《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 25 - The Massacre


Author's Note:

Hey, guys. For me, I think that this chapter could be better described as the second part of the previous one. It is 2300 words long, by the way.

Also guys, I think of dropping my other story, The Seven Judges. This was because of a review that I read. I completely agree with what the guy said and I started thinking that it is pointless to continue it and it's better to drop it now before it gets more followers. If you read my story give me your opinions.

Give me you opinions on the fight scenes and tell me if I was successful in making them detailed.

Also, I forgot to mention this the last chapter, but the plaza is just like the one in Dragon Ball at the God's place.

Chapter 25 – The Massacre

**3rd Person P.O.V**

In a plaza in a floating castle amongst the clouds, a massacre just occurred. A lone man was standing amongst thousands of corpses. Blood covered all of his body. His clothes were drenched in red almost black blood; his face wasn’t even visible under the cover of the blood from all the corpses.

He was like a God, a tyrant standing there oppressing the heaven itself with his strength. Nobody was able to challenge him, no one was able to refuse his orders, no one was able to face him and live; nobody could defy his rule of strength.

In the now red plaza, he was standing there looking at the skies as if he wanted to conquer them. The killing intent in his eyes couldn’t be hidden and his strong desire to conquer everything could be felt by everyone around him. This man here is the Demon God Chris.

Let us rewind back time to clearly understand what happened in there.

**Chris’ P.O.V**

“What serious matters are you talking about?” I asked Victor who was just speaking.

“Wait a second. You were with him the whole time supervising his training, so you know much more about him than me. I need to check how strong he actually is. It will save us the trouble of killing all those Deities and at the same time let me gauge his strength precisely.” Zeus interrupted Victor who was just about to explain everything to me and said those words.

“Why do you have to kill all the Deities?” I asked him, confused.

“Because we need their fighting prowess. Also, we don’t want them to know about our betrayal, so we just kill them and Victor here will revive them as Undead. That way, we can also make them even more useful to us. Undead don’t need to rest and that works in our favor. They will lose a little bit of their strength, but it is manageable” Replied Zeus, explaining the reason to me.

“Alright, you can go now. Kill all of them. There are about 3 and some thousands in there. You can also enter the Sovereign realm thanks to this and maybe even become close to being an Omni being.” Zeus ushered me to go.

Now that I think about it, this could work to my favor. Thanks to this, I will be able to absorb 3000 worlds. I think that that is enough to make a cosmos of my own. However, purifying and absorbing all of them will take an extremely long amount of time; nothing for me to worry about now, though.

I was about to ask him to make me able to use the Divine Energy in this place, but he seemed prepared as I was already able to use it.


To make this fast and simple, I took out my sword, channeled it with all the Divine Energy that it can and teleported to the plaza.

My sword now contained an enormous amount of energy and not just normal one, but the most destructive, pure Divine Energy.

I bet that I could destroy this whole place with my strike, nothing to worry about, though. It’s not like anything that can affect me will happen if I destroy it.

I used my Iaido to unleash a fest decisive sword strike. The horizontal strike travelled as a slash of compressed energy cut more than 90% of the experts in here. However, something unbelievable happened; my slash was blocked. Looking at it closely, 4 men blocked it together. The Deities that were behind them managed to miraculously escape the attack, but I didn’t really care about them. If I had to estimate, about 300 survived. I looked at the 4 men that blocked my attacks.

I was surprised by what I discovered; I felt the same feeling radiating from that old man that Victor killed that time. I forgot his name and I don’t really care about it. They must have been at the Sovereign realm. However, if they were here with Deities, then they must have been extremely weak and banished to this level.

Still, that doesn’t change the fact that they are a whole realm above mine. It seems that I must get serious.

I entered my energy form and started going around the place while observing the 4 experts. Everywhere I went, I felt that the energy is being disturbed. That meant that they were also looking for me using their sensing abilities. One of them looked at my direction and unleashed an attack with a sabre that he took out before when he blocked my attack.

The blue energy slash that matched the color of the sabre itself travelled at an incomparable speed towards me. At first, I ignored it, but when it got closer, I felt a familiar energy in it; Spiritual Energy. I immediately dodged the attack, a quite simple task for me in this form and then I went behind the one that attacked, I materialized and attacked him with a diagonal slash from my sword aiming to cut him in two.

He brought up his sabre and blocked my attack; however, the sheer amount of my strength sent him flying crashing at a pillar and destroying it in the process.

I was now in my normal form, so the others were able to see me easily. Two of them, one wielding a black spear and the other a rapier, came at me from two different directions and pincer attacked me. I managed to block the spear by deflecting it to the side by hitting its head with my katana, but the rapier managed to pierce my shoulder after I failed to completely dodge it in time.

I took my distance from them and absorbed energy to heal them, however, that was a big mistake as just as I stopped, an arrow pierced my chest. It was aimed at my chest, but my trained senses were able to barely dodge it. I immediately entered my energy forum to heal myself by absorbing energy.

However, that didn’t seem to help anymore since they already seemed to get used to this trick of mine. The man wielding the bow that was hiding in the shadows of the pillars fired an arrow at my direction. I didn’t want to risk my life like before and I dodged before the arrow even entered a range that would endanger me.


