《Eternal Pheonix》Side Story: Training For The Duel
Enjoy! Please comment and tell me your opinion about the chapter. If the majority dislike the chapter or find it confusing I will redo it.
"When speaking out loud"
[When speaking in his head and thinking]
Fenix: [Mwahahaha, this is the most fun I had for a couple hundred reincarnations! While I have been training the profound secrets of sound and music, these kids have been slacking off, I've even been meditating while having lunch! Now grovel, evil kids, like the worms you are!]
Fenix slowly applied more of his divine energy to the God realm, as some of the weaker willed kids fainted, a puddle of yellow liquid would appear.
Professor Drake: "N-no more!" [A god realm! WTF, it wasn't a rumour! Please!, I don't want to end up like those professors, he never even need to use God realm on them! Isn't this overkill!]
Fenix looked at professor Drake, who told him to stop, he actually respected professors, they would spend their lives teaching the next generation and find ways to improve life by studying and looking for new technology.
Fenix:"I guess I have to stop, I might get in trouble if I continue..." He said, looking at some of the kids on their knees and some collapsed all together covered in their own piss.
"Yeah, some of these kids are making a mess... Poor caretakers, better stop..." He mumbled, forgetting once again that everyone in his god realm can hear!
Students:[Poor caretakers?! What about us, you sadistic bastard!]
Fenix could feel a little killing intent pouring out from them, he gave a sadistic smile and said "Or, do you want me to continue?" With his words came a tiny boost in pressure.
Students:[Oh, shit! Don't tell me he can read our thoughts too?! Please have mercy! Stop, please!] They were all praying for him to stop in their minds.
Fenix sighed when the killing intent dissipated as soon as he said those words.
"Where's the fun in that? Where's the fighting spirit and will power? What a weak generation..."
Professor Drake: [Your only 9, stop acting old, like me...]
Fenix released the pseudo full-God realm that was about 0.1 percent of its full power,
after all these are mortals that haven't even reached saint or Demi God level yet, once your a saint, you will at least be able to defend your soul against it. Saint is another term in the other planes for Rank S, the level when you are an immortal.
As soon as the God realm disappeared, everyone could finally let in a deep breath of air! "Haaaah" you could here a lot of panting, some kids were even crying and most were on there knees. The only few being the exception was Drexel and some senior students from Pheonix house who are C rank, since Fenix only applied enough pressure on the God realm to make d and below kneel or collapse.
Many people were staring at Drexel who had his hands on his knees, but was still standing. He was sweating and panting like everyone else, the clever ones could notice he was affected, but he was standing! They can't believe he is C rank! Because of this many people presumed him and the Fenix have a good relationship.
Everyone started slowly backing away from Markus, after all, it was his fault they were in this condition.
Everyone looked at Markus, -who was kneeled on the floor, his knees covered in piss, this showed his weak will power-in disdain.
What angered them most was--he was smiling!
Fenix noticed him smiling and gauged his mana core and everything else.
He also smiled and with a crystal clear voice "Hooo, now this will be more interesting!" This time he only applied sound magic, everyone flinched, presuming that the God realm was coming.
Students:*Sigh* [Too close!]
Professor Drake couldn't sense it, it is actually very hard to sense someone else's aura, only Ranks S saints can do it, except for Fenix being the exception.
Each soul makes a different sound, this sound gets more clear as one improves in power.
Fenix can differentiate between the different sounds to see his rank.
[Good thing I am learning the higher affinity of sound first!]
Although this is useless when you are Rank S, that's when you can start to gauge other people's aura and attack the soul! The Soul after all, was protect by the aura, that was why Head master Alduk refuses to believe Fenixes aura is endless, the soul is meant to be in the centre, if the aura was endless where is Fenixes soul?!
The answer is simple. The seven primordial sovereigns of fire,water,Earth, wind, electricity, ice and nature do not have souls. (There is no light or darkness, since I like to think darkness is the absence of light and light is caused by fire.
E.g. Sun.)
(an: Yes, I have decide there will be 'lesser sovereigns' which are far less powerful than the 7 primordial sovereigns which you can NOT train up to)
Professor Drake: "How will it be more interesting?"
