《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 5
Six months passed by quickly as Zaraf and Lily slept the entire time due to lack of space in the space pods. Though both their power level raised by ten while sleeping, they couldn’t really improve their skills. Well, Zaraf managed to study his Dna alongside a few samples. He believes he can cause his first change without killing himself in the process.
Even if he can’t physically study his collection of blood, he allowed the system to copy them for him to compare and study. Well the addition is from a small turtle creature with black spikes that harder than diamond on it back. The attack power of the creature is fairly weak as it relies on the spikes, however they have another ability. It the ability to stop time for ten millisecond.
Even if it not a lot of time, but Zaraf is willing to bet he can increase it in the future. However there is a drawback of having to look into the opponent eyes. Though there a few more weaknesses such as Ki used for it, from his theory it will burn about ten percent of his current Ki. That is if his enemy has a similar power level and it only increases, if his opponent way stronger than him. For example if he battle Frieze in his first form at his current strength, Frieze would barely feel the effect, while he might die due to overtaxing his Ki.
“System, I’m ready to begin, but what the estimate time for it fully integrate into me?” Zaraf asked as he stood in his Genetic Playfield.
[Beep! It is estimated to take nearly three months.]
“When are we supposed to arrive in Earth?”
[Beep! Three Hours.]
Wow, six months flew by in a flash, but let's begin as the earth currently don’t have any strong fighters at the moment.
After Zaraf, began he started changing around his dna that worked with his eyes by either removing, adding, or changing the sequence. It took him nearly an hour to do it, due to not wanting to mess up and become blind or causing a unwanted mutation. When he finished a slight burning sensation covered his eyes before cooling down as he smiled since it working. He still alive and able to see as far as he can tell.
[Beep! Two hours until landing on planet Earth.]
Zaraf heard the ship speak as he left his Genetic Playfield and a few uninhabited planets. After a few minutes a tired voice of Lily came over the speaker bring a smile to him.
“Zaraf, do you think there a chance of getting a better ship so we don’t have to sleep every time we travel to different planets.” Lily asked before yawning.
“It might be possible, but from the last report the planet hasn’t entered the space stage yet. Though the news is nearly a century old so it not very useful.” Zaraf replied as he pulled up the planets information from the pod.
According to this, the highest power level current recorded was a couple hundred. It also included the gravity and climate which was helpful as they could easily live on the planet. Though the low gravity puts Zaraf off so thoughts of turning the gravity gloves on was on his mind.
“It says here that the gravity was nearly ten time less than Planet Vegeta, while twenty time less than Planet Myths. So we can uses our gravity gloves when we land and get a general idea of it local gravity.” Zaraf said.
“Perfect, but do you think they have nice clothes? I want to try something different than my training and fighting clothes. The clothes we made ourselves out of the animal fur doesn’t seem appropriate according the fashion in the database.” Lily asked.
“We will have to look into the planet currency but we should be able to.” Zaraf said as the planet rapidly filled his vision as they broke through the atmosphere.
“System, how much would a decent ship cost to get us through the cosmos?” Zaraf asked his system just in case they couldn’t get one. He doesn’t want to rely on the system to solve his problems if he can work them out himself.
[Beep! The Price for Space Ships range from ten thousand to five million multiverse points.]
Pulling up his list, Zaraf only sighed as the only ones in his price range were once seaters or similar to their current ship. The cheapest ship that could serve their purposes and even allow a training room was hundred thousand multiverse points. For the some reason the cheaper ones either didn’t have a training room or too weak and crumbled from an accidental Ki outburst.
Maybe it time to bring back out my engineering skills and attempted to build one. Though it would cut into my hobby of sculpting, it be worth it. Only if they don’t have someone to make it and worst come to worst a trip to a another planet would work. Zaraf thought as he didn’t really look forward to the last option.
The space pods finally touch down in the middle of a large forest, with a weird tower in the distances. Climbing out of the pods, both Zaraf and Lily stretch out as their stink from not bathing in six months filled their nose.
“We really need to find a bath, and some more clothes. The ones we currently have won’t last, except the glove for some reason.” Lily said as she looked at her black glove and phoenix symbol.
“Yes, but the light gravity really messes with one strength.” Zaraf said as he poke a tree and watched as it exploded. He neither put ten percent of his strength or ki in the poke.
“Wow, the trees here are really fragile, but given such weak gravity it figures.” Lily giggled. “Are you sure you want to adapted to such low gravity?”
