《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 6
A week flew by since Zaraf and Lily landed on earth and met the Briefs. During the last week, Tights been showing them around West city and introducing them to earth culture. However, both of them refused to slack on their training and increased the gravity to twenty five times of earths. At first they were tempted to go to thirty times but nearly dying when they landed on Planet Myths changed that.
At first Lily tried to get Bulma the blue hair girl to come train with them, but quickly shot down. According to her, it seems martial arts and fighting is beneath her and waste of time away from inventing. How she sits in her room building weird gadgets all day only coming out for meals or school was beyond them. To a saiyan sitting still wasn’t their strong points as they have to do something. The only exception to that, Zaraf knows is when a female saiyan pregnant as they mellow out during the later half.
Currently sitting on top of a rock, Zaraf was working on his Ki control as he nearly down zero leakage. This would mean he would step into the master domain of Ki control and would be undetectable to all Ki scanner. He also be able to hide from those with poor Ki sensing skills with little to no effort. From the feeling that Lily giving she not far behind of him and would step into master domain around the same time.
Though living on earth is fine and all but the lack of materials that can grow with Oozaru transformation is saddening. Lily forgot that their current clothes don’t grow so while practicing the form her naked sixteen year old self appeared. Which Zaraf didn’t mind and luckily no males were around or Other world would have some new visitors. There was also the lack of strong opponents, outside the two of them.
“Hey Zaraf, I hear that the twenty world martial arts tournament is happening in a week. It is said the strongest is coming out to play. Do you want to go enter?” Lily asked as they finished up their Ki control training for the day.
“Sure, though I doubt there will be hardly a challenge there. I’m more curious about that weird Ki signature we sensed a few days ago. Do you want to go investigate after or before the tournament.” Zaraf replied.
The two of them were felt a strange Ki signature a few days ago as it negative but no harmful intentions. Naturally, the two wanted to go check it out, but their instinct told them to wait as it not time yet. To them it was a feeling they would receive if they attempted to push their body beyond their limits limits nearly killing them. If neither Pheon or Azure been there than both Zaraf and Lily would have died due to that reason.
“We are going after as we might not make it back in time.” Lily said determined. “Until then hardcore training as one should overestimate any opponent.”
Cute, Zaraf thought as he smiled and memorized Lily’s determined expression.
“So what is our Training session going to be?” Zaraf asked hovering circle around her taking in her cuteness as she thinks.
“We double our efforts and current regiment,” she said filled with pride as Zaraf fell to the ground.
“That not a plan, at least switch it up or something. However, since I said think of a plan we will follow it.” Zaraf said picking himself up and dusting off the dirt. “Remember not to over do it as we don’t currently have a way to heal ourselves quickly or efficiently.”
Well, Zaraf didn’t say a complete lie, but why should he rely on the system to heal them. He would rather look into other means as it might mean adventure or fighting which he loves.
Wasn’t dragon ball created around seven wishing orbs when collected grants a single wish? Zaraf thought while thinking of ways to increase their recover if they get injured or life threatening injuries.
[Beep! It is unrecommended to use the dragon balls for any wishes until the story starts in six years.]
“To bad we can’t make a healing chamber.” Lily said frowning.
“Huh, we should be able to if my ship storage drive is still functions. My storage drive has a copy of blueprints cover most of the technology that was on Planet Vegeta. I just never bothered with it on Planet Myths as I didn’t see a reason.” Zaraf said as Lily’s word dug that memory to the surface.
“Than what are you waiting here for? Hurry and go see.” Lily nearly snapped as something might happen to it soon.
Zaraf just shrugged as he Flame Step to the chamber that held their space pods and the ship Dr. Brief working on. The ship is actually mostly done according to him as he is working on the food storage and fine tuning it. Looking around the parts from their ship, he found the storage drives in the junk pile.
Wonder why he tossed them into the junk pile? Zaraf thought as he Flame Step away.
The real reason they were in the pile is because he couldn’t open the file. Any time he attempted to open or read the file it would crash his computer. So, left with little option he put it off to the side to deal with later. However, since Zaraf didn’t know this he plugged it into the monitor and hooked a keyboard into it.
“Lets see what we got?” Zaraf mumbled as hundreds of pictures of their first three years of life appeared. It appeared that Luna has took picture of the two of them before they left Planet Vegeta and store them on Lily’s Ship.
