《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 06 - Starting My Adventure and My Meeting with Her (Edited)


Chapter 06 - Starting My Adventure and My Meeting with Her

So, where should I go? Let's see. It will be good if I buy some Sensing type skill and if I could see a human settlement, I'll go there and start by taking it over. After all, if I want to control this world, I must do it step by step.

I must act benevolent and have a good exterior if I want to deceive people and gain their trust and that will play a big role in controlling different people.

With that in mind, I quickly opened the 'Shop' and after browsing through the abilities for a while, I bought 3 skills that can be useful. After leveling them up to MAX Level to unlock all their potential, this is what I got:

'Sense' which is like that Holy Sense or Divine Sense in my favorite novels. It has a range of 10 km² and it lets me see everything that is happening in the circumference. I was satisfied with this skill because it's very useful, and even more so when I fuse it with the next ability I bought.

'Stealth' is a skill which lets me remove my presence completely and even become invisible to low level creatures. I can only be detected by those that have 'Sense' or some kind of tracking skill that has a level higher than my own which is impossible for now because there would be no way that someone this early has MAX leveled skills, except the abnormal me, of course. That would be the case unless that damned God granted wishes for other people than me and that would be bad because if they got quests like mine, they would become my rivals and I don’t want some disturbance now.

And lastly, I bought the 'Clone' ability which lets me make 10 clones that are as powerful as I am. This skill has a lot of potential; I can just send 9 clones to other worlds and let them destroy it. It will be easy I think because I have the 'Teleportation' skill which makes me able to teleport anywhere I want, even other worlds. However, for that to happen, I have to know the description of some place in that world to do it.

Now is not the time to think about that, I still have 50 years until the time limit.

I immediately invoked Sense and I instantly knew what is happening in a 10 km radius around me. I was a little bit shocked by what I saw; people are getting chased by hordes of monsters, corpses are being eaten by what I believe are Undead and Zombies. However, even so, there are some people who are doing well.

It also seems that there's a camp in the outskirts of the city. There were some soldiers surrounding it while fighting some monsters, so I guess that the army is the one who is supervising this camp. Well, that’s expected since more than 7 hours passed since the 'Apocalypse' and the country won’t just let its citizens be eaten by monsters.


The number of people in the camp reached about a tenth of the city’s original population, about 580 people, I guess.

Aside from the duos and trios here and there in the city which I predict won't live long, there also was another settlement. It was right under me, in the school.

The 30 students that were left were a small minority compared to the total number of students our school has. At least 500 students enrolled in it.

It seems that a student is the leader of the group. He also seems to be a little bit powerful, nothing compared to me, though.

Aside from him and Jack my self-proclaimed otaku best friend that I mentioned before, all of the students and even some teachers were trembling with fear and I could see some wet pants here and there.

Hmm, I can't see her. Where could she be? Maybe, she's already dead. Well, whatever. I don’t really care that much about her.

It's true that she tried to help me rid myself of my pessimism, but aside from a small gratefulness from lending me a hand, I don't feel even an ounce of affection or friendship about her. I guess that if you experience what I went through, you don’t really care about others anymore.

Wait a minute, what's that girl doing? Is that... Mana I’m sensing seeping out of her? It’s so sinister. It feels full of hate and bad emotions. I almost got goosebumps from its ominousness.

Wait, now that I think about it, how can I sense Mana? Could it be because of my ‘Sense’ skill or my cultivation? Whatever, I don't really care about the reason as long as I’m able to do it.

I decided to check things out and see what the hell this girl is doing with that dangerous Mana.

I immediately used 'Stealth' and 'Teleportation' and appeared next to her in the men's bathroom of our school. At first, she didn't notice me, but when I deactivated 'Stealth' and coughed a little, she finally turned around.

Her expression changed from shock to disbelief to fear then it just turned emotionless, it was actually a little bit hilarious.

"What do you want?" She asked and I was a little bit shocked by her reaction. I thought she would panic and attack me.

"Me? I was just wondering what were you doing with that creepy looking Mana leaking out from you?"

"Says the guy who is releasing absurd amounts of Mana from his body!" She said full of sarcasm.

Eh? Me? Leaking Mana? Well, Divine Energy precisely not Mana, but still...

