it illegal to teach other species.” Dubura pressed on. “So, to correct his mistake, we will execute him alongside his student and keep the girl.”
Anger quickly turned into relentless fury as Zaraf listened. How dare they attempted to kill him and Dub for learning the sage art they either choose or can’t learn. To only increase his fury they want to keep Lily.
“Now let the execution begin.” Dubura shouted.
Flashing to the side of his opponent head, Zaraf delivered a heavy kick to the man head. Even with Ki not reinforcing his head, not much damage was done due to gap in power.
Not wanting to end his assault, Zaraf keep speeding up following up with Ki blast every time he sent the man flying. Everything from heavily Ki fist to eraser blast causing a massive explosion and the audience cheering.
Pausing in his assault, he noticed that the man was laughing at him as he brust off the dirt. He barely looked to have a scratch from all his attacks.
“Is that all you got boy? My power is over three hundred thousand so what can a boy with mere thirty thousand do?”
The man taunted as Zaraf sighed as he wanted to hold off as long as possible. He was hoping to save it for after defeating the man and the others attacking him. However things don’t appeared to going as planned and a two hundred and seventy thousand gap won’t work.
It great he hasn’t attack or I be either dead or heavily wounded, Zaraf thought as his mind cleared.
“Want to know when you corner a saiyan?” Zaraf asked receiving a confused expression.
“They rapidly improve and growing extremely angry. Expression about those that are their friends.” Zaraf nearly shouted as his Ki began to grow rapidly.
The surroundings began to change as a crater was created at his feet as the surrounding rocks began to float. On Zaraf’s body his body hair began to grow rapidly as his anger attempted to access his Super saiyan form as it flashes yellow. Sadly his S-Cells weren’t enough and won’t be for some more years. So, his body active his Oozaru form.
Zaraf’s mohawk rapidly grew reached down to his lower back as three rings appeared in his eyes. His muscles began to expand as he began to grow taller, but became more tone and looked more like he was twelve in human years. It seems that since his body grew stronger and more dense than before he can save Ki as he doesn’t grow as much.
Brown fur began to cover most of his body except his face, chest, hands and feet. When he finished transforming, he pulled in his Ki saving it for later. Only a slight glow of dark red remained as he roared. Long teeth could be seen as he held a feral smile as his deep red and green eyes stared coldly at the man. With the add rings around his eyes it added a hint of mystery and frighten the others.
“Let see how you handle this now,” Zaraf spoke calmly and coldly.
Before the man could responded he found himself in the air clutching his stomach as he spit out green blood. Only he didn’t get to fix himself as Zaraf was there kicking his head before shattering his legs. Before he could get a chance to fix himself and fight back, he took nearly ten heavy punches.
“Enough,” he shouted as he pushed his Ki out causing a wave of explosion.
Unable to safely escape due to close proximity, Zaraf blocked as cuts, burns and shaken arms appeared. Blown into the wall, Zaraf growled as the man grabbed a sword someone tossed him.
Gathering Ki into his hand and crudely adding sage energy he sent a Ki wave at the man who grinned as he attempted to blocked it. Sadly he didn’t train in the sage arts as he rapidly turned to stone but not before throwing his sword into Zaraf’s chest.
“Well that hurt.” Zaraf mumbled as he spit out blood. It seem that the sword punctured a lung as if felt he was drowning in blood. Stumbling, he continued to stand even as his vision began to blur facing Dubura and his guards.
While he felt their Ki bearing down on him and prepared to continue his fight even if didn’t think he live. Towa Ki signature appeared next to him surprising him.
“Dubura why are you attempting to kill him.” Towa shouted.
“Because I can and it my right as he growing too strong. What is to stop him from overthrowing me and taking my kingdom. Now step away from the boy and let us kill him, as he already killed one of our generals.” Dubura arrogantly said earning blanks stares.
Those got to be the worst villian lines I ever heard. Zaraf thought as blood poured out of his mouth and his body growing weaker.
Preparing to unleash one last attack, Zaraf felt two familiar Ki behind him before he felt a pair of arms around him. It seems like Lily Flame Step Dub to him when they felt his Ki growing weaker.
“Hey Lily, Dub glad you can make it.” Zaraf coughed as he attempted to joke.
