《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 2: New Planet
Six months later, two space pods crashed landed on a planet nearly twenty times earth gravity. Slowly the two space pods opened as a young boy and girl stepped out with great difficulty. The boy looked around with his red and green eyes only seeing what appears to be a jungle. A scared look appeared in the young girl eyes along with excited look as she hugged the boy.
“Zaraf, where are we?” Lily asked as she let go and felt like she moving in water.
“Let me check the log in the pod,” Zaraf replied as he slowly made his way over to the ship. “We are on planet x5446w5 and recorded as uninhabited by any civilization. The gravity is twice that of Planet Vegeta and about six months away from there or was there. ”
“Why didn’t you check this while we were shooting off into space?” Lily asked as a tear fell as she remember watching their planet be destroyed.
“A little busy watching as our planet vanished along with most of our race. Now we have a few choices that I can see, we either use this planets gravity to train or we can go find Bardock's son. We can also train our Oozaru transformations the full moon stays up on the other side of the planet at all times. Though that weird in itself.” Zaraf said as he frowned as wondered how that possible before tossing it to Dragon Ball logic.
“Oozaru Transformations? Isn’t there only one?” Lily asked curious as she knew a few legends like the super saiyan and few myths.
Tapping his finger on his jaw, Zaraf began to think how to explain it without talking about like a show or a fortune teller. There is also the problem of talking about his genetics ability which he wants to keep hidden for as long as possible.
“Well, if a saiyan can go super saiyan like in the legend why would there be only one transformation for the Oozaru? Besides, most saiyan don’t look into it but maybe it be worth it.” Zaraf said.
“Become even bigger?” Lily questioned tilting her head.
“No, no I mean like we compress the body keeping the the boost in strength and not losing speed. Can you imagine what it be like if we had our saiyan body but with the Oozaru strength behind it. Though we may need to train our bodies to handle the pressure or we could possible die from it.” Zaraf said but thoughts about opening more genetic limits crossed his mind and wondering if he can do the same with Lily.
[Beep! It is possible to break her Genetic Limits, you just need to make skin to skin contact. Holding hands, hand on face, ect.]
“How many can I break currently?” Zaraf asked as since it been a couple years since the last time and the pain made he skip past it.
[Beep! Host is currently able to break the next two, as the fourth limiter is recommend at power level of three thousand. Lily is able to handle the first three as she is similar in power to yours.]
Closing his eyes, Zaraf entered his Genetics playfield he liked to call it and quickly shattered the limiter with a little difficulty as he rushed forward and broke the next. He continued to walk forward and looked at the next wall and seen it was nearly impossible to look through. It seemed that the walls got thicker and denser the more he broke through them.
Exiting the field, Zaraf felt his cells grow in excitement as they evolved and quickly adapted to the gravity. Grabbing Lily’s hand he quickly entered her genetics playfield and quickly noticed a few differences between them. Making a mental note of studying the difference later, he noticed that the first was was naturally broken before bulldozing his way through the next two.
“What did you do, Zaraf?” Lily asked once she felt a change in her body as it adapted to the environment and gravity. She enjoyed the feeling of being lighter and stronger but she noticed that Zaraf, looks slowly improving but she couldn’t put her finger on it. His skin seems to be lightning up as the tan he gain from being outside receded.
Unknown to Lily, Zaraf was watching something similar as Lily’s skin began to whiten as he tan slowly vanishing and her hair calmed down and gained a silky feel to it. Worried on what going on, he panicked as he asked the system.
[Beep! Don’t worry it just a side effect of breaking more than two limiter at once and at a young age. With the limiters gone your genetics are slowly evolving which in turn improves your looks and bodies.]
“Show me my status?”
[Name: Zeref (Zero)
Age: Three years six month old
Bloodline: Middle-Class Saiyan (96%), Elite-Class Saiyan (4%)
Battle Power: 2,100 (150)
Multiverse Points: 10,500
Genetic Control: Master
Basic Ki Control: Advance
Flight: Intermediate
Genetics limit Broken- 3 out of 243
No wonder the elites were arrogant to the lower class, though I doubt they knew about it being genetic. Zaraf thought as he seen a blinking light at the top of the screen. Clicking the mission tab he saw that he completed his first mission, of escaping planet Vegeta.