“Yeah, it be a training experience which should only take a few hours at minimum and a day maximum. I think we need to find where we be living at during our stay on this planet.” Zaraf said as he looked towards the top of the tower in the distances. He just felt someone attempting to look at him with his Ki which normally would gone unnoticed. It was a very subtle and he wouldn’t have notice if the one doing it didn’t spike his Ki in worry.
Judging by Lily’s look she felt it to, which made them Pheon and Azure doing it to help with training. It took them both nearly two months to feel a little spike aim at them or an attempt to spy on them. Flame Stepping to the sauce they appeared a floating platform in the sky. The plate form was most empty except it few grow spots of flowers and trees and it palace. Looking it over neither Zaraf or Lily didn’t look impressed even if they only live in a hut and cave before.
When their eyes landed on the source they spotted a weird black creature as the entire being was pitch black except his eyes, lips and clothes. He wore and opened vest and white pants with slippers. Wrapped around his waist was a purple stash and ear rings on well his ears.
Next to it, was a tall slim green creature with attenes its forehead. The wrinkles covered his entire body and he wore robes with Kami written on them. Leaning on his wooden stick, he was shaking as he looked at them.
“This creature has something weird about it, and they don’t match the race recorded here.” Lily pointed out.
“I believe the green one is a namekian, but what he doing her I have no idea. For the other thing I don’t know and seems like something that shouldn’t exist. However I don’t feel any evil or malicious intent so whatever.” Zaraf pointed out as he dug through his memories about namekians.
“Who are you two and why did you come to earth?” the namekian asked.
“To destroy food as I’m hungry,” both Zaraf and Lily said in sync followed by a loud growl from them.
Zaraf could have sworn that the platform nearly fell out of the sky when the two hit the floor at their answer. He didn’t think their small joke was that bad for such of a reaction, but they seem to be recover fast. However the look on their face was priceless and filled with worried as if they believed them
“That was a joke, we are just hungry,” Zaraf said with a bored look.
“They don’t have a sense of humor do they,” Lily commented as the same boredom filled them.
“It seems so. Well we should start finding some food as I really am hungry.” Zaraf said as he started flying.
“Agreed, but there another weird Ki signature underneath here so let check it out first.” Lily said following him over the side.
Flying straight down, they arrived at the top of the white tower and found a white cat sleeping. A very familiar wooden cane was in his hands. It was very similar to the green man flying above their current spot.
“Hello,” the cat asked causing both of them to blink once.
“Interesting, a cat that can speak.” Lily said.
“Is it really?” Zaraf asked on the Planet of Myths they would run into a talking animal once in a while.
“Not really, now let's go find some food.” Lily said as we prepared to take off again.
“Ok, what do you want to eat?” Zaraf asked as he began spreading out his Ki. Even if he not strong enough to cover the entire planet and feel all the lifeform he can get most of them.
“Why not eat here?” the cat spoke.
“What do you currently have?” Lily asked politely.
“Senzu Beans. Able to keep one full for a full month.” The cat introduced a small green bean that both Lily and Zaraf recognized or thought.
“Isn’t that the demon bean?” Zaraf said.
“It looks like that.” Lily replied.
“We will just go find something ourselves.” Zaraf said as he grabbed Lily’s hand and Flamed Stepped onto a small island thousands of miles away.
The island itself wasn’t impressive or anything, only it was created on the back of a giant turtle. On it back, Zaraf spotted some dinosaurs like a large green t-rex. Flicking the creature he instantly killed it, securing their meal.
“Well, the creatures here are really weak,” Lily said as she looked at the gain hole in the creature head. The bleed didn’t really faze her as saiyans are a warrior race, and they been hunting and clean their meals. So, she and Zaraf quickly went to work on cooking their meal.
Zaraf was tempted to say it was one of the best meals he ever had since most of it was prepared by Lily. Only it was pretty bland after all the meals on Planet Myths, but he still smiled even if she thought the same.
“So, what should we do? Should we go find somewhere to live and search the planet. Maybe we could find someone to build a better ship.” Zaraf asked as they began flying away from the bones of the T-Rex.
“If I remember correctly, Mother said there was another saiyan on this planet. His name was carrot or something.” Lily said scratching her forehead.
“Kakarot, was the name and we don’t know where to begin or if he still alive.” Zaraf said, but then thought about his mission from Lucifer.
Wasn’t Kakarot, Goku’s saiyan name? If I remember the wiki correctly. Zaraf thought as they flew over the ocean.
