《A Knight's Promise》Chapter 2 Part 3: Arcaina


With the arrival of the Storm Raider, the entirety of the Sky Raider Armada had arrived on Ren'veil with over 500,000 marines and 20,000 knights that stand with their lord and master.

Marching down from the ramps of the Storm Raider they rallied to the beck and call of their lord as each member of the Sky Raiders are hand-picked by Kent and his captains. Each member of the Raiders is often the best and worst when it comes to obeying orders, misfits that don't exactly fit in with other units but can work well when placed under pressure.

With the right push, training, and discipline these oddballs are considered as the most unpredictable unit in the Kingdom. Excelling in strike force based combat and exploration these warriors can fight in all-terrains be it ship-boarding, space combat, air assault, ground, amphibious, and Hazard zone combat.

Each Member of the Raiders has a story to tell, a promise to fulfill, a search for greatness, and many more each can paint the books of Faith many in a hundred lifetimes.

During Kent's earlier years as a Fresh Blood his exploits during the hellish 300 days of training despite being a royal. Kent never even bothered to use his title and his power to get through the training with the common folk.

Thus each of the Raiders placed their trust in him, not because of his royal blood, or his godly powers but his humility to lead and willingness to listen to the common folks needs making him a different type of leader from the rest.

The Iron Wolves bowed before their Lord ready to stand at his beck and call He looked at the marines and knights who stood before him as he said to them with pride.

He stood before the army that was willing enough to die for him he was nervous to stand before the men and women of the Dragon-wolf.

"Lady Aisha!"

"You got this Kent... I believe in you."

Encouraged by Aisha's words Kent stood before the Knights of the Sky raiders with his blades in hand the Knights and Marines stood in attention waiting for their lord to give them the order.

Son and daughters of the Dragon and the wolf, Hear me on the edge of our hope, at the edge of our desires comes a promise, A promise of a brighter tomorrow for you and I...

I had lived with these humans for no more than a year and much have I learned from them and I owe them a debt that can never be repaid in one lifetime...

On this day we the dragon wolf are needed once again to answer the call of arms to defend the created from the darkness that hungers...

Many of our brothers, my friends, and trusted comrades to stave off the darkness that consumes all life... I wish there was time to Grieve for them but the more time we waste here shall mean doom for this world.

Here we stand to reshape and build the future for you and me... But it is not this day... For this day, is the hour of the howling wolves and the roaring dragon to be heard once more...

Will you stand with me to end the darkness that lingers or will you watch them suffer into the shadow of extinction!


What say you sons of the Dragon-wolf!

His words echoed throughout the Storm Raider and the rest of the fleet knew their lord needed their aid to help the world that could be their home be set free. The Iron wolves unsheathed their weapons and smashed them against their shields roaring and howled that echoed throughout Ren'veil.

The marines knelt before their General and brother as a sign of their pledge to protect the created and to avenge their fallen. The warriors of the Sky raiders and the remaining Adventurers boarded their gunships and made full speed to Arcaina the Capital city of Ren'veil.

Kent and his team boarded the Night Hawk as well with Aisha, and Yunno in tow with the operation well underway.

The battle for Ren'veil was well underway as the High Glaives of Tyrannox, Syphoria, and Astaroth cleared the path for the rest of the ground forces. While Vulterra, and Levia cleared the skies of the annoying pests that could kill their Sky raider brethren.

With the Arcaina insight, the gunships began their landing approach when suddenly a volley of cannon fire came out of nowhere.

Kent ordered the fleet to perform evasive action though some of the gunships were able to dodge the attack sadly several gunships were hit hard and destroyed from the salvo fire.

The Iron behemoth tanks that managed to get to the ground first begun firing against the floating mountain using their twin 250mm Plasma rail guns. The Heavy knights deployed their shield on the ground creating a 5-meter wide cover for the mortar teams to begin firing explosive charges to the fortresses.

The gunship teams managed to dodge some of the explosions while others were not so lucky as they crashed to the ground or to the massive lake that covered the entire city.

Several gunship teams broke off and begun their operation to retake the floating fortresses with no less than 32 gunships coming in from the south led by the Night Hawk while another 21 gunships from the north and east and the west.

"Kent, We are passing the outer ring of the capital... 6 teams are heading down to take the southern bridgehead I don't know how long I can keep dodging these cannon fire... Some of the boys are getting cut down by the cannon fire."

"Well said Lady Winter, Set us down as close as possible to the castle I will not risk any more deaths or putting the rest of the pilots in further harm."

Winter nodded and made their descent to the gate of the 2nd ring Winter used the Night Hawk's Hyper max plasma coil rail cannon easily destroying the southern gate.

She opened the rear bay doors Genji, Rex, and Edgar followed Kent out the gate as they started to dismember and disarm the new kingdom soldiers. Clayton, Marky, and Willow stayed behind to protect Aisha and Yunno while Lily, Micheal, and Willow's 3 marines moved to the left of the gunship and blocked off the route to the 2nd gate.

