《Eternal Pheonix》Side Story: Teaching, Information & Duel
An: Enjoy and please tell me if you liked it or not, if the majority disliked the chapter I will redo it.
Fenix was looking at the students in front of him, the front were sweating bullets and quaking in fear every time his eyes swept past them. He sighed and muttered something like "trouble some".
Fenix: "Today I will be giving Information regarding the academy since most of you are first years here:
The academy is huge as it has millions of residences since many people live and study here, because of their long life spans many people choose to train for hundreds of years so the collection of experts living here add up. Most of the experts here are C or B rank. The B rankers tend to be teachers, but there are a handful of students as well.
The main houses are: Dragon, Griffon, Pegasus, Pheonix and Basilisk. There are many smaller houses and some even branch off from the mains.
Each of the main house have specialties and teach the basics of their affinities, even the basic need 4 or 5 years to learn for an average student.
Basics of a higher affinity is 0.05 percent of the whole laws and information in that affinity.
Understanding the laws and concepts of the affinity will help you learn more techniques and powers, my goal is to teach you around 20 percent in 4 years, that's over 40 times more learning than the rest." Fenix tried to make them understand how arduous the training will need to be.
Drexel stood and shouted:"What?! My grandpa is S rank and he only knows 15 percent of the laws of velocity! He's been training for it for hundred of years, how will we learn 20 percent in four!"
Fenix only smiled and said: " your grandpa is actually a strong S rank, most don't even know 5 percent, that's why the academy is so formidable, they all know at least 0.05 percent of a higher affinity and they're hundreds of them. The ranks only measure your mana and Ki and their quality. Not how you utilise them and your moves. That's how some A ranks are stronger than S ranks, now let's talk about our specialties and our enem- *cough* our other houses, in this academy. "
Many of the student shivered feeling sympathy for the other houses [he will be fighting with us? Is that fair?], seeing how he magnificently avoided the question while giving them information and moving to the next subject all the same time they found that they were actually learning. [He is actually a good teacher!]
"Although you will be taught 0.05 percent at minimum of the higher affinity of metal, you as students can advance and learn by yourself!"
[It took me 9 years through meditating to learn 50 percent of sound but now with facilities, may be in a year or two I can move on to either vibrations or speed. The last law I need to learn for the higher affinity of sound is music which is the largest taking 50 percent. It consists of rhythm, beat and... Wait I'm getting distracted, teach, god damn it!]
Now back to info regarding my gol- I mean the houses!
Phoenix: High Magic, Ki and High intelligence is needed.
If you are very intelligent you can learn the theory and although you won't be able to create one for yourself in seconds and let it materialise around you in battle, you can have one made for you and manually control it.
Unique specialty in teaching is Mecha piloting.
Will need to be taught basics of the higher affinity of metal which is 0.05 percent of all the laws for the affinity.
Dragon: High Magic and Ki is needed, will teach basics of higher affinity of destruction which is 0.05 percent of the laws in that affinity.
Pegasus: High Magic is needed, will teach support and holy magic. The basics of the Holy higher affinity will be taught.
Griffin: It teaches high earth and wind magic, dual affinity is needed so the people in this house are and formidable making it one of the main houses even though it doesn't teach a higher affinity, it teaches the basics of both affinities.
Basilisk: Teaches the basics of higher affinity of poison which has secrets that can petrify, freeze and melt the skin of foes.
Although the dragon house are on a 5 year consecutive winning streak against all the other many houses (except for Phoenix, who are privileged enough to not need to fight in the tournament) they are best at close combat, in a real situation or a fight to the death, all houses are equal."
The academy also has its own currency and city, 'tokens', you can get tokens by completing missions and tasks in the adventurers guild. The tokens can be traded in for gold anywhere else in the world.
The academy headmaster and professor Sinnil are actually 2 of the 5 founders of the adventurer guild and the academy funds it. The third is actually the dragon emperor, he is the one who wanted it as the first step to driving mindless monsters and beasts away, after all he is the guardian of the plane, the overseer.
The other two mysterious founders, well, all everyone knows is that they're monsters only weaker to the likes of the dragon emperor or maybe as strong. "
Fenix noticed that even professor Sinnil who is 700 years old calls granny lil and aunt Sophie with 'granny' and 'aunt', professor Sinnil even came from their orphanage. If they are really 'that' old, how long did they have to train? He is very suspicious of aunt and granny being the founders.
With so many connections nobody dares offend the academy or adventurers guild, any criminal organisation, If found, immediately disbands. Not even the Crimson Eyes, the strongest criminal organisation will directly confront them, even with their experts.
Overall the academy is a cave filled with treasure for experts, scientists and magicians, some people even come from the other realms, but they are usually from the lesser planes of the world Asriq."