“Towa, get them out of here and heal Zaraf I will handle the rest.” he heard Dub says as he watched Towa cut open space and dragged both him and Lily inside.
When they arrived at the otherside of the portal Zaraf knew he was back on earth. He knew that they were safe, and he could silently weep for Dub for the time being. Thoughts of either advenaging him or rescuing him when they have the strength flew through his mind.
“Lily, go to capsule corps, the healing chamber should be built by now.” Zaraf mumbled before for losing consciousness.
The next time he regain consciousness he was floating inside a tank filled with green liquid and his wounds healed. Outside the tank he silently watched as Towa and Lily bittker about something as they apparently disagree on something.
System how long have I been unconscious for? Zaraf asked as he felt it was short time but also long.
[Beep! Host has been unconscious for two weeks due to lack of blood.]
Can you bring up my battle power?
[Beep! Host’s current battle power is Seventy three thousand four hundred.]
So my battle power doubled with a little on top. I can’t say I’m surprised but it seems we need to up our training. Nearly dying is a great motivator and not knowing if one of your savior alive or not. Zaraf began thinking as the tank began to drain.
Stepping out of the tank in a pair of black shorts, Zaraf decided to pretend that he originally was wearing them. Sure he doesn’t mind bathing with Lily, but the thought of someone else looking at his dragon led to discomfort.
“Nice for you to join the living once again.” Towa joking said.
“But I was having this wonderful dream of Lily and we we-”
Before Zaraf could finish, Lily ‘lightly’ slapped the back of his head. Sheepishly smiling at her, he hugged her as he looked at Towa raising an eyebrow. The message was clear that he wanted to know what going on however, Towa ignore it.
“So, what been happening and how long was I in the tank for?” Zaraf asked Lily.
“Two weeks and it was a hit or miss for awhile with you. As for what you missed, Towa decided to come adventuring with us. She has agreed to build inventions or repairs alongside repairing the spaceship. At first she wanted to go rescue her father and asked her brother why, but the entire realm been cut off.” Lily began explaining rolling her eyes at Towa.
Towa began slightly blushing as both Lily and Zaraf were watching her with a smile. She was older than them but Zaraf’s red and green eyes filled her with joy. A slight smile appeared on her lips which caused Lily to gain a frosty look in her eyes.
“So, is there currently a plan or what?” Zaraf asked not seeing the frosty look in Lily’s eyes.
“Our ship is done so we can begin traveling throughout the universe. I was thinking about heading to the east quadrant. From the information I gained from the ship processor, it has a few tyrants that aren’t strong. However since that area unusually in chaos it makes it difficult to conqueror.” Lily began explaining.
“So we go there and start picking fights with the tyrants allowing us to fight and grow stronger. Than we should be able to take on Frieza in a few years. I say a few but it might be more than ten years. Depends on how fast we grow I suppose.” Zaraf began muttering as he began thinking for the future.
It annoyed him that neither he or Lily could allow the demon realm refine their bodies fully. Though it did cause their bodies become much denser allowing them to hold more Ki. If he had to guess, their current bodies was as dense as a saiyan recently finished puberty.
A saiyan body grows more dense as they age and train until the last ten years of their life. From there their body rapidly ages and strength decreasing. However, Zaraf doesn’t plan on allowing that to happen to him or Lily and possible others. It really depends on if they train or not as he can’t force anyone to train to the immortal level.
Now should I break the natural genetic limiter or hold off and break the same time as Lily? Zaraf began thinking. I will just wait as I don’t need to rush and widening the gap between me and Lily doesn’t seem smart. If I surpass her by to much I lose a valuable sparring partner.
“I am assuming that Towa coming along to see what the galaxy has to offer in form of technology?” Zaraf looked towards her.
“It a rare chance to be out of the demon realm and why should I waste it going back. Beside it times to much energy to cut open space again.” Towa replied not as cheerful as before.
“Than you got to train.” Lily said.
“Can we get something to eat?” Zaraf asked before a roar compared to angry dragon exited his stomach. Attempting to keep a straight face, Zaraf hide most of his blush by turning to the side.
“Sure,” both Lily and Towa began laughing at him as they led the way.
