《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 3
Three months passed since Zaraf and Lily managed to gain their first power multiplier or Oozaru form. Since that day they upped their training from morning to noon was bodybuilding, than after lunch they would go onto Ki control before going onto Ki Control in their Oozaru forms. Slowly, they got used to their transformation allowing them to stay in their forms for about fifteen minutes.
“Three months and we can only stay in the form five more minutes.” Lily complained as she finished up the day training.
“I think most of our energy goes to maintaining our grown state. I mean we literally nearly a dozen years, so instead of losing some of our lifespan we lose Ki which is no means small.” Zaraf theorized without the confirmation of the system saying he right or wrong.
“That my thoughts exactly young saiyan,” a deep inhuman voice said from behind them. They decided to practice outside their home and managed to catch a attention of a powerful beast. Over the course of the stay they naturally found speaking animals as they can control Ki to act as vocal cords.
Robotically, Zaraf turned around same as Lily and came eye to eye with a giant yellow reptile eye. The eye was nearly twice the size of his four year old self which was only about hundred centimeters or forty inches. Lily was only a few inches shorter, so the sight of the eye drained all the blood from their body as they couldn’t win.
The beast has dark purplish blue scales, with razor sharp teeth with the height of nearly seventy meters. However it wasn’t the height that scared them it was the massive Ki reserve coming off of him which was nearly ten times their in their Oozaru forms. Also since it doesn’t seem he at his max power either, Zaraf though it was his suppressed form.
“Azure your scaring them to death,” a laughing voice drew their attention as a flaming bird.
The bird was nearly as tall with his wing span nearly double his height. His golden feathers added a golden glow to him reminding Zaraf of a Super Saiyan Aura. The bird’s Ki was just as stronger putting pressure on them as they were terrified that even saiyan blood froze. Sure saiyans love fighting, but only when they have a chance and not be instantly killed.
“Phoen, your doing the same, I mean look at them they think we are going to kill them or something.” Azure laughed shaking the surroundings.
Gathering all his courage, Zaraf attempted to asked but stage fright appeared. “What do you want with us?” he asked with fear in his voice and Lily furiously nodding.
“Oh, some months ago we felt a Ki spike along with some reports of giant apes on the nightside of the planet. So, a few months ago we came to investigate and imagine our surprise when we found two Saiyan. Not any Saiyans but ones that can transform into a form not seen in thousands of years.” Azure said making a bone chilling feeling grow inside of them.
We been watched for months and yet felt nothing. Zaraf thought as he didn’t like that feeling at all.
“That doesn’t really say why you are talking to us now,” Lily trembled as she voiced her thoughts on accident.
“We are old beings and saw you guys training without a style. So, we want to offer you a chance to learn our fighting style before we head to otherworld.” Pheon said in a grave tone making it sounds like they can drop dead at any moment.
“What the real reason as neither of you are dying anytime soon.” Zaraf grumbled as the fear receded with that comment.
“We are bored and training you would give us something to do instead of sleeping.” Azure replied with a small chuckle but diverted his eyes.
The sight of a forty meter dragon not daring to look at them got Lily laughing as Zaraf attempted to hold it but failed miserably. Pheon wasn’t doing much better as Zaraf could have swore he saw a blushing phoenix on the first time on meeting one.
“Why wait so long to meet us? Were you worried how to introduce yourselves or something? Maybe it was to how our personalities are or an opening so you won’t sound like you were begging for a disciple.” Zaraf said as they continued to look away choosing not to answer.
Why are powerhouse in the universe have such weird personalities? Goku is an idiot and his strengths increases to luck and random power boosts. Vegeta is prideful and becomes stronger when his pride insulted. Beerus like to ear, but two divine being in myths are bashful of two four and half year olds less than a tenth of their size. Zaraf thought as he stared at them until Lily’s comment broke them.
“I think you broke them by guessing right.” Lily said as the two giants snapped their neck towards them.
“Hahaha, so what going to happen? Also, how are you going to teach us since our bodies are different?” Zaraf asked bring them back to the topic at hand.