Yunno used a spell called God's Grace to increase the strength and speed of the strike team Genji and Edgar immediately felt the increase in strength and how fast their swings were thanks to the priestess's spell art.

The number of new kingdom soldiers was pouring in from the south and southeastern road entering the 2nd gate.


Aisha used her magic earth breaker, and Ice pillar at the same time blocking the path to the 2nd gate giving the rest of the gunships to land and set up defendable positions.

With the 2nd gate secured Aisha and Yunno approached Kent telling him of her contribution and for some odd reason, she looked at him asking for praise.

He smiled thanking her for helping his team and gave her a heartfelt hug and Yunno as well though everyone on the team could tell Kent had changed for the better because of them but their battle was far from over.

Khorn and his berserkers moved up westward clearing the path for the marines while making sure to kill the New Kingdom soldiers who did not have the collar of subjugation. While those who possess the collar were carefully taken down avoiding killing them but crippling them until they can fight no more.

Kent and his group made their way north to the 1st gate leading to the nobility section of the capital. While they moved north the number of Enslaved soldiers and New kingdom fighters was getting fewer and fewer Clayton was busy slapping the enemy senseless while Genji covered his friend.

"Bossman, Is it just me or the number of soldiers dwindling down?"

"I noticed Clayton, Everyone be on guard I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Boss I don't want to hijinx anything and all that but... INCOMING!"


His team took shelter inside the shattered building as massive boulders came hurtling towards them Kent managed to slice one of the boulders but he took cover as well as the number of boulders did not end.

Clayton could use the Heavy plasma cannon he had but it only had a single charge if used it could clear the path for them and destroy the golems. Before he could give any orders Aisha told them the iron golems are powered by a manna crystal heart located at the chest near the neck.

Though the opening is smaller than a feathered pen and from a distance of 5,000 meters would be incredibly difficult to hit from where they are now. Kent looked at Marky and sent him the information provided by Aisha through the holo-network with a nod Marky disappeared into thin air.

"Where is he going?"

"Do not worry Lady Aisha, Marky was never called the Whailing Ghost for nothing."

After a moment the battlefield became silent and was soon replaced by the songs of thunder and lightning echoed throughout the battlefield. Aisha took a quick peek out the corner to see the golems were falling one by one as their manna crystals were exploding out of thin air.

"And that is why he is our best sniper."

"I am impressed with your selection Kent." Yunno said with a curious smile on her face.

"Thank you, My Lady, but everyone in my team is capable in their own right but when it comes to the fight you would not have wished to have any better comrades than them."

"Then You truly have surrounded yourself with friends that you can trust Kent... Not long ago you were just but a cold hearted warrior who would only listen to orders but now... You had truly grown beyond that I am proud of you... More than you will ever know." Yunno said as she kissed his cheek

"Oh my... Thank you, Lady Yunno, I learned what I could from you as well I owe you and Lady Aisha a great debt that I can never repay. Once this is all over... I wish to ask you both a question."

Yunno's face turned bright red her excitement could not be masked by her hands when Aisha saw her sister asking what had transpired but she would leave it for another time.

Lily watched as her brother who was a cold-hearted machine became a kind leader that she always dreamed him to be and despite her pride for her brother deep down she wanted to be the one who could have showed him the path that he needed to walk upon.

After some time they arrived at the northern gate leading into the high-end section of the capital Clayton smashed the gate open using his demolition hammer.

To his surprise, many of the nobles were unaffected by the conflict instead they were enjoying the life of luxury with the captured mages and priestesses who were enslaved by a lesser variant of the Collar of subjugation.

The Mages are treated by the nobility like dirt some suffered injuries that would drive a man insane while the priestesses were forced to wear outfits that revealed their skins and were used to appease their sexual desires.

Kent snapped as he ignited both the TrailBlazer and the Excaliburst they felt the anger of their master as a bright red aura enveloped both the blades with murderous intent.

They carefully tried to knock out the enslaved mages and priestesses almost instantly a group of shadows detained each one of them with ease.

These black warriors stood at 5 feet and 8 inches tall, each with long black hair, dark skin mesh, and black carapace armor. Each of these warriors had the strength of a thousand men they all systematically detained the enslaved and took down the nobles with ease before Kent could attempt to kill them.

The battle was long and difficult but they all succeeded in detaining all the enslaved and the nobles as the marines from the other battle groups were taking them all away. One of the black warriors approached Kent as he was giving his next instructions to the other company leaders.

One of them removed had only a rebreather she approached Kent the girl bowed before Kent explaining that she was sent by Astaroth and her 12 blade adepts to guard the knight lord.

Banshee led her Sword adepts into battle capturing the remaining forces outside the king's castle. Some of the marines and knights took the mage tower north of the city and the temple to the south near the central gate to the 2nd section of the city.

With the city taken it was only a matter of time before the New kingdom is wiped out by the Sky raiders and the High Glaives. What awaited them was beyond their expection and yet a lingering darkness that hide within the castle walls.

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