《A Knight's Promise》Chapter 2 part 4: The Team


The team and several other squads of Sky raider marines, knights, and High Glaive swarm packs secured the city surrounding the castle itself with the Iron Mammoth tanks eliminating the long-range catapults along the fortified walls.

While the fighting in the city continued to rage with only pockets of resistance remaining some companies set up casualty collection centers along the three main roads leading to the castle.

With 5 of the 6 floating fortresses taken by the Sky Raiders and the High Glaive swarms, the battle was practically over.

Before the last assault could be made Kent and his team took some time to rest and recover their strength when one of the marines approached Kent.

"General, Their is a Report from Master Khorn's Battle company."

"Well, then Trooper what do you have to report?"

"Sir, Master Khorn and his Berserkers had killed many soldiers clad in strange silver armor they call themselves the White Hand... Though they are human they were able to go toe to toe with Master Khorn and his berserkers... They will be delayed but they will regroup with the team inside the castle."

"Alright well-done trooper, Tell Khorn that we will be waiting and also call in the gunships to transport our wounded."

The marine nodded as he ran to the field center after a hefty drink and a light meal Kent and his team are ready to fight once again.

While preparations were well underway Aisha looked at Micheal and was surprised to see that he is in the military though he can cooperate well with the team he somehow acts like a child.

Willow explained to Aisha that Micheal and herself was a victim of experimentation from the Vega government which was located 50 light-years away from Ren'veil.

Willow, Micheal, and many hundreds if not thousands of children were subjected by the government to a special super-soldier program. Over the years she suffered unbearable torture, experimentation, psycho conditioning, and drug injections to make her the perfect killing machine.

Willow and her brother tried to escape the super-soldier facility only she managed to get out through her brother sacrificing himself to allow Willow to escape. For years she had to work as a barmaid hoping for a day she could get her chance and that was until the rumors aboard the station she was in about a new group so strong that not even the bravest pirates would dare to attack them.

There are also rumors of the kingdom would willingly help those in need for a price and they would attack anyone who dares to threaten their territory. In response, she used all her money to get the coordinates to the location where this kingdom is and a small ship that can get there.

She risked her life to reach the Zerrohnian Kingdom's border it paid off when a fleet of High Glaive's from the Sky seeker clan brought back what was left of her ship when it's engines exploded from long term use. After months of therapy and medical treatments, the damage to her body was repaired once she was well enough.


Willow was brought before Kent after many explanations Willow was offered a place amongst the Zerrohnians as a member of the new Sky Raider faction under the knight lord himself.

Kent offered her a place in the Sky Raiders as a sergeant trainer she would not have to fight only teach the marines how to fight. She accepted the offer in return to rescue her brother from the Vega government thus leading to the covert operation rescuing Micheal in the process but not before the lead scientists damaged Micheal's brain to the point he became a vegetable.

The Crusaegrum templars did their very best to restore his mind but the damage was too severe to the point that his mind was only restored to the point of having a child's brain. Kent offered them a life of peace in the Zerrohnian Sentinel protection service they will be monitored, protected, given anything they needed, and finally live a life that was taken from them.

She declined the offer but deep down there are more children that are being treated like slaves and even experimented on.

Willow asked if she could stay in the sky raiders as a sergeant and help make things right she refused to have Micheal join but his persistence and brute strength force Kent to have Micheal join the Strike team as a helper but he steals a rifle and helps his sister during a fight.

"I see... But Isn't Micheal technically unfit for the military?" Aisha asked while eating a food ration.

"In all accounts yes Kent only keeps him around to help around the Gunship and Lady Winter likes him because he helps her on her daily work for the Sky Raiders." Willow replied while reloading her plasma bow.

"So he doesn't fight?"

"Not exactly... Kent won't allow him to be in danger... Micheal treats him like an older brother... But Micheal when he gets angry can tear through an entire army on his own..."

"Ahh, so that's why..." Aisha said while glancing over Kent.

Aisha and Yunno were called to the front of the gate to see it was magically sealed from the outside so no one can breach it they could unlock the gate but it will take time.

Aisha and Yunno spent their time to unlock the gate when Clayton tapped Kent's shoulder with a smile he pulled out his rail plasma cannon.

"Bossman... I got this!" Clayton said with a smug smile on his face.

"Clayton NO... Everyone, get to cover now!" Kent shouted as he grabbed the two away from the gate.

"KENT WHAT'RE YOU DOING!" Aisha shouted as she was carried in one arm.

"Oh, my Kent... This is too early... And we are still in a fight" Yunno said as she started blushing while being carried on the other.

"Forgive me but this is not the time my lady!" Kent said as they hid behind cover.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE IN ONE!!!" Clayton shouted while laughing.