“Did you really think your the only ones that can compress their bodies?” Azure laughed as the two transformed into middle aged men. Azure looked similar to Master Roshi in his max power form but less bulky muscle and full set of hair. He had a long beard that was purplish blue with a few gray popping through.
Pheon was taller and more lean as his hair glowed red with similar gray hair popping through. He appeared as if he leaned towards speed than strength, while Azure looked more to attack and defense. That was the feeling Zaraf got from the two besides the feeling that they could instantly crush them.
“Umm, can you two at least wear a vest as your muscles are impressive and all but mother said I can only look at Zaraf’s.” Lily comment ruining the epic moment as they only wore black Gi pants.
A Purple vest with a blue dragon appears on Azure, while a red one with a phoenix appears on Pheon. Looking at the vests they reminded Zaraf of men suit vest. The vest covers most of their top half but leaves out a big V-neck and sleeveless.
Not wanting to admit it, but it looked very fashionable, and seems easy to move in. The best part is one it can be used in fighting, training, and public places. It will be better than an orange jumpsuit also. Though if he going to wear one it better come in black as Luna once said when they still lived with her.
“Does that outfit come in black?” Zaraf asked as his and Lily’s clothing were worn out and looked like rags. They are currently wearing roughly tied together animal skin underneath their saiyan armor that Luna gave them.
Azure smiled as he snapped his fingers, and both Zaraf’s and Lily’s outfits changed. Zaraf’s outfit matched their with his vest except everything was black and a red trim was present. On the back of the vest a dragon and great ape was present. Lily’s clothing was different as it reminded Zaraf of chinese kung fu dress. It was dark red with slits in the side going up to her thighs. On her back a Phoenix appeared with a giant ape appeared beside it. The only thing left of their old outfit was their gloves.
“How are they?” Azure smiled as Pheon nodded as their natural charisma increased. Well it wasn’t low before but the right clothing makes a differences.
“I like it,” Zaraf said nearly instantly.
“Do they grow with us when we transform?” Lily asked worried that she would fail one of her rules. She was only allowed to show Zaraf her body and anyone else must die. It always was always weird why her mother make these rules but she would follow and can’t complain. She does enjoy being sleeping next to him or bathing which was another thing.
While Lily began thinking about all the weird rules that her mother told her. Azure and Pheon held back their laughter as they took a peak in her head. They couldn’t believe a mother would try to set the two up or believe the fact it was working. Well working slowly since neither of them recognized love between the two yet.
“Why don’t you try it out.” Azure said.
Zaraf only looked at him, as they were still running on low since they just finished to day training. Though he figured a few seconds won’t hurt as he quickly transformed. When he looked at everyone reactions, he was confused as Azure and Pheon sent him jealous and envy glares. Lily just glanced at him before turning away as he noticed a retint to her ears.
It was only when a slight breeze went by and he looked down that he realized that the clothes did in fact not grow. Zaraf without a sense of shame looked at them, a sense of joy with their glares. A few seconds later, two beams hit them with Zaraf being fully clothed again and shrinking when he undid the transformation.
“So when do we begin training and what are you going to teach us?” Zaraf asked since they keep losing the topic on why they are here.
“We will begin after you have rested. As for teaching you, I will teach you attack and defenses while Pheon here teaches you speed.” Azure said getting Zaraf to imagine him in the future running through hordes of attacks like it nothing.
“Ok, see you later than,” Zaraf said as he pulled Lily towards their home when they left. Once inside, he stepped on a metal box that slipped his mind. It was the box they were supposed to open on their fourth birthday.
The silver box had a light blue button glowing on top, so Zaraf carefully pressed it. Shooting out of the top a hologram of Luna appeared with what appeared to be a week before the planet blew up.
“Hello Zaraf and Lily. Happy fourth birthday, but Zaraf might have forgot for a few months a happy late birthday. If you're hearing this then you have indeed landed safely on a whatever planet. I need to tell you however that you two aren’t the last saiyans in the universe, as my brother Bardock has a plan. He returned in a panic and asked for a space pods, and plans to send Kakarot to a low level planet. Your space pods should have the coordinates, but there isn’t a way to track him down there. Well, I got more clips to record so until next birthday.”
