《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 1: The Beginning
Zero, the world top assassin who took the word by storm two years ago. No one knows his or her true form as it rumored that they were either adult male or a small kid. Some say it a myth while other say it magic. With a hundred percent kill ratio without failing a single kill, they are worshiped by assassins and feared by the public.
Sitting alone, in a small park alone, a fifteen year old boy with spiky black hair and cold blue eyes. He was muscular yet lean as if his body was filled with power, but his gray sweatshirt and baggy jean covered them. His angel like face made him appear innocent and couldn’t hurt a fly, but underneath he was near emotionless with only love or hate remaining.
Coughing into his hand, blood filled it but he didn’t look faze. A smile of relief and pain formed as blood continued to dribble out of his mouth. “Ah, it seems the subject zero coming to an end now.”
Memories as long as he could remember was being injected with experimental drugs or fighting to death with other test subjects. None of the children there had names or conscious of what right or wrong, as their names were numbers. No one held any guilt or emotion as they just thought it was life and didn’t care if they were the ones to end it. The drugs did play a role as they either dampened or nearly erased all their emotions as their bodies bagan to mutate.
The organization was attempting to create super humans weapons or super powers from fantasy novels. Zero remembered fighting a boy who could run at super speed like the flash, but his body couldn’t keep up so he aged decades the longer he ran. Another time he fought a girl who could transform and attempted to seduce him by showing her amazing body. Only problem was he wasn’t interested so a knife to the throat later the fight ended.
“Of course, powers I got was the ability to change, add, or remove parts to DNA at the cost of my cells degrading rapidly.” Zero muttered as his vision grew blurry. “Time to leave.” was his last thing before he collapsed and left the world.
Appearing in a room full of torture items or weapons, Zero looked around and spotted a man who looked in his late twenties smiling at him. His red eyes glowed at him as the man ran his hand through his long black hair.
“Hello,” Zero said.
“You must be wondering why I called you here as usually you would be in the wheel of reincarnation. Unless your a immortal, divine beast, or a god.” He muttered the last part.
“That would be helpful alongside your name,” Zero asked.
“Oh, I’m Lucifer and I am the director of the Torture and Terror section of the afterlife. When very naughty souls come here I or my subordinates get to play as they scream in terror. That not why I called you though, as I need someone to do something really important in a universe. You might know it as Dragon Ball.” Lucifer began explaining getting a blank stare from Zero as he read about the series before...well some fanfiction. He read about all the transformation and few theories alongside major villains but he didn’t really have time to watch or read the manga.
“What so important that I have to go there?” Zero asked. “What am I getting out of this deal by the way?”
“I need you to pair Goku with Bulma and Chichi with Vegeta. It should induce a few interesting results. As for what you getting how about three wishes?” Lucifer asked.
Nodding as he already got a two wishes in his head, Zero began. “For my first wish, is Genetic Control I currently have but without the flaws to it or my cells rapidly degrading with every use. My second wish is to be a male Saiyan in order to explore the their transformations with my first wish. The final is a system without missions, shop, only status and skills I either learning or mastered with transformations on there.”
“Hmm, I don’t see a problem with that, but your genetic powers are a whole lot more powerful than you realize. The problem before is your body couldn’t handle the strain and it was damaged by all those drugs injected into you.” Lucifer explained. “Well, that for you to explore and do whatever as long as you pair them together which should be easy. Oh, yeah Planet Vegeta is going to be destroyed in three years after your born. I already arranged for you and one other off the planet alongside the others who are off the planet it in the main series. So you will need to find your way to Earth in the next thirteen years give or take.”
“I will attempted to play matchmaker, for Bulma and Goku though Chichi and Vegeta is going to be tricky. A lot can happen in that time before Vegeta appears and she might already get married by than.” Zero said getting Lucifer to nod as he understood that risk also.
“Well, try at the very least is all I ask. Since there still a few minutes left I will tell you about your genetic ability. The changes you make to yourself or others won’t be instant as it can range from a few minutes to a few years depending on what it is. I would recommend not randomly changing your DNA until you know what it will do to you as it will either weaken or strengthen you. The rest can be asked to the system as time is up,” Lucifer said before Zero in a slimy green liquid.
When he looked around, it was an empty room beside the tank straight across of him. It was an infant girl with long spiky black hair down to her butt. Zero looked around for a her name but didn’t find one so he didn’t worry about it as he doubted he see her after he leaves. Continuing his search, he barely managed to see his reflection and wondered what Lucifer was getting at.
