《This Onii-chan got Summoned to a Diffferent World》Chapter 18 : Shine


I’m Shu Shikure. 17 years old Male, and it won’t before long that I can see Neko mimi.

Summoning Completed. You have summoned low lesser insect ‘Rolling Crystalion’.

After the light died, the message was shown in front of me. So what summoning completed? I did get to see the fading magic circle, so where’s my precious summoning?

I looked around and I was baffled. Seriously, where is it?!

“OI!! Where’s the hell that kid come from?!”

“Did he just come out of that storm?”

“OI! More importantly, his hair! It’s completely white! Don’t tell me –”

Hah? What’s wrong with my hair?

“There’s no way like it true, right? This kid’s just some punk who wish to be one! He’s properly dyed his hair or something. What an idiot”

“Who’re you calling idiot?! I didn’t even dye my hair so stop talking about it! Don’t you idiot know that I didn’t even want it? Who would want this white hair??!”

I lashed out since they were talking about my hair. It’s a sensitive topic, so I couldn’t control myself

“What’s the hell? This punk has a big mouth. I get you for this”

Uwaa~ they turned their bloodlust to me. However, I think that it’s better this way. The tension behind me has been subsided now. The kids stopped screaming and right now they are staring at me – my hair?

Apparently, they are staring at my hair. Heh? Is there something wrong with my hair?


I don’t know who said it, but it hurt.

“Hmm, he’s really pretty.”

I know that voice. It’s Shifun-chan. You just shut up! Why are you mesmerizing with everyone? Is my hair look that weird?

What’s with this atmosphere?! Why am I feeling like I’m a new animal being imported into a zoo? This staring and commenting are hurt. So let’s break this vibe.

“You there. The one over there. You look like the leader of this foolish bunch. I don’t know what you want from these people behind me, but would you mind turning back?”

“What?!! You bastard!! Don’t you know that we are honorable knights of Topel? Who are you to order us? Apologize and we consider giving you a painless death.”

He said while hitting his armor loudly. I shook my head while holding it feeling impossible. I hate dealing with this type of guy the most. Ok, let’s change the approached.

“Do you want me to rephrase it? I have something to do with the people behind me. So back off. If you insist coming, then be prepared –”


They started laughing. Heh?

“Hahahaah~ Said the white hair boy.”


“Is this a comedian? This white boy is hilarious”

Oi! Don’t go any further.

“Look at him posing and saying those word. This white hair boy is an idiot”

Oi! Drop that topic!

“Let’s capture him and make him into a slave. At least, he’s entertaining. hahaha”

Now that’s unpleasant. Should I just blast and kill them? Let’s follow the template – Save the princess and kill the bandit. There’s no princess, but there are a group of children so of course, I must save them. They said that they are knight, but their attitude is that of a bandit. So it is fine to kill – no, wait! Is it alright to kill them? I mean, there’re children behind me.

No matter how you do thing, it must be PG, right? Children must have a heathy life, you know. So violence stuff are no go. Then what can I do –



Heh? I just heard something.


I heard it again and something is scratching my leg. I opened my cloak and looked below me instantly.


White scale –


Blue Stripe –


Two red bead eyes –


Tiny legs, this guy –

I picked him up and held him high. The Army tensed up saying I brought up something. Being tense and quickly react is good, but doing that on everything made you stupid, you know. However, I didn’t care about them so much.

I’m more concerned of the little creature I’m holding. Everything about him is just so –



The little guy is happily being held by me. What’s with this reaction, are you being shy??!! What’s with this incredible cuteness? I have never seen this guy before on this plain, is he rare? I thought so, but I dropped that idea. I mean, this guy is a pill bug. You know~ the small creature that slowly crawl with its tiny leg, and when you touched them, they rolled into a ball.

