《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 26 - Advancing Realms


Chapter 26 – Advancing Realms

I opened my eyes and I found that we were back at Victor’s room. Zeus and Victor sat on the bed and I took a chair and sat on it.

“Now that I think about it, I didn’t absorb all those Deities’ realms. What a failure! Fuck!” I said angry at myself for losing to my dragon side and forgetting something as simple as that.

As to answer me, Zeus waved his hand a big orb with a diameter of 5 meters appeared.

“I thought that that would happen and I did it on your behalf. These are the realms of all those Deities. You’ll take a big amount of time to absorb all of them. However, you should start now and stop when you break through to the Sovereign realm. The hard part is to fuse 10 worlds into one, but I’m sure that you will figure it out. Also, so just you now, when you breakthrough to become an Omni being, you must have at least 1000 realms and when you fuse them to create a cosmos, you will become one. As the number of realms in your cosmos become increases so does your strength” Said Zeus with a serious look.

I nodded and he added.

“That man that we just killed; he only had about 1500 realms in his cosmos and they weren’t even advanced. He just made pseudo-realms by making boundaries and leaving them like that. That’s why he was very weak. I don’t want you to become like him so make sure to train carefully and become strong”

I was curious about the number of realms that Zeus had and it seemed that it showed on my expression as Zeus said.

“I won’t tell you the exact number, but I have more than 100 thousand realms in my cosmos. Before you ask, this new world is indeed a part of it, but it’s not completely mine. You see, Earth was very special; it didn’t belong to any cosmos whatsoever. It was like it was one itself. When I tried to merge it with mine, I had to use tens of realms to make a stable balance between them. You can only imagine the troublesome things that I had to go through to make Earth like this today.”

Well, that answered some of my questions. I then proceeded to ask him about the reason the fallen angels invaded us and his answer was unexpected for me.

It seems that when Zeus fused his cosmos with Earth, it created a very unique world. This was the first time that I noticed it, but it seems that in the boundaries of the former Earth, there is a barrier that separates us from another place. When you bypass it, you come in another world and it will also have a barrier. And as Zeus said, there are dozens of places like that. That made it so this planet is very rich in recourses and it includes everything that someone wants. Every type of energy, materials, cultivation techniques, it was like a heaven. Many people tried to take those resources for themselves in the past few weeks, but Victor and Zeus stopped them. That was the reason that Victor came here in the first place.

However, this time, the one who invaded were the fallen angles, a danger that could really dominate this world. That would be extremely bad since if they had these resources, they would become unstoppable in the entire multi universe and that wouldn’t be good because they are tyrannical guys that rule with strength. Basically, the entire universe would become their slaves.


I really feared that, not for myself, but for Lucy and Jack who I truly cherish. I asked Zeus if there is something else that I still don’t know and he told me the reason of the massacre that I just did. It seems that there was a fallen angel between those Deities, but they didn’t know who he was, so they asked me to kill all of them to either kill him as well or lure him out.

That worked since he lived after my final attack and Zeus knew his identity. However, he didn’t kill him and made a mark or his body that would be hard to notice even for Omni beings to find out where the hell they are located. Everybody knows that they live in the void between cosmos, but nobody knows where exactly.

With that done, I decided to go, greet Lucy and meditate. Zeus and Victor both nodded at me with approving gazes and I went to Lucy’s room after I saw that she was there with my Divine Sense.

I entered it, sat beside her on the bed and said.

“Hey, sweetie, how are you doing?”

“Hello, Chris, it seems that you were having some fun time. You reek of blood.” She said in a joking tone.

“Hahaha, yeah, I went with Victor to someplace where I killed about 3000 Deities.” I said and I started giggling when I saw her shocked reaction and dumbfounded face.

“Wow, that’s all I can say.” She replied calming herself down.

“I wanted to say to you that I have to go train now and it won’t take a short time. You see,….” I explained everything to her about the fallen angels.