“So, should we go find Kakarot in a few year?” Zaraf asked since he needs to accomplish his mission and it be interesting to collect the dragon balls. Since I don’t really have a wish and it going to be decades before earth get any powerful fighter. Maybe, I just go see the dragon and not wish for anything yet.
“Why?” Lily asked.
“It be interesting and maybe we can find unique martial arts techniques,” Zaraf said yawning.
Lily appeared to tired to argue and there really wasn’t a reason to not go. She tried to see why since her mother said it was classified as a low level planet. Even if she didn’t spend a lot of time around other saiyans or in the capital, se learned how the saiyans classified themselves. Though, the planet got Zaraf interest maybe it worth investigating.
Laying down, Zaraf enter the Lily’s Genetic playfield looking around seeing the amount of S-Cells. Even if he can control genetics in his or other’s body he doesn’t want to accidently change something for the worst.
“System, what the current estimate before we should attempt to become a super saiyan?”
[Beep! Since neither host or Lily’s parents were super saiyans and current rate...seventeen years. This is due to the Host not having enough energy to sustain the transformation.]
Zaraf could only accept that as they couldn’t even sustain their current transformation more than fifteen minutes. He not really in a rush to gather the forms nor is he going to wait until it handed to him. Maybe it time to start using the gloves?
“System what the recommended level to break the next limiter?” Zaraf asked since the pain of the first one was still present in his mind.
[Beep! It is recommended to have a power level of ten thousand.]
“Can you bring my status up alongside Lily’s?”
[Name: Zeref
Age: Four years old Three Months
Bloodline: Middle-Class Saiyan (95%), Elite-Class Saiyan (5%)
Battle Power: 4,100 (150)
Multiverse Points: 17,100
Genetic Control: Master
Advance Ki Control: Beginner
Flight: Advance
Ki Blasts: Advance
Oozaru First Form (10X): Intermediate
Genetics limit Broken- 4 out of 243
Name: Lily
Age- Four years and three months
Bloodline- Middle-Class Saiyan (95%), Elite-Class Saiyan (5%)
Power Level: 4,000 (150)
Advance Ki Control: Beginner
Flight: Advance
Ki Blasts: Advance
Oozaru First Form (10X): Intermediate
Well, it seems that she on par with my skills also and power level? How is that possible, but then again I been teaching all I can. Maybe, Azure and Pheon will give us the advance version of Ki control? Zaraf wondered as he left the genetic playfield and went to sleep.
The next morning, Zaraf found Lily laying on top of his chest which he found would be better if it was in the future. In the current situation it was like a pair of friends or brother and sister which he was currently fine with. His thoughts strayed to when would be the time and it when he can shave...probably.
Poking her cheek, he was glad that she didn’t drool on him during the night or waking up. Slowly she began to wake up and stretch as she climb off their bed. Their bed is animal fur from the ones they hunted and cleaned so they don’t rot or smell. It wasn’t bad but Zaraf sort of wants a real bed, but he can’t buy on from the system as that be weird to explain where it came from.
Stretching out, Zaraf made his way to the bathroom and began his daily wash alongside Lily. It didn’t really bother him or her and save time taking separate baths. Beside they are still young so Zaraf didn’t really see a point in stopping.
Walking out of the cave, which they slowly improve over time, they were greeted by their new masters. If Zaraf guessed they were super excited to teach that they didn’t sleep, as the forest outside the cave turning into a training ground. The grass turned into stone slabs giving a perfectly square area to practice on.
“About time you two woke up so we can begin,” Azure said as Pheon appeared in a flash by his side.
“What are we doing?” Zaraf asked since the ground was empty.
“Weight training,” Pheon replied getting a deadpan look from the two.
“Like increasing the gravity on us?” Lily asked.
“Not yet, we need to build up some arms and legs muscle along side your torsos. Gravity all good later, but at your current stage it would have the opposite effect.” Azure explained as he zapped five pound weights on their arms and legs with ten as an undershirt. Due to the sudden increase in weight Zaraf stumbled into Lily who did the same to him.
The two shot daggers with their eyes at Azure who just laughed it off. Pheon held a half a grin as he rolled his eyes at his friend. It seems that they are going to get some fun entertainment which hasn’t happened in a very long time.
