《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 15 - Overwhelming a Deity


Chapter 15 - Overwhelming a Deity

Just as we finished talking, we vanished from the room and appeared in a new place. It was a forest. A forest surrounding a big palace.

The palace was white in color and it had an aura surrounding it that indicated the holiness of its materials. I used ‘Analyze’ on the mansion and I found out that it was made from ‘Immortal Ore’, it was just like Divine Ore, but it was of less quality. I was quite surprised since we were supposed to go to a place where masters gathered, and that place should be made of something with no less value than Divine Ore.

It seemed that it was shown on my face since the demon that was standing next to us said.

“Not everybody is as crazy as you are. No one would use Divine Ore, that can be used to forge Divine ranked weapons, to build a castle like you did. If somebody knew about it, they would destroy your whole world to obtain it”

I felt a shiver run down my spine when I heard this, it seemed that Jack and Lucy were a little bit afraid since cold sweat ran down their foreheads. It seems that I must add a concealment type enchantment or array to the mansion.

Just as we finished talking, an old man and a young boy came out of the castle in front of us. The man had purple hair, purple eyes, pale skin and he was wearing a purple dress. I was confused a little bit since he was adorned completely in purple colored things. It was the same for the young man, but instead of purple, it was red.

“Hey, birdy. How are you doing these days? Did you make any breakthroughs?” Asked the demon, his tone mocking.

“You’re still alive, little demon. And don’t call me birdy!” Replied the old man, furious at the demon’s remark.

They kept glaring at each other, but a slight cough from the red-haired man, made them come back to reality.

“Ahh, sorry for the unsightly display. Who are these kids that you brought today? Are those your disciples? It seems that they’re quite weak.” Said the purple-eyed man, clearly making fun of us.

I felt quite irritated and just as I was about to yell at him, the demon said.

“Stop, Chris. You’re no match for him. But, I would like to see what you can do to his disciple. What do you say, bird? Want to have a ‘friendly’ spar between our disciples?” The demon said, releasing killing intent at the end.


“Hoo, so that kid who hasn’t even reached the Deity rank want to challenge my disciple, that would just be a waste of time. The result is clear”

When he finished talking, I couldn’t hold my fury anymore and a hideous aura filled with killing intent erupted from me.

The old man was shocked by my aura and just as he was about to negate it with his own, I used a soul attack on him and his disciple.

It wasn’t exactly a soul attack, but a technique to intimidate your opponents or create an opening in a battle. It was named ‘Soul Pressure’ and just as the name implies, it releases a pressure that surrounds a person’s soul and it is quite handy in dealing with weaker opponents.

As my pressure swept through the two of them, the young boy’s face immediately paled and he vomited flames from his mouth. I was surprised at the flames, but the next thing that happened cleared my suspicions.

The young boy that looked like 18 years old transformed into a big bird with flames igniting on its whole body, if I had to name his race, it would a Phoenix. The old man who didn’t look that pressured didn’t have to transform.

Then, the Phoenix looked at me and let out a big cry that made Jack almost faint and made Lucy’s kneel down in fright. After that, he leapt at me like an eagle who wanted tear its prey apart, but I didn’t stay there doing nothing either.

I took out my sword and I channeled energy through it, it was easier since it had the enchantment ‘Absorb Energy’ and when he was near me, I slashed with it, releasing an energy attack. It’s different from my soul one since it only served to make physical damage, it was pretty powerful nonetheless.

Just as his claws were about to meet my slash, the 2 of them disappeared and what remained there were our two masters who negated our attacks. The old man looked at me with some surprise in his eyes and said.

“You’re quite good, kid. You’re this powerful and you didn’t even reach the Deity rank, maybe when you become a god, you would be able to match Vasos. Just don’t get arrogant and try to attack people stronger than you”

I felt a little bit surprised, not because of what he said, but because he couldn’t see through my strength. If I wanted to, I could kill Vasos without letting him resist at all. I took a look at the demon and saw that he was grinning.


‘It seems that my plan worked. Now, that guy will know that you are strong but not that much. This will play to our favor in the future.’

I heard the demon’s voice inside my head. He used something similar to Telepathy, but it was a little bit different. I could use it, but only through my Mind Magic. I didn’t know what he is planning, but I’ll go with it.

Then, after the problem was settled, I went to Lucy and Jack to help them a little since they were injured in mine and Vasos’ exchange earlier. It wasn’t a physical injury, but a mental one. So, I tried to help them get over the terrifying experience. It wasn’t that hard since Lucy was accustomed to big pressure from her master’s training, although this was the first time that it contained killing intent in it, and Jack was an Undead, so he calmed down pretty fast.

After that, we kept discussing how are we going to attack the other people’s base. I felt some glares being shot at me from Vasos, but I just shrugged it off and that seemed to make him angrier because I could feel some killing intent in them now.

I asked the demon about the people that we are going to attack, but he just said that we’re at war with them and that he’ll tell me the details after I become a Deity.

It seems that becoming a Deity will unveil to me many mysteries that I wanted to know about, now I’m becoming a little bit impatient, but we’re going in about an hour, so I held it in.

After we finished our meeting, we all held hands and we directly teleported. (of course, I was the one holding Lucy’s hand. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Strangely, we appeared in a desert. I said this because all what surrounded us was sand, golden sparkling sand.

It seemed that I wasn’t the only one confused since the two birds were also looking around, clearly cluttered.

Just before the old man could say anything, master transformed and the snake appeared. Without warning, he attacked the man and sent him flying several dozens of meters. As he was running at the direction the man flew at, he shouted at us

“Jack Lucy, you two run away from there, I will come to pick you up afterwards. Chris, kill that motherfucking traitor.”

I was stunned by what he did, but when I heard the word ‘traitor’, I understood what was happening.

Just as I turned around to deal with Vasos, I found a sword just before my eyes. As a reflex from my fighting experience with the demon, I used ‘Spatial Freeze’ and the young man stopped in front of me. Since this attack combined stopping time and space together, he wasn’t conscious about what was happening. Jack and Lucy were also there beside me, so I first, moved them to another place and then came back.

I took out my sword and stabbed him in the heart and then undid my spell since he wouldn’t die if time was stopped.

Blood started to leak out from his wound and horror became visible on his face. But, as to be expected from a Deity, he quickly held his fear and transformed into his original form.

If I was a benevolent person, I would let him finish healing himself and all, but I’m clearly not. So, I used the same spell again and beheaded him, also, just to make sure, I cut his body into 3 parts and stopped my spell.

He died instantly. Information started to enter my head about how I would absorb his soul and refine it to make his authority and realm mine. Following the information, I manipulated my Spiritual Energy, which is the same as my Divine Energy to coat his soul that I could now see thanks to my magic.

I then absorbed it into my body, it tried to attack my soul, but its attempts were futile since it was very weak to break my shield. After that, I manipulated the energy in my body to enter through it, I kept repeating the same process and when it became a white orb cleared out of all the unnecessary stuff, I fused it with my own soul.

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