《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 03 - Leveling Up My Skills and Trying Magic (Edited)


Chapter 03 – Leveling Up the Skills and Trying Magic

Now, what should I do? I can’t think of anything at the moment, but I also shouldn’t just go without having a plan. Think! What should I do?


Ah, right! I should buy some armor and weapons. But, I still don’t know the full extent of my power yet, so I won’t be able to choose the right equipment. Alright, I’ll level up all my abilities and see how strong I would become.

‘Status’ I thought and the usual screen popped up.


Name: Christopher Moore.

Class (2/2): Cultivator – Immortal Path / Mage.

Class Abilities:

-Cultivator – Immortal Path

Lesser Qi Manipulation LVL 1 [Level UP]

Meditation LVL 1 [Level UP]

Forging LVL 1 [Level UP]

Alchemy LVL 1 [Level UP]

Enchant LVL 1 [Level UP]

Demon Transformation LVL 1 [Level UP]

Physical Abilities Enhancement - Passive LVL1 [Level UP]


Lesser Mana Manipulation LVL 1 [Level UP]

Space Magic LVL 1 [Level UP]

Time Magic LVL 1 [Level UP]

Mind Magic LVL 1 [Level UP]


Analyze LVL 1 [Level UP]

Transformation LVL 1 [Level UP]

Points: ERROR [Please Read]

Where are my points!? Why is there an ‘ERROR’ in their place!? I would be screwred if something happened to them and I’m not able to use them anymore. Alright, I should calm down, let’s try opening the ‘Read Please’ sign

The system has detected that 1,000 points are added to your status every second.

Because of this, it deemed that it is useless to keep counting them.

From now on, ‘Unregistered Player’ will have infinite points.

I don’t even know where to start! First, how could the System detect things like that? Does it have a consciousness? Can it think and act independently out of its own will? Maybe, it can. I’ll try doing some research later. But then, didn’t the God say that there is nothing that is ‘Infinite’? Well, the System isn’t under his control, so maybe even HE doesn’t know why this happened. I should really research this subject since if I found out more about this, I could use it to my advantage.

Moving on, why am I an ‘Unregistered Player’? What is that, anyway and how can I become a ‘registered’ one? So many questions without answers, Argh!! I’m going to have a headache if this continues. There are many mysteries and I can’t even solve a single one of them now, fuck!

Well, I’ll try to investigate about that player thing, but I don’t think that the others matter. Also, didn’t the god say that there are Quests? If so, why can’t I access them? Another secret added to my long list of questions. If this continues, I’m really going to become crazy.

For now, let’s level up all my skills and abilities.


When I clicked on [Level UP] for ‘Lesser Qi Manipulation’, a new window popped up.

You have enough points to level up this skill to LVL MAX

Do you accept?

Yes / No

Just as I clicked ‘Yes’, another window appeared.

You have reached LVL MAX in ‘Lesser Qi Manipulation’.

Do you wish to upgrade this skill to ‘Medium Qi Manipulation’ with 10,000 Points?

*Note: This option will be available later if you don’t have the required points.

Yes / No

I immediately clicked yes without hesitation. When I first saw ‘Lesser’ in that ability, I was worried about it being weak and making my strength limited in the future, but now, that problem is solved. I’m sure that I could do the same with my other abilities and that’s what I did.

After I upgraded ‘Qi Manipulation’ to ‘Qi Control’, which is by the way, the upper limit, I did the same with Mana. Just as I completed upgrading ‘Mana Manipulation’, a window popped up

Do you wish to fuse ‘Qi Control’ with ‘Mana Control’ to obtain ‘Energy Control’ for 25,000 Points?

*Note: This option will be available later if you don’t have the points required.

Yes / No

I immediately clicked ‘Yes’ and when I did that, I could feel the two energies in my body fuse together to form a new white energy. I forgot to mention this before, but when I bought the ‘Mage’ class, I could feel the Mana inside of me just like the Qi that I obtained. It seems that my body adapts to whatever class I buy.

After that, I leveled up all my magic and other abilities to MAX. This is what my status looks like after that.


Name: Christopher Moore

Class (2/2): Cultivator – Immortal Path / Mage

Class Abilities:

-Cultivator – Immortal Path

Qi Control LVL MAX

Meditation LVL MAX

Forging LVL MAX

Alchemy LVL MAX

Enchant LVL MAX

Demon Transformation LVL MAX

Physical Abilities Enhancement - Passive LVL MAX


Mana Control LVL MAX

Space Magic LVL MAX

Time Magic LVL MAX

Mind Magic LVL MAX


Analyze LVL MAX

Transformation LVL MAX

With that done, I decided to start testing my powers. I’m pretty excited about using my Cultivation technique to cultivate, but I won’t do that because it would take some time which I don’t have now. I also don’t want to take the risk of getting assaulted while I’m meditating.

Wait a moment; I think I saw ‘Barrier Magic’ in the magic list. I’ll try buying it; it could be the perfect solution to that problem. Now, let’s forget about all of that and try the thing that all people want to do once in their lives (Not Me Anyway): Magic.