Switching to his ship storage drive he began scanning over the medical file and sighed in relief. The file held the recipe to make the liquid and complete blueprints for the healing chamber. Quickly, hooking the storage drive into the printer he printed off the entire blueprint and went to find Dr. Brief. He wanted to see if he could get it installed on the ship and possibly sold for some pocket money on the planet.
“Hey, Dr. Brief is it possible to install this in the ship and possible sell it for an income for me and Lily?” Zaraf asked as he Flamed Step next to the scientist.
He began looking over the blueprints not showing any outward signs of excitement or disapproval. It bugged Zaraf as he couldn’t read him as he usually can read someone current moods even with a poker face. However, Dr. Brief seemed like a master who has perfect control over his emotion giving nothing away.
“I don’t see why not, but making the medical liquid will take the longest. So, it would take another few weeks before your space ship complete. As for selling them sure that possible.” Dr. Brief said not mentioning how profitable it will be since he doesn’t know or care.
“That fine, Lily and I senses a weird flux in Ki on the planet and going to check it out after the martial arts tournament. It weird as it doesn’t move or change so it might be an item or portal.” Zaraf said before leaving.
“Well good luck,” He heard Dr. Brief call out before the door closed.
For the following week, until the tournament Zaraf followed Lily instruction in training before sighing. He been forced to forcefully stop training twice every three days due to almost injuring themselves. It seems even if Lily act mature most of the time, she still six year old closing in on seven.
Appearing at the fighting arena, Zaraf wondered if he should get the Briefs to invest in the next tournament. The thought of standing in the crowd unable to see the fight bugged him as his saiyan side scream. It was as if being unable to watch the fight, it was as if it was the devil in his ears.
However today another part of him was happy as he and Lily were wearing their Gi they got from Pheon and Azure. Zaraf with his long mohawk and red and green eyes with his handsome and slightly tan skin was like eye candy. All the girls scream at his cuteness as they looked at him in his black vest shirt with a shiny golden and blue dragon on the back. His matching black boots and wrist bands with his tail wraps around his waist like a belt. While on his left hand a black gravity glove..
Lily was also receiving the same treatment with her long spiky hair reaching down to her butt with icy blue eyes. She wore her white Gi with a black shirt underneath. On the back of her Gi was an red phoenix with golden eyes. While on her right hand a black gravity glove.
Somehow when all the guys looked at Lily, a pang of coldness went through his heart creating an unapproachable aura. Zaraf could hear Lily and Bulma laughing as they watch him while Panchy, Bulma’s mother giggled. Deciding to ignore their laughter, Zaraf walked over and signed up receiving weird look from staff and visitors.
Signing up behind him, Lily joined before they were led inside the building for the preliminary. Inside the building, Zaraf counted eighty fighters from different races and builds. From absolute giants towering above them to larger than average. Zaraf managed to see a large man, and slightly shivered as the man gave him a smile. It wasn’t a kind or acknowledgement it was more of lusty one and it was directed towards him.
“What wrong, Zaraf?” Lily asked as she missed the man smile.
“There a pervert here and swings for the illegal side.” Zaraf mumbled as Lily tilted her head not understanding.
Seeing her confusion, Zaraf sighed and dropped the matter there and hope the pervert not in his block. “Forget it, what block are you apart of Lily?”
“Block B,” Lily replied.
“Nice, that means we can both take part since I’m in Block C.” Zaraf said as he looked at the board.
“Number Thirty Three and Thirty Four in arena C, please.” an announcer called.
“Well that me, wish me luck.” Zaraf said as Lily playfully slapped his arm. The two of the sensed that most of the fighter barely had a battle power of five.
Appearing on the stage, Zaraf opponent was a large man in both height and width with long golden hair. He looked to be in his later twenties and not taking this seriously as he raised his sloppy guard. Behind him his buddies were laughing while saying something along the lines of a easy win.
“It not too late to back out little boy.” The man said in a deep mocking voice.
“But Grandpa your too old to be fighting. You might break your hip on the way down.” Zaraf returned the favor watching the man turn red and his friends roar with laughter.
“I’m only twenty six and just married.” The man screamed.
Only twenty six and who cares if your married. Zaraf thought as he waited for the referee to start.
“You may begin,” The referee said and looked ready to stop the fight at any moment.
Launching himself forward with his left foot, Zaraf punched the man in his gut causing the man to spit. Dodging the spit, Zaraf spun around kicking the man out of the ring in less than three seconds.
He could have ended the fight much sooner, but he lowered his strength so the referee could watch. It would suck to be kicked out as they would call him a cheater, though they might say that due to his strength. After a few seconds has passed he didn’t hear the referee to call the match.