Information regarding planes:
The world Asriq had 6 but now 5 planes. Each planes have stranger and stronger monsters, races and technology. Each plane hide their secrets from one other.
They each have a planar overseer or guardian from the real adventurers guild which used to exist on the strongest plane, but since it was destroyed, the remaining experts fled to the second mightiest.
The 6 planes but now 5:
Drax: the strongest plane filled with experts. It had an abundance of recourses and high technology, they could explore the stars and had connections with many planets. Although it's now destroyed 100, 000 years ago,many of the stronger experts still live in the other planes or nearby planets. The weakest on the planet were B or A rank.
Only the strongest high gods still live in the remains of the plane since everything else will burn with the left over energy left from the Pheonix.
Asgard: The new strongest, even though it's around three times the size of our plane it's small compared to Drax, it is basically a slightly less better version than Drax but now it's technology and magic surpassed it since the experts moved here it's growth rapidly increase, people are roaming the stars and planets from that plane.
The guardian and overseer is high God Odin, ruler of the Norse gods clan, this doesn't mean he is the strongest as many experts don't care about world powers and only care about training, but he still kept his position even when he escaped from Drax.
Niflheim: Its the now second strongest plane of the world. The monsters start to get intelligent and are capable of transforming into humans this point. There are some monster and beast empires here. The overseer is the king of the ice Giants, Ymir.
Then the lesser realms, Midgard, Targ and Gaia .
Gaia is still developing but has no magic since the magic core of the planet is too weak. The inhabitants don't know the existence of magic or the rest of the planes. The most dominant race on the planet is humans who destroyed the other races that once lived their.
We live in the plane called Midgard, our technology is modest but we can travel to a couple of planets that have habitants but they are still primitive so we cannot disturb them, as the laws of the universe States that a high developed world can only visit another world when it's ready." A 3 rings of a bell resounded through the academy.
Fenix:"Class dismissed, come back after a 2 hours"
Drexel, James and Aaron were now pretty popular with the class, after all,the students were being taught by a evil kid their age so they don't feel like judging and discriminating against them, they felt that the kids new each other as Fenix initially went and whispered something to them.
They felt the killing intent that came with the whisper as a warning to not mess with Drexel and the others.
They also heard Fenix tell them that Drexel was the strongest here, they thought that even if he did lie, he was sticking up for them, with Fenixes backing, who's would dare mess with them in their class?
Markus: "Hi you guys must be Aaron, James, Drexel, is it true that your the strongest in the first year Pheonix class, Drexel? What is your rank?"
Markus is a student from the dragon guild, he looked like a snobby arrogant noble, he had a group of nobles and girls behind him. He must have overheard on of Drexels classmates talk about when their professor said he's the strongest.
Right now, the Pheonix house was in the cafeteria, they are usually the first to arrive as their dormitories and classes are right at the centre of the academy, since they need the most facilities since they learn magic, Ki and science.
There are 4 classes in the house as 1 for each year in the school, in the other houses they have the option to stay for many more years and learn if they fail, but in the Pheonix house you can only stay the 4 years since they don't get a second chance, they either fail or pass, this is because they don't want to waste their money and recourses on people that will be unsuccessful, only prodigies will be able to enter.
People who want to stay after their 4 years and passed get their own facilities, some even become teachers.
There are 100's of students in the dragon house, but less than 20 will be d rank or above,
in fact, the dragon house has only 1 b rank and 5 c ranks , but in the Pheonix house,
most of the students will be d rank, there are even a few c and b ranks in the last year and that's not counting the people that are still in Pheonix house after their four years!
That's why the Pheonix house doesn't bother entering the tournament, but this year the first years will be entering,
this is like humiliating the other houses, sending first years to fight all the other years in the different houses?
That's just like pulling someone's pants down in public.
"They are only letting their first years enter because if they lose they will use it as an excuse..."
"Too arrogant, they are probably trying to hide the fact that the rest of their house are weak nerds, they must really need the money..."
Before, everyone would respect the Pheonix house, but now they are generally pissed off at them and mock them.
The students in the Pheonix house ignore them, driving on their anger.
Drexel: "Huh?" Drexel was confused with the sudden question and didn't know if he should tell them the truth, after all, he wants friends and not be like their professor. He knows a c rank is unnatural for a first year, I mean that potential is monstrous.
Aaron shook his head and laughed, his sandy blonde hair swayed with the wind:
"Haha, why should Drex tell you his rank? just know that he is pretty strong."
Aaron clearly understood drexels situation, he was brought up in a nobles house in the capital so he was taught how to understand the way people think, and of course, Drexel was one of Aaron's best friends, how couldn't he know how Drexel feels.
Rank c is an average for adult adventurers and late year students, how can a first year be a c rank.
