《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 05 - Bloodline and Equipment (Edited)


Chapter 05 - Bloodline and Equipment

Ah, right, I almost forgot. The notification said that I could buy Bloodlines now. I wonder what the available ones are. I should check my Status first.

‘Status’ I thought and my status window appeared.


Name: Christopher Moore

Class (2/2): Immortal Mage.

Bloodlines (0/2): N/A

Class Abilities :

Energy Control LVL MAX

Meditation LVL MAX

Forging LVL MAX

Alchemy LVL MAX

Enchant LVL MAX

Demon Transformation LVL MAX

Physical Abilities Enhancement - Passive LVL MAX

Space Magic LVL MAX

Time Magic LVL MAX

Mind Magic LVL MAX


Analyze LVL MAX

Transformation LVL MAX

My class changed, or, should I say that my previous classes merged together. Maybe it’s because I use the same nergy to cultivate and cast spells.

With this, another possibility emerges; will I be able to cast spells with my Divine Energy? I should try it out. It will be great if it worked because my spells will receive a boost because of the might of that energy. Also, since I have an absurd amount of that energy compressed in my Divine Core, I’m sure that I will be able to cast a lot of spells before it runs out.

Now, I really want to cultivate more, but, I shouldn’t do that now. I have to get used to my newfound power before that which is impossible in this small space. Maybe later, I will go to the forest near town. I’m sure that it contains lots of monsters; maybe it’s even a dungeon, so many things to do.

Let’s get back to our subject now, the Bloodlines.

It had a (0/2) sign besides it. It’s probably the same as the class. I was a little bit grateful for ‘Zeus’, but after seeing that quest of his, I don’t feel even a little bit thankful. Now, I should decide which 2 Bloodlines I buy.

‘Shop’ I thought and the store window opened.

Welcome to the Shop

Please choose what you want to purchase:






-Items and Supplies.

Hmm, aside from Bloodlines, a new option was ‘unlocked’, I completely forgot about that.

I think that I can buy miscellaneous items from it like food, camping stuff, cutlery, crockery and maybe even raw materials.

I opened the ‘Bloodlines’ section and a long list of bloodlines appeared before me. I was quite shocked with what I saw:

From ‘Undead Bloodline’, ’Goblin Bloodline’ and even ‘Bird Bloodline’ (5000-7000 Points) to ‘Vampire Bloodline’, ‘Elf Bloodline’ and even ‘Demon Bloodline’ (50,000-60,000 Points). However, 2 of them caught my attention.

They were the ‘Divine Bloodline’ (5,000,000 Points) and the ‘Dragon Bloodline’ (3,000,000 Points).

This is the first time I mentioned this, but I really like dragons. Usually, in those Xianxia novels that I read, they are Divine Beasts or Holy Beasts that are very powerful. They’ve always been my favorite Race.

I immediately bought those two Bloodlines. A few seconds passed and then suddenly, I coughed up a mouthful of black blood full of impurities. However, it didn’t stop there as I kept coughing and coughing until I wondered how the hell do I have this much blood in my body.

The floor around me was dyed black. That was the amount of impurities that was in my body. I felt quite shocked by this.

I suddenly felt my blood being invigorated. My life force kept increasing and increasing. I could feel my bloodline getting purer and purer, what a wonderful feeling!

However, that refreshing feeling soon vanished into thin air and an unbearable amount of pain started assaulting me.


I felt my skin being separated from my body, I felt like two great swords were stabbing me from my back, I felt my teeth being broken and repaired constantly, I felt nails getting harder and longer, and I felt my eyes burning and my vision turned red. It was HELL for me.

Every time that I was about to faint, the pain made me snap out from my dizziness and made experience that torture again. After what felt like eternity, the pain vanished as if it was not there in the first place.

What remained there was a monster, a 200 cm tall human-shaped monster with black scales running through its whole body. 2 pitch black wings protruded from its back and its original eyes transformed into a pair of bloodshot red ones that would make even gods tremble at their sight. It had sharp teeth and two fangs covered its mouth as if it were a vampire. Long pitch-black claws were in the place of its nails and a black tail that had spikes at its end protruded from its lower back.