He had long black hair in a form of a mohawk with deep red and green eyes. Even with the ability to change, Zero was tempted not to change them unless they become a problem. Looking over the rest of his body, he notice his little dragon won’t have problems pleasuring who ever on the receiving end. A little overboard for an infant, Lucifer.
[Multiverse System now online.]
The sudden voice in his head, scared Zero a little and would have jumped if he wasn’t locked in a tank. When he thought of the Multiverse System, he felt one of his wish didn't work as why would it be called Multiverse if it didn’t have a shop. Why am I getting such overpowered items in a overpowered world? I can understand the Genetics abilities taking times to change as it limit it power somewhat. Now a shop, but I never check yet so it might not have one.
[Beep! 10,000 Multiverse points and a letter from Lucifer.]
“Dear Zero or Zeref,
There was a slight problem with your third wish which I couldn’t remove any of the features you said. So, since I didn’t have the powers to make one or a decent and reasonable one, I just pulled this one out of storage. To make it up to you I given you 10,000 points to start you off with.
Your Friend,
P.s. King Yama is a subordinate of mine and will help you to the best of his ability.”
Reading over the letter or mental letter, Zero didn’t really mind the system as much now since it a reasonable explanation. Now, he wondered if he should be happy he named after a Fairy Tail villian who was immortal, or wonder where the name came from. Mentally shrugging at the thought he decided to leave it as it’s not worth investigating.
“Can I see my Stats Screen?”
[Name: Zeref (Zero)
Age: 10 minutes
Bloodline: Middle-Class Saiyan (100%)
Battle Power: 100
Multiverse Points: 10,000
Genetic Control: Master
Looking at his stellar stats, he smiled as he not overpowered and calling attention to himself. Moving on to the other tabs he noticed at the top of the screen he mental picked the one with a heart. It was a relationship tab, and it only had one name on it with a few lines of question marks as it seems to have a condition for it to display others.
Who is Lily?
While wondering it, a pink arrow appeared and pointed to the infant across from him. Next to her name on the status sheet, new words began to emerge that made him wonder for his future.
Lily: Nothing, Soulmate
It seems building a relationship with her in the future is going to be interesting due to having zero experience outside of killing or dying. Well either way he not complaining, as he knew he get to meet her in the future, though he not saving the saiyan race. It the driving force for Vegeta and leads Goku becoming a super saiyan, if the Zeref remembered correctly.
Moving onto the other tab, Zeref mentally clicked the coin tab, as a firework filled the screen.
[For opening the Shop tab, the following rewards are given: 1,000 points and one free item 300 points or lower.]
Thousands of items appeared with price ranging from one point to tens of zeros though the item listed for one point confused him. Women’s panties was listed for one point and he didn’t know if it was a joke or reference to something. He could buy customized clothes or Gi and get ten sets for a hundred points. A senzu bean cost one thousand five hundred per bean while technique he recognized and a few he did varied in prices.
Even techniques and power from other universe or series appeared on the list only Zeref wasn’t interested. If he going to use a technique he either going to learn it from someone or make it himself, unless it to learn from it. He finally notice he could purchase memories from other character or about any subject.
“Yep, the legendary and bane of reads is at my fingertips known as overpower story breaker device: OPness.” Zaraf thought as he took a look at the mission tab which uses a list icon.
Escape Planet Vegeta-(Incomplete)
Discover the Oozaru Evolution of Power-(Incomplete)
Discover Super Saiyan Evolution of Power-(Incomplete)
Discover Saiyan God Evolution of Power-(Incomplete)
Fight Frieze-(Incomplete)
Fight and Win the 21st Tournament of power-(Incomplete)
Hundreds of missions appeared and in a completely random order so he clicked away as the missions were more like a to-do list. Since he was already planning on most of them on either looking at the genetics of the transformation or testing some fanfiction theories.
Exiting his system menu, Zaraf quickly became bored as watching Lily release air bubbled was quite boring. So, doing the only logical and totally not out of boredom, he decided to look at his DNA. Closing his eyes and entering a semi meditative state where billions of line of DNA appeared in front of him.
This is going to take a while to sort and study before I even dare mess with anything. Zaraf thought as he he began scanning the lines he walked pass. Soon he came across the first thing that interested him greatly. A large thin red wall appeared in front of him blocking his path which he lightly tapped before it shattered and he felt a massive headache kicking him out.
“System what was that?” he nearly screamed as his heart rate spiked slightly before calming down.
[Beep! Host has broken the first Genetic Limiter and is currently adapting to current change. It is recommend that host waited a few years to break the next one.]