“So, I have to meditate and get stronger. Sorry that I won’t get time to spend with you. I could get my clone to keep you company if you wa-“

“Don’t, I only want the real you. Go train and beat them out of here, champ” She interrupted me and said and when she finished, she got close and kissed me.

We kept kissing passionately for about 5 freaking minutes and then, I went back to my room and started meditating. To make my training even faster, I made 4 clones and told them to meditate with me. 4 clones were the ones that were available for me at the moment.

I sat down on my bed and entered my space. I found the big orb that Zeus put in me floating alongside the small one of the Omni guy.

Every clone took a chunk that represented a realm from the big orb and started meditating. It was already purified by Zeus, so it wasn’t that difficult to make them my own. However, what I wanted to do was not to just absorb them, it was to fuse them together with my realm as I absorbed them.

I thought that this would easily work, but it didn’t because each time I could take a little bit of a realm and add it to mine, it would be disintegrated by it.

I also couldn’t forcefully add it to my world because they would negate each other and a big bang would happen.

After some deep contemplating, I remembered the thing that I saw at the space box when I went to visit Victor; the spatial movements.

I tried to sense the spatial movements of my realm and there they were, as clear as crystals and ice. Then, I decided to add a little bit of energy from the world that I was absorbing now and it worked! The energy wasn’t negated, but it circulated with the spatial movements and before long, it completely fused with my world.


However, a problem emerged; this process was too slow and the solution to that was pretty simple, use Space Magic to make the movements fast enough.

So, I did that and the spatial movements accelerated to a terrifying degree. Then, I started absorbing the realms like crazy. With each one of my clones taking care of one planet, we began ‘eating’ them like gluttonous monsters.

4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24. When we reached 112, I felt a little bit uncomfortable and when I tried to absorb another one, I was assaulted by a big headache. I wondered why, but I found the reason soon enough and it frightened me. My Spiritual Energy was nearly depleted. Spiritual Energy is different from normal ones. To use it, I have to extract it from my soul or another person’s soul. Using mine in no problem, but if I try to mess with another person’s soul, they could die or become crazy, so Spiritual Energy is the only type of energy that I don’t have an unlimited source to.

I stopped the absorption and looked at my world. I was slack-jawed with what I saw. Oceans, lands, forests, volcanos, deserts, everything was there. Its size grew until it became at least 1000 times the size of earth. The boundaries that I made were compressed even more and became solid like a wall. I didn’t find the right explanation to this, but my clones gave me the answer.

It seems that one of them noticed how the changes were occurring and stopped his job to gather information. Just like Vasos’ realm was made of the fire element, other worlds were also made of different elements. When I absorbed those elements, they fused with the already existing ones to become those landscapes.

For example, the desserts and volcanos were made of fire element with earth element. The islands were made of water element with earth element. The trees and forests were made with the rare life element and earth element.

And because I absorbed hundreds of worlds, it became like this. I immediately got out of my world and the first thing I noticed was a blue screen in front of me.

You completed the Quest: Control the fate of 10 Worlds.

Please meet with the Supreme and True God Zeus to get your reward.

I nearly forgot about that. I don’t think that I can’t get anything I want right now, so I’m looking forward to the reward. I exited my meditation and used Divine Sense to cover the whole castle and then the whole world.

What the bloody fucking damn god is this!?

Is this my castle? This is a fucking flying city for gad’s sake. What the fuck happened while I was meditating!?

I contacted my clone that was the king and asked him how much time passed and I was dumbfounded with what I heard. 5 whole bloody months passed. Everything that I planned to do to my kingdom went into ash now. All the fun time that I was looking forward to just vanished, fuck!

Depressed, I looked for my only cure that would make me energetic once more. I found her in a room that looked like a throne room. She was having a meeting and I found Icewalker, Pyro and somebody else with her. Strangely, she was wearing a crown. Maybe, she decided to publicly become the queen, if so, where is my clone. Now that I inspected the room, I found that the other guy was my clone, how could I not notice him? Anyway, I teleported to the room and everyone looked at me.