This monster was Christopher ‘Chris’ Moore after his transformation to a Draconian, a half-human half-Dragon creature.

‘Wow’, I thought as I ‘looked’ at my appearance in my mind. I was able to ‘see’ it in my mind after the transformation stopped.

It seems that I became a Draconian. As for how I know about this, it just seeped into my mind after I transformed. Well, that was a little too much.

The Divine Bloodline that I bought made my own bloodline purer to the utmost degree and the Dragon Bloodline made me a Draconian. However, that makes a person ask a question; why didn’t it make my Dragon Bloodline pure and made me a Dragon?

Just as I thought about that, a new window appeared.

You have mixed blood running through your veins.

Due to you having the Divine Bloodline, it is possible to make one of them a Pure Bloodline.

Do you accept?

Yes / No.

Which Bloodline do you wish to purify?

Dragon Bloodline / Human Bloodline.

PS: Human Transformation is available.

I immediately chose ‘Dragon Bloodline’ and then, I felt myself changing. My body got bigger, stronger and more durable, my tail got longer, all my teeth become sharp fangs and my wings became larger and bigger.

Just as I fully transformed, I let out a roar of happiness mixed with excitement.


The entire city shook with my cry. This event would be recorded in history as the birth of the Dragon God who accompanied by his Martial Brother the Demon God Chris, subdued Gods and Devils with their strength. However, that’s a story for a later time.

Because this was the first time I became a Dragon, I couldn’t fly yet so I instantly transformed using the skill that I just gained. It was LVL MAX from the beginning, so, it didn’t even take 0.1 seconds to transform to my usual human body. However, there was a problem; I was stark naked and that takes me to my next scheduled test, my Forging and Enchanting skills.

However, just as I was about to begin my test, I felt like my body was about to explode.

Due to purifying your body and Blood, you managed to have a Pure Body and a Divine Bloodline, thus you have skipped two levels and entered the peak of the Third Stage of the Divine Transformations Technique, the Blood Cleansing Stage.

However, your cultivation is extremely instable.

You will self-explode in 5 minutes.

Do you wish to stabilize it?


Points required: 600,000 Points.

Yes / No.

Without hesitation, I immediately pressed ‘Yes’. I was quite shocked with this notification. I didn’t intend to cultivate after my breakthrough earlier, but I welcome any power-up. Although it’s a little bit troublesome, I’ll manage. Plus, with this power-up and my Dragon form, it will be a lot easier to intimidate opponents and subdue them.

However, that is unnecessary because of my Mind Magic which I bought just for this reason.

After I finished reminiscing, new information popped up in my mind, it was about the Fourth Stage of my cultivation technique.

-Third Stage (Blood Cleansing Stage): Fusing the Divine Energy assimilated in your Core with your Blood to transform your Bloodline into a Divine Bloodline.

-Fourth Stage (Divine Body Stage): Fusing the Divine Energy assimilated in your Core with your body (Bones / Muscles / Meridians…) to transform your Pure Body to a Divine Body.

I tried to see my Divine Core with my Inner-eye and I was quite shocked with its size, it became a basketball-sized rock. It also felt as if it is materialized and not just a lump of compressed energy. That just proves its power and the amount of Divine Energy it holds.

I’m now sure that I could cast ‘Black Hole’ and ‘Space Cutter’ hundreds of times and the amount of energy I have will only reduce just by a bit.

*Sigh* I breathed out a sigh of exasperation. A lot happened in this small amount of time; I just went from a weak and fragile human to a mighty Dragon.

Now, I probably have more than 1500 the amount of strength I had before the change in the world. I’m sure that now, I can destroy a whole continent if I used ‘Black Hole’, my strongest annihilation type attack.

Enough of that crap now; the more strength I have, the better. I can’t help but grin when I thought of what I’ll do when I conclude my testing.

Now, I’m more eager to go, but I must be patient, I just have to forge some armor and weapon and probably buy some clothes to cover my body.

Now, let’s start; first, I should look for materials. I already have ‘Transformation’ at MAX LVL, so that problem is solved.