He pulled the trigger as his plasma railgun the plasma coils began thrumming with power just before it fired a loud clunking sound was heard from the sergeant's customized railgun forcing it to stop.

"Come on you beautiful bitch I spent 3 years building you... Listen to papa Clay and show us some beautiful explosions!" Clayton said as he pulled back the receiver.

He smacked his hand over the body of the plasma railgun as it suddenly thrummed to life and fired a massive beam wave of pure plasma energy ripping open the gate at the same time frying the plasma railgun eventually destroying itself.

Clayton was blown away by the explosion as he got nailed into the wall as the dust settled and the smoke cleared. Marky and Edgar saw Clayton was nailed to the wall upside down laughing wholeheartedly at him.

"Ha Ha, now who is stuck in the wall!"

"Shut it Marky and get me down from here."

"Should we Ed?"

"Nah... in a minute... Oh man, this is going on my Dragon-book page!" Edgar said as he took out his holotool taking a picture of Clayton and posting it on Dragon-book.

"HEY DONT POST IT THERE YOU IDIOT!" Clayton shouted as he tried to get out

"GUYS, Get Clay out of the wall we are moving in!" Kent said furiously while the rest of the team went inside.

"Okay so how do we do this... HEY stop... Marky, stop grabbing my belt you fuck... You don't have a choice fuck head you're the one who used and fired the Plasma railgun which mind you was safe to use and you just had to modify it... And now you're here... Stuck in a wall... I have to agree sarge ." Marky and Edgar stated while they tried to get Clayton out of the wall.

Kent sigh as he shook his head in disbelief knowing that these merry band of troopers are his friends often at times he questions himself as to why he even chose them. He looked again and saw the antics of a loyal, dysfunctional, yet extremely effective team he had with them the bond of trust, brotherhood, and comradery will never replace the cold efficiency of a battle-hardened team.

Though they managed to get Clayton out of the wall the sergeant walked towards what was left of his railgun that somehow melted away due to the extreme heat it generated. He picked up the gun as if it were his lover crying over it as he shouted.


"Wait he named his gun matilda?" Genji asked in astonishment.

"That gun has a name?" Edgar asked Kent.

"I have no clue in all honesty."

"Who's Matilda?" Micheal asked his sister.

"Don't mind him, Lil bro... Here have a juice in a box." Willow said while handing Micheal a juice box.

"Alright everyone, keep your eyes peeled and your backs covered we are moving in!" Kent shouted as he went into the castle first.

The knight lord entered the castle first to see only a few members of the Silverhand barely survived being cooked in a plasma wave bath. Some of them begged for a quick death as the mana-steel armor they wore was cooking them as they all suffer from class 3 radiation poisoning.

Aisha saw the suffering of those men was unbearable As a mage of the 3 gods she used a spell whispering embrace giving the surviving Silver Hand a peaceful death as the earth swallowed the remaining paladins while putting them to sleep for all eternity.

The team moved up to the upper sections of the castle they could hear the sounds of gunfire over the distance knowing Khorn and his men are already moving up. Willow and her marines moved up from the 2nd hall on the 3rd floor and began engaging the silver hand.

Though they are only 4 against 51 the enemy still holds a distinct advantage against the marines since Manna steel armor can absorb some of the energy fired from an energy rifle.

Kent moved up with Genji to clear the way when 5 of Banshee's Sword adepts moved up from the rear to take on the Silver hand.

"Honored Progenitor, please move to the throne room let us have the honor of taking these betrayers on." The Sword Adepts said at the same time.

Kent nodded leaving the Sword Adepts to deal with the silver hand after another 3 floors only Kent, Rex, Clayton, Genji, Marky, Khorn, Aisha, and Yunno remained while the others kept the Silver hand pre-occupied.

Before they could enter the throne room Kent asked Aisha and Yunno if they are ready to fight against King Nerro and RIo Swordtaker.

Kent knew that they all had a hand in putting Nerro to take the place of King and not leave the ruling of Ren'veil to the council of Elders. Aisha stated that Rio is an idiot for letting power rule over him and got greedy since he was called a hero instead of Kent.

Nerro was supposed to give Ren'veil a new light instead he was overwhelmed by the responsibility and probably the nobility that rules over the shadows.

Yunno felt responsible for letting the voice of the people overrule her choice of choosing who should be the leader of Ren'veil but now they had to make things right if they fail this day all of Ren'veil will suffer extinction.

Kent held them both comforting them promising them that they shall not failback then the knight lord was not allowed to voice his opinion since Ren'veil only recognized the summoned hero as a weapon.

But now his return as a knight of the stars means hope for Ren'veil having a better tomorrow.

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