[Beep! Reward for escaping Planet Vegeta, 500 multiverse points, Map of North Galaxy.]
“Zaraf, what did you do?” Lily asked again as he didn’t reply the first time.
“My magic?” Zaraf said but made it like he questioning it..
Accepting his reasoning, Lily felt he was hiding something, but since he wasn’t saying she just have to wait. Spreading her Ki sense out, she noticed it decreased by half as before leaving Planet Vegeta which was hundred meter now it's a little over fifty.
“So what are we doing now?” Lily asked Zaraf who was looking around the area.
“Well unless you want to live outside for our stay here, I think first is finding shelter, food, and water. After that training, and more training with a chance of putting the Oozaru transformation for a few test runs.” Zaraf said which Lily nodded in agreement.
Lifting their space pods, with great difficulty due to being heavier than before, they took off looking for either a cave or a nice building spot near the water. Surprisingly, Zaraf noticed that carrying the pod and the gravity forced his cells to evolve even faster than before.
The flight over the jungle was an eye opener for them as they saw giant creatures like tigers with wings or large lizards with wings breathing violet flames. The creatures reminded Zaraf of the mythological creature of his last life but he left them alone. Not only were they stronger than him and Lily combined they were used to the gravity due to raised here.
I wonder if a flaming bird will appear? Zaraf thought as birds covered in lightning and flames raced passed them seeming in a race. Never mind, this planet should be called the planet of myths.
Luckily, none of the creatures really cared for the two young saiyans except some of the less intelligent and weaker animals. After flying for a few hours and heavily panting from carrying their ships, Zaraf and Lily managed to find a spot near shelter, water and food source. It also amazed how the day and night side split as if someone just cut the time tight there.
The cave was easily and quickly split into three room, giving them a area to keep their space pods, a dining area or kitchen, and a bedroom. Zaraf didn’t want to believe it, but he found out that he has trouble sleeping if Lily wasn’t nearby. He quickly wanted blamed it on Luna but he couldn’t complain as he still only three and half years old.
“So what the training plan?” Lily asked.
“We will do basic body building like we been doing and than adding light sparring in two weeks. In a few months, we add Ooruza training and go from there.” Zaraf replied thinking.
Sound of giant footsteps grew closer to their cave with Ki leagues above theirs. The power they felt was nearly three times of their own, but luckily or unlucky it seemed to be preparing to enter battle as another beast was raising equally as fast.
Zaraf felt the cave shakening so he grabbed Lily who fell into him and was prepared to escape any moment if the cave was coming down. When Zaraf was brave enough to look around the corner he saw a giant ape with red fur was pounding a T rex creature into the ground or attempting to. The T rex was biting down on the Ape’s neck causing blood to be spilled everywhere as the brutal battle raged on.
Instead of feeling scared of being crushed, Zaraf felt his blood boiling as he wanted to go out and fight. Only he knew he currently didn’t stand a chance and would become an afternoon appetizer as he didn’t count as a snack.
“Zaraf what should we do?” Lily asked worried as she feels the same way as him.
“We can either wait and escape, or attempted to combine a Ki blast so it strong enough to kill them both?” Zaraf replied.
“But we never fired one before let alone together.” Lily pointed out which was true but there n time like the present to try.
“Put your hands together like this and start gathering most of your energy and when I say now we launch it forwards.” Zaraf said putting her hands in the Kamaha wave form.
She nodded as a purple energy ball began to form by her waist as he did the same but his was red. I hope this works, Zaraf thought as he waited until both beast lined up in a straight line.
“Now,” He said as both of them fired a rogue kamehameha or galactic gun or whatever.
Their two energy blast quickly turned into one quadrupling their power which blasted a hole straight through both fighters. Only the attack continued onwards destroying nearly two hundred meters pasts them. Zaraf and Lily could only smile as the sweat of using a lot of energy and over powering their attack drained them.