Looking at him reminded me of the time, my sisters and I kept pet. Amane-chan love the puppy so much, but she got jealous when the puppy always came to play with me. Uwaa~ Her reaction that time was so cute, I took about 100 pictures with my PICS. Amane-chan in tsundere mode – PRICELESS!

Can I keep it? I can keep it right? No, I must keep it!


The moment I said that word, blue energy seeped from me and surrounded the little guy.


You are attempting to tame ‘Rolling Crystalion’.

Oh~ That name – wasn’t it the one I summoned using summoning stone? I has a second thought when I couldn’t find it, but it was beneath me all this time. Well, that was expected right? I mean the creatures usually came in the middle of the magic circle, and I was standing in the magic circle myself. Hahah~


You have successfully tamed ‘Rolling Crystalion’.

Time limiter of summoning stone has been removed.

Rolling Crystalion’s race confirmed. Additional stats bonus are bestowed upon.

Rolling Crystalion’s element confirmed. Additional stats bonus and Pure Ancient Ice blessing are bestowed upon.

Rolling Crystalion’s element evolved into ‘Pure Ice’

NameRolling CrystalionRaceLow Lesser InsectElementPure IceLevel1TamerShu ShikureBlessingPure Ancient IceStrength50 + 25Defense150 + 50Agility100 + 30Intelligence50 + 10HP400/400MP120/120Active SkillRoll

HopPassive SkillCold Skin

Hard Scale

What’s with this Pokemon feeling? The energy surrounded the little guy seeped into him and transformed him. Right now, he looked cuter with the longer blue stripe and sparkling white scale. I felt a bit cold while holding him, but it doesn’t matter. The stats is weak and the race is low lesser, but it doesn’t matter. Cuteness is justice, all that followed are trivial in compare!


“OI! That guy is holding a monster!”

“Is he crazy? He’s gonna get killed!”

Those soldiers are overreacting as usual. I sighed inwardly, but then I thought of something. Let’s try it!!

‘Hmm, can you hear me?’

I thought and then the little guy twitched in my arm. He then happily wiggling around.

‘Hai~ Master~’

OH!!! Telepathy worked just fine!! And what’s with this famine voice? Are you a girl?

‘Girl? Hai!’

Even the answer is so cute! YOSHI! I’ve decided. Your name will be Kori!

‘Kori? Name? OK! Kori love Kori’s name. Kori love master’


You have updated your pet status.

NameKoriRaceLow Lesser InsectElementPure IceLevel1TamerShu ShikureBlessingPure Ancient IceStrength50 + 25Defense150 + 50Agility100 + 30Intelligence50 + 10HP400/400MP120/120Active SkillRoll

HopPassive SkillCold Skin

Hard Scale

Hmm~ Master love you too. Kori. How heart-warming~


I didn’t expect to be able to hear what my pet said at all. This is unexpectedly good in its own way.

“What’re you guy doing??!! Hurry up and kill that boy and the monster before it call its friend here! I don’t want to deal with a horde of bug!”

While I was holding Kori, those guys began their attack. Number of skills and arrows flew upward me. Annoying bunch~ I stomped the ground hard invoking one of my skill.

“Ice Wall”


The ice wall protruded high and blocked all of those magic. I swore that I heard something else beside the magic explosion when I used the ice wall a moment ago – WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!

I almost shouted when I saw Shifun slammed right into the ice wall I created. I thought she was behind me, but why did she came here? More importantly, how could you do that pose on the ice wall? It’s somehow – erotic.


The sound of my PICS kicked in. To be honest, that was intentional. I just scanned and printed this scene in my head. After the taking that picture, I took another 3 from different angles.

She finally pulled herself out and fell to the ground. Her head is so red from swollen and her nose is bleeding. Pfff~ Gonna hold it in!!

Oh, there’s tear in her eyes. I need to stop myself. Let’s lightened up the vibe here.

“Shifun-chan, are you alright?”

She didn’t say anything and kept pouting.

“Did you perhaps run here trying to protect me?”

