《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 24 - The Meeting and Zeus


Author's Note:

Hello, guys. It's been a while, hasn't it? This is your long awaited chapter. Please tell me if I made any mistakes because it's been a while and I may have forgotten some details.

Also, please check out my new story if you have time; The Seven Judges

Chapter 24 – The Meeting and Zeus.

Two tiny black dots appeared in the horizon. They were quite clear especially with the red sun of the sunset. After waiting for a few moments, the black dots became bigger and bigger until their true form was revealed. I was surprised with what I saw. It was the first time that I saw something like this.

They were ships, space ships to be exact. Both of them were black in color, but each one of them emitted a different color. One was blue and it belonged to Icewaker’s group and the other was red and it belonged to Pyro’s group.

I used my Divine Sense to watch the machines from the inside. They were quite extraordinary. They were equipped with technology never seen in earth, expected of a ship out of science-fiction. They had all the necessities that humans would need, they were like miniature towns. The glow that surrounded the two ships came from the energy that was used to fuel them. After looking in the ships, I found Icewalker and Pyro in a room in each of their ships and they were touching a white orb that absorbed their energies. I guess that the two identical ships were fueled by energy.

But, a new problem emerges here, it’s not really a problem, but it makes me curious. The two of them, Icewalker and Pyro, seem to know each other quite well. When I talked with them telepathy, they seemed to know and trust each other. I’ll check their memories later before I brainwash them.

Both of them were accompanied by about 10 people. Looking closely, they didn’t seem to be powerful and looked more like politicians than fighters. I guess that they are the higher-ups of each union.

When they were close enough, the ships landed outside the coliseum, but I didn’t go to greet them. They already knew of my place when they saw me earlier on their ships and I didn’t really want to leave this comfortable seat.

After waiting for 10 minutes, I started getting a little bit irritated, but fortunately for them, they showed up. Icewalker and Pyro jumped in the air and sat on the chairs. I didn’t really designate and who to sit on which chair and they just chose one randomly.

Looking at them closely, they were exactly the opposite of each other. Icewalker has a calm demeanor. His blue shoulder-length hair, azure blue eyes, his handsome face all felt like ice, calm unperturbed ice.

On the other hand, Pyro had an air of fierceness surrounding him. His red short hair, slightly red eyes, and face that constantly radiated viciousness were just like fire, raging ferocious fire.

Inspecting them with Divine Sense, I had two different opposite feelings; cold and hot.

Another thing that I noticed is that they are of the same level. It seems that the System either didn’t rank them correctly or Pyro had a hidden skill that made him have the superior hand.

“Hello gentlemen. I hope that you liked the place of our meeting” I said, slightly smiling mocking them. They and I both knew the reason why I chose this place.

“Cut the crap, we both know why you invited us to this place and we don’t really have any right to refuse.” Said Pyro and he glared at me radiating a slight amount of killing intent.


‘Sigh, it seems that I need to put on a display of power before they really start respecting me’ I thought silently while contemplating my choices.

I immediately got wary and started observing my surroundings as if something was going to show up. Of course this was an act to deceive them. At the same time I was acting, I spread my Divine Sense over the whole continent and found a powerful beast in the south. I coated it with my energy and teleported it outside the coliseum by about 20 kilometers.

The other two were confused by how I was acting, but before long, they also sensed the beast and started getting ready for battle.

The beast was getting closer and closer and its big body kept making the ground shook with each step it took. Looking at it closely, I saw that it looked like a small elephant. However, you mustn’t judge a book by its cover. By my estimation, this should be a Monster King. Pyro and Icewalker couldn’t endure the stress anymore and both of them activated their powers.

Icewalker started getting surrounded by ice and on his body, what looked like armor made of frost appeared, he also made a sword using the ice on the armor. On the other hand, Pyro went for the offensive, his hand started getting coated by flames and he formed a punch to attack the monster with. It was quite a scene, especially with contradicting powers like theirs.

However, I stopped them by putting my hand up just as they were about to jump at the monster. They looked at me with a confused look on their faces. I didn’t let them down as I moved my hand to point upwards and the monster that was just shaking the earth was lifted as well. Both of them had a surprised expression on their faces, but that quickly changed to a frightened and terrifying one when they witnessed what I did next.

I closed my hand that I was holding upwards and with it, the monster’s body started getting compressed and compressed until it exploded into a rain of blood, organs and matter. It was a truly gruesome scene and I really liked the expression that I saw on the two’s faces. Maybe, I should do this more often, it could make people submit to more and at the same time, I would have the fun of my life.

