《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 11 - Storm and Breakthrough


Chapter 11 – Storm and Breakthrough

It was only composed of short sentences, but the meaning that they held was very profound.

First, the name. ‘Divine Kingdom’, a country is only called like that when it has some really powerful ‘Divine’ people that back it up.

Then, the ‘Join us if you want to survive’ sentence, it may seem like just a call for protection, it is not. It’s actually the opposite, if you don’t join us, you won’t survive, it can be said like that too.

After that, the time limit, it also means that we will come for you, the people that don’t join us, one month from now.

We came up with this speech after some really deep thinking.

I then joined Lucy and Jack and went to see where we will be living from now on.

First, I entered my room, it was a 100m² room, quite spacious for a single man. It had a king sized bed that could easily hold 10 people, needless to say that its comfort can reach the heaven’s. Aside from that bed, there is another one, but it is small and can only hold me, it was made for me to meditate on. Other than that, there is a big desk at the opposite side of the bed that I can read books and do studies on it, war studies to be exact since I’m going to be leading a kingdom. In the rest of the space, there was a kitchen for me to cook my own meals and a big dining table that could hold 9 people. I decided to use that table to hold meetings between the top of this monarchy. There was a lock on the door that could only be opened with my, Lucy’s or Jack’s energies. I bought it from the System, but the downside is that it can only hold 5 people’s imprints. I didn’t add a TV since I guessed that the channels don’t work anymore.

Jack and Lucy’s room weren’t that much different, I let them design it as they liked and I let a clone do that because I didn’t want to pry into their privacies.

The rest of the day went uneventful as everybody tried to get used to their new rooms, but there wasn’t any way that I could know the storm that my declaration caused.

*Europe Union’s meeting room*

“What are we going to do about this, boss?”

Said a man that had his face covered by shadows to another one that was seated in a majestic chair that gave off the feeling of magnificence.


“Guessing by the voice of this person, we can deduce that he is a powerful young man. But that can work to our favor, he is just a young man who got arrogant because of his powers. He doesn’t know the vastness of this universe, we will show him that no one can mess with our new country”

“But boss, I can’t help but get a bad feeling about him, his voice was like, I don’t know how to say it, like something befitting of an emperor, I couldn’t help but get the feeling that he’s like a God”

Just as he finished saying this, the boss erupted a tremendous Aura not any less powerful than Chris’.

“Are you saying that a kid can compete with me, the Criminal God!?”

This man was actually a very influential figure, he was named ‘the criminal god’ because of the number of crimes that he did. In 2 years, he did more than a thousand crimes and that made him respected very much by others like him, so when he got into prison, he was like a king there and that was one of the very important reasons that he became this powerful and could subdue the union in just a day.

*Asian Union’s meeting room*

“What are we going to do about this?” Said a Japanese middle aged man, he was one of the leaders of the Asian Union and the representative from Japan.

“I suggest that we form a treaty with this so called ‘Divine Kingdom’, if it is very powerful, we will be able to benefit from it and if it isn’t then we can just annul the treaty once it is about to collapse.” Said the representative from China

“I agree with that” Replied a man from Korea.

“Alright then we’ll go with that, even if some problem erupted, we have our own insurance.” Agreed the Japanese man.

The other people quickly responded and the meeting came to an end.

*American Union’s meeting room*

“What do you think, should we go with this new kingdom or what?” Asked the Canadian president

“I say that we go, I have a hunch that this man is very powerful and promising and my hunch has never been wrong before” Answered the USA’s president.

“I also say that we should form some relations with this country, we have nothing to lost after all. Plus, HE said that we should do this, so we should respect his choice” Replied the Brazilian president.

All the countries agreed and like the Asians, it was decided that they will form a treaty with this new kingdom.


It a bit surprising that groups of countries quickly formed unions, but this was only because a single powerful person united each group forcefully, it will take a lot of time for them to actually form a real unification.

*Back to Chris*

Now that everything is fine, I will finally try something that I wanted to do all day. All my clones were in my room sitting cross-legged. I thought about it when we were working today, why couldn’t we all meditate at the same time? Then, we will be able to achieve 11 times the result than before.

And that’s what we did. We all started to absorb energy and it was amazing. I felt a ridiculous amount of Divine Energy entering my body and getting fused with my Core, our Cores anyway. It seemed that each time one of our cores got bigger, it will do the same in the other bodies too.

After some while, I felt that I completely replenished all the energy that was used today. Now it is time to try to breakthrough. I’m a little bit excited about this one because Zeus said that I will unlock the secret to his quest when I do it.

Every one of us tried to fuse our energy into our bodies, but it didn’t produce any results. Then, I stopped the thing and decided to think about how to do it before I do something like this recklessly.

After some while of thinking that felt like eternity because of 11 minds working together, I found a theory.

I did it like I thought and I let my blood carry my energy with it. After some while, I felt some of my energy entering my muscles, I felt ecstasy. My theory worked!

I thought that because the blood always enters the muscles to provide it with oxygen and all of that, I could just integrate the energy in the blood and make it do that.

Just as some energy entered my muscles, the usual screen about breaking through and stabilizing my foundation appeared. I immediately made it stabilize my cultivation. I felt irrational amounts of Divine Energy entering my body, then my Divine Core… dissipated.

I felt horror when I saw it, I quickly opened my eyes and I was baffled with what I saw. I saw everything, everything that is happening in the whole world, every detail. I tried to find my body in my room, but I couldn’t. My clones were the same.

Just as that, information appeared in my mind. It was about my situation and next layer of the technique.

It seems that because my body became a Divine one that is made from energy, I can now become it (energy). I could construct my body and change it as I want. I became energy itself. Physical attacks don’t affect me at all now. Only energy or soul ones do which are very rare.

I felt truly happy about this, now I could spy on everything I want without them noticing anything. Also, because of this, now I could use soul attacks. I only know one ‘Soul Crush’, but I think I could buy more in the system.

‘Soul Crush’ is as the name implies, a technique to destroy other people’s souls. This is good because it will let me kill people without others noticing. I only need to touch somebody and integrate my Spiritual Energy which is the same as my Divine Energy it seems, into their bodies and attack their souls. And because my body is made from energy, I can kill anybody from any distance since energy is everywhere.

Finally, now, the next layer of the cultivation technique.

-Fifth Stage (Deity Stage): To reach this stage, you must kill a Deity-Ranked cultivator and absorb his body then you’ll get all of his authority.

It seems that each Deity-Ranked expert have a world or realm they supervise. They can control it like they want. If you kill one of them and absorb his body with this Cultivation Technique, you’ll get his authority over that world. They’re just like gods, I know understand why Zeus wants me to conquer worlds. That’s the same as killing deities and taking control of their realms, but sadly it seems that I can’t really control this one because Zeus is the who is supervising it and he is much more powerful than a deity because he conquered many worlds and fused them.

Maybe that’s what the next layer of the technique will require, control ten worlds or less and fuse them together.

I’m not sure, but I think that I’m close to the answer. And again, I got more powerful without even knowing the extent of my strength. *Sigh*

Probably now, I can kill deities, but that’s for later because I need to know how to exactly use this form and buy Martial Skills from the System that I can use, but that’s not really necessary because I got Magic, very powerful Magic.

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