Fenix and Drake actually get along pretty well, Fenix likes to think of them as friends, since they are assigned to most duties together. Drake himself wants to cry.
Drake, even though he's a grandpa looks quite young, around 20 maybe even 18 and is good looking with blonde hair and green eyes, in fact he is called a genius since he is one of the youngest in the plane to reach Rank A, he's only half a century old. An average person can live up to 200, in fact, HIS grandpa is still alive!
Fenix: "It seems your grandson made a breakthrough, you can thank me now!" Fenix said puffing his chest and hitting his fist on it. [Yep, totally wasn't an accident!]
Professor Drake: "I-is this true?!" Bewildered professor drake grabs his grandsons shoulders tightly and asks him.
If anyone can reach Rank C at such a young age they can be called a prodigy! You can have huge potential and many people will want to recruit you. After all, Markus is 12, only 3 years older than Drexel and Fenix!
Markus: "Of course grandpa, I'm now Rank c! Still up for the challenge Drexel! Oh, and grandpa how did you that's scary pressure!" He said sweetly. Markus knew his grandpa and clan leader was a famous rank A back in his days, even when he saw his terrified face he couldn't calculate in his mind how a 9 year old can give such a pressure!
Professor Drake: "First come here and thank professor Fenix!" He said. [you my not have my personality, but you have my talent!]
Markus:"Why- no, how is he even a prof--ok thank you!" He was forced to thank him because his grandpa was giving a scary look.
Everyone else could clearly see where the pressure was coming from, they were naturally not surprised he is a professor.
Beast an Dragon house student: "What rank are you and which class do you teach, professor? The beats man/boy asks politely.
Professor Fenix: "Hrmm?" he tilts his head, his glowing orbs look past the boy and into the cafeteria.
[What did he say again? Damn... I never got to finish my lunch...] his thoughts wander off once again.
Professor Drake answered seeing Fenixes confused face:"professor Fenix is Rank B and is qualified to teach you, enough! We have come to tell you matters pertained about the duel."
The students look at him with eagerness, they were not surprised that they were overheard, and duels can only be canceled with fighters consent.
Fenix nods and gives drake a look of appreciation.
Professor Drake: [Haha, I must be in his good books now! He has been friendly with me so far, what have I been afraid of? But those professors-- no, the past is in the past, their wounds will heal, and so will their pride... Or what's left of them, I think.]
Professor drake: "Do you know any healing spells, I am only good with the higher affinity of destruction" said professor drake, looking at the mess of knocked out kids, and yellow liquid. This was not a rare occurrence in the academy because of training, but theres usually a healer in class and not any piss everywhere.
Fenix: "Ah, yes actually." A light breeze of warm air drifts past everyone, the yellow liquid evaporates and disappears, then soft music can be heard, it sounds like it can lull any baby or man to sleep, it enters and hits the core fi one being, once the music is heard by everyone, they feel a warmth coming from their soul, the knocked out students wake up and are now as clean as the cafeteria. Musical healing.
Fenix: [Hmph, those caretakers better be grateful, I'm doing their job for them!] He doesnt realise he was the cause of the mess.
Some kids clap wanting more music but are stopped with a glare from Drake.
Professor Drake: "Professor Fenix will be giving the rules, Drexel, Markus, listen closely!"
Fenix, with a childish but evil grin, laughs and says: "Mwahaha a fight to the death!"
Everyone could only stare at the red haired 9 year old that declared an execution, who's fist was pumping the air and his golden eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Fenix noticed the grim stares: "I was only joking, eesh, the rules are:
Fight till one is knocked out or exhausted.
Do not aim for fatalities.
If there are no results in 5 to 10 minutes or it looks boring, I will declare it a draw.
No need for handicaps since they are around the same grade, they both recently joined rank C.
The fight will happen in 5 days, so me and Drake can train our students.
The losing professor will owe the other a high level Ki technique or 100 gold/academy tokens!"
Everyone can learn Ki techniques since most people have Ki unlike magic, which is rare. If Fenix loses he is willing to give away one of his many high level and above techniques rather than gold!