I asked her jokingly, but she looks like she would cry. I placed my hand on her head and used ‘Rejuvenate’ and ‘Light Heal’. The injury on her face subsided and disappeared.

She wanted to help me by rushing here, but she didn’t expect a wall to protrude out like that. Slamming into the wall wasn’t expected.

“Thank you, Shifun-chan.”

Since her action was in vain, and that make her look like stupid, so I decided to at least express my gratitude for her passion. It’s a known fact, you feel happy when people thank you.

“White-san, what are you trying to do?”

Surprisingly, she asked me this. She looked a bit upset.

“Are you trying to face them all alone?!”

She pressed on. What should I answer her? Yes or something like that? I had a feeling she will be nagging me if I said that.

“I want to save those children”

I said that with a straight face and fold my arms. Kori, for reason had climbed and stayed on my head. Let’s use a heroic line here, and how will she react?

“But even so, are you really trying to face all of those guy alone?! They are much stronger than you, you know!”

What’s her basis? Level? Well, their average level is 35 and the leader guy is level 46. Their level is higher than her, but their stats are just slightly better than hers. With the armor I gave her, she can fight them on equal foothold already. And if I give her a Little Iceberg, she can beat all of them including the leader as well. However, since she can’t see their stats, I can’t blame her.

This is troublesome, how am I supposed to answer her so that she wouldn’t stop or ask to follow me to battle. I want her to protect those people, but how can I do that?


Suddenly, someone came from the group called to us. A girl in blue hair came here while holding a wand. My first impression of her is – F-cup. That’s big, no matter how you look at it – as expected of fantasy world. The way they bounced up and down while she breathing is unbearable. Damn, F-cup – I want to do a softness test – no, what am I thinking about?!! I have my sisters already! Worldly Desire Dispersed!

‘F-cup? What’s that Master?’

Arh~ Kori just learned something bad. I’m a failure as an Onii-chan. Sorry, Kori, but forget what I say ok?

‘Forget? Ok! Krrr~’

I heard something like disk being burned inside a computer. Is she really trying to forget what I said? Hmm~ it’s still going on. Is she ok?

Kori? Are you alright?

‘Format complete. Who are you?’

THE COMEBACK IS TOO STRONG!!! She didn’t just forget what I say. She even forget me.

‘Hahaha~ Master freak out~’

OH!!! Kori-chan? That was a joke?? You can joke?? That’s too great??!! What’s with this cuteness power???!!! The cuteness power is over 250 000.


That girl called to me again while hiding her breast. Well, how to say – the attempt to hide it make it even erotic since her arm couldn’t cover them all.

“White-san. You sure love it big, right?”

Shifun-chan said with a smile, but that smile is scary so stop it. I stopped staring already so stop smiling like that. I absolutely don’t want to answer that question! Let’s change the topic.

“My name is White Fang, you can call me White. You came here so you must have something to ask of me, right?”

I turned the attention to the blue hair girl. She was startled, but then she looked me back in the eyes and started asking.

“So em~ My name is Pristin Venolia. Magician-sama, are you perhaps a Royal Bloodline?”

Royal Bloodline? Me? How did she come to that – Arh~ maybe it’s my cloak?

“No, you’re mistaken. I’m nothing of that sort. To be honest, I’m just a commoner.”

“Then that hair –”

My hair again. Do you people have problem with white hair?

“Whatever you’re thinking, it’s not like that at all.”

“I see. Then Magician-sama. Are you currently working under any lord?”


“Then would you like to work under Venolia? Baron Paricel is a kind man, I’m sure that he would love to have someone of your capability”

Baron? Lord? Venolia? Those Soldier said something about Topel too. It seemed that it isn’t just a normal dungeon. Did I get transferred to a different kingdom?

It seems like I’m gonna need to find more information regarding this matter. Asking the native would be the best choice. There’s also someone I might know inside those crowd as well. So I just got more reasons to protect Pristin and her people.

