《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 17
When Krillin heard his name called and known his opponent was Lily, he looked to be struggling. Since it was rude to the opponent, not that Zaraf was bitter about his, he ‘gently’ kicked Krillin onto the stage.
“Well, someone excited for his match,” The blonde announcer said as the crowd laughed. “Sadly, we are going to take a thirty minute break.”
“Oops, my bad,” Zaraf shrugged not caring at all.
“You did that on purpose,” Lily smiled as she wrapped her arms around his.
Not verbally replying, however his small smirk gave him away. They heard a small whine coming from Goku when they walked passed him. It seems he wanted to get the battle started so he can fight.
Walking over to one of the staff members, they asked if there was any food. Raising an eyebrow at the request, they simply said they see what they can do. After waiting ten minutes, a few plates were in front of them filled with chicken and ribs.
While they were enjoying the meal, the blonde announcer that Zaraf has yet to learn came over.
“Ok, I know one of your two are going to win, but can you at least drag out the fight. Some in the audience traveled to see a fight and not one lasting two seconds literally.”
Glancing at each other, they just shrugged since it didn’t really matter to them. They can just use the chance to train them both. However, Zaraf also was thinking how to get in touch with his instincts. The urge to do battle were there, but he doubted that was what the system was talking about.
Maybe, it has to do with the Oozaru form. Did I attempted it to early? Zaraf began wondering as he looked inside himself.
Appearing in a black space, he found himself staring at a mirror. Instead of just seeing his current form, it was his last life look and one another him. However the saiyan in the mirror seemed angry as his eyes glowed red and brown fur. He looked like he was in his Ooruza form but, it seemed different.
“...Af...Zaraf.” He heard screaming as he was pulled out.
“Zaraf, hello? My match is starting so you better watch.” Lily said looking at him with a frown. “Something wrong?”
“I may have found a possible breakthrough in a problem. However, I wait until later to explore.” He replied with a shrug.
“Ok, tell me later,” Lily said as she bounced towards the stage.
Watching as Krillin walked on to the stage as if it was an accomplishment, he wondered where it came from. He must have talked to Master Roshi and the old man must said something. It was probably something about going even if he terrified and no chance of winning.
Lily looked amused as she took a stance as she will drag out the fight and use it to train Krillin. She wondered how strong this human can grow, since humans don’t follow any track. The Saiyan were a warrior race before being destroyed. The Truffles were a Tech race as they advance through technology. However, the human follow both of them as some are fighters, while others are scientist.
“Begin.” The announcer said as Krillin went on the offense.
Lily watched as the bald fighter throwing a fist at her head. Slightly lean to the side, she jabbed out at the openings she found.
Jumping back to put distance between them, Krillin appeared to be sweating. He seemed conflicted on what to do. However, a smile soon appeared on his face.
“He thinks he has a chance of winning,” Zaraf mumbled amused by it.
“Why is she taking so long to beat him?” Goku asked as he watched.
“She training him,” Zaraf replied with a shrug. “She attacking everytime she sees an opening which slowly raises his skills.”
About five more minutes passed before Krillin was laying down on the stage covered in bruises and panting heavily as he spent all his energy. Lily on the other hand doesn’t even look like she just fought for nearly seven minutes.
“The Winner is Lily.”
The crowd cheered as the fight ended and Goku dragging Krillin back to the waiting area.
“Now, let give a warm welcome to the contestants of the final semi finals. Zaraf and Goku.” The announcer shouted the names.
Stepping onto the stage, both of them took a few paces apart waiting for the match to begin. Raising his arms and sliding his foot out, Zaraf wondered how long he should fight for. Goku, has a lot more stamina than Krillin, and learns quickly.
“Let the match begin.” The blonde announcer shouted.
He waited for Goku to make the first move, however Goku seemed to have taken his approached and waited. Lightly tapping the ground, he vanished and appeared behind Goku. Tapping Goku’s shoulder, a slight grin appeared as Goku attempted a roundhouse kick.
Shrugging off the kick as if an itch, he sent out a couple of jabs on Goku stomach due to him dropping his guard. He watched as Goku clutched his stomach in pain, but showed no sign of giving up.
Blocking a couple punches and sending a few more, Zaraf watched Goku become stronger and better. The amount of energy and wasted movement slowly vanished as Goku began copying his style. Sadly, for Goku, the style is a lot more energy consuming when one attempted to learn or copy it.
“Keep practicing and we can have a rematch in a few years.” Zaraf said as he knocks Goku out of the ring.
“The winner is Zaraf.” The blonde man said as the audience roared to life in cheers.
“It is time for the Finals and is Zaraf going to protect his title or is Lily going to win this year.” The announcer hyped the crowd.