“Well, what are you waiting for give me three hundred push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, crunches and squats. Than I will hand you over to Pheon who will take you running..” Azure barked.
A few hours later, Zaraf was heavily breathing as he just finished Azure order and Lily couldn’t stand up. The sweat rolled off him as two large circles of sweat surrounded him and Lily with them at the center. However he could feel that his cells were up and going strengthening him as they went to repair his aching muscles.
“Great the warm up halfway down, now it time to run.” Pheon laughed as he gather a small amount of Ki in his hand. When he went to throw it, Zaraf and Lily were already running away as he flew after them throwing light ki blasts at them.
They ran nearly two hours at full sprint and more as the Ki blasts slowly gotten stronger. When they returned to the cave, they were greeted by Azure who was roasting a large boar like creature. Seeing his smile Zaraf thought he seen the devil as a small sparkle came off his left eye.
“Great, after eating we will move onto technique training, we move on to Advance Ki control. We will finish up with a spar.” Azure smile grew as he heard Zaraf and Lily’s groan.
This is insane even for an adult yet they are having four year old do it. Zaraf mentally yelled as he didn’t have the energy to argue.
“So, what are your plans when you leave this planet?” Azure asked.
“We thought of leaving in a few years and go to a planet where there a survivor that we know of. Might track him down, from there explore the galaxy looking for strong fighter. Maybe in a few decades or so, fight and defeat Frieza. There also the option of defeating the tyrant running unchecked in the universe.” Zaraf replied thinking off the top of his head.
“What are your goals?” Pheon asked.
“To become strong so even gods tremble at the mention of our name,” Zaraf and Lily replied in sync.
“That a big goal slightly weird but you two realized that it going to take years to accomplish.” Azure said earning a nod from both.
“We are only four so we got lots of time,” Zaraf replied earning a few blank looks from them.
“Four...they are only four. I thought they were older,” Azure muttered to himself as his eyes darken. One of the hardest transformations and saiyan transformation were done by a pair of toddlers. He also thought about how many centuries it took him even to think about the idea and years to complete it.
Pheon also held the similar expression as he knew they were young but not that young as saiyan grow weirdly. Their body matures slowly so they look five and they can be thirteen and barely look like they age once they are twenty-five. He remember meeting ancient saiyans in the passed and they were worst as they lived centuries. They would barely look over mid twenty until the last ten years of their life where they would rapidly age.
“Is something wrong?” Lily asked.
“No, just learning something shocking.” Azure replied. “Now lets begin with the basics of defense.”
For the next few hours, Zaraf and Lily dragged their tired bodies learning simple yet effective footwork. The technique couldn’t really be called one as the steps would allow the to spin, pivot, or move out of the way of attacks without turning your back to the enemy. Zaraf was sure he seen two of the moves before but couldn’t remember where. Also he wondered where Pheon went off to.
It was only when they were breaking for a few minutes before moving onto Ki control that Zaraf wondered. How are these going to help when we are flying in the air?
“Ok, since you two are beyond the basics level of Ki control yet not master of it, your what known as advance control. It not really well known and finding one is rare as a master is even more rare. Most of your opponent's you will face in the future is probably going to have basic Ki control. This is good as they will waste a lot of energy unnecessary in large attacks or attacks.” Azure began explaining.
“How would we know if it basic or not and how do you train it?” Lily asked.
“Basic control allows you to move Ki around your body and push it outwards or keep it in your body suppressing your power. This allows Ki blasts or reinforcing your body making it move faster, stronger, ect. However, if your body not strong enough that your body could destroy itself, which most fighters train their bodies.” Azure replied. “Advance Ki controllers can compress their Ki and move it around rapidly. This has the advantage of increasing your attack power while also lessing the energy cost with little wasted. However the master stage nearly double your attack power, with very or none energy loss.”
“Would that mean we can fight those twice as strong if we have master Ki control?” Lily asked with stars in her eyes.
“In Ki attacks and theory yes, practical is no as you either be severely wounded or dead before you get your attack off. It can be less than a second to decided the outcome of the fight either as the winner or the loser. Pheon has put down multiple opponents who were stronger than him physically due to moving faster than they can react.” Azure explained.