“Should we turn the gravity up to twenty times?” Lily asked.
Thinking about, Zaraf nodded as a familiar pressure engulfed his body. Thoughts of increasing it did cross his mind, but thoughts of drowning cancelled that thought. The last thing he need was falling into the ocean being crushed by the gravity.
The pair continued to fly over the ocean as they want to take a look at the world. Sure they could Flame Step around but it doesn’t allow them to really see the world. Coming across, a small pink house on a isolated island got Zaraf curious.
“Why would someone way out here? There isn’t civilization for miles.” Lily said as they sensed a really weak power level.
“Do you want to find out?” Zaraf asked as it seemed familiar.
Nodding, they began diving towards the pink house, where they found an old man sleeping in his lawn chair. Covering his face was a magazine with woman in exercise clothing causing them to blink.
“It’s a pervert,” Zaraf said before a bird with flames appeared. Red flames covered it’s entire body, reminding them of Pheon bit on a smaller scale. The bird just stared at them with it yellow eyes before disappearing. Confused by the bird they waited a few minutes before leaving in case the bird came back.
When it failed to come back, Zaraf just shrugged as Lily decided to pick a direction. Taking off, they didn’t see the old man looking at them as he removed the magized and shiver slightly. He couldn’t guess their strength, but he could tell they were strong.
Following Lily, Zaraf soon found himself above a noisy city with flying cars and skyscraper. In the center of the city a large dome like building had capsule corps written across it. In the backyard he could see a blonde hair girl talking to a skinny and purple alien. His eyes were large and yellow and held the galactic patrol.
The girl on the other hand had long curly blonde hair and appeared to be in her late teens. She wore a short blue dress with cargo shorts. Coming down and landing next to them, the weird purple alien jumped.
“Hai,” Zaraf heard the strange creature yell before reaching for some type of gun.
“Ah, they are evil Saiyans,” the creature shouted when he locked on to their tails wrapped around their waists.
“Evil? Zaraf are we evil?” Lily asked since they haven’t done anything beside surviving and training with some spar mixed in. The most evilest thing that Zaraf could think of is leaving food on the plate.
“I don’t think so, we haven’t really done anything good or bad, so neutral? Unless, it eating than sure we are evil to it since we eat it?” Zaraf replied as both tilted their head in thought but shook them a few second later.
“Then why are we being called evil when we just landed here?” Lily asked.
“Trespassing? Maybe this galactic patrol is a racist against an entire race that near extinction. He doesn’t seem strong though, only about four thousand in battle power.” Zaraf held his hand to his chin as he study the shaking creature.
“It is kind of hard to believe he has a battle power of four thousand. We had that by the time we were four and a few months give or take. Maybe he a expandable member?” Lily commented causing the blonde girl to giggle.
“I am a super elite, I have you know.” the creature yelled as he looked angered.
Lily and Zaraf didn’t know if they should pity the thing or ignore it since it called them evil. So, they did what any responsible kid do, talk to the other person.
“Hello, who are you?”
“Oh, I’m Tights and I live here?” The blonde introduced herself.
“Hello, I’m Zaraf and this is Lily.” Zaraf introduced themselves. “We were wondering if your able to upgrade our space pods into a ship or have the technology for it.”
“You will have to talk to my father on that one, but he should be able to.” Tights shrugged. “Now since you’re aliens tell me about yourselves for my book.”
Zaraf and Lily just looked at her as if she grown a second head. They really didn’t have much to tell as they didn’t really do much, beside cooking, training, and their hobby. Now that Zaraf thinks about it, at least to store his masterpiece in his storage ring. It would have been a crime to leave it there so he couldn’t ever see it again.
Lily’s instruments on the other hand was left behind which isn’t a big deal as it easy to make new ones. However, her music she either writing or written was left behind which weren’t the best or the worst.
Only, what got them the most probably was her question which dug up the day they left planet vegeta. They couldn’t remember leaving Planet Myths due to being asleep when they left.
“Not much to tell really?” Lily said with a shrug.
“Than tell me about your race, myths, legends. That type of stuff.” Tights asked holding a notepad.
“Umm, I don’t see why not, but can we talk about the ship first?” Lily replied before Zaraf which he didn’t mind much.
“Ah, sure,” Tights said with a hint of disappointment. “Follow me and Jaco stay there.”
The weak alien, sighed as he began mumbling about reporting two saiyans who landed on earth. Gradually his mumbles grew more on how evil saiyans are and barbarians of the universe. Of course since both Zaraf and Lily who trained their senses to a high degree barely heard it.
