《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 27 - Victor Is Weak?


Chapter 27 – Victor Is Weak?

Zeus touched me and we all teleported to a big room. I could see 3 people in here other than us. They surrounded a round table as they were sitting there. There were 6 chairs in here matching our numbers.

Zeus and Victor sat on down beside each other, but as I was about to sit down, a glare from one of the people in here stopped me. It was quite a powerful one, but it wasn’t enough to stop me now after I broke through. What stopped me was Zeus looking at me with a “don’t” look. Just as I was about to ask him about the reason, the door that was in front of me opened and a big old man entered the room.

He was seriously big, his 230~cm body was made of muscles. I wondered how the hell he could fight with all those muscles. When that guy saw me near the chair, he moved with a terrifying speed and appeared behind me. Before I got a grip on the situation, a punch filled with killing intent lunged at me wishing to squash my head.

Without grasping the situation, my reflexes took over me and I dodged his punch easily and stabbed his heart. I took out the usual white orb and his body fell on the floor, limp.

What I noticed was that I didn’t take out his soul, but that white orb directly. Maybe it has something to do with my advancement or his strength that made it so pure without needing to go through the procedures. All the people except Zeus and Victor looked at me with surprise on their faces. No, even Victor had his eyes wide-open. Silence dominated the place and nobody said anything because of the tension in the air. I was really troubled since I didn’t know what the hell is happening.

I didn’t regret killing that bastard, though. Nobody escapes after threatening me and trying to kill me on top of that. What broke the silence was a laughter sounding out of Zeus.

“Hahahaha, I didn’t expect you to be this powerful. You just killed one of our top fighters with a single move. Hahahahaha, having you as a comrade will surely enhance our chances of victory. That seat is yours now, you can sit down”

I sat down as he said and I took a close look at the people in front of me. They were 2 males and one female, I felt a little bit uncomfortable because of the glares they were shooting at me, especially that woman.

“I have to apologize to you, Lisa, but you know the rules. He died because of his weakness and nobody could have stopped that.” Zeus said and you could feel some sorry in his voice.

“Yes, I know Zeus. I just feel a little bit bad; he was after all, my lover.” She said while sighing. She’s lying, my Mind Magic worked and my lie detector activated. This girl is going to be a pain in the ass in the future. She is the type to hold grudges and stay quiet, just like a viper.

This woman was quite beautiful; she had green silk-like hair that reached her waist, her eyes were also green and she had slit irises indicating she isn’t human. Her skin was pale and she was quite pretty. I couldn’t see her body properly because she was sitting, but I had a good look at those C-Cup boobs. Her red robe was quite revealing, so it was easy to see them.


“Alright, let’s welcome our new general. His name is Christopher, but you can call him Chris. It hasn’t been a year since he started cultivating, so he could be considered a monster in progressing. From what I deduced, given a few years, he could completely become as strong as me.” Zeus said, introducing me.

When they heard about my training speed, everybody became surprised and their jaws almost touched the ground. I couldn’t blame them, though. I was faster than even Zeus who was hailed as a top-class genius and now I could probably give Victor who is one of the most powerful people I know, a good fight.

“Hello, my name is Fanrir; I’m a World Eater Wolf. I specialize in the water element. I am weaker than the man you just killed, so that makes you my senior, nice to meet you.”

The one who said this was a blue-haired blue-eyed handsome man. He had a chiseled face, his skin was smooth and quite pale and I could identify some muscles under the white robe he was wearing. My first impression of him is nice and polite, but that’s what most people want you to think. I won’t trust him unless he proves he actually is what he shows he is, especially if he is a wolf.

“Hey, my name is Lyle; I’m a human. Life element is my specialty and I don’t like fighting, so I’m not that strong. I am more of a healer and assistant than a direct fighter.”

The one who said this was unexpectedly a kid, he looked like he was 12 years old, but I didn’t let his appearance fool me because the sheer amount of energy in him made the energy in the atmosphere act up. I wonder what would happen if he were to specialize in fighting. He had white hair and golden eyes. His skin was incomparably pale and it was almost transparent. It was incredibly smooth and had a white glow surrounding it. I guess those are the effects of his element.

I looked at Lisa, but she didn’t say anything. I guess that she doesn’t want me to know much about her. I am now convinced that she is plotting something.

“Hi, my name is Chris; I am a pure-blooded dragon. I can use almost every element, but I like using Space and Time attacks. I can also heal and assist in combat and I am a master at formations, alchemy and forging. You can ask me if you want a pill or a weapon” I sent a wicked grin to Lisa and her face twitched when she saw it.

I planned to just reveal my race and name, but after some thinking, I decided to offend her and see her reaction. That was fun. Zeus also noticed my aim and he sighed at that.

“Alright, now that the introductions are done, let’s get to the main problem. Chris is new here, so we will tell him what we found out about the fallen angels as you give your reports.”