Lily walked out onto the stage filled with confidence before taking her place across of Zaraf. Taking up her fighting pose. He followed since it was always interesting to fight against Lily. They would always change up their styles or moves hoping to take advantage of the moment of hesitation.
After the announcer began the matched, both shot forward crossing arms as a small but powerful shockwave originated from them. The to began trading blows, never landing a single strike on on each other. Fist would meet fist, while there kicks would be match by a kick. To the untrained eye, which most of the aducience and annocer are, they appeared to be teleporting around the arena.
Dust filled the audience eyes as their movements and strikes kicked up a small dust storm. Everyone was watching to see who would get the first visible strike and come out on top. Suddenly the fighting paused as they came into view as Zaraf landed the first strike on Lily’s stomach.
Lily, clutched her stomach as she spit out a mouthful of saliva. He knew that it wouldn’t hurt her much or destroy the surroundings. However, he saw a small smirk form before she kicked him. Sliding backwards, as he felt his arms shaking a little as figured out her plan. She increased the gravity the moment before her fist connected and lowered it instantly afterwards.
It was a genius move, but if she loses focus even a little it would injure her badly that it would end the match. The other problem is the amount of strain and energy consumption on her body. The rapid fluctuation could easily take a toll on her body, and her Ki rapidly draining.
“Increasing the gravity with your strike, that genius. However, that a very dangerous thing to do. I love the idea though,” Zaraf smirked as he vanished from his spot.
He appeared behind Lily as he turned off the gravity on his body. Normally it was sit at hundred but once he turned it off, his speed was off the chart. So was his body coronation as he almost fell off the stage, before appearing behind her. With a small chop to the back of her neck, e knocked her unconscious winning.
“That was fun, I suppose.” He said picking her up.
“And he defend his title once again, Folk. Zaraf is the world champion.“ The blonde announcer shouted as the audience cheered the loudest.
“That was a cheap shot,” Lily grumbled as she quickly regain conscious on his shoulder. She was only out for a moment, but it won him the match.
Heading back to Capsule corps after collecting the wins, Bulma dragged Goku off somewhere. Towa sent a message to Chronona who on her way to pick them up. Deciding to take a nap, he laid on Lily’s lap quickly entering his sleep.
Appearing back into the black room with the mirror, he looked at the two different version of himself. Taking a seat in front of them he wonder what happens now. Should he accept them both only one and which one. Will his personality change or stay the same.
“So, you return,” His Saiyan yelled out.
“Of course he return, they always return just like those scientist and those fights to the death.” His human side said as if depressed. He never really acted like that so he wonders why it his human instincts are.
“Well, now what do we do?” Zaraf asked since he was confused.
“First, we destroy this little side passager that has no right to be here,” his Saiyan side said as the black room lit up revealing a bug. It looked to be eating an orb, which he instantly felt wasn’t good.
Firing a few ki blasts at it, only managed to enrage it. Dropping the orb it was eating, it charged at them. Jumping over the beetle looking bug, he continued firing ki blast across it shell barely putting a scratch on it.
“What are you doing? You need to kill it not knock it out. That thing wants to eat your soul and your lucky it only hatched or you be long dead.” his saiyan self shouted.
Activating his Sage mode, his body gain red primal tattoos all over his body as he continued his assault. The beetle only roared in anger as the attacks grew stronger and started to feel something.
“Dragon Kamehameha.”
Zaraf shot a large red blast as the hints of black formed dragons. A loud roar was heard as the attack connected, followed by a loud squeal. The bug was still alive however it was injured but showed no signs of dying yet.
Before, he could recover, the Beetle appeared in front of him and smacked him into the ground. The feeling of his bones breaking and blood running down his lips brought him back. Glaring at the Beetle, he unleashed all his Ki as he transformed into his Oozaru form.
Brown hair covered most of his body except his head, chest and hands. His mohawk grew longer, as his muscles expanded slightly. Three rings appeared around his iris as a red line appeared around his eyes.
“Prepare to dye you insect.” He shouted enrage as his pride refuse to accept a lost to a bug.
A small red ball of Ki gathered in his hand as a black, red, and green ring surrounded it.
“Sage Cannon.”
He hit the bug right between the eyes as the ball pass through the shell effortly before exploding the beetle. However, whatever was left of the beetle began to gather, before four of them appeared. It has returned stronger than before.
Panting as his attack took most of his energy, a fiery appeared in his eyes as the three rings around his Iris merged into one. What was left was a magenta colored ring that slowly began cycling through colors.
“Why didn’t the bug stay dead.” Zaraf roared as he went on the attack.
“You need to erase it entire existence. Whoever planted this in you really wants you dead.” His human half replied sighing as if it another day.