“I think we need to add Ki training, but at least we got food now that already cooked.” Zaraf panted out. That probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do now that I think about it. Hmm, maybe the urge to fight is coming out now that the body got older?
“Do you think? Now let get something to eat.” Lily said as their stomach rumbled.
“Is it even safe to eat them?” Zaraf asked as they ran over to the corpses as they couldn’t regrow their head or most of their chest.
“I think so? Though do you think it will have any effect on us? They were beings that could use Ki.” Lily asked.
[Beep! Host has defeated a Giant Red Ape with help of Lily, 75 points reward.]
[Beep! Host has defeated a Azure Dragon Infant, 75 points reward.]
[Beep! It is safe for host to consume.]
“It should be safe as long as we don’t eat something poisonous. The question should be how are we going to harvest and store them. We don’t have the tools or the option to make tools.” Zaraf said as they were too big to cook on open flame and besides ripping pieces off they don’t have an option of harvesting.
“I guess we just have to eat all we can and cook it with Ki, and in the future hunt smaller creatures.” Lily said as she remember Luna lesson that wasting food or killing for fun is bad.
While Lily began to eat the giant ape which got him wondering if it a form of cannibalize as he started the young dragon. When he looked over to Lily and seen she puking out the one bite he realized that the monkey inedible. Waving her over, they just began eating the dragon making him wish for seasoning or dipping sauce.
After eating over half the dragon, both of them yawned as now their stomach full and the low energy getting to them. Curling up next to Lily in their new cave they decided to leave the corpse there for morning as they were too tired to move them or even to lift. Only skeletons were left in the morning when they woke up and cold sweat as creatures came by and ate with them not knowing.
“Let’s get training and find some food,” Zaraf said as they moved the bones away with more difficulty due to size more than weight.
Six months flew by since the extreme...training began causing their strength to surge from training and fighting their next meal. Somehow they managed to kill their meals without getting seriously wounded as they didn’t have a way to rapidly heal their injuries if they survived. Well, it more that Zaraf didn’t want to use the system shop, unless absolutely necessary. The training for the great ape form came a little later than plan and it was only a month ago did it begin.
“Now, Lily since we can keep our conscious perfectly and Ki control improved let see if my theory holds some truth.” Zaraf said as they finished their morning warm up.
In the last half year, Lily started to grow and appeared to be five years old with the slight tan returning. Zaraf wondered why they weren't getting a tan as they used to since they spent most of the time under the sun.
[Beep! Host’s cells are stronger so the sunlight can’t damage them so easily anymore.]
“Once we transform, we must try to compress our bodies and try to retain our saiyan forms.” Lily says rolling her eyes as Zaraf been saying that for the last month and a half. “Do you actually think its possible?”
“Nothing is impossible...probably, besides isn’t it exciting to explore the impossible?” Zaraf smiled earning more eye rolls. We should be able to as that the what happen for super saiyan four. Besides there tons of fan theories and I doubt we can even do any more than a few seconds or minutes if we manages this.
Nodding and doubt filling her expression, they flew towards the night side of the planet and quickly transformed into their great apes form. Nothing like watching a girl turn into a great ape, it will scare you senseless. Zaraf thought as he began to hover above the ground focusing on his Ki and body with attempt at compressing them. Nearly five hours later did he feel a slight change as his body began shrinking slowly.
However when he reach half his size in his great ape form, searing pain went through his body as his muscles tore apart. Than a blinding light engulfed him revealing as sixteen year old with most his body covered in brown fur. His mohawk grew and reach down to his lower back, and his muscle bulge out similar to goku's later in the series. They weren't so big that they resist movement or made him like a pretty boy either.
While he was looking himself over, Lily was covered in a blinding like and appeared next to him in a similar state. Her hair didn’t change much but her body looked similar to his and covered in brown fur except she appeared like a fairy. When he looked into her eyes she had a red ring around the outside of her iris.
“It worked, Lily,” Zaraf smiled as she looked into his eyes.
