《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 4
Nearly two years went by quickly and painful for Zaraf and Lily. Their powerlevel rocketed up by nearly twenty thousand allowing Zaraf to barely break two genetic limits. In order to break the next one, they will need a power level of fifty thousand. Also, during the two years, they managed to learn a few techniques such as Dragon Fist, Flame Step, Dragon Roar, and many more.
The Dragon Fist allows a large to form which also depends on your aura color. Since Zaraf’s aura is red with wisp of black, his dragon has red scales with black claws and teeth. Lily on the other hand has blue and white aura, which give hers dragon blue scales and white claws. The dragons of course remind Zaraf of the chinese version of them back in his last life. They had long snake like bodies and two front arms.
The Flame Step was probably the coolest in Zaraf as it would allows him extra movement or to teleport to anywhere on the planet. It isn’t up to the level of instant transmission or kai kai which allows one to travel between planets or universes. However there no sign of using it either beside a flame effect during the transfer.
On the person techniques, Zaraf created something similar to the eraser cannon, not that he knew it. He would tightly compact his Ki which even if it isn’t a lot, would pack a lot of damage or destroy a large portion of land. Azure and Pheon helped him refine it and now he can quickly use it in battle even if it not at full power.
Lily on the other hand did something more for defense than attack. It was during one of the sessions of Ki training when two large creatures began fighting. The wind current gave Lily the idea of attempting to merge with them allowing her to nearly hide her presences. This also allows her to follow air currents, so she can feel if a attack coming near her or if it a feint. However there are several weakness to this and the biggest is getting in the state first. The others are stronger or faster opponents.
As for hobbies outside of training, due to Azure and Pheon suggestions. Zaraf began collecting DNA from other creatures from across the planet. He nearly died a few times if it wasn’t for the Flame Step saving him. Luckily in the multiverse there something called a storage ring or veils of blood be laying everywhere. When he not studying Dna or training he began sculpting mostly due to Pheon influence.
It happen one day after training, he spotted Pheon chiseling at a stone which later turned into a his and Lily Oozaru forms. Since then he asked to be taught and increasing his skills in it nearly reaching the skill of a master who been at it for a few decades.
As for what Lily picked was creating music as it became a regular occurance now that she's humming a new tune. For her last birthday, Zaraf created a guitar for her which she quickly learned and plays it nearly everyday.
The saddest time is whenever they watch Luna message which only wished them happy birthday or tell them something interesting. It could be about the history of Saiyans or legends known throughout the universe.
It been over six years since I last open my relationship tab. Zaraf thought as he forgot about the function. He didn’t really believe that the tab could measure emotion so he took it more as a guideline.
Lily: Best friend, Soulmate
Luna: Adoptive Mother, Otherworld Enforcer
Azure: Friend, Master
Pheon: Friend, Master
Well, Lily’s status improved, but what a Otherworld Enforcer? Zaraf thought as he moved towards the bath. He could only mentally sigh as he looked no more than a muscular five year old and little to no change will come for the next ten years. Lost in thought, he didn’t notice the bath was in use and walked in on Azure and Pheon.
“Oops,” Zaraf said as he closed the door pretending he didn’t see Azure and Pheon “playing” in the bathroom. Over the last few years, Azure and Pheon been staying over using a few times to watch over them. It also when they learned a secret that Zaraf really didn’t care but also didn’t want to know.
“Zaraf, what wrong?” Lily asked as the door closing woke her up.
“Just walked into the bathroom with Azure and Pheon in there. Remind us to really clean the bathroom before we take our bath.” Zaraf said.
“Ok, whatever you say,” Lily said falling back to sleep.
“I’m be chiseling at my latest project,” Zaraf said as he left the cave towards a small workshop that Pheon and he built. Scatter around and inside, different sculpture he made or working on. Everything from copies of himself and Lily, or Azure and Pheon were made along with different beast he seen.