“Now, shall we continue our meeting” I said with a sinister smile on my face. Coupled with the bloody background, it was really petrifying.

To prevent the table being covered by all that gore, I put a shield that covered all of us. Both Pyro and Icewalker sat down on their chairs, but they couldn’t hide their trembling bodies.

‘It would be quite a waste to brainwash them now. I should keep them like this and have more fun ‘teasing’ them’ I thought. Of course, my teasing wouldn’t be normal. It would include mental torture like just what I did, also terrifying them with somethings like monsters and the like.

“Now that that nuisance is gone, it is time to truly begin our meeting” I said in a clear dignified voice.

They both nodded and I started the meeting. We mentioned many details about ourselves. Telling information about yourself to others is the best way to gain trust at alliances and situations like those, however, I think that that’s bullshit because if they became enemies, that could lead to their downfall.

They mentioned many things like their economy, the casualties that they managed to calculate and many other things. Also, Icewalker mentioned the flying castle that appeared out of nowhere and the destruction of a city at his territory and many other things that they discovered about me, but I told them that I was responsible for that and that they don’t have to worry about the dead because I protected them.


When I told them about my kingdom, they were awed. A flying castle made out of the most prestigious and expensive ores in the shop, trainees that consumed pills that even they want, but the great shock that made them completely fear me and vow to take my side was the death of that arrogant bastard and the ‘cleaning’ of the European continent.

Now that I think about it, how would people be able to provide points for themselves if all of the monsters are dead? Maybe, I can create danger zone where I release monsters from different places and make it a place where ‘hunters’ gather. That would be perfect. That way, people will have the choice of fighting.

The meeting lasted about 2 hours. Many details were discussed between us, but they will be emitted for now. I kept contemplating whether or not I should brainwash them all the time and I decided against that after some deep thinking. It could keep me more occupied this way and I can enjoy myself more than enough. However, I decided to brainwash the lot below us, the higher-ups. I decided to make it a ‘stealth brainwash’ and I would make them feel loyal to me without changing their course of thought and actions. They will be exactly as spies. When I stood up from my seat and was just about to brainwash them, I felt a foreign energy trying to invade my body. Feeling it more, I discovered that it belonged to Victor; I stopped resisting while feeling confused.

‘Why would Victor be this sloppy in controlling his energy? If he wanted to, he could’ve made it enter my body without me noticing, but why didn’t he?’ I thought in my mind.

‘Chris, quickly come back now! It’s a very urgent matter; you have to come at this moment!’ I heard Victor’s impatient voice in my head.

From his actions and his tone, I could deduce that something really terrible happened and I quickly absorbed the table and chairs into my ring and teleported back to my place while leaving a telepathic message to Pyro and Icewalker.

‘Something urgent happened, I must go back immediately’

Both of them were startled because even if it took time to describe, I didn’t even take a 0.1 second period of time to absorb the table and disappear from in front of them.

When I got back to my castle, I covered it with my Divine Sense and I found Victor pacing across his room. I went to him and when he saw me, without even saying anything, he grabbed my hand and forcefully teleported me somewhere.

I felt truly shocked by what he did. When he coated my body with his energy, I tried to resist it unconsciously as a reflex, but that was futile as I couldn’t halt its progress for even a moment.

We appeared in a huge place. We were surrounded by creatures, thousands of them. Looking at them closely, I discovered that they were Deities. We were in a very high place, or maybe even flying, because sometimes, I would see a cloud here and there.

Without me noticing, Victor already disappeared and I was all alone. This place felt strange, the Divine Energy was very abundant, but the shocking thing was that I couldn’t spread my Divine Sense in here. I could manipulate the energy, but when I try to use it in a technique, I was blocked by something.

It was quite a strange feeling, it was when you had an enormous amount of money at your disposal, but you couldn’t use it. It was the first time that I felt this feeling and honestly, it was irritating and I was starting to get furious.

Everyone around me was whispering, but all of them stopped all of a sudden and looked at a balcony. There, a man followed by two people came.

One of those people was Victor and the other one felt somewhat familiar. It was like it was at the tip of my tongue, but I couldn’t pinpoint his identity.

The strange thing was that the Divine Energy around the man was agitated; it was the first time that I felt this, more mysterious things keep happening in here.

The man raised his hand and the few whispers that remained here and there immediately stopped, he started talking.

“Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I called you here for a very urgent matter. The tournament that would be taking place in the next few weeks will be cancelled. This is because we’re facing a danger now and we won’t be able to cope with it if we don’t combine all of our efforts together.” The man’s voice was dignifies and mysterious, it was like the wind, drifting to every person’s ears even though it was low. The strange thing that I noticed was that with every breath that the man took, he would inhale Divine Energy and exhale it as well. From that, I already had a grasp of this man’s identity.

When he finished talking, many deities started bombarding him with questions, but a slight cough from him shut all of them up.

“You may be confused, but be sure that all of your questions will be answered. I have an urgent matter to attend to now. Zeus, here, will explain everything to you” He said while pointing at the man besides him.

That’s it! It was Zeus! I thought that his energy was somewhat familiar; it was the same type that I felt when he talked to me.

Zeus stepped forward and started explaining everything to us.

To summarize it, the situation was terrible. It was even dangerous for someone like me. It seems that our cosmos is being invaded by a very powerful faction. It is independent from any cosmos and lives in the void between universes. They are the fallen angels, a race that originated from hybrids between angels and demons. They were shunned before, but they can use both holy and dark magic and their cultivation path is very unique, it was like mine. They train their bodies like demons and their magic like angels; a terrifying force.

He also told us that they have some very powerful individuals, even stronger than he, himself. Basically, they were a threat that could annihilate our whole cosmos.

Their way of doing things is very unique. They send their slaves, fallen angels with no talent as spies to get information. The creature that I fought was one of the spies. The reason for their attack is unknown, but I felt that they were just hiding it from us.

When he finished explaining things and answering all of the questions, Zeus looked at me. You may think that it’s strange that I think he looked at me between those thousands of Deities, buy I felt it, a feeling of inferiority, a feeling that a predator is looking at an ant like me. This was even worse from when Victor threatened me. However, that feeling quickly faded and was replaced with love, affection and assurance, I felt safe.

It was a long distance, but I’m sure that I saw Zeus smiling just now, he nodded at me and the next thing I know, I’m in a room with Victor, Zeus and that man with me.

It was quite a marvelous room, however, it couldn’t compare to my own. At the center, there was a square table with four chairs on each of its sides.

Victor and Zeus sat down and they beckoned me to sit as well. I followed their command, but I didn’t dare to utter a single sound as I sat down quietly.

“Is this the boy that you mentioned, Zeus?” said the man in his soothing voice.

“Yes, he is. He’s already entered the Deity realm, but I think that he could hold himself against a Sovereign and even defeat weak ones” replied Zeus in a calm unperturbed voice.

“Hoo, that’s quite interesting. You can also manipulate Divine Energy, so that makes you a reliable force in this war.” Added the man.

I wanted to say something, but I didn’t dare to do that. I felt that if I said something and disturbed them, I would be squashed like an ant.

“Victor, do you think that it’s finally the time for that? Chris already got this strong in the span of a few weeks. If given a year or two, he could easily reach your level.” Said Zeus and a serious look appeared in his eyes.

“Yes, I also think that it is the proper time now. If we leave things as they are, we could really die” Replied Victor.

“What are you two talking about? Why don’t I know anything about this?” Said the man and you could clearly see the irritation in his voice.

Zeus stood up from his seat and in the blink of an eye; his hand was in the man’s chest. The man was clearly surprised, but he didn’t even have time to reminisce about what happened when Zeus took something out from his chest.

Looking at it closely, it was the same thing as that white orb that I got after purifying that phoenix’s soul, except that it was even more pure and extremely powerful.

“Here, you can have this, Chris. I sealed it, so it won’t harm you. You will need it when you create your cosmos.” Said Zeus in a calm voice as put hand on my chest and the orb entered it.

Strangely, I didn’t feel anything, but when I looked inside my space, I found it floating in the air moving without a specific aim.

I looked at Zeus and asked him a question that has been on my mind.

“How did you do that? And more importantly, why!? He was an Omni being, right? The one that created this cosmos, won’t it collapse?”

“Don’t worry about it. There are many mysteries in this world that you will discover later. As for the how and why questions, it was simply because I was also an Omni being and he was a very foolish one that was about to destroy this cosmos with his arrogance and idiocy” Replied Zeus as if nothing important happened.

I was about to ask him more questions, but I was stopped by Victor as he said.

“Don’t worry about it, you will find the reason out soon. More importantly, we have more serious matters to attend to right now”

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