I didn’t mention this, but when I leveled up my magic, new information about spells seemed to enter my mind. The most powerful attack-type spell which I have is ‘Space Cutter’. It is a spell of Space Magic and it literary cuts space as it travels. It has a blade shape and it is very powerful, if I wasn’t careful, I could cause a lot of destruction to the city.


Magic spell are classified into 4 categories:

1st- Defense-type spells which as the name implies are used for defense. They can range from barriers to shields made of pure Mana.

2nd- Attack-type one which are also easy to understand, they can be any type of spell, the only condition is that it causes destruction, it is very similar to the 4th type, but on a smaller scale. Space Cutter is also one of those.

3rd- Manipulation-type spells which are used on other people than you for harmful or good reasons. They can range from Healing Magic and boost-type magic to Mind Magic and Illusion Magic.

4th- Annihilation-type spells which are used to destroy very big places or even cities. They are large scale attack spells that are meant to cause destruction on a very big level.

The most powerful spell which I have now is the ‘Black Hole’ spell which creates a black hole that can suck whole cities in it. It is very powerful and in a foolish guy’s hands, it could even kill the magician that casted it.

I didn’t want to destroy the city so I tried using ‘Space Cutter’. I concentrated half of my big Mana Pool in my hand with my newly acquired ability. Then, I tried to imagine the space around me tighten and form a blade. Just as it finished listening to my wishes, I shouted with all my might.


It was pretty embarrassing, especially if people saw me. However, if someone did watch me, I would probably kill him to hide this.



After travelling for about 500 meters, my spell met a 30-floor tall building, skyscraper to be exact. The next scene that happened left me dumbfounded with a cold sweat running down my back. It was really frightening for me that was still not used to having much destructive power at that moment.

My spell met no resistance from the building. It was like a hot knife cutting through butter or tofu. The building split horizontally in half and debris started falling everywhere around it. Shit, damn! I didn’t think that it would be this powerful, I’m screwed!

Well, a normal person would think like that, but, I didn’t. Instead of panicking and getting afraid, I grinned and started laughing like a madman on top of the rooftop.

This event would be recorded in history as the birth of the Demon God which brought havoc into the world.

However, just as I stopped laughing, a myriad of screens covered my vision. I wonder why it happened. I’m sure that I said ‘Dismiss all Notifications’ before. Well, maybe these aren’t considered notifications.

You killed 162 Zombies (1620 Points)

You killed 32 Ghouls (1280 Points)

You killed 6 Shadow Knights (420 Points)

You killed the named elite monster ‘Lucy’ the Minotaur (500 Points)

Rewards: 3820 Points


You defeated the ‘Lair of the Blooded Soldier’ dungeon

Reward: 1000 Points.

For killing a monster, you have successively become a ‘Registered Player’

You’re able to access the ‘Auction’

You’re able to access the ‘Forum’

You are now able to buy ‘Items and Supplies’

You are now able to buy ‘Bloodlines”

You’re able to access the ‘Player Ranking’

Please insert your name: Demon God Chris


You are the first in the ‘Player Ranking’ list

Reward for directly entering the first rank: 4000 Points

What the motherfucking damned hell?? I killed 200 fucking monsters and an elite monster in one damn attack!? What the hell is an elite monster anyway? Even for me, this is very shocking! If I thought that this would happen, I would’ve prepared myself for this shock!

I wasn’t surprised about dungeons since I already predicted they existed. Having knowledge from novels sure is helpful in these situations.

So, there are auctions and forums in this game. I didn’t expect that and I certainly didn’t expect the ranking list. It seems that I am the #1 player in the world. That expected since it hasn’t been that long since the apocalypse started and who could have the power to destroy a city in this short time?

I wrote Demon God Chris as my name without deeply thinking about it, but now that I think about it, it is so embarrassing. Demon God and Chris don’t suit each other at all! Well, whatever, if someone tries to make fun of my name, I’ll kill him. It’s as simple as that. *Grin*

Also, it seems that I can buy Items and Supplies now. I wonder what the difference between them is. Whatever, I’ll just check it out later.

Lastly, Bloodlines, I wonder what those are. Maybe if I buy the bloodline of a monster, I will transform to that beast? There are so many things that I must know.

It seems that my time on this rooftop will be a bit longer than I expected. After all, I’m not going to leave it until I am able to grasp all my powers and perfectly control them.

Just as I snapped out of my thoughts, I managed to take a glimpse of another 'Notification' that I think was hidden. I opened it and...

Quest: Control the fate of 10 Worlds

Being the champion of the True and Supreme God 'Zeus' and receiving his blessing has a condition

That is to conquer 10 Worlds.

Success Condition: Control 10 Worlds / Destroy 10 Worlds

Punishment if failed: Imprisoned in Hell (Prison of the Gods)

Time Limit: 50 Years

Reward: Unknown


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