I went to the back of the man wielding the rapier and I only materialized my sword and arm with which I slashed his shoulder and chest. However, his keen senses managed to make him dodge at the last minute making him escape with only a wound on his arm. However, that was within my expectation as I materialized my right leg and kicked him in the chin. He couldn’t dodge it since he wasn’t expecting it at all and I managed to make a solid hit on him. He went flying and crashed at the wall below the balcony. It crumbled and all what was left was debris. I didn’t think that that he died from that, but it should keep him busy for a while.

Partial materializing was a skill my clone learned when he was training with Victor. It proved to be useful when fighting different opponents or fighters stronger than me like this one. It opens new possibilities of attack patterns and it is almost unpredictable by the opponents unless it is used against them many times.

I went back to my energy form, but when I was about to attack the spear-user, an energy attack came attacking me. It was the same blue one as before, that damn saber-user got back into the fight.

I started to get irritated for no reason. I felt anger, fury and arrogance well up inside me and without me noticing, and my dragon side took over my mind and body.

I materialized, but this time, it wasn’t in my human form, but my dragon form.

I flew into the sky using my long black wings. I opened my mouth and started gathering pure energy into a breath attack.

Normal breath attack is when dragons use their Mana to make an attack of their attributes. For example a water dragon, he gathers all his Mana and converts it into compressed water that he uses to attack. The same for the other attributes, there are exceptions, but that’s the most part.

However, compared to them, I’m much superior. Those puny wyverns cannot compare to my greatness. In my case, I gather pure Divine Energy and use its raw and most destructive form to attack. On top of that, because breath attacks are made of compressed Mana, the energy that I use is compressed to an unbelievable degree. It even started to liquefy from the intensity and it became just like a water dragon’s attack. However, instead of the normal blue water, mine’s color in shining bright golden.

All four of the men went pale seeing this. They were horrified by the sheer raw power that that ball contains. If that explodes, not only the castle, even the realm will face serious damages. It has to be known that the more powerful a Deity is, the more stable their realm becomes. This place was made by the Omni guy, so one can only imagine how much powerful it is.

Fortunately, Chris came back to his senses at the last moment. Just now, he was controlled by his dragon instincts and attacked them out of anger, but now he understood the foolishness of his actions. All the corpses will disintegrate if he didn’t do something.

So, the first thing he did was to manipulate the energy in the ball and make it come out. That would make it weaker. Also, he casted a powerful spell that blocked its path; it was BlackHole.

He manipulated it a little and made its suction force only to the side of the ball of Divine Energy. That helped take care of most of it, but a big part of its strength was still there. It was now on the four experts’ shoulders.

They didn’t disappoint me as they used their hidden techniques to intercept the attack.

The saber-user made two consecutive slashes with his sword and a cross-shaped slash attacked the ball.

The spear-user put all of his energy in his spear and threw it, quite a strange thing, at least for me.

The rapier guy also made his entire energy gather in his weapon and made a piercing motion with it resulting in an energy attack being released from it.

As for the bow user, he made an arrow using his own energy and released it. The most powerful attack was from the rapier guy; it was all concentrated in one point and his power was above the arrow. The spear was also powerful, but I think that it’s a foolish move to throw your weapon like that.

Anyway, the four final attacks connected with my ball and it wasn’t even a fight. Just as they collided, the saber guy and the bow’s attacks immediately vanished. The spear was the next to be overthrown as it was sent back and coincidently, it fell on the survivors that were just dumbfounded while they were watching the fight; idiots.

It seems that it killed most of them. I will kill all the others soon enough. The rapier-user’s attack soon gave up and the ball that lost a part of its power collided with the plaza.

After the collision ended, a horrifying scene was left there. All the people were dead and the corpses were mangled and twisted in angles that you begin to doubt if that even possible. Limbs were everywhere and crushed head with brain matter all over them littered the whole arena.

Chris descended on the ground, his sword, clothes, his whole body drenched with the blood from the first batch of the victims that he killed with his sword.

And that brings as back to our situation.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

“You did very well, more than I ever expected. It was quite surprising; I didn’t think that you were this powerful. Especially, that last attack, it was marvelous. I bet even Victor would be threatened with an attack of the level.”

I looked at them and just sighed.

“Sorry for the mess, I destroyed their corpses.”

“Don’t worry about it. We lied to you before when we said that we will raise them as Undead. I have a fighting force more terrifying and more powerful than 10 times this one. Anyway, come with us and we will explain everything.” Said Victor with a smile on his face.

I felt irritated because they lied to me, but I just shrugged it off and sighed in my mind. I felt quite helpless, but I can’t do anything to those guys.

Zeus touched me and we all disappeared from the blood drenched plaza.

**3rd Person P.O.V**

Meanwhile, in the corpse littered plaza where Chris and the others thought that everyone died, a man stood up. He had wounds all over his body, but if you look closely, they weren’t that much serious.

“That was really terrifying; I guess that this is my limit in this form. That guy was seriously strong and that last attack of his, even after weakening it, it still killed all of the others. I bet that I would need to get serious in my real form to be able to fight him. I really don’t want to relive this kind of thing. I must report back to those guys now.”

The man that stood up and was talking was the rapier guy. His body started convulsing and it changed it appearance to a young man with beautiful chiseled face, aqua blue eyes, black raven hair. Two wings could be seen coming out from his back. These wings were the trait of the fallen angels.

He took off and flew towards the horizon to no one knows where.

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