“The pain is because my body wasn’t strong enough to handle it or old enough. How strong should I be before the next one? Better yet how many are there and what the benefits beside the pain.” Zaraf wanted to shouted.
[Beep! Host should wait before breaking the next one with a battle power of hundred. There are two hundred and forty three with each set split into groups of eighty three. The first set is the mortal which will put you near the apex of the race once all eighty one level are broken. The next set is known as Alpha which are stronger and all around better than others of the same race. Finally the third is known as the transcendent which are the final set which the gods sit at and become semi-immortal. Once at the transcendent stage only external source will kill you as time or sickness will no longer affect you.
It is noted that martial arts seek to break these limits through training, trails, or pushing over their limits. If converted to this world Ki source, Mortal would be ordariary Ki which Goku and the Z fighter uses. Transcendent would be using God Ki like Lord Beerus or Kai’s uses. The Alpha stage is the go between as one slowly merges and learns to control God Ki as it only than they can be sense it.]
Processing the long explanation that the system just told him, Zaraf learned that he has a long road ahead of him. He also known that Lily will be by his side as he would need a training partner and friend along the way. If it just happens it evolves into something more than it does as training with others lead to improvement expressially with rivals.
“What is Broly if he a legendary Super Saiyan?” Zaraf asked as he not looking to fighting that monstrous thing in the future if he has too.
[Beep! Legendary Super Saiyan is a natural born Alpha, but due to seven generation of unintional incense they are highly unstable.]
How does unintenal incense happen for seven generations? Zaraf wonder before turning his thoughts into a different direction. He didn’t want to think how that possible and felt a tiny bit of pity for Brolly before thinking about all the destruction that caused by him.
“System, is there anything recommend while I sit in boredom?” Zaraf asked as the quietness of the room annoyed him.
[Beep! Lucifer has recommended Basic Ki Control and get a solid foundation for it before your sent off. This will help you teaching the basics and train your mind to increase your rational thoughts as a Oozaru transformation.]
“How many points is it?” Zaraf asked since it recommended and something to focus on that will help him in the future.
[Beep! Five hundred multiverse points. Do you wish to purchase Y/N.]
Mentally clicking yes, a small flood of information inserted itself into his head causing yet another headache. The information was a little disappointing on what Ki really is as he realized that it controlling Ki outside his body. He won’t be able to do much with it until he leaves the tank, which is Ki sense and drawing Ki around his body.
Two months flew by since Zaraf reincarnated into Dragon Ball, with everyday practicing his Ki control or Studying his Genetic. However he made sure not to break anymore genetic limits though he found out the next one is a tiny bit stronger, but still nearly transparent. He didn’t look at the system shop as he couldn’t buy anything from it and wasn’t really interested in the information yet.
Today though something change outside the doctors coming and checking them before leaving. A woman in saiyan battle armor walked in with hair similar to Lily, though since Zaraf hasn’t seen many Saiyan. She had a curvy body reminding him of a model from his last life, though since he can play with genetics he didn’t care. Her eyes though were filled with pain, as she stroke Lily’s Tank before doing the same with his.
“I bring you bad news, Zaraf your mother was killed on the latest mission, while your father pretending you don’t exist. So your coming home with me in a few months, alongside Lily since my husband also been killed.” The woman began to explain, confusing Zaraf why she even telling them, but guess it to work through her grief.
After sitting in the room for nearly an hour, she said goodbye and left, but returned every other day since than. She would tell them what happening in her day or talk about old battles, which Zaraf learn she neither arrogant or has a self inflated ego. From time to time she would go on how the her newest students would fight each other. Zaraf could only shake his head at the Saiyans way of learning as it mostly plays on wounds and genetics.
The saiyans would fight and receives variety degrees of wounds and injuries before healing. They would repeat that for days as basic Ki control was beat into them, before learning how to fight. Possible the first thing that made the top of Zaraf list was teaching Lily Ki control and maybe Luna. It turns out that Lily’s family has a history of choosing weird names for Saiyans and made Zaraf wonder if his mother got his name from them.
Finally, months passed and he was turning a year old which also mean the day he finally leaves the tank. Luna arrived alongside a purple alien that came by every once in awhile to check the machines. Soon the green liquid began to drain out of the tanks and they were scooped out of the tanks. When they left the hospital, Luna began heading away from the city and soon entered the wilderness where they came across a hut.
“Welcome home, you two?” Luna announced as she took them on a small tour showing a small living room and their room. Looking around, Zaraf saw the place didn’t have much beside a single bed and crib, alongside the kitchen. Out the back widow he saw a what he consider a space pod junkyard.
