《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 04 - Cultivation (Edited)


Chapter 04 – Cultivation

Shit! Fuck! Damn! I’m screwed. How can I fucking control 10 bloody worlds? That’s too much even for me. That god must have a loose screw in his mind. If I knew this would happen, I would reject his offer. What should I do now? I’m going to be imprisoned in hell, dammit!

If you believed that I would panic like this, then you must be a very stupid person. Control 10 Worlds? I admit that it is a little bit too much even for me, it’s too hard to control them and I would need many connections and knowledge in politics and all to be able to do that. However, why would I do that when I could just destroy them!? That’s easy and simple, why should I go through the troublesome route when I could just destroy the worlds.

Well, I won’t destroy all of them; I’ll destroy 9 and keep this one for myself. After all, even if I had a terrible childhood and even if I hate the previous version of this world, I can’t let myself destroy it. Even with my dampened emotions, I feel a bit grateful to the ones who tried to help me before; that cop and his wife, my self-proclaimed best friend and especially that girl.

Alright, now enough of this, I have 50 years to do that, though I’m a little bit worried about that punishment. For now, I should focus on getting stronger. I think that I got the hang of casting spells and doing magic. The method is very simple; I just have to concentrate mana somewhere in my body and imagine the spell to cast.

Although, I yelled like that when I casted ‘Space Cutter’, that was just to go with the flow and heat up the moment. Now and finally, Cultivation!!

I immediately sat down cross-legged in the lotus stance and began to feel the Energy in me.

Hooo, so the energy which I use to cast spell is the same as the energy I use to cultivate. That’s a good discovery, a very good one actually. If I’m not mistaken, I could integrate the elements and magic to Martial Skills in the future.


Like for example; if I add the wind or lighting element to a movement technique, then it could become a very powerful skill.

As for how I knew that there were Martial Skills, I saw them under the class abilities for my cultivator class when I visited the shop last time.

Now, enough of that, let’s finally start cultivation. I invoked Meditation by thinking of the skill name in my mind and instantly, a myriad of information about the cultivation technique appeared in my mind. After I organized it, this is what I got:

Divine Rank Cultivation Technique – Divine Transformations (Six Stages):

-First Stage (Divine Core Stage): Absorbing Divine Energy from the universe which is impossible for other techniques that only allow a person to absorb normal Qi. After you absorbed enough energy, you use it to form a Divine Core.

-Second Stage (Pure Body Stage): Using the Divine Energy assimilated in your Core to cleanse your body of impurities thus forming a Pure Body.

It seems that when I make breakthroughs, I will unlock information about the next Stages. Also, another thing which really surprised me is that, other than me, there is only one person in the entire multi universe who practices with this technique, that person is the True and Supreme God ‘Zeus’.

Maybe if I could reach the sixth stage, I could match him. That remains to be known in the future, though.

Now then let’s get back to our subject. It seems that all I have to do is absorb Divine Energy from my surroundings then circulate it in my meridians and move it to my Dantian to form my Divine Core; easier said than done, though.

Wait a minute…


Trusting my hunch which worked so far, I activated one of my skills while thinking about Divine Energy. Suddenly, I could an overbearing feeling; it was as if a mountain was placed on me. It felt like a giant hammer was trying to crush my body, but even then, I clenched my teeth which clacked nonstop under the pressure and tried to absorb the source of that feeling.


As I felt a tiny thread of Divine Energy enter my body, that heart-clenching feeling instantly disappeared as if it was never there to begin with. When I knew that I successively absorbed a little bit of Divine Energy, I almost shouted from excitement; my idea worked!!

The skill that I activated was ‘Energy Control’. It didn’t specify some energy, so I thought that it could control any type and it really could.

After I absorbed that tiny thread of energy, I felt my whole body getting refreshed. I could feel all my body getting stronger; my bones became more durable, my muscles got more flexible and meridians transformed into bigger and sturdier ones.

I could feel all the fat in my body get burned and turned into energy which nourished my body parts. Ahh! I wish I could stay like this forever and that’s what happened.

Well, not entirely, no.

For the next few hours, I stayed sitting like that on top of the rooftop while experiencing that refreshing feeling. That continued until I felt like I was saturated and couldn’t absorb any more Divine Energy. Following the information on the technique, I compressed all that gaseous energy in my body and condensed it into a Divine Core.

Unexpectedly, it wasn’t all that difficult. I think that my skill had a big role in making it that easy.

First, I gathered all that gas and I tried to push it towards the middle until it fused together and formed a golden liquid. After that, I formed a small whirlpool with it and tried to make it smaller bit by bit while making it spin really fast. Then, the small whirlpool vanished and a tiny shining golden pebble formed in the middle of my Dantian.

I was quite shocked by its size. My assimilated energy that managed to make my body saturated only amounted to a tiny pebble!? I felt depressed, but at the same time, excited.

I was depressed because of my weak body that can only hold that much energy and excited because now, I can absorb absurd amounts of Divine Energy.

Just as I finished my thoughts, the nostalgic screen appeared before me.

You’ve successively entered the first stage of the Divine Transformations Cultivating Technique, the Divine Core Stage.

However, your foundation is still unstable. Do you wish to jump to the peak of the Divine Core Stage?

100,000 Points are needed

Yes / No

Without hesitating, I pressed ‘Yes’. Suddenly, I felt shocking amounts of Divine Energy enter my body and condense into my small Divine Core. After a few minutes, the absorption stopped and I felt shocked as well as excited with what I saw; my pebble-sized Divine Core now became a base-ball-sized one. I also felt that it was more compressed and invigorating.

Thanks to the System, now, I just have to break through to the next level and it will do its job in stabilizing my cultivation, what a cheat!! This would be the dream of every cultivator.

Then, I stopped cultivating to feel the changes in my body and get used to them. I felt light, very light. Even with my ‘Physical Abilities Enhancement’, I never felt this light before.

By the way, my Physical Abilities Enhancement enhances my body “2 x LVL of the skill”. It is Level 10 (MAX) now, so my physical abilities now are 20 times more powerful than my normal body.

However, even with that, I feel stronger after cultivating. What should I test first? Let’s try speed.

Using full power here will probably lead into me falling down from the roof, so let’s use about 50%. Adjusting my power, I tried to take a simple step. However, that small step led me onto the rooftop of another building two blocks away.

I was very shocked with my physical prowess. I did expect myself to be physically powerful, but not to this extent. I should probably stop my test here. I don’t want to destroy my school after all, which I’m sure is possible with my current strength.

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