“I refuse!”

I said that firmly and turned around. Pristin-chan look baffled and she pressed on.


“It’s along those lines, right? Let me hire you and then please protect me. You seems to go beating around the bush, but that gist of it, right?”

“Yeah, you’re right. As you can see. Our knights fought and lost to them on the way here. We are being chased and we only consisted of children and elder. We can’t win against those soldier. So please, help us! I will repay you –”

Suddenly, I grabbed her body. Yep~ This F-cup is too high quality – Wait! That’s not the time for it. I grabbed her and quickly pulled Shifun-chan back.


I used all my strength and threw them back to Pristin-chan’s group.



I cast two layers of light shield to protect them. And then the ice wall collapsed on me.



Shifun-chan’s screamed calling my name.

“HAhaha~ Stupid kid. To be buried by his own wall.”

“I thought that he was a normal kid, but who would have known that he was a magician.”

“You lot waste enough time. Quickly and capture those people!”

“Boss, we know that we have to capture, but we can do what we want with the woman, right?”

“Suit yourself”

“You heard em, Men. Let’s charge.”

“White-san~? You bastard. What have you done?”

Shifun-chan drew her sword and charged, but she couldn’t get pass the double layer light shield.

“What’s going on?”

She was startled, and then those soldier came trying to break through the light shield. However they couldn’t do it as well.

*Clank* *Clank* *Clank*

Sound of sword clashing the shield vibrated loud. Those soldiers also were startled by the bright light shield in front of them.

“What’s with this thing??”

“I can’t break it?!”

“Magic doesn’t work either!”

“Did that kid has something to do with this??!!”

Those soldier started to panic because they couldn’t break the light shield in front of them.

“OI!! What are you lots doing?!! Put your back into it!! It’s just a transparent light! Quickly destroy it!! You at the back, keep shooting your magic!”

The leader shouted angrily. He’s too loud and noisy. I hoped that he can shut up.

‘Master~ Fight?’

Kori talked to me while playing on the top of my hair. I answered her by wait because I’m preparing the stage.

Oh~ do you guy wonder where am I? When the wall collapsed after I cast light shield to protect them, I activated two special skill from my equipment – ‘Snow Field’ and ‘Ice Domain’.

While I was walking with Shifun-chan, I have tried out many skills without her knowing. ‘Snow Field’ enabled me to control the snow 1 meter around me, and ‘Ice Domain’ has similar effect allowing me to control any ice element 10 meters around me. Using these two skill, I dug a hole before the wall collapsed on me.

Right now, I’m below those soldiers who are rampaging against my light shield above. Before the light shield broken, I need to get the stage ready. Fighting against 20 or more people alone is too much, but that’s different when I’m taking them out one by one.


2 minutes has passed, and the light shield is starting to crack. And I finally got away from the battlefield. I came to understand where I was. Since the two hills are so high and they leaned toward each other at the entrance, it looked like a cave at the first glance. However going further, the 2 hills started separated from each other creating a gap in the ceiling providing light to penetrate.

The place where I just jumped is near the death end of the cave. Luckily, there’s only one way in and out. After confirming that, I went back to the battle field through the tunnel I made. While running, I was able to find out what Kori can do.

We ended up playing a bit since she was so cute, but I get back on track in time. When I came, those soldiers had already broke through the first layer. The few men from behind had light armor and wands, so they must be magician. They are completely out of breath. Those soldiers that attacked the light shield also seemed to be out of breath as well.

Since their level is high, I thought their endurance are high as well. However, it turned out that they didn’t have high endurance. Then wouldn’t my plan of long and worn out battle gone to waste??

“Everyone! Calm down! The light shield is still on. You will be safe inside this!”

Suddenly, I heard Shifun-chan shouting.

“What are you talking about?! They are breaking this barrier!”

“Can’t you do something?? You are a knight, right?”