His latest project is the four of them with their transformed state behind them. On the far left, it held his current physical body of five years old and his Oozaru form behind him. He looked to be filled with pride and lifelike. Next to him, Lily was similar to statue was filled with courage and eyes that appeared to follow. He was currently working on Azure and thinking about how to bring an indomant will.
Looking out the window, Zaraf looked towards the sky before a light bulb appeared in his head. A smile crossed his lips as he just had a ah-ha moment as he became completely focused on his task. Somehow the sun enlighten him to the answer, somehow he came to the conclusion that the sun had that will. The sun or star can exist for thousands to billions which somehow translated in his head as a will.
Due to that spark of insanity he chisel through the end of his latest project unknowingly watched by Lily. She looked in awe as the statues appeared to capture her entire attention as the entire thing spoke. It appeared as if the entire thing alive and life like as she could feel the intense feeling and pressure from it. The pride that Zaraf gave, her courage, Azure will, and Pheon flames of life.
“Zaraf, what are you going to name it?” Lily asked as she stood in the doorway.
“Don’t know, maybe four titans? Beasts? Egos?” Zaraf replied shrugging as he hasn’t thought of that when he started.
“The Four Egos, sound really stupid. Why not something like The Four Values. You value Pride and show it unconsciously sometime. Courage to push forward represent me. Azure has a movable will and Pheon has the flame and energy of life. All which we all value in someway.” Lily said as she began circling the statue.
“Well I might not agree with all that, but it better than nothing. Also that was really thoughtful are you sure your six years old?” Zaraf teased making her blush.
“Your the same age,” she shouted lightly slugging his shoulder.
Laughing, Zaraf decided not to comment causing him want to switch topics. “So, what can I help you with, Lily?”
“We need to clean the bathroom and take a bath. It already been a few hours since you asked me to remind you.” Lily said.
“Well let’s go,” Zaraf said putting his tools back.
For the next half hour, he and Lily scrubbed everything down in their bathroom they made couple years ago. By the time they finish the room to look to blind them as they refilled the tub and heated up the water. Relaxing in the warm bath, Zaraf began wondering for the future when traveling between planets.
I guess a bigger ship is in order, but where to find one? Zaraf wondered as Lily came to sit between his legs. “There are other spots to sit in the bath.” he said like he said it a thousand time before causing Lily to lean back.
“I like this spot and mother said it only right I sit here,” Lily replied like she replied the same way before.
Luna, when and how could you teach her this in her first three years of life? Zaraf wondered for the thousandth time. Luckily their bodies are immature and he used to this as he began scrubbing her back.
“So what the plan for the rest of the day, since it a rare day off of training?” Zaraf asked since he somehow finished his latest project way ahead of schedule.
“Well, let try something different other than making music, collecting blood, training, or sculpting.” Lily asked turning to face him.
“What do you have in mind?” Zaraf asked tilting his head.
“Food competition. Lets see who makes the best food and have Azure and Pheon judge.” Lily asked smiling.
“What the rule and time limit?” Zaraf asked since it was different from their normal routine.
“Gather any ingredients from anywhere on the planet, time limit is dinner time in seven hours.” Lily said.
“Great, we start after the bath.” Zaraf smiled as she groaned as she wanted to start instantly.
Ten minutes later, both Zaraf and Lily were Flame Stepping around the planet picking different spices from the common herb to the rarer ones Azure or Pheon told them about. Appearing near a large feather bird, Zaraf sent a quick stomp to its head before Flame Stepping away. Quickly defeating the bird, he toss it into his pot full of spices planning to steam it for next few hours.
When he looked over to Lily, he saw a giant wolf creature being roasted over a roaring flame. Thinking about it now, we never really asked Azure or Pheon, I guess we just have a big supper. Zaraf began to think preparing some side dishes.
The two continued their cooking or Flame Stepping for more ingredients all for the rest of the time. By the time the time limit was reached, both of them had prepared a feast with enough to feed ten saiyans each..