“You have red and black rings around your iris, Zaraf.” Lily suddenly said confusing him as he assumed he only has the red ring also.
“You have the red ring also, though we need to untransform as the energy consumption is tremendous.” Zaraf said as he felt like e ran around the planet three times without Ki to help him. The planet wasn’t small either as it was nearly three times the size of earth in his last world.
Untransforming, they appeared in their base form which they look like a pair of five year olds. There was a change though as they instinctively knew they could transform at will without the full moon with some practice.
“What should we name the form?” Lily asked as they appeared in their cave and dove straight for the kitchen.
“Since the legend about the super saiyan sayian are said to have golden hair and flame like arua. Let name this Oozaru Saiyan, but do you feel as if your power level spiked when returning to base form?” Zaraf asked receiving a nod as he began thinking about the why.
Is it because we we had a breakthrough or did we change something in our body? Zaraf thought quickly diving into the Genetic playfield and looking at the change. What he saw shocked him as the genetics did change for the Oozaru form as they seemed to evolved. The cells or strands seem to accept the extra energy the S-Cells give them. It also appears that the next genetic limiter broke because of it bringing them to four limiters broken.
“Can you bring up my stats?”
[Name: Zeref (Zero)
Age: Four years old
Bloodline: Middle-Class Saiyan (95%), Elite-Class Saiyan (5%)
Battle Power: 3,650 (150)
Multiverse Points: 12,100
Genetic Control: Master
Advance Ki Control: Beginner
Flight: Advance
Ki Blasts: Advance
Oozaru First Form (10X): Beginner
Genetics limit Broken- 4 out of 243
Glancing over his skills, he noticed that Ki control evolved twice which he thought because the achievement he just did. Looking at the mission tab he spotted the familiar blinking light telling him he completed a mission again. Clicking it, his rewards popped into existent, causing Lily to raising an eyebrow at the small glow.
[Beep! Host has completed Discover the Oozaru Evolution of Power. Reward: 5,000 Multiverse Points, 2x gravity gloves (Indestructible) that multiple the planet gravity up to three hundred times. Congratulation for finding the first Oozaru form in the last thousand years, but it the first of many.]
“Where did the these come from?” Lily asked.
“No idea, but have one,” Zaraf said tossing her a black glove with a phoenix emblem on the back. Putting it on her right hand she felt the gravity increase, before it disappeared. When Zaraf put the one on his left hand he felt the same thing before smiling.
“It seems we can increase the gravity to train in, but I say we hold off until our power start leveling out before we active them.” Zaraf explained his thought while Lily tilted her head not understanding the reason well. Zaraf forgets sometimes that she four and won’t understand complicated things some of the time. Luckily she will follow his rules on what not to do most of the time.
After their meal, Zaraf transformed in the Oozaru form followed by Lily who was straight across from him. As if the signal was given both kicked off the ground and threw a punch at each other. When their fists connected a small crater formed when they backflipped backwards.
Kicking off the ground barely landing, Zaraf sent a heavy kick towards Lily’s head who blocked with her own. Round for round, kick for kick, they battled devastating the surroundings as heavy winds rolled from when their fist or kick connect.
After nearly ten minutes passed, the two ended their spar breathing heavily as they fell out of their newest form. The energy consumption is huge and currently not really useful in battle as after the time limits pass they would be left to the other mercy.
“Well, ten minutes is our current limit,” Zaraf said as Lily nodded as they leaned on each other trying to catch their breath.
“So we need more training?” Lily said as if she seeing the future.
“Oh, and what type of training?” Zaraf grinned.
“Body strengthening and Ki control again.” Lily muttered.
“Yes, as one never done with those two even when one dies,” Zaraf laughed as she groaned as he was sure she could see him training on his deathbed. Though he doesn’t have plan on dying anytime soon again.
Lily just rolled her eyes at him as they stretched out before heading inside the cave as they were tired from the long day. First they compressed their Oozaru form and did a sparring session with them. Both sapped them of most of their energy. What the two didn’t notice is them being watched by two large creatures who appeared to be smile or were if they could.
“I believe we found a few saiyans.”
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