“Calm down, everyone! This light shield is still holding which mean White-san is still alive – ”

“Then where is him?! Where is that magician? Don’t tell me that he run away?”

“No, that’s not true –”

“He must have run away alright. Even if he’s alive, he wouldn’t stay behind to die. If it were me, I would run too. You lot can just coward in fear in there, when we broke this thing, we’re coming to get you. Hahahah~”

The soldier who are breaking the light shield also sneered at the panic people. I was a little bit agitated. I marked the bastard that said that to me for the time being. I’ll make sure to drill the fact in his mind that Onii-chan won’t run away from crying children at all.

“NO!! That’s wrong!!! You are wrong!! White-san is not someone like that. I don’t know much about him, but I know! He’s not the person who will run away!! He’s reckless, weird, but funny. And most of all, he’s so kind that he can’t leave someone in trouble behind! He’s my hero!!”

Shifun-chan shouted and drew her sword. Everyone couldn’t say anything her as everyone felt the weight of her words and her determination altogether. Of course, that’s include me as well.

Of course, not everything she said about me is true. However, I was amazed of her belief and determination. It might be her fault that he had that thought of me, but I can feel my body shivered from her words.

‘Master~ Kori Fight!’

My mouth turned into a smile. So I see, Kori is fired up as well.

“Kuh~ You bitch! Just wait there and I’ll make you sorry for saying that! I’ll screw you till you’re broken and then I’ll kill you like that idiot magician.”

The soldier that I marked snored out angrily. He started beating the light shield harder and harder. Those magician also started chanting a long spell as well. The second layer of the Light Shield started to crack as well.

“No matter what you say! White-san is still alive. And he won’t run away. I believe in him and I’ll carry on what he told me with my heart. I will protect these people! I SWEAR ON MY SOUL AND HOLD MY SWORD AS PROOF. I’ll fight till the end!!”

That’s right. How could I forget that I said to my sisters? Everyone can shine. It might depend on many factors to happen, and many factors not to happen. However, the most importantly, no matter who are, everyone can shine.

‘Shine~ Shine~ Kori. fight. Shine~’

I have decided. That was well-said, Shifun-chan. This Onii-chan will give you a special service. This fight, I’ll make you shine.


Changing Perspective --- Shifun Arun


White-san is alive. I know and I believe that.

And most of all, he wouldn’t run away. There’s no way that he would run from 20 guys like this. I mean, he fought against a much scarier monster than these 20 men combined to – save me.

I was happy that he saved me, but he was really reckless. I can’t believe he just changed his class and fought against that monster.

He’s really weird. I can’t tell what he is thinking about at all. He look serious at one time and then he look funny the next. I also noticed he stared at my body as well when I changed the armor. He compliment me, but I don’t know whether he meant my body or the armor.

He suddenly stopped and looked anxious. I was worried of what I said, but then he started running. What’s going on? He just recklessly charged like that. I had a bad feeling so I followed him.

He’s fast. I don’t know how he do that, but he was really fast. I has buffed myself with wind magic, and I barely kept up with him.

He jumped! He just jumped off the cliff! I hugged him tight and screamed. How bold am I – no! How reckless is he!!!

We landed safe and then he told me to protect the people behind us. There’re children and their mother. I can also see elderly as well. Everyone is worn out from running.

White-san walked toward the 20 men alone. He even provoked them! What is he doing?!!

He started holding a monster and he played with it. Why? How? Why the monster didn’t attack him? Is he a tamer? Oh no, they fired magic and arrows toward him. I have to help him.


It’s hurt! It’s hurt so bad! Why? Why is there a wall here? It seemed that White-san raised a wall before those attacks hit him. And he healed me with his magic as well. He’s really kind.

Everything happened too fast, I was thrown toward the children with another girl, and then a light shield was erected to protect us. However, White-san wasn’t inside the light shield. And then the ice wall crumbled down on him.