Smashing his fist on the steel like shell, Zaraf felt his arms shaking but he refused to give up. Punch after punch, kick after kick, his entire body felt numb as he gathered all the bug into one pile. Placing his hands by his side, he began gathering more ki than he ever attempted before.
“Sage Dragon Wave,”
A loud explosion happened as his attack as instead of his red and black ki, a golden dragon came out. It ate the bugs, before facing him. It had glowing red eyes, and golden scales. However it looked like a giant snake with wings as two hands appeared on either side of him.
“Hmm, greeting young saiyan it has been a great deal of time since I last met one. Your are quite strong for your age also and holds many secrets. Your goal is to become stronger than the gods a worthy goal. I will gift a small parting gift for the snack.” The golden dragon said before leaving never once allowing Zaraf to speak.
A loud smash was heard as the mirror that his two copies were in smashed apart and merged into him. He felt a great deal of emotions at once as he was depressed from his last life. Than great deal of rage, which only heightning due to the Saiyan side being added into the mix. It not that saiyan are naturally angry, it just their emotions are heightened he figured.
Than before he could calm his hurricane of emotion a great deal of pain attacked his nervous system. It felt as if his entire body was being torn apart and rebuilt only to be torn apart again. No matter the pain he was awake for the entire thing as wanting to scream but nothing appeared.
Outside his body, his entire body was covered in sweat as he began bleeding from his eyes, nose, and ears. Random cuts appeared on his body as causing severe bleeding which Lily, Towa and Chronona attempted to stop. She appeared just in time to help as no one knows what is going on with Zaraf.
“Why is this happening?” Lily asked as tears gathered in her eyes as she attempted to stop the bleeding.
“I’m surprised he still alive as anyone else would be dead three times over with the amount he loss.” Towa said.
“Whatever it is, it will replace the blood that he lost. You said he was taking a nap?” Chronona asked as she placed a banaged on a new wound.
“Yeah, than all of a sudden his Ki spike higher than ever without using any of his transformations. It was nearly seven hundred thousand which isn’t possible, since we are barely over three hundred thousand. Than it just dropped back down to normal before he started bleeding.” Lily said before a green glow encased Zaraf body.
All his wounds and skin rapidly healed, not leaving a single scar behind, however his body muscle expanded a little bit. It looked similar to Teen Gohan versing a creature call Cell. A teen that Chronona seen before looking through the timelines.
“Well, he looks fine now, but what happened?” Towa asked.
“I don’t know, at the Tournament he zoned out for a while and when I asked him he said he thought of something. I was going to asked him after his nap and this happened.” Lily said wiping her tears since she saw he was ok.
Minutes pass and he didn’t show any sign of waking up, however his ki began climbing higher and higher. Eventually it evened out around six hundred thousand but it raised the question on what happened to him.
“Let take him back to the Time Nest, and we can locate Gu to take him out.” Chronona said as Lily lifted Zaraf and they vanished into a white light.
For the next three days, Zaraf didn’t show any sign of waking up. However on the fourth morning, he sat up as he opened his eyes. Instead of his normal Red and Green eyes, a magenta ring surrounded them. Looking around the room with confusion as the scenery changed.
Hearing the door open, he looked to see Lily entering holding a tray of food before dropping it. From the dark circles under her eyes,he could tell she hasn’t sleep for a few days. When she saw him staring back at her, the tray dropped to the floor as she jump on top of him.
“Your awake finally. You been asleep for three days.” Lily said as she shook him.
“Oh, really it just felt like a short nap,” He said not sure how to explain that made it feel like centuries.
“Stay here, I will go tell the others that your awake now.” Lily said as she ran out of the room.
Shower, than eat, then return. Zaraf nodded as he left the bed.
When Lily return with Towa and Chronona following behind her he was in the kitchen making a sandwich. Well, a really long sandwich nearly ten feet long. Every foot was a different type of sandwich.
“Yo,” He said as he took the first bite.
“What happened to you?” Chronona asked raising an eyebrow.
“Something pretty cool, probably?” Zaraf said shrugging.
“You looked like you were in pain for days, and that all you have to say.” Towa shouted in disbelief.
“Well, turns out someone planted a soul beetle in me or mind beetle. Anyways, that was a pain and a half to get rid of. Only, at the end a golden dragon appeared and ate them while causing the who pain issue.” Zaraf shrugged.
[Mission: Get in touch with your inner self. Complete
Condition: Discover what it truly means to be a Saiyan.
Rewards: Genetic Code for Ancient Saiyans
Failure: Unable to become an Ancient Saiyan.]
[Mission Reward: Error reward override. Host has became a Half Ancient Saiyan.]
[Name: Zeref (Zero)
Age: Twelve years old one Months
Bloodline: Ancient Saiyan (50%) Elite Saiyan (50%)
Battle Power: 600,000 (0)
Multiverse Points: 151,000
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