“So, how do we train in advance control.” Zaraf asked as two boulder landed in front of them.
“Your going to sit on these and attempt to contain all your Ki inside your bodies. Even if you learned this as basic control method, a small leakage is present, but barely noticeable. This is what give scouters and machines a power level reading. It is said that a master can make it so there so there zero causing those machine to become useless.” Pheon replied as he reappeared.
Nodding, Lily and Zaraf climb onto the boulders and began attempting to compress their Ki and draw it in lowering the Ki they release. In a few hours, the Ki he was releasing was nearly half as before, but he could also fight at full strength without releasing it. When his Ki sense hovered over Lily, she wasn’t far behind him he felt.
“Tsk, prodigies are always a pain to teach and they are even worse when they are saiyans. Soaking everything up as a sponge.” Zaraf heard Aruze grumbling as he continued to concentrate but laughed inside.
A few hours later, they finished up their Ki control session which allowed Lily and Zaraf to recover from their fatigue. Stretching out and warming up from sitting so long, Lily and Zaraf were ready for the next part.
“Now time to spar, Zaraf against me, while Lily against Pheon. Don’t use your transformation as you will just burn out faster.” Azure said before appearing by Zaraf’s side.
Zaraf’s fist was easily blocked while taking a kick to the ribs bruises them.
Zaraf attempted to land blows on Azure but his attacks are always blocked and countered. None of the attacks were bone breaking or leave permanent injuries, but they are going to leave a bruised.
On the other side, Lily wasn’t fairing much better as she could barely keep up with Pheon let alone get a attack in. Nearly an hour later they ended the sparring session, only leaving a exhausted a pair of four year olds.
“Well that ends today session. See you tomorrow,” Azure said as he and Pheon vanished.
“Did you have to be so rough with him?” Pheon asked remembering Zaraf’s bruised body.
“It fine, as they should be healed by morning. Saiyan recovery faster so he should be fine for tomorrow training. Besides, how are they going to get to their goal if they can’t take a beaten?” Azure replied as they watch down from the sky.
“That is true, but what power level do you think they will reach by the time they leave.” Pheon replied.
“Possibly, fifty thousand with a possibility for more or less. Even if saiyan have immense potential it doesn’t really come into effect until they are fifteen or more. There an exception if the parents or one of them a super saiyan than half that give or take.” Azure replied.
“I don’t see that being the case with these two, but do you think they have the potential to achieve the super saiyan status?” Pheon asked.
“Yes, at some point in the future but currently they don’t. Even if they did it would just burn them out like their Ooruza forms.” Azure said.
“Ahh, yes similar to the ancient saiyans where they held giant apes bodies before compressing them down. Too bad they grown arrogant and lost the power they were feared for and became low level pirates.” Pheon said. “Well see you later for the next training session.”
“Bye,” Azure replied before both vanished.
- In Serial194 Chapters
The world is broken and rotten. It's supposed defenders are too weak willed to do what is necessary. It's leaders are too corrupt to care for those beneath them If they wont fix this world, then I will! I will make the world a better place ..... by any means necessary! Nice to meet you all. My name is Ginobi47. A lurker of fanfiction.net and now a writer of original fic.This is my first original work and I do hope you enjoy it! Do remember that this is a fiction in the Superhero genre. Please expect the craziness that goes along with it. NOTE: English is not my maiden language. AUTHOR'S NOTE: As I went through the other fictions of Royal Road, I noticed that my style of writing style (slow release, 1 big post) doesnt work well in this site. As such, I'll be experimenting on releasing smaller chapters more often, as this seems to be how the authors of Royal Road does things. Mind you, my release speed will still be very slow compared to others, but I'll churn out chapters more often than what I used to do. DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/M7bmjTH ANOTHER NOTE: Some of my readers convinced me to set up a discord server. While I have absolutely no idea what to do in a discord server, but if you're interested, just join in and go nuts. Suggest some storylines or characters, seek advice in just about anything or tell me your deepest darkest secret (you can PROBABLY trust me ^.^). Feel free to do whatever is fun
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