At that time, my mind went blank. White-san? White-san? White-san? The wall – it just went down. White-san – he? NO! That’s not true! It’s not happening!! WHITE-SAN! I rushed outside, but I couldn’t get outside the light shield.

The light shield’s not subsiding. It’s not fading! White-san is still alive. Thank god that he’s alive. He’s still alive. Like I thought, he wouldn’t die from this. He save me from that monster after all.

He’s alive somewhere, and I know it. However, what should I do? Should I go to find him? But I just can’t break the light shield he put on to protect us. Oh I got it. He told me to protect these people. So I have to do my job properly.

I’m a knight. I have to calm them down. Everyone is panic and they are afraid. They started to blame White-san. It’s wrong. He even risked his life coming here!

No matter what, I have to calm them down. White-san entrusted with this job after all.

Those ruffians outside are trying to break the light shield. And they are instilling fear into everyone. I have to stop them somehow –

“NO!! That’s wrong!!! You are wrong!! White-san is not someone like that. I don’t know much about him, but I know! He’s not the person who will run away!! He’s reckless, weird, but funny. And most of all, he’s so kind that he can’t leave someone in trouble behind! He’s my hero!!”

– when they talked bad of White-san. I lost control. I even said that he’s my hero! That was supposed to be my private thought only. However, it’s already out so I can’t back down now!

The light shield is breaking. It won’t be long. It was amazing that it could hold this long. White-san is a splendid mage. I believe that I won’t regret believing him.

“No matter what you say! White-san is still alive. And he won’t run away. I believe in him and I’ll carry on what he told me with my heart. I will protect these people! I SWEAR ON MY SOUL AND HOLD MY SWORD AS PROOF. I’ll fight till the end!!”

I tight griped my sword and cast several buff with the Mana I have left. The Light shield is shattering. And so I prepared my stance getting ready to charge once the light shield disperse.


NOW! I charged forward toward one of those ruffians. He lost his momentum when he swung down his large sword on the light shield earlier. If I can knocked his weapon off, I have a chance against him. He might be stronger, but I’m faster!


I thrust my sword with all my might toward his sword handle to release his hand, but he blocked it with his gauntlet.

Kuh! It’s not over yet!!

I activated my skill and struck at the same place 3 times. The gauntlets broke and shattered immediately. I did it, he let go of the sword! Next, I’ll finish him –

“Watch out!”

The girl in blue hair warned me, and then I turned around to see another guy came swinging his sword toward my back. While I was turning, the guy who just let go of his sword formed a fist trying to hit me. I can’t block both of them at the same time!

However, I can’t fall here as well! I raised my arm to guard against my back, and planned to counter the fist coming toward me. I was expecting the gauntlet White-san gave me to shatter, but –


The sword bounced back, and I can’t feel even vibration from it. My back was guard just like that, and the fist that come hitting me missed. I countered by stabbing him in the chest 3 times. He fell dead on the spot.

I quickly turned around to finish the one who sneak attack on me as well. I can see that his swordplay is good, but his lost his footing by sinking in the snow when he swinging his sword, and so I cut him down.

2 down. Those ruffians started pay attention to me. There 13 more of them left. I thought there were more of them, but where are they? Did they went missing? I don’t need to care. The less the better for me.


I heard a kid screamed and then I noticed magic spells being launched in the air. I quickly went to their side to protect them.

“Light Shield!”

I cast a light shield to protect everyone. Though it was smaller than White-san, it should be enough. After taking 9 ice balls, it broke. I took my sword and knocked off any magic that came close to me and the children. However, there were still too many for me.

I managed to knocked some, but I was hit on my shoulder, and legs. And my face was grazed by an ice arrow. The barrages of magic was over, and I managed to block all the damage from the children.

“Everyone, are you alright?”

“Onee-chan. I was scared!”

“Thank you, Onee-chan.”

“Knight-san, thank you for saving us.”