I put a smile on my face, ordered my clone to fucking disappear and sat in his place. Even she was dumbfounded by what I did. She looked at me confusingly and asked.

“Who are you, sir?”

I was shocked by her response, but when I inspected myself with Divine Sense, I found that my hair became multi colored and my face was different from before. Even my eyes changed colors, must be the result of absorbing those worlds with different elements.

I temporary entered my energy form and then materialized in my old form. She immediately shouted ‘Chris!’ and jumped hugging me. The other two were just watching me with slack jaws and their bodies were trembling a little. She began kissing me and to not make them notice anything, I teleported Pyro and Icewalker to outside the room. We kept doing that until it escalated and we just had sex there.

It was really fun. I didn’t feel the time passing while meditating, but she did and she missed me very much. I could feel her excitement and joy of my returning.

We kept having sex for who knows how long and when she became tired, I took her to her room that was the same as before. The whole living quarters of us four (Me, Lucy, Jack and Victor) wasn’t touched at all.

I checked on Icewalker and Pyro and I found that they were staying in the city in what seemed like a luxury hotel. I didn’t know what happened and I was very stupid because I didn’t absorb the information of my clone before destroying him. However, my attention was quickly taken by something else, the power of my Divine Sense; now, I could go beyond earth, to the space, I could observe the moon, and many other planets. I could also observe 3 worlds that came after the barrier. Not only that, but now I could see more details, if I wanted to, I could see the germs on a person’s hand and I could inspect every hair of their bodies.

Not only that, but my control of energy become extremely easy. Now, with just a thought, I can condense Divine Energy into a solid state. I could still feel that there was another evolution to compressing, but that is enough for now.

I looked at my soul and as expected, it became insanely powerful. Before, I looked at its depleted state and it didn’t have the time to recuperate since I was using it for non-stop, so it didn’t get the power-up. Souls are like muscles, after you work them to the extreme, they become weak, but with a little rest, they gain more powerful than the original state.

I deduced that now, I could absorb about 500 worlds without stopping before I have to rest for a while. I was about to inspect myself more when I felt someone enter my ‘radar’. Looking at him closely, it was Victor. He was at the edge of the new world and when I looked at him closely, he was smiling.

I tried something ridiculous, I coated him with my energy and teleported him before me. He tried to resist, but I concentrated more and was able to do it. Fuck yeah! I was finally able to do it!

He appeared in front of me and was looking at me with a strange gaze. Before he started speaking, Zeus also appeared and began laughing.

“Hahahaha, in only 6 months, you were able to become this strong. Hell, I bet you could have a good fight with Victor now. Hahahaha!”

He kept laughing like a madman, but I could understand this. It hasn’t been a year since I started cultivating and I’m nearing Victor’s level that cultivated for thousands of years.

“Ah, right. I remember that I gave you that quest through the System, right. I should give you a good reward, right. Give me your sword for a second” Zeus said, remembering the quest that he gave me.

I gave him my sword that I took out of the ring and he touched it for a second. I could feel an enormous amount of Divine Energy entering it, not just normal energy, but compressed, frighteningly powerful Divine Energy. He gave it back to me and told me.

“That energy will help make your attacks more powerful and destructive. Just don’t abuse it, because it could get very ugly if you used all of it in one attack.”

I nodded and took the sword from him.

“Now that you are this strong, you can become one of the top in our army. Come here, I’ll tell you what we found out in the past 5 months.”

Author's Note:

I have an important announcement to make. I just made a website where I will post chapters. Please visit it, there are some important details about the stories there.

I have to tell you that the former chapters of this story will be posted on the website after being proofread and enhanced by me. So, if you have time, take a look at them.

I spent about 2 hours editing the first and second chapters, so if you want, you can check them out.

I also have a new story there that I posted on this website, but still didn't have the confirmation.

Please visit the site and thank you in advance.


I forgot to say this in the note, but please tell me if you didn't understand the method of using spatial movements to absorb the worlds.

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