“I think we went overboard?” Zaraf said.
“But we did have fun and break our normal routine,” Lily replied.
“I suppose, but where are Azure and Pheon?” Zaraf asked as they usually show up when food done. However they yet to make an appearance since he seen them in the bathroom in the morning.
“Didn’t they say that they had something to do today?” Lily asked after thinking.
“Then what do we do with all this?” Zaraf looked at all the food prepared.
“I guess we eat,” Lily shrugged.
Really Lily? Wouldn’t this make the whole competition pointless without the judges. Zaraf thought. “Ok, we just judge them ourselves.”
It was safe to say that he won as Lily accidently combined two that should never been mixed. So half her dishes were inedible so unless they wanted to have light food poisoning they better skip over those. So, after finishing their feast they decided to get an early rest for tomorrow's training.
=== Azure & Pheon Side ===
Being walked in by Zaraf...again, one would think he would learn to knock. The boy learns martial arts and visual arts like it second nature, but signs are a different manner. Somehow, he can read the body no matter the species like second nature while locks and paper sign. Well they leave a lot to be desired.
“That boy really needs to pay attention to the door,” Pheon said.
“Yeah, but onto the more important manner. Why is the planet preparing to shift universes as it should be another four years.” Azure asked.
“I don’t know, but from my estimate, we got about a week tops. It is a little earlier and both Lily and Zaraf aren’t really ready to take on the transfer either. So it a little ahead of schedule, but the two needs to leave the planet in less than a week.” Pheon replied.
“How are we going to explain this to them?” Azure muttered.
“Same as always when one crash on our planet. We will send them when both of them fall asleep and a note. You know that neither of us are good with goodbyes and the two are strong enough to travel the universe somewhat decently.” Pheon replied.
Where should we send them? Azure thought attempting to send tem to a planet with a species similar to theirs. “Should we send them to this universe Earth? It’s one of those weird planets that have different races. Sometimes there vampires and werewolves, or devils, angels, and fallen angels. There also one with heroes like the one with a blue suit and glasses for a cover, or a man in a green suit and a bow.”
“Should we go check it out today?” Pheon asked.
Nodding, they finished their bat before telling Lily they are leaving for the day and teleported. Landing in a desert, Azure scanned the planet with his Ki sense and sighed as both he and Pheon lowered their Ki. Usually they would set it around seventy thousand to ward of beast on their planet. However, this planet strongest fighter is barely above two hundred.
However before they could begin looking around, a pitch black creature with big white eyes and red lips appeared. It wore white pants with a purple belt and opened vest and fair chunky. Underneath his feet is a red carpet hovering three feet off the ground.
“Kami-sama would like to speak with you,” the creature said looking at them.
“Did it just say a god was on this planet?” Pheon said.
“It must be a name, as I sense a tint of false god ki.” Azure replied, while looking toward a direction while smiling. “It also a young saiyan here that is similar to Lily and Zaraf and not destroying all life. Weird as this a weak and backwater world in the north quadrant.”
“He fairly weak, well the entire planet weak. So, should we send them here or somewhere else?” Pheon asked as they forgot the creature present.
“It is a nice planet with life growing, but they lean more toward technology than martial arts. Lets go check out some other planets before we decided.” Azure said as they teleported again.
The creature blinked before he returned to where he came from.
Appearing on a barren world with blue grass and green water, Pheon scanned the planet and sighed. He barely detected a hundred life sources split into seven camps and the strongest being around three thousand in battle power. The wishing orbs he spotted did catch his attention but they were useless in his opinion.
“To the next planet,” Pheon sighed as they vanished again.
The next planet was even more disappointing as the inhabitants were fairly weak, but they have an interesting technique. It allows them to teleportation and travel between planets nearly instantly or nearly instantly depending on the distances.
“Next planet.” Azure grumbled.
The next planet turned out to be covered in metal and robots everywhere.