When Zaraf looked at the referee, he looked at a statue and surrounding fighters in the similar state. Snapping his fingers he finally woke them up, which he was declared the winner and hopped off the stage.
When he looked over to Lily direction, he noticed that she was having the same issue with weak opponents. In similar steps, Lily tossed her opponent outside the ring with his bone snapping landing. ‘It seems her opponent made her mad’ was Zaraf only thought as he patiently waited for his next fight.
However his joy soon turned to disappointment as the fight between the two who be his next opponent ended in a double knockout. So, he cruised into the third round where tragedy struck again. Either both fighters want to fight him so badly or terrified, Zaraf didn’t know as all his opponents kept knocking themselves out. Finally when the final eight were pick, he had a total of one fight while Lily got four.
“Zaraf how were your matches?” Lily asked.
“I only had one and that was the first one. My opponents kept knocking themselves out the match before they face me.” Zaraf disheartened said drawing circle into the ground.
Lucky bastard, the other fighters mentally yelled except Lily who patted his head attempting to cheer him up. However, her next words would have wounded those men pride if they heard her.
“Cheer up, it because they were too weak and the gods decided to help them.”
“I guess,” Zaraf said not lifting his head.
“Ok, can I have everyone attention,” a young blonde man wearing a suit and sunglasses shouted. “I will quickly cover the rules and have you draw numbers for your opponents. The first one is no weapons or killing is allowed. No hitting below the belt, poking in the eyes, ect. Now let’s move onto the numbers.”
Walking over to the box, he pulled out a small piece of paper with the number eight on it. Handing it over, Zaraf rejoined the group with Lily going next and drawing the number one slot. Soon the they all had their slot drawn with him fighting a man with a gem in his forehead. It reminded Zaraf of monks in his old world but thought they might have them here also.
Maybe they can use Ki also? Zaraf thought as he sensed the guy battle power and sighed. His battle power was barely above the average and sat perfect at seven. At first he thought it was suppressed, but the man appeared to have zero idea on Ki.
Lily’s opponent was a chubby man which Zaraf watch belly bounce his opponent out of the ring in the primary. It was interesting to watch as most of his opponents punches or kicks disperse over his fat leaving him with little injury. The only problem, Zaraf can see with the man is his overconfidence.
“Welcome to the Quarter FInals. First up we have Chang vs Lily.” The announcer said over the speaker getting the crowd roaring in excitement.
When the match began, Lily launched to the man side and swipe kick his feet out from under him. Bouncing as he impacted the, Lily placed both her hands on the ground and double kicked the man out of the ring. The entire fight took less than four seconds since Lily wanted to show the crowd as it be boring to be over in an instant.
“The winner is Lily.” The announcer man said while the crowd cheered blinking unsure what happened.
“That was fast,” Zaraf commented when Lily returned to his side.
“It because he was weak.” Lily sighed. “The amount of true fighters are too few or old.”
Zaraf could give a small laugh as the surrounding fighters glared at them. Being told they are weak and not real fighters by a pair of six year olds must have hurt their egos. However, they choose not to comment as they seem terrified of them. The two or more Lily swept through the primary with easy and her fight less than ten seconds.
This however didn’t stop them sending glares that contain daggers towards him. Zaraf could only mentally sigh as he had to deal with grown men and their bruised egos. Luckily the next two matches completed quickly leaving tired and bruised fighters.
“Now the finally match of the quarter finals, King Chappa vs Zaraf.” The announcer hyped the crowd.
Walking out on the platform the crowd quieted down as they looked at him and his small size. He could only hear a couple of claps for him and those were from Lily, Panchy, and Bulma. However when King Chappa walked onto the stage they erupted into a roar.
Haven’t they learned that size doesn’t matter in martial arts? Zaraf wondered as he bowed to his opponent and raised his guard. Even if he instantly able to beat the man, he decided to take his time as the lack of fights started to bug him. It wasn’t fair how everyone around him got to fight more matches than him, and he could only watch. His Saiyan blood screamed in protest as it was unfair.
“Whenever you two are ready you may begin,” the blonde man said as he hop backwards and out of the way.
“Give up boy as I will become the champion.” Chappa said.
Not replying to his attempted to riling him up, Zaraf gave him the universal signal to come. Surprising it worked and Chappa rushed towards him while moving his arms quickly. This created an illusion of him having four arms, but since Zaraf stronger it looked like a parlor trick.
“Look it King Chappa famous Eight-Arm Fist technique. What will the young Zaraf do now.”
