《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 10 - Building the Stronghold and Declaration


Chapter 10 - Building the Stronghold and Declaration

We then entered the camp. I released my suppressed energy to scare the people there and make them submit to me.

At first, some of the military men tried to attack, but seeing their dead friends that were made an example of because of trying to attack us, they stopped and gave up.

After that, I assembled all the personnel there and counted them using my ‘Sense’, it was easy since the information of what is happening in its range just popped up in my mind and with it the number of humans here. There were about 590 people here, more than I checked yesterday.

They were all miserable, the parents comforting their scared children, old people coughing again and again because of some diseases, soldiers with tattered clothes and some broken weapons. It was hellish.

We then proceeded to introduce ourselves as we planned.

I was the ‘Demon God Chris’ and planned to take over the world, Lucy was my lover and subordinate and finally Jack pretended to be my advisor and the highest ranked subordinate.

When some people heard my name, they laughed a little bit, but ‘mysteriously’ they got one of their arms or shoulders broken, so the others shut up and understood their position.

Strangely for me, I was a little bit happy that Lucy pretended to be my lover, maybe I’m really falling for her. I’m not some dense stupid protagonist of some LN so I am completely aware of my feelings and will cherish them.

I then proceeded to tell them about what’s going to happen here and the rules that they must respect. First, they’re going to be trained by us to turn into powerful pawns that we can use when we launch war at other communities and countries.

Second, this city will be remade and reinforced, but they don’t have to care about that because all of it will be handled by my ‘brother’, the Dragon God.

When they heard about it, they were afraid and confused, what’s a dragon doing here? And even, what’s a Dragon? Those kinds of question were in their minds.

Third, they will be transported into another space where they will stay as my ‘brother’ does his job.

They were shocked when they heard the word ‘another space’, but they quickly calmed down and considered that common sense doesn’t work anymore.

As for the rules, there were 3 simple ones.


1- It’s forbidden to fight in the camp without permission, friendly sparring is available but only with a supervisor watching the match

2- They must respect the supervisors and all my direct subordinates that I’m going to choose from them and they must listen to every order they say, it is possible to talk to me if they did something to wrong them.

3- It’s forbidden to reveal any information about this ‘country’ of ours or about anyone of us.

I used Mind Magic’s ‘Order’ spell to make them respect those rules at all times, they won’t be able to bend them because their minds will register that as something very bad, it’s as if you were about to do a crime and you mind tells you to stop.

By the way, the space that I talked about was something that I bought from the System.

I managed to take a glimpse at it when I browsing the shop yesterday night. It was pretty amazing. It was a ‘space box’ that holds another world in it. There wasn’t much difference in size between it and my Space Ring, but the difference is that I can control the space in the ‘Space Box’ and it can hold living things. It’s just like another world, but even with that, I cannot create life on it, I can just transport people on it. It costed an astonishing price of 25,000,000 Points.

Now, to make them have a more scaring effect about me, I ordered the ‘Clone’ that I left at the center of the city to dragon form and instantly, a huge black dragon that made a big shadow reign over the city appeared.

Ignoring the slaw-jacked people’s feeling, I tossed them into the ‘Space Box’.

After I checked the city for any survivors and ordered my clone to destroy it with Black Hole, I entered the space with Lucy and Jack.

A few minutes passed then I received a message from my clone saying that it was done. I only found out about this when I conjured him, but it seems that we can communicate telepathically wherever we were.

After going out, what greeted me was a wasteland.

It was just like a desert, nothing but sand surrounded us, even the roads and the asphalt were sucked by the spell.

I felt a cold sweat running through my back because of the destruction that the spell could cause, I didn’t know if my clone used its full power, but if it didn’t then I must revise my strength really well. It probably didn’t.


After that, I bought the thing that I was most excited about, ‘Divine Ores’. They are stones that can hold big amounts of Divine Energy, they can be used to cultivate or to make very hard and durable stones, I was going to use the latter choice to make a big mansion made of pure Divine Ores.

After some contemplating, I decided to make it float in the sky so we would be a little safer, not me anyways and if we did that we could move it and fly to other places directly.

So, I conjured 9 other Clones and began my work. We all used our ‘Crafting’ ability to make stones out of the ores and then we lined them up to form a huge construction. It was the walls of my castle. They were red and had a holy white hue around them that indicated their worth and power.

After that, one of my clones used ‘Enchant’ to make the walls ‘Indestructible’ and also enchant them with ‘Absorb Divine Energy’. Just after he finished casting, he coughed up a huge amount of blood and I felt the connection between us get lost which meant that he was dead.

I was at first surprised and confused but then it dawned to me, he must have overused his energy. When I casted all those enchantments on my robe, I felt about a fourth of my Energy get used, but that was just a small robe, what could you say about a 30m height by 50m of width castle.

I must be careful not to do this, I will let my clones do these kind of things.

We then proceeded to completely construct the rest of the mansion. It used up some hours of our time, but I didn’t have any dissatisfaction because of the amazing result.

We didn’t make some big changes to the outer walls because we didn’t want to make it look majestic or all, it will just waste our time, though it automatically did since it was made from Divine Ores, as for the inner parts, there were 4 noticeable places.

The first and the outermost, the training grounds. Here, we will train our ‘recruits’ and make them get stronger. It has all the things needed. Big weights that even go to 50 tons, a big plaza for sparring and combat training, bathrooms and changing rooms, everything that was needed was there.

After that came the living quarters of the servants and trainees, it had the simple things that humans need for life, nothing luxurious to make them want to graduate from this place and become supervisors where they will move to the next facility, the commanders’ living quarter.

It is like the previous ones, but with more luxurious equipment and items, the food here is tasty too, and I plan to make some potions and pills, that I can make using ‘Alchemy’, for them to eat to make their bodies stronger.

And finally, in the innermost place, comes the headquarters, it’s where everything related to wars and combat will be organized, it has meeting rooms, advanced screens and equipment from science-fiction. It also has the tops’ living places. It’s not needed to mention, but they have the most deluxe living conditions.

After we finished, I got the people from the space out, they were awed looking at the floating fort in front of them.

I explained to them what will happen there and how they are classified. At this moment, there weren’t any supervisors, but when they start to train, I will pick the most powerful and devoted people and make them controllers.

After leaving them to fend for themselves in their new rooms, I went to Lucy and Jack to perform the last phase of our plan.

I bought from the shop two abilities: ‘Array Formation’ and ‘Sound Magic’.

Sound Magic is self-explanatory and as for ‘Array Formation’, it gives me the ability to make arrays and magic circles. They have many uses from defensive and attack ones to concealing and sound-proofing ones.

The one that I’m going to use is the sound amplifying array. Since I have the skill at MAX level, it will amplify my voice many times. That was also the reason I bought Sound Magic for.

After making the formation and activating Sound Magic, I used ‘Roar’ to say.

“I declare the founding of the Divine kingdom! Join us if you want to survive! Anyone is welcomed, whether you are humans, Undead or monsters, we only want your devotion! The time limit is one month!”

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