Hundreds of space pods from broken glass, rusted off doors and torn apart was present. Thoughts of his new adoptive mother being an engineer crossed Zaraf mind. Though, she was on the assault squad so maybe she decided to open a junkyard for space pod for money.
Maybe, I should study so I can repair ships in the future or invent different things? Zaraf thought as being stuck on a empty planet would ruin his week.
Adding to his list of to-do throughout the day, Zaraf picked up on learning how to build and repair space pods. Though it looked more like he was playing around as he would pick up a part than sit it down somewhere else. Another thing he began training his body with basic routine that turn a yellow jumpsuit hero bald.
Lily started to follow his steps as he began to simply explain methods of controlling her Ki not that she knew what it was. Their battle power slowly began to raise though as they weren’t pushing themselves to death, or have grand battles that nearly kill them. Every couple of weeks he would increase their routine by adding a few more push ups or increasing the distant they ran.
“Zaraf, how come you seem weaker than before?” Lily asked him when they turned two.
“Because I suppressing my energy as it would allow me to take enemies by surprise. It a useful trick I learned last week, so do you want to learn it?” Zaraf asked since teaching her allowed him to learn more about Ki than before. He also began experimenting with flight, but was very unstable since it more trial and error on his part.
“Will it be useful?” Lily asked doubt filling her head.
“Yeah, it would show on the scouter what your current level was when suppressed. Can you imagine what would happen when the enemy was overconfidence in his power. It would be their downfall and allow for more interesting battles if you match other battle power.” Zaraf said getting her excited as her saiyan blood craved for battle. He been luck in curving her arrogance and inflating her saiyan ego early on. So now he doesn’t need to worry about a female Vegeta.
“Teach me,” She jump up and down happily.
“Ok, first sit down and focus on your energy,” he paused and waited for her to focus. “Now slowly pull in the energy that naturally leaving and will it to suppress itself. It will feel as if your energy has lowered but in truth it all there just hidden from view basically.”
Zaraf continued to instruct as he felt Lily’s power suppressing itself to match his. While he was teaching Lily, Luna was looking at the calendar and panic as the full moon was scheduled tonight. Normally she didn’t care as it only happens once every eight years, however she hasn’t taught Lily or Zaraf how to control themselves when they transform.
Walking into the house she quickly went on to explain about what happening getting a blank stare from Zaraf. It was as if the two year old was scolding her for forgetting something important. After which she gave them a crash course on controlling and hope worked thought she wasn’t counting on it.
Few hours passed, with Luna bringing them to a empty wasteland where they can safely transform. Only, Zaraf wondered why they just didn’t hide inside the house or something? Well, Luna wanted to get a feel for the transformation which usually takes place off world.
Well, System can you record the changes in my DNA so I can review them afterward. Zaraf asked the system as he sat next to Lily waiting for the moon to raise.
[Beep! Very well.]
Zaraf found out after experimenting with the system is could function like a an AI chip from novel in his last life. Only it had limit capacity where it could only recorded the changes in his body as he hasn’t made much progress with Saiyan DNA. The potential and transformation hidden in them made his head spin trying to figure out how to active or flaws in them.
“So, what happens when we transform?” Zaraf asked since she told them about how to keep control or try but never what. Of course he knew but it was never said.
“You will turn into a Oozaru which is a giant monkey-like creature that multiple our strength by ten times. It used to cause widespread destruction and required 17 million blutz waves which only the full moon can generate. The downside is the loss of speed and mobility since you well become gigantic.” Luna explained.
“So turn into a giant monkey and try not to destroy everything, it going to be a long night.” Zaraf said innocently. “But why can’t we just hide inside away from the moon?”
“Because you need to get a feel for the transformation,” Luna said covering that she hasn’t thought of that. Zaraf has learned that she is an airhead at some points in time.
This is going to end very badly. Zaref thought. True to his thoughts once the full moon came out they transformed into their giant forms. Zeref felt his control slipping until Lily sucker punched him going out of control.
Returning the favor he punch back forcing her to take four steps back as he regain control. The two began trading blows with very little guarding on Lily’s side as she not in control. Zaraf could only mentally sigh as he fought both Lily and for control of his mind. Luna seems to sitting on the sideline watching them fight without a care in the world.
The surrounding area was sweeped through as massive gust of wind torn on through from the massive bodies of Zaraf and Lily. Two hours in the fight, both were heavily breathing a blood was present as cuts, bites, and whatever was thrown their way, Lily began gaining control. When the battle finished, both sat down as two hours of battling took a lot out of a two year old or really anyone. Soon both passed out completely exhausted.