That's the first time I knew about this. Hmm, let's try to sense my energy like before, here it is. After I managed to sense it, I used my ‘Energy Control’ to absorb all the leaking energy and that solved the problem.


"Now, it's good, right. So, what were you doing with that Mana of yours? Don't tell me it was just leaking out from you because I can sense that you're directing it willingly" I asked her, my voice full of doubt.

"*Sigh* I guess I'll tell you. This could probably cost me my life." She said in a little trembling voice and I could feel the fear hidden from her blank face even when she tried to hide it.

"Well, that guy that is leading the survivors now, he's a big asshole who sacrificed me and left me here to be eaten by monsters so that he will escape." She said, angrily

He really looked like an arrogant type of man from what I've observed with my 'Sense'. So, he is like those clichéd arrogant villains from those novels, huh. Let's go kill him later. He kind of pisses me off.

Not knowing my thoughts, the girl continued.

"Luckily after that, I managed to kill those monsters and I earned those 'Points' or something, I'm sure you know about them if you're this powerful. After that, I bought the class 'Sorcerer' which lets me use black magic. Now, I'm trying one of my spells 'Black Miasma' which lets me convert my Mana into a poisonous gas. I will use this to kill every survivor in this school"

Her face radiated immense amounts of killing intent when she said the last sentence.

This girl, she’s lying. My passive magic which I unlocked from leveling up my Mind Magic, 'Detect Lie' is working.

If she was telling the truth, how many monsters did she have to kill to buy the 'Sorcerer' class which costs about 4500 Points? There's another side to her story. I guess I have to be careful around her.

When I learn how to control my energy perfectly without making others aware of it, I will use 'Memory Manipulation', another ability from Mind Magic, to look into her memories.

To use this skill, I have to inject some of my Mana into the target's head while activating it. However, if I use the wrong amount, they could lose their memories or even die. The real might of this ability is that it lets me see, manipulate, erase and insert new memories into people.

I faked ignorance and went with the flow.

"Why are you telling this to me? This is the first time we met, you know" This question was troubling me since she started talking about her experience.

"I have this feeling that you're like me, I don’t know how to express it, but maybe it’s your 'Aura'? It’s so dark and ominous. It sends goosebumps to my body and makes me so excited" Although she said the last sentence in a murmur, I could hear it.

Great, now I have a crazy bitch fan. However, even though she is like that, I like her. She tried to kill all those people without remorse. I like crazy girls like her. Alright, I'll help her do this. I was going to kill that guy anyway, so why not kill everybody with him?

"Alright, girl. It seems that you managed to impress me. I'll help in your revenge" I said with a tone full of authority.

"Eh? Why? You're not going to rape me or anything after that as a compensation, right?" She said while looking at me with doubt in her eyes.

"Heh, good way of thinking. Never trust anybody; that's the fundamental rule in this kind of place. However, don't you think that if I'm after your body, I won't ask, right? I can just fuck you here and no one will be able to help you, you know? With my strength, even if you tried to resist, I can do whatever I want with you and you will only be able to futilely trey to resist."

When I said that, her body shivered slightly from fear and after a moment of silence, she replied.

"... You're right. However, even then, I won't trust you... for now"

I was satisfied with her reply. Use any help you find and never trust others, this girl has lots of potential.

"Alright, then let's choose some method to kill them" I switched the subject.

"Why? Can't we just poison them?"

"Frankly, that's boring. I have so many ideas to try. We can torture them with like melting their bodies or dismembering their limbs one after the other. Ah, right, we cut off the guys' dicks and leave some to rape the girls there. That would be much fun. Also, also, we can use my Mind Magic and make them have nightmares about their beloved ones torturing and killing them and when they fall into despair, we can torture them physically and make them crazy..."

**3rd Person’s P.O.V**

After that, Chris kept reciting ways of torturing the poor kids and how to make them suffer the most. He was like a kid who just found a new toy to play with. However, in this situation, these are not toys, but living breathing humans.

Unbeknownst to Chris who kept blabbering like that, a girl was having a pale expression while hearing him talk about torturing other casually as if it was a normal daily thing for him.

'I might have just chosen to follow a very dangerous man. I'll have to keep in mind to not make him my enemy in the future.' These were the thoughts of the girl

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