As if replying to the announcer, Zaraf threw a few punches at Chappa’s hands ending in a bone crushing sound. He has accidently broke the bones in Chappa hands and ended the match much soon than he liked.
“Oh, young Zaraf just broke King Chappa hands in a single strike. How strong is this little guy and will he make it through the semi finals with just amount ease.” The announcer said before the hour intermission started.
Returning to Lily’s side, they went off to find Bulma and Panchy which was easy due to Ki sensing. However when Zaraf looked at Bulma a small tremble went through her eyes from fear. Raising an eyebrow, he decided not to be bothered by it since he couldn’t careless. Over the last two weeks between training and talking with the others he watched her spoiled attitude.
I almost feel bad for Goku, but I promised Lucifer I would attempted to pair them up. If it doesn’t work than not my problem. Zaraf thought as he followed them to a nearby restaurant.
“So, are you two enjoying the tournament?” Panchy asked as plate after plate arrived at the table.
“It mostly boring fighting weak opponents.” Lily replied.
“At least you have opponents. Mine keeps knocking themselves out.” Zaraf grumbled.
“Well at least you don’t need to worry about your next opponent.” Lily pointed out cheering him up.
Looking at the source of the sound, Zaraf seen a hover car crashed into a pole and a bleeding man behind it. However instead of worrying if they are alright Zaraf could only slam his head on the table. The man bleeding and few broken bones was his next opponent in the tournament.
“Maybe, it just your day?” Lily wry laughed.
“Sigh, maybe I should drop from the tournament as it boring to win with only three fight throughout the whole thing.” Zaraf said as he went back to eating.
“We will be able to get a few decent fights when we go to the negative Ki I’m sure.” Lily attempted to cheer Zaraf up but sounded like she forcing it.
“Your either really lucky or unlucky.” Bulma said.
“Oh, look dessert here.” Panchy comment as if missing the whole atmosphere and conversation.
For the remaining time Zaraf just sulked as he had to wait for Lily to defeat her opponent to start the finals. Her opponent was a short man who acted more like a movie martial artist than a real one. Nearly all his moves were flashy and lack power behind them or at least in his opinion.
“Due to an accident taking out Mighty Man, this is the only Semi finale as Zaraf is automatically placed in the finales.Now lets welcome Lily and Khah to the stage.” The announcer attempted to warm the crowd up.
“Now let the Semi Finales begin.”
Lily instantly kicked off and swept kick the man feet out from under him causing him to land on his head. The match ended in a blink of an eye with a knock out as the man was carried off and the announcer looked troubled.
“Well, that was a quick match allowing up to move straight into the finales and with the youngest contestants to take part. Both of them are a few months shy of turning seven so give it up to Lily and Zaraf.” The blonde announcer said before pulling the two off to the side.
“Make this fight last longer than a few seconds as many didn’t come here for a anticlimactic finales.”
“It will last longer than a few seconds.” Both Lily and Zaraf replied in sync.
Walking over to their spots, Zaraf send a grin to Lily who returned it as their saiyan blood roar in joy. Due to lack of fighters on the planet and fights the two began sparring much more than on Planet Myth. On Planet Myths they could find strong beasts to fight against, but sadly Earth didn’t have that. So the only option left was each other, and destruction in the desert.
“Let the finals begin.”
When the match started both Zaraf and Lily kicked off the ground with their fist clashing with a loud boom. However they kept their speed down to be nice and let the audience watch, but that didn’t stop the strength behind each punch or kick.
When neither of them getting the upper hand after trading fifteen bouts, Zaraf began changing his strategy. When Lily threw her next punch, he quickly counter and threw her into an arm lock pinning her to the ground. After that she happily gave up as she already planning on paying him back the next time they spar.
“The winner of the twentieth world martial arts tournament is Zaraf.” the announcer shouted as he marked the end of the tournament.
Zaraf silently collected his prize money of half million zeni and went off to find Lily. Finding her, she already located Bulma and Panchy which isn’t that hard as the two stick out and following their Ki signature. However, Tights appeared with them which confused him since she was supposed to be with her latest boyfriend.
Silently, he approached them only to hear that Tights latest boyfriend was already cheating on her. Somehow, he knew he should be sad for her but she gets a new one every week or two. They would go on one or two dates than break it off for some odd reason. It not really his problem so he just mental shrugs.
“Ready to go?” Zaraf asked.
“Yep, now it time to prepare and investigate the negative Ki signature.” Lily said excited.
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