“System, did you record the changes?” Zaraf asked when he woke up in his bed next to Lily.
[Beep! It is recorded do you wish to view them now?]
“Yes,” Zaraf replied as pieces of DNA highlighted themself due to the system.
As he looked over the the strands, he began to notice a few common pieces located in all of them. It seems a piece of a strange cell was attached to them and energized their primal forms when exposed to the blutz wave. What are they?
[Beep! They are known as S-cell, are microscopic cells found in most Saiyans. The amount of S-Cells depends on the spirit of the Saiyan in question: the more gentle the spirit, the greater the amount of S-Cells; alternatively, when a Saiyan increases their battle power, it can also increase the amount of S-Cells in their body. S-Cells are essential to becoming a Super Saiyan, and when a Saiyan has gained enough they can transform by feeling intense levels of anger or sadness; alternatively, by focusing their power into a tingling sensation in their upper-back the Saiyan in question can trigger the transformation into a Super Saiyan without the need for emotional stress.]
“Isn’t that a piece of information I should have to buy?” Zaraf asked since it told him it part of becoming a super saiyan in the future.
[Beep! The host has discovered what the system deem enough to answer for free.]
“Are you sure your not an AI chip?” Zaraf jokes.
[Beep! A system is an advance form of a AI chip.]
I wonder if there is a way to compress or direct the extra energy so no more giant ape? Well that for the future when I can find a planet with a full moon more often. Zaraf thought as he looked out the window and saw Luna already working in the junkyard. Poking Lily’s cheek, she slowly woke up with a yawn and without clothes.
Ah, that right we don’t have clothes that grow with us yet. Zaraf thought as he looked down. He didn’t really mind as he was only two same as her and Luna been taking baths with them. Getting out of bed they quickly got dress before heading outside.
“Ah, afternoon sleepy heads,” Luna greeted them.
“I feel lighter,” Lily said finally waking all the way up.
“Of course, you fought with Zaraf and both were heavily injured it be weird if you didn’t gain strength.” Luna replied earning a glare from Zaraf and pretend not to see it.
Now that both their strength increased, Zaraf decided to up their training schedule as the current one became useless after the transformation. Double their current exercise, it turned into three sets of one hundred and seven mile run. It was also at that time that Zaraf decided that a Saiyan body is broken.
A year has flown by since the full moon and training began to slow down as Zaraf refused to allow training weights yet. A saiyan’s body might be stronger, but using training weights on a three year old body was a no go. He did look at the system and found bracelet that would up the pressure on the wearer body mimicking the gravity. Only the system told him to hold off until his body ages or waiting till his body can’t improve by it own weight..
Laying in bed with Lily as for some reason Luna, only allowed them to share a bed, Zaraf was about to drift off to sleep when Luna burst into the room. She appeared to be in a panic as she picked them up and rush out to the yard. There two space pods were waiting to take off.
“What happening?” Zaraf asked as she strapped him to the pod with Lily in the other.
“Frieza is destroying the planet, I need you to take care of Lily in the future and give me tons of grandkids but not to early.” Luna winked at him.
“Aren’t you coming with us?” Lily asked as tears were running down her cheeks.
Shaking her head, blood came out of the corner of her lips. It was than Zaraf saw something he pretended not to notice before as he was enjoying his new life.
“You sick.” Zaraf said receiving a head shake.
“No my time is done, it been done for three years. I didn’t survive the encounter that killed my squad, but a man named Lucifer appeared. He allowed me to see my daughter first three years and future son in law, if I send you off the planet when Frieza attacks.” Luna said as she whispered the future part only to Zaraf.
With that she handed him a metal box, and told him it will open on their birthday until they are twenty five. The door closed as she attempted to smile as she waved them bye as tears ran down her cheeks. Time the pods were far enough away from the planet, Lily and Zaraf watched as it exploded as a tear ran down.
“Zaraf, what are we going to do now?” he heard Lily call over the pods radio.
“We are going to train and get revenge in the future on Frieza and train so we don’t run in fear in the future. We will grow strong and even beat gods as they tremble at our names.” Zaraf softly replied.
“Do you think we can do it, I mean beat a god,” Lily asked.
“Not think, Will. It going to be a long road and we barely began the long journey with one step at a time we will arrive at the end. Now, it time to sleep as we don’t know where the pods are going,” Zaraf said as they were rendered unconscious by a sleeping gas.
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