‘Should we beat him up?’ Lily asked with her eyes.
‘Nah, leave the mumbling idiot to himself for now.’ Zaraf replied causing Lily to smile.
“So are you two siblings?” Tights asked.
“No, we aren’t he my mother called him soulmate and my friend until twelve. Then she said he my boyfriend would turn to wife when we turn seventeen. It strange how she explained it now that I think about it.” Lily said causing black lines to form on Zaraf while Tights giggled.
Even beyond the grave, Luna plays an active part in our lives. Somehow, I feel like we got played by her and how did she teach Lily these things first three years of her life. Zaraf began wondering as somehow he don’t think those times were random. If he didn’t know better he was willing to bet she was laughing about it in the other world.
“Must be a cultural thing.” Tights replied while Zaraf didn’t know if he should correct this or not. He felt that it wouldn’t make a differences and might cause an misunderstanding. So he just let that slide on by not really worried as it would seem like a kid joke or fun.
When they entered the building, Zaraf and Lily both thought they were still outside. Large and small animals of many different species appeared in their sight. Following Tights, Zaraf managed to catch a glimpse of a two tailed cat, and Pteranodons. They followed a path until they came up to a middle aged man smoking and feeding the fishes.
The man had short purple-blue hair and a large mustache. He wore a pair of black heavy framed glasses and wore a lab coat. His light blue shirt and black pants made Zaraf wonder if he a rainbow.
“Hello Tights, what can I do for you and our little friends,” The man asked looking over Zaraf and Lily.
Zaraf just remembered that neither he or Lily has taking a bath and still wore the same clothes from six months ago. So, asking for help while smelling like a sewer wasn’t the politest or first impression. Luckily the man didn’t show his disgust or call them out on it.
“We were wondering if you could upgrade our ship or build us a new one?” Zaraf asked.
“A ship?” The man asked surprised and interested.
“Yes, we have to space pods, and were wondering if we could get a bigger ship. Spending most of the time asleep between planets seems like a waste of time and missed training.” Zaraf replied while giving the reason.
“Well bring me the ships and I see what I can do, since it sound interesting.” The man said, as Lily quickly flamed step out only to return a few moments later with their pods.
“Well, give me a month or two and I see what I can do?” He said already looking over the pods.
“Take your time, we figured we will live here on the planet for a few years.” Zaraf informed him.
“Great.” The man said as the pods were dragged away by robots.
“Tights, can we borrow some clothes and a bath. We haven’t had on in six months.” Lily turned towards Tights with pleading eyes.
“Follow me, later dad.” she said as she took them into the main house.
Following her through long corridors with either empty rooms or filled with junk. Along the way they Zaraf caught a glimpse of an a eight year old girl with blue hair. She appeared to building some sort of laser as a red beam was bounce between mirrors. In a living room he saw an older woman who looked very similar to Tights as she was trying different desserts.
“Here we are, the bathroom on the right and on the left. There should be clothes by the time you’re done on the bed.” Tights said as she left again towards the living room.
“She weird.” Lily said as she dragged him towards the bathroom.
When they looked around the bathroom, it was surprising simple as there a bathtub and walk in shower. There isn’t any fancy shower heads or decorations, as the walls were simply painted gray. On a little shelf, bottles of soap sat there filled with different bands or scents.
“So many type of soap, why in the world would they need that much?” Lily said as she began looking over them all.
“I don’t know maybe they like shopping for soap.” Zaraf replied as he hopes Lily don’t get infected with a universal disease. This disease has infected multiple planets and dimensions taking half the population. There also been an increase as a mutation accord infecting even more. It is known as the limitless shopping disease, when one person shops for hours without breaking a sweat.
“Should we go shopping later?” Lily asked curious.
Is it to late? Wait, we don’t have this world currency. Zaraf thought as he mentally smiled to himself.
“We don’t have this world currency so we can look but can’t buy anything.” Zaraf replied secretly proud of himself.
“You two hurry up as we are going shopping as you tell me about your culture.” the newly named demon in Zaraf mind has ruined his plan. It not that he minded shopping, but he didn’t want to spend twenty minutes looking at a two shirts with one shade differents.
Why am I even complaining, it not like I even been shopping much on my last or this life. Is it the result of eons of men torture in form of shopping appearing. It like the women’s right campaign in the last life and they get back at men in form of shopping. Zaraf thought as he decided to go with the flow.
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