Professor Drake doesn't want to give away a technique equally as much as drake doesn't want to lose gold- He must care about his probably only high Ki level technique a lot. Any high level techniques are extremely rare!
Right now Fenix and Drake were looking at each other with competitive eyes, Drake knew of Drexels grade as he is a professor, Drexel recently reached C rank, around 1 month ago, he never did much training since, as he needed to travel here and organise and choose his lessons.
Everyone else was shocked, a 9 year old C rank!
Student A:"This fight is going to be amazing!"
Student B: "I know!"
Fenix and professor Drake, as experienced teacher, were organising a gruelling training schedule for both their respective students in their heads while speaking!
Professor Drake added: "In 5 days during lunch, in the arena! Be there!" He grinned at Fenix. Right now, he understood Fenix a lot more, Fenix just wants to relieve his boredom, like any kid, he also loved fighting and violence.
In this way, they were both similar, childish, but powerful monsters!
Professor Fenix: "Bring it on! Class come with me, Drexel won't only need training, we need to whoop the other classes ass in the tournament!"
Drake could only smile as he watched Fenixes is back as he walked away with his students.
Soon this duel, will become the talk of the school.
Professor Fenix:"Can anyone tell me what magic actually is?"
Aaron:"Isn't Magic bending and manipulating the laws of the world using mana."
Fenix:"Kind of, your quite intelligent but it didn't hit the mark, everything is created by mana, everything gives off even a tiny bit of mana, mana has different forms.
When something moves, it gives off kinetic energy, as you all know. Well, that's a form of mana. Electricity is a form of mana so in that way science is pretty much magic.
Even when you are about to fall you create gravitational potential energy, that's when mana is starting to get ready,then it forms then releases as gravity. Gravity it self is a form of mana."
Fenix continues, he picks up a book, let's go, the book just floats. "Right now, I'm absorbing mana around the book, without giving off any mana the book won't fall, since it doesn't have gravity to pull it down."
The book then starts to disintegrate slowly into nothingness "everything regenerates mana at different speeds, if you absorb the mana before it regenerates, well.. That's what happens. Without any mana, it starts to use its life force."he says while looking at where the book was.
"you each have a ball of earth I created in front of you, try absorbing its mana, what I'm teaching you now is a high level technique of about rank B to A. It is very hard to input your own mana vein and absorb it.
First presume the lotus position and try sensing mana.
Do you see the objects in front of you in the real world in different colours in the mana realm?
They will all be different colours and will match there different elements. The book was, for example, green, as it was from wood a nature element object.
Your rocks should be brown, correct?"
The students are sweating, they nod as they continue to meditate while listening intently to whatever Fenix says.
Fenix:"Now imagine yourself in third person, you should be multiple colours but most of body should be coloured in 1 affinity unless your duel elemental or more, this will show how high your affinity is for what."
Fenix points to James: "What colour are you, mostly, James's, Drexel, Jessica?"
Jessica an dark elven noble girl: "I'm mostly black and green."
Drexel: "I'm half red and a third dark blue."
James: "I'm mostly light blue, dark blue and yellow"
Fenix: "Woah! Two dual wielders, one of them having opposite elements and one having an affinity for a higher affinity, even if your a dark elf that is unnaturally rare and not to mention a tri wielder on the first batch!
Right everyone, right your name and colours on the board. Showing me your affinities that you sensed your self is actually more accurate than that crystal. Holy... Another tri elemental, what colours?"
Aaron: "Dark blue, white and yellow"
Fenix: "Nice! A tri elemental with a higher affinity, light. You will go well with you other freinds and Jessica as a squad! It shall be called the Fenix squad. Mwahaha, my naming sense is amazing."
Student: "Professor what's your affinity?"
Fenix:"Me? I'm higher for all but my specialties fire, I like burning stuff." He said nonchalantly.
The students shivered. [Im sorry I asked, I can imagine this monster burning and eating his way through an army.]
(an: you don't need to, it happened)
Jessica: "Professor, why do you even want to know our affinities?"