By the time meal was done, sixty plates of food met their end to him alone. Lily managed to finished fifty and Towa nine. It seems that demons eat more than human due to their bodies being denser but don’t burn through it as fast.
Maybe, I should look into making food or pill that compacts ten or twenty dishes into one. Though, it mean not being able to eat all these delicious food. They could be mixed in with them or used in emeracies. Zaraf thought as he watch a few robots take off with his empty plates.
“What are you thinking about?” Lily asked when she noticed him staring off into space.
“I was thinking about food and thinking of condensing it down. So instead of eating sixty plates it only be four or so but fill you up like it was still sixty.” Zaraf explained his thought.
“I will look into that as watching you two wolf down fifty or more plates like a snack was disturbing.” Towa said as she covered her mouth like she threw up a little.
“Ok, didn’t need to be rude about our eating.” Zaraf mumbled.
“I’m a demon of course I got to be a little mean.” Towa instantly replied.
He let her joke hang in the air for a few seconds making her feel awkward before bursting out laughing. It wasn’t the joke was funny it was so bad it made it funny. Walking towards Dr. Brief Ki signature he chatted with Lily. Even if it didn’t feel long to him, she spent two weeks staring at him in a tank.
It had set the record of not talking to each other, outside of hibernate sleep their space pods use to do to them. He is glad they got a friend coming with them now though was does it seem they are battling for queen. Zaraf caught glimpses of glares and battles fought with their eyes but pid it no mind as it didn’t bother him yet.
However if Zaraf bothered to look at his relationship tab he would have found an interesting title attached to Towa name. For the present though, he is unaware of it and going have the biggest laugh of all time in the future.
“It nice to see you up and moving again Zaraf. Yes, much better than practically dead when you arrived.” Dr. Brief said as they walked into his lab.
Inside the lab, Zaraf looked around noticing either broke, half finished inventions laying around. How the man managed to build a dino capsule or his spaceship, Zaraf decided not to think about it. The man has nearly thirty unfinished projects and he looks ready to start another one. Well he not going to judge the man as it his hobby or work.
“I am told that the ship is completed?” Zaraf asked not in a arrogant or forceful tone nor curious one.
“Yeah, actually finished about a month ago a week after you two left. I even added a couple more adjustments and healing pods. The gravity machine though can only reach up to three hundred gravity before the ship crumbles and implodes on itself.” Dr. Brief explained as he began leading them outside.
In the backyard a large ball with legs was sitting there with the capsule corps logo. With a mixture of white and black paint, Zaraf felt it look familiar. Touring around the ship, they were lead to four different room. The Control room, than the living room/ resting room, training room, and the healing chambers. To enter the ship they enter through the healing chambers since it on the bottom of the ship.
“So, how do you like your new ship?” Dr. Brief asked when they exited the ship.
“It functional, and allows us to move and train so it works for me. Though your logo, sort of removes the feeling that it ours and more like we are borrowing it. We did give you our ships to make it so it more co-owned?” Zaraf said with Lily nodding and Towa shrugging.
Since Towa didn’t travel in the space pods or seen them she couldn’t really care. There also her ability to travel through space tears she makes though she need coordinates.
“I suppose it is, well the ship will be collection information of the planets you land on. So when you return I will have information of different world in the galaxy.” Dr. Brief replied.
“Sure whatever, though it might be a few years before we return. Lily should we return to the next world tournament? Maybe we can find Kakkort at it.” Zaraf looked over at Lily.
“Why not, it be boring but it gives us a relaxing fight and we can treat it as a vacation I suppose.” Lily said shrugging.
“What the world tournament?” Towa asked curious.
“Where martial artist complete with each other see who the strongest. However most of the don’t know what Ki is or how to use it.” Lily gave a brief summary of it. “We entered the last one a month and half or so ago. It was boring until our fight but it was interesting at least.”
“I might want to enter, it might be fun to owned the weak ones.” Towa said grinning.
“Not the point but whatever floats your boats.” Zaraf said. “So when should we take off?”
“We need to go shopping and you need to relax for a few more days. You just finished healing so let set off in three days.” Lily said but left no room for argument.
“Three days it is than.” Zaraf sighed as Dr. Brief laughed and Towa shrugged.
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