《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 12 - Master and Test


Chapter 12 – Master and Test

Just as Chris was about to cancel his ‘Energy form’, he felt something looking at him. He tried to look up at its direction and he was horrified by what he saw. It was a demon.

Chris didn’t see a demon before, but he’s sure that it is. Those five horns on top of its head that formed a crown were the proof. But only that couldn’t make him scared, what scared him to this degree was the Aura that surrounded it. Now that he can become energy, he could ‘see’ people’s aura. What he saw was a big snake coiling around the figure’s neck. It was a green snake with golden eyes and split irises that would bring fear to a great master.

The snake was looking at him directly, the place where he was, exactly since he was now just a clump of energy. The figure then spoke

“Hoo, he managed to breakthrough this early, I wonder what Zeus’ reaction would be? After all, he was able to do this way more before him. I’m quite surprised with his cultivation speed.”

“Lord, he is looking at us right now. I don’t think that it is a wise decision to reveal information to him”

The snake spoke, Chris was surprised by this, since it was only supposed to be his Aura and it wouldn’t be able to have a consciousness.

“You’re quite good if you are able to see me, but you don’t even know how to control your power, that’s a waste, you know. Alright, this time I will do that old man a favor and train his champion”

Just as he finished speaking, I felt a huge pressure coming from besides me. It was very powerful, almost making me suffocate, but strangely, it wasn’t menacing, no if I had to say, it made me feel like I was protected.

Out of respect for this elder, I immediately turned into my human form and greeted him. I didn’t bow or kowtow because that would be unbefitting of my identity as a powerful deity’s champion and I felt that my dragon blood would explode if I did that, as I thought, dragons are extremely prideful to the point of arrogance.

“Good, kid. Never bow to anyone, even if it is someone that can kill you in a second. Alright, now for the second test, if you pass this one, I will train you and make you as powerful as a deity ranked expert”


I felt truly happy about his words. I was always worried if the me now can compete with gods, but it seems that after his training I will be.

“The test is quite simple; I want you to destroy a big island. You can use your clones or any power that you want, I only want it to be done in 3 days. Also, don’t kill anybody, that’s the hardest part of this test. If you are able to do it, I will come to you when you succeed”

I had many things that I wanted to ‘tsukkomi’ about, but he didn’t give me the chance as he vanished and even with my energy vision, I couldn’t find him.

What to do now? I don’t need any sleep or any human necessities since I’m now made of energy, so I have to use this time to think of a way.

After some pondering, I came up with an idea. I tried to use it on an iceberg in the north pole, but it didn’t work. The iceberg was destroyed and a polar bear that was on it also died. I’m okay with killing animals so I don’t care, like I would if I killed humans anyway. *Grin*.

That’s bad, I let my beast nature take over me once again. I need to learn how to control this. Let’s get back to our original topic.

After a full night of trying and failing with a few animals getting killed, I finally was able to do it. It was quite hard.

At first, I used the energy in the atmosphere to coat the animal, that would be the equivalent to touching them and I teleported them to somewhere else. After that, I used the easiest way to destroy the land there, by vibrating the energy in it.

I reached out to the energy and made it vibrate, I gradually increased the intensity and when the ice couldn’t endure it, it crumbled to pieces and sank into the sea, this would be bad since it could raise water levels, but I could just melt it using heat energy or fire magic, by the way there are many kinds of energies other than Qi and Mana and I seem to be able to control them. They don’t seem different to me since the Divine Energy encompasses all other types, it’s just that I think of the kind of energy that I want to use and I will be able to bend it to my will.


Also, after some experimenting, I found that I could control light energy and that’s important for 2 reasons. The first being that I can make a holographic image of anybody who I want in any place that I want, the only downside is that it doesn’t seem real and anybody can recognize that it isn’t. The second being that I can use sun rays to attack. It was night at my place but that wasn’t the case for other countries so I used sun rays and I could use them to melt things with their concentrated heat. It was very powerful and nobody would expect it since they think that sun is harmless towards them.

Back to our topic, after some searching, I found an island that seemed like it contained a prison. It was in the south of the European continent and it seemed to be highly dangerous since all the rooms were single ones and the facility was highly guarded with very durable walls and fences and even the ocean served as a defense against escape attempts.

It was pretty much destroyed and aside from a dozen of prisoners and about a hundred of wardens with some other people, no one else was there.

The wardens were quite powerful, their Aura proved that. Though it was nowhere near my soon-to-be master, it was a bit strong. Some of the prisoners were powerful, but they weren’t near the wardens. The other people were quite weak, I don’t think that they’re even players in this System, but they guarded by the strongest.

There was no way I would know at that time that I would be destroying one of the most important bases of the old Europe’s union’s.

So, after I checked the place, I began my operation. First, I coated all the humans with my energy, the powerful ones were alerted, but they had no time to resist as they transported in my castle where my clone was waiting for them to get them to enter my force. It was a little bit hard to ‘touch’ all those people, but I was able to do it with some difficulty.

After that, I started to vibrate the energy in the earth there, but I couldn’t destroy it at all. Rocks and earth was a lot more durable than ice. So, I controlled the sun rays of the sun that was at its peak in that place and made it attack the whole island. I thought that after all those tests yesterday and my attempts at destroying the earth, my energy would be consumed, but it didn’t seem like that. My Divine Core was gone so I didn’t know how much I had. If I could the energy around me endlessly then I could become seriously overpowered. I would only run out of it when this world doesn’t have any more of it.

After a few seconds, the whole island was destroyed. It couldn’t endure the power of the great sun. It had a diameter of about 50km so it was one hell of an explosion.

Meanwhile, far into the sky, a demon with a snake coiled around his neck were watching Chris’ devastation speechlessly.

After a while, the demon broke the silence with a very eerie and sinister laugh.


“This is nothing to laugh about, Lord. That kid is a monster, even that Zeus took one month to comprehend how to use energy around him and he was a heaven shaking genius. This kid is a monster!” Said the snake, exasperated.

“That’s why I’m laughing, Damis. I’ve hit jackpot. I was right in making him my disciple. But if I knew about him earlier, I wouldn’t accept that old man’s suggestion about choosing his friend and would’ve chosen him as my successor. Even if it is shunned for 2 gods to choose the same person, no one would dare think that about me. That old bastard, he’s very lucky” Replied the demon

“But master, if those motherfuckers knew about him, they would kill him for sure. We must quickly make him get stronger. At least that way, he can protect himself against their disciples and not just get fucked up by them in a second. I feel quite sorry for him; he chose to become Zeus’ champion without knowing what awaits him.” Reminded Damis, feeling sorry for Chris.

“You’re right about that, let’s quickly go and make him get stronger so he can avenge us and break havoc upon those bitches”

Just as he finished speaking, the two of them vanished and reappeared in Chris’ room.

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