Pheonix: "I need to know what higher affinity would be best to be taught, since some of the higher affinities branch off the basic 7 affinities. For example metal branches from Earth, it could have been a subclass of earth but there are so many laws and secrets it's harder to master it than the earth affinity it self, that's why it's a higher affinity."
Student: "Speaking of metal, I thought that's the only higher affinity you need to teach us!"
Many of the students are looking forward to creating drones and mecha out of thin air and materialising mecha around their body!
Fenix: " You will learn the higher affinity of metal from professor Sinnil, I will be teaching you another. The best I know is sound at 50 percent, but I do know a bit of poison, yeah all basic affinities can be used in poison, so poison it is.
Don't worry I can still use your basic affinities to make a regimen for 16 of you. Jessica, James, Aaron and Drexel, you four will follow my schedule."
"Now Ki, it's basically your internal mana, you can wilfully take it out to enhance your body unlike magicians who can enhance it with external, using internal mana is harder but makes your body more stronger than using external mana. Basically mana comes out naturally anyway, as gravity and or other energies, you basically force it out.
Training Ki is very difficult and includes many hours of physical arduous labour.
You have to make your internal mana or Ki refined through physical labour, unlike meditating to refine your mana gauge as a Mage, martial experts have to train by physically straining them selves, this makes their internal mana more fine as it gets used to enhancing his or her body, every time you perform a physical feat, your internal mana helps you, once your perform the task, the internal mana is released as external mana as kinetic energy.
For magician meditating your mana gauge is important, it doesn't only store your external mana, it instantly refines your external mana, the more refined your mana gauge is through meditating, the more refined you mana is for a Mage.
Mages ar extremely rare compared to martial artists, you are lucky to be one, but this doesn't mean you don't need to train you Ki too, starting from tomorrow Ki training begins."
Right now the pupils were doing different physical training.
Classmate 1: "professor Fenix, is too scary."
Classmate 2: "sshh he might hear you..."
Drexel: "nah, don't say that, he must be lonely all by himself..." He looks at Fenix laughing as he watches the class run around the lap for the 30th time, once someone collapses from exhaustion he just heals them and tells them to continue or die. Fenix was sat on the floor eating a sandwich and having some lemonade.
Classmate 3: "hey, we're missing lunch, someone tell him! You James, you look the most adorable, you must be hungry too!"
The chubby little James slowly ran ahead of the rest of the group, some students were doing push ups around Fenix while he is eating, the only thing keeping them going is lunch.
"RIP James, you were a brave one..." Someone said.
Classmate: "I can't let him sacrifice himself like this, someone stop him! I'll do it!" He said, holding back the tears in his eyes.
Another classmate came behind him and said: "It's late for him now... We can only hope he finds peace in the after life."
A girl student: "so young and pure..."
James approached care fully, avoiding stepping on some students who were doing push-ups or were collapsed.
"Sir, some of the classmates have collapsed, aren't you going to heal them?" He said.
Fenix: "oh James, I will in a minute, have to finish my sandwich" he says.
James: "speaking of that, would you mind if we goto lunch? Were already running late."
Suddenly an ominous aura came from Fenix, the collapsed people started to wake up and look at Fenix, the other students looked on with horror.
One of the students, who was doing push ups and not with the others, running, shouted : "what have you done?!
The Classmates who encouraged James, were looking from afar, they were running looking forward, but running back wards!
Classmate: "he wouldn't really... Will he?"
The others could only gulp, they started sweating even more...
Fenix: "You are a brave one... I shall let you and those around me pass, rise, my pupils, you can goto the cafeteria.
But you... Cowards!" He looked straight towards Drexel, Aaron and Jessica and those who were running laps.
Fenix:"Stay, and do another 10 laps!" He shouted, making everyone gasp in horror.
They all stared at Fenix, the bodies that were rising around him, made him look like an evil 9 year old necromancer!
One of the students who was rising, after collapsing once again. She did over 1000 push-ups.
"Sir, can we take these weights off now?" She said.
The student: "What!? Have mercy, my wrists and ankles are aching, I'm only a girl!"she continued.
Fenix: "I'm not sexist, why should you get it off and boys not? Don't even dare try taking it off! It's enhance with my magic so i will know! In fact you can stay and do laps with the others." The girl could only watch Fenixes back as he walked off, holding back her tears.