Children thanked me, and some people thanks me as well. It was good, but I can’t be careless. I’m a battlefield – life and death is decided within a second!

“OI! OI! OI!! What’s the hell are you doing??!! Can’t you take out a single girl??! Can you still yourself a knight??!! Maybe I should just sent you off to the front line!! If you don’t want that, hurry up and kill her!!”

“Bring it on!! I’m tasked to protect these people. If you want to touch them, you have to answer to me!!”

I’ll intimidated them first, and find the weakest one. I can follow by killing the weakest one and follow. However, I don’t have the stamina to do so. So my plan is to quickly kill the one who’s like the leader. If I can do so, everyone will be saved.

The fastest route to get to him is by passing 3 soldiers, but that doesn’t matter. I have only one shot at this! I ready my stance and charged again.


One of the soldier swung his sword, but then he tripped because his feet sank in the snow. I stepped on his head and increased my speed. With a single dash that was aided with several buff, I got close to the second man instantly.

That man froze when he saw me, and before he could do anything. I made an upward slash combined with 3 stabs finisher. He fell down again, and then I went forward.

I started catching on my breath. Using two skills at the same times, it was too much for me. At that point, I thought that other soldier would come chasing me from behind, but they were going for the children. Oh no! they’re gonna use hostage!

I have to save them. When I was thinking of going back, the third guy came slashing on my back. ARHH!!

He swung down again, I used the gauntlet to guard, but it got crack. The pressure was too strong, and I place my footing wrong making me sink into the snow.

He swung again knocking my sword out of my hand.

“You should be more wary of your surroundings, you know!”

He said while swinging his sword down, but then that happened. It was too fast that even I barely understand.


Something like a white ball with blue stripes flew from somewhere hitting his head hard bending his neck in an impossible way.

And then he fell dead. The White ball with blue stripes stopped on the ground and rolled toward me. What’s that?


It unfolded itself and then I saw what it was. It was the monster that White-san held. So that’s mean! I turned my head around, and I saw White-san. He was safe! I was really worried. So he’s safe. I’m really relieved.

He’s inside his light shield with everyone. All of those ruffians couldn’t make even a crack on his shield.

“Damn!!! That magician is really alive!! OI!! YOU STUPID MAGE!! Hurry up and killed that girl!!”

The ruffian’s leader shouted angrily, and those mages fired off more magic toward me. I got my foot out of snow and then started escaping from the magic. I ran fast with all my might, but then an ice ball came hitting my knee causing me to trip down immediately. I tried to get up and run, but then an ice arrow was coming toward my face. I can’t dodge it! I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but –


– it never happened. White-san’s monster rolled into a ball and deflected the arrow from my face. And I was even amazed to see it deflected few more arrows that was going to hit me without fail even once.


It unfolded itself and roared? It looks proud of itself. I said thank you to it and said thank you to White-san in my heart.

I got up and then I inspected the injury I had. My knee is slightly swollen because of the ice ball. I cast ‘Light heal’ to relieve the pain, but I wasn’t able to get rid of it at all.


Suddenly, White-san’s monster brought something over. It was a sword made of ice. With slim and slender body, I know from a single glance that it was a good sword. And it is the type of sword for me as well.

“Thank you”

I took the sword from it, and swung it few times. It was a really good sword. I looked around quickly to assess the battlefield. White-san is keeping the remaining ruffian busy with his light shield. None of them are coming this way. Before me are the leader and the remaining mage groups.

“SHIT!! YOU MAGES ARE REALLY STUPID!!! Why can’t you take care of even a single girl?!? Huh??!! Useless shit! I’m going to kill her myself. Break that magician barrier!”

The leader shouted and drew his sword out. That sword! It’s an enchanted sword! It is a normal sword that forced magic energy into it, unlike the magic sword where magic concentrated inside themselves. Its performance might be lower than magic weapon, but it has way better performance than normal weapon.

This is going to be a tough fight. I know by heart that it