Just thinking that two monsters are in there class gave all of them a headache.
James catches on, even though he looks adorable, know that looks are deceptive and that James is very clever and deceptive. He also laughed: "Yeah, Drexel is not a monster, but he's strong."
One of the snobby girls behind Markus: "You... Do you fools even know who your talking to? Markus is the strongest in the first year, do you know he is actually a d rank?"
A crowd has now formed around Drexel and his friends and Markus and his clonies.
Pheonix students: [Poor guys, don't even know who they're indirectly messing with...]
The stories of Fenix only reached everyone in the Pheonix house. After they heard how he even made professor Sinnil back away and the rest of the students freeze on their tracks with his voice, they could only gasp with disbelief, but when they asked the teachers if this was true, the teachers never disagreed and pretended to ignore them,
looking at their attentive, enthusiastic teachers ignore them or pretend to not hear them with their bad acting, they realised they weren't listening to rumours from kids.
Markus:"You... I, Markus Drake, challenge you, Drexel, to a duel, meet me in the arena in two days!"
The Pheonix house could only look at the dragon house with sympathy.
The other people from the different houses couldn't help but think [are they really that strong? To look at the mighty Dragon house like that?]
Suddenly, a crystal clear laugh shook the cores of all the students: "Hahaha!"
Everyone froze and looked at Fenix enter, with a terrified looking professor behind him.
Some of the students even pissed themselves from the laugh alone, including Markus...
Drexel couldn't help but laugh at Markus, nobody else noticed as they were all looking at Fenix wearing casual clothes and the professor with the black robes and the White dragon insignia.
Fenix was watching with amusement at the students, he remembered Drexel and the others, since he noted them in his mind, plus, he remembered Drexels C rank aura, that's why he was watching Markus and his group blindly walk into a death trap.
He was on lunch duties today with professor drake, one of the first year dragon house teachers, unlike Pheonix house, there were multiple classes for each year, professor drake was teaching the best class-set 1, the class with the prodigious Markus, his grandson.
Fenix: [I AM watching over them, either way, I'm going to stop any fights and do my job- oooooh]
Professor Drake was quaking in fear: [Why do I have to be with this monster, I heard what he did to those professor that tested him, they were all Rank A! Then he froze everyone-- wait Markus, Nooooo, that boy is under this monsters protection... Wait- stop that girl! -----He actually did it!]
Fenix turns to professor drake, his eyes held a laughter that sent a shiver down professor Drakes spine.
Professor Drake: *gulp* [Make it quick... Have mercy!]
Fenix: "Looks like your grandson wants a duel with Drexel there, hahaha, let's go down and have a look, open your god damn eyes, are you senile!"
Professor Drake: "Haha, that boys C rank isn't he, well my grandsons going to be in trouble, let's intervene-"
Inside his head [That was too close a call, damn you Markus, are you trying to get me killed- or worst?!]
Fenix:"Naah, too late now, they announced the duel, this is going to be interesting, come down and I'll tell them the rules, I will be the referee of the match if you don't object"
Professor Drake humbly agreed: "Of course"
[I'm sorry Markus, you brought yourself into this, you get yourself out!]
They jumped down from one of the huge buildings and into the enormous outdoor cafeteria, it's the size of 2 football grounds, since 10's of thousands come to eat, after all, there were many houses and students in the academy.
(An: the top 5 houses are famous since four teach higher affinities and the last teaches a dual affinity, they're the only ones to have those specialties, and students can join their famous guilds once they leave and if they don't want to stay. Yes, most houses have guilds for students who want to be adventurers and not study or research. The guilds give income to the houses facilities- like the houses are controlled by the academy, the guilds are controlled by the adventurers guild.)
Of course the cafeteria has a shield above it to stop rain and too hot or cold temperatures. It only lets sunlight in and is usually room temperature.
Drake and Fenix, could see everything below because of their trained ears and eyes.
Fenix: "Hahaha" With his pseudo full God realm active even professor Drake was quaking in fear, Fenix manipulated the God realm around the crowd and him and Drake, which was in a corner desolate from the other people eating, most people of the students and teachers were gone and going anyway, since the bell was about to ring.
Professor Drake looked like he was about to cry: [What have these children gotten me into?! *internal sob*]
'Professor' Fenix: [Let show these kids whose king of the hill.]
Professor Drake looked at the 9 year old Fenix, who had a evil sadistic grin, and let out a sob.
I hope you enjoyed. If it's not to your liking I will redo the chapter.
I'm gonna let the story progress a little slower and show you how he trains and learns his moves, like in IET's Coiling dragon.
I may not be able to do a chapter on Monday since I have an exam on Tuesday so I may need to revise, but we'll see if I can fit one in.
Point out any grammatical mistakes please.
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