Class mate: "Still feel sorry him, Drexel?"
Drexel: "He has a point, but these weights..." He started at the thick, heavy rocky wrist and ankle bands, they were even enhance with magic to be slightly heavier. The students could only keep applying Ki as they ran.
5 days have passed, the students have improved more in 5 days, than they did in months! Not only in understanding, but also in battle. They did practice fights regularly.
Of course Drexel had to fight against Fenix (who was holding back, obviously) --since the gap between d and c level is too high. Fighting against Fenix taught him to always use his brain in a fight, calculate every move and don't waste any energy, be as ruthless as you can!
Fenix and his class walked towards the arena, many people that saw the gave them room. This was their fight. Everyone in the school heard of the two prodigies that are about to fight, one 9, the other 12. There were hardly 100 students that were c rank, many stay rank d for the rest of time in the academy. But here are two first year c ranks ready to fight. Many people have come.
The arena was humunguous, who know how many people the academy has, it definitely housed over 10,000 may be 10x or even a hundred times more. This is not including the residents in their local Academy City. The coleseum gave an ancient roman vibe, the bricks were white, and there were grand pillars on the circumference of the circular huge arena.
Professor Drake was already waiting with his class on the opponents bench. Markus was standing in the arena, Fenix gave a grin and a nod to drake on the bench, which was returned. He told the class to the sit on the long bench on their side and walked with Drexel to the centre if the arena. Above the centre was a huge holographic sphere, it was used as a screen for every one to look at. As they saw Fenix and Drexel enter, the audience let out a huge roar! There was whistles and claps, everyone though Fenix was just a friend of Drexels, who came to support.
Markus acknowledge Fenix by giving him a nod, he then turned and stared at Drexel. Drexel, unfazed returned it.
A crystal clear voice boomed through the audience, he could end use god realm on such a huge area so he just applied sound magic with a bit of divine energy, not enough to effect anyone but just get their attention.
Fenix: "I am Professor Fenix, I shall be the referee of the duel between Markus Drake and Drexel Xavier.
The rules are:
No lethal attacks or any towards vital areas.
No hidden weapons or any at all.
The fight will be until one ten students is unconscious or can't continue.
Fist bump your opponent."
The confused Drexel and Markus gave him a look, and found an amused face, they sighed and gave each other a fist bump. The audience once again started cheering!
Even through there were thousands of people cheering, a crystal clear voice can be heard:
Hope you enjoyed.
If something didn't make sense or is confusing I will change it if you tell me.
Is my grammar ok?
Thanks for reading!
The fight is a one vs one, the class are just watching on the bench for a better view.
Watching is learning!
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The Dragon Mage Saga: A portal fantasy LitRPG
A magic apocalypse. Refugees from Earth. A new world. Elves, orcs, and dragons!Portals from Overworld have appeared on Earth, and beings intent on conscripting humanity into the mysterious Trials have invaded.Earth is doomed. Humanity has been exiled. Can Jamie save mankind?Jamie Sinclair, a young man with unique gifts, must find a way for his family and friends to survive Earth’s destruction and build a new home in Overworld.The Trials is not a game. Will Jamie survive its challenges?Join Jamie as he struggles through the brutal Trials while wrestling with his new magics and Overworld’s game-like dynamics.A fantasy post-apocalyptic survival story of one man’s journey to save humanity. Book 1 has been released here in its entirety, but is also on amazon. You can grab it here! Book 2 is a WIP and expected to release in December 2021. You can read early chapters of Book 2 here on royalroad or on my patreon. Hi, I am Rohan Vider and the author of the Dragon Mage Saga, previously published on Amazon. If you want to support my writing, you can find the full book here! The story has over 600 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews on Amazon and a strong following already, but to increase readership I have released book 1 in its entirety here as well. I hope you enjoy the story, and keep an eye out for book 2, releasing soon! Release Schedule Book 1: All chapters released on Royal Road. Release Schedule Book 2: Early chapters will start posting on 25 October at a rate of 4 per week (1 per day Mon-Thurs).
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