This ability is really convenient; I just have to know a little bit about the material and it will pop up. Wait, maybe even if I don’t know the name of the material, it will work. Let’s try that.

I separated the pipe that ran through the wall and then thought about the most durable material in the world while invoking ‘Transformation’. Just when I did that, the steel pipe in my hand started getting heavier and heavier and changed to a dark grey color. I didn’t know the name of the material, so I used ‘Analyze’ on it.

Adamantine, a raw chunk of 100% pure Adamantine.

Adamantine is a famous material because of its Durability. Even Deity-level experts use weapons made from it. However, they don’t use a lot of it because of its preciousness and weight, it is so heavy that it will hinder cultivator in fighting. However, a good enchanter can solve that problem.

I was a little bit surprised by the detailed description, but that’s to be expected since ‘Analyze’ is Level MAX.

After that, I used the forging skill and started to imagine the shape of the weapon, it was a very thin sword, a Katana to be precise.

I hate great swords because they’re big and they are a little bit slow compared to thin swords, so the latter is better, at least that’s what I thought.

I don’t have to worry about its durability since it will be made entirely from Adamantine. Actually, it will be a chunk of Adamantine shaped into a Katana.

Matching my scales’ color, I made it pitch black by changing its color by ‘Transformation’.

I was a little bit surprised when I found out that I could change the color of materials because that is the equivalent of making a new one.

I, then, made a Dragon shaped carving running through the hilt.

[Author: Sorry, guys. I am not knowledgeable about weapons so I couldn’t describe it well]

It was not that heavy, but it would hinder my movements a bit when I am fighting. Let’s try enchanting it; I thought of the sword being ‘As light as a feather’ and used ‘Enchant’.

A halo of white light surrounded the Japanese sword and then, it disappeared, at least, that’s what I thought.

It was still there physically, but if I closed my eyes, I’m sure that I would think that it was gone.

‘Enchanting is very good’ I thought.

Many ideas popped up in my mind; making a needle that melts everything it touches, forging a needle that would inflict huge amounts of pain to the person it touches and many other similar ideas. They were all about torturing people and for harmful reasons. After all, with my way of thinking, there was no way that I would make something that would help people.

Maybe if people helped me a lot or tried to sacrifice their life for me which is pretty much impossible since nothing can threaten me for now at least, I would help them only once in that occasion to repay the debt.

Let’s return back to our situation. For convenience reasons, I raised the weight of my Katana by a few pounds. Now, let’s make some armor.

I didn’t want to make some full-armor made of Adamantine because it will be hard to move in, so what material should I use?




Right!! I can just make some normal clothes and enchant them with ‘Defense’ or ‘Durability’ or if possible ‘Indestructible’.

Let’s see of it works. I, then, used ‘Transformation’ to change the tiles on the floor of the rooftop to make the most comfortable silk in the multi universe. What I got was a strange pitch-black silk that shined a little bit with a black color. I used ‘Analyze’ on it.

Soclil Silk

It is the most comfortable silk made to this day. It can absorb Mana to strengthen its defense. Usually, only Deity-Ranked experts use it because it’s only found in places where Mana is concentrated and those places tend to have powerful monsters guarding them.

Well, that’s a good thing. I’m beginning to feel like a God now since the equipment I have is something only Gods which I assume are Deity-Ranked experts, use. Well, no use thinking about it now. If I meet one of them later, I will spar with him to deduce the extent of my power.

There was no way for me to know that that encounter would come sooner than I thought it would.

I was a little bit worried about using ‘Forging’ to make clothes, but that wasn’t a problem. I don’t know how, but it worked. After some thinking, I made a robe that only cultivator in Xianxia novels would wear.

It was a pitch-black robe with the carving of a Dragon about to attack in its back.

After that, I used ‘Enchanting’ to add these effects: ‘Indestructible’ / ‘Absorb Physical Damage’ / ‘Absorb Energy (Qi and Mana) Attacks’ / ‘Absorb Energy’ / ‘Fit’

The first three are as the name indicates. As for the fourth, it was to make it fit anybody who wore it.

Now that everything is ready, let’s start our adventure to control this fucking world!!!

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