To summarize what was said, they found out that the fallen angels’ headquarters was on its way to my new planet. It seems that they are living on a flying island. It’s the same idea as my flying castle, but on a bigger scale. Based on their calculations, it would take them about 2 weeks to reach my world. This place here is a castle that Zeus himself created and it is slightly beside my world. It is completely hidden and only Omni beings are able to notice it, so that’s why I wasn’t able to discover it with my Divine Sense before.


There have been some battles with the fallen angels, but they were only between weak subordinates. Zeus said that both of them did this to ensure that the soldiers don’t forget the tension of war and give in to the peaceful moments before the storm.

What the three guys reported was just some small battles and Zeus and they didn’t have any interest in these things.

After we finished our meeting, Zeus told me to go spar with Victor and see how much stronger I became. To make the morale of the soldiers rise, we were supposed to do it above the castle where we would be seen by the warriors.

We teleported to a good place void of any person and we started our battle. What happened in the next moments was something that nobody could have predicted. Victor transformed into a new form; Damis appeared, but instead of helping him out like the usual, it swallowed him. I didn’t know what to do, but I thought that Victor knew what he is doing.

Damis’ color changed and it became blood-red. It opened its mouth and shot a red beam of concentrated energy at me.

“This is my true and strongest form, Chris. Let’s see if you can make me serious now.”

I already predicted this, but what surprised me the most is the power of the beam. Before, when I was fighting that muscular man, my instincts took over my body, so I didn’t know what exactly happened, but now I am completely awake and I have to say, this attack is weak. I felt like if I put my finger in its way, it would dissolve and that’s what I did.

I put my pointing finger up and concentrated some Divine Energy in it. It met Victor’s attack and the beam vanished. I could see the surprise in Victor’s eyes, but it quickly turned into a serious look. This time, Victor attacked me directly by trying to bite me with his white fangs that had a dangerous liquid sticking out of them.

The unforgettable thing that I talked about happened now. I used a move that I didn’t activate for a while; ‘Space Freeze’. Everything around me stopped moving, the soldiers below, the space around me and even Victor himself. Looking at him closely, his eyes had no life in them, meaning that he fell for the time aspect of this attack. That meant that he wasn’t even conscious at the moment. I went near him and punched him with about 70% of my power and it literary cracked my technique.

This came to me as a big shock; a single punch of mine was able to destroy a technique that even Victor couldn’t endure. The might of my punch made the space forcefully move and that dissolved my spell. Victor was sent flying and he crashed on the barrier that surrounded the castle. He coughed up some blue blood and went back to his normal old man form.

He was breathing really hard and he looked like he just ran a marathon of millions of kilometers. I was shocked by this; I didn’t know that my strength reached this degree. I teleported beside him and sent some energy in his body. This served to heal him. Normally, if I do this, a person would be shredded to pieces by the tyrannical Divine Energy, but Victor could easily conquer it and use it to heal himself.

This method of healing was taught to my clone by Victor himself and he told me that it would be useful in the upcoming battle. My clone didn’t pay it any heed back then because he knew that the number of people that could make use of this was small, but it seems that Victor really knew what he was doing.

“Thanks, I was about to die here. How the hell could you get this strong? I didn’t think that you will be this powerful, man!” He said and you could see the shock in his words. However, I wonder why, it felt like his words were stinking of lies and sarcasm. My lie detector didn’t work on him, so I had no way of proving it, though.

“I guess that being able to use Divine Energy makes somebody this abnormal. Don’t worry about it, Victor” I told him, hiding my suspicions.

Zeus approached us and he told me.

“You can go back to your castle now. I’m sure that you have a lot to catch up to”

I nodded and teleported back to my room seeing that Lucy was still asleep.

Meanwhile, at Zeus’ castle, Zeus and Victor were talking to each other.

“Why did you do that?” Zeus asked with a serious look on his face.

“I just thought that making him more confident would be better. He still doesn’t know the might of his abilities and his personality won’t let him challenge people stronger than him. That’s why if I pretended to be weak in front of him, he would believe that he got stronger and would be more confident” Replied Victor, explaining the situation to his friend.

“Although what you said is true, you didn’t have to go far as to fall to his technique and even match the timing of his attack to destroy it. That would only make him more arrogant, you didn’t even use 20% of your power in that form and if he thinks that you are that weak, he will look down on his enemies and that would be fatal in this war.” Zeus replied, blaming his friend.

“Only time will tell us the consequences of my actions. I don’t believe that Chris will look down on his enemies. His careful personality won’t let him do that. It’s already done now, so there’s no use regretting it.” Said Victor.

Zeus just sighed and face palmed. Then, they both vanished from that place.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. I didn't update for the last few days because I had some problems and couldn't access my internet connection. Neverless, I kept writing and here you go.

P.S: You can read chapter 28 at my website.

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