On the next planet they found a creepy alien that enjoys playing with dolls.
After that a evil scientist creating a parasite. Than a frozen planet, one ruled by a tyrant, soon they began losing track how many they visited.
“Lets just send to earth and they can go from there.” Pheon grumbled as none of the planets really had strong fighter or was inhabitable.
When they returned their planet of myths, they found the left over feast from Zaraf and Lily. Silently checking on them, they saw they were already asleep and let out a small sigh. Leaving them be, Azure began thinking what the last thing he wants to teach them. Pheon on the other hand wonder how Zaraf created a masterpiece as he looked in the workshop.
“It too bad we can’t take them with us?” Pheon said randomly as he laid on a tree branch talking to himself.
“You know we can’t, the universe would rip them to shreds upon entry. The only reason we can or any species on here either has the power or been doing it for generations. We will see them again in thousand years when we return.” Azure said appearing on the other side.
“How can you think that, they be long dead or something.” Pheon replied.
“Because, I have faith in them to raise into formable existants and will reach the immortal stage. If they train extra hard they both can reach that stage by the time they hit forty. Hopefully this prediction come true.” Azure said as a depressing atmosphere took over.
The two of them sat in silences as they weren’t looking forward to the next few days. Even if the whole training thing started out to relieve boredom and waiting for the next planet shift, The two of them grown to look as Zaraf and Lily as their own and going to miss them. Now the shift that hasn’t appeared in two thousand years came, they were saddened by it when usually they enjoy the shift.
During the following days, both Pheon and Azure pushed Zaraf and Lily beyond their limits. When ever one of them asked why their training was increased they would either change topic or ignore it. However both of them could tell the planet was in it final stages to shift and both Zaraf and Lily could tell something happening.
Four nights after their conversation, they waited until Zaraf and Lily to fall asleep before putting their plan into action. Pheon would prepare the ships for launch and message explaining why, while Azure loaded them carefully not to awaken them. The space pods slowly closed as Azure and Pheon picked them up and prepared to throw them off the planet.
The planet began closing it atmosphere as if adding a layer of protection to it resistances for the shift. However it very thin and very unreliable, and blocks all ships entering or exiting unless they are going at an insane speed.
“Ready,” Azure looked over to Pheon.
“Ready as I ever be,” Pheon replied coating the ship and passenger in his Ki to protect them from the speed that about to come..
“Ok, on three...one...two...three.” Two sonic boom were heard in the surroundings as the space pods.
The pods kicked in after exiting the atmosphere and redirected themselves to earth.
“Well, just think what we will return to in a thousand years? Though what do you think the next universe has to offer?” Azure said.
“Hopefully, no fallen angel, angel, or devil. False god were a pain last time we appeared and that pervert red dragon emperor. That boy was a pain last time, and I don’t think he changed since than. If he still alive.” Pheon shuddered at the thought.
“We are about to find out,” Azure said as the planet vanished into a space rift.
=== Zaraf and Lily side ===
After being launched into space, both Zaraf and Lily woke up startled by all the shaking. When the space pod finally started up and stabilizer kicked in they relaxed. However both of them wore a frown as they realized they are in space and not in bed.
“Zaraf, why are we in our space pods blasting through the cosmos...again?” Lily started but paused confusing him.
“Again?” Zaraf asked looking around for a message of any kind, only to fail.
“The planet was about to shift through the universe and dimension. Since we weren’t strong enough to survive the transfer or something, Pheon and Azure sent us off without a warning.” Lily said as a hint of steel in her voice.
“How can you know that?” Zaraf asked.
“I got a letter from them and they say we are going to planet earth, a weak planet. It should take about six months to arrive.” Lily said sighing as this is the second planet they were forced to leave saying they were too weak.
“Hopefully they have someone who can build ships, as I would like to move instead of sleeping the entire time.” Zaraf said as the pods were about to active sleep mode.
“Agreed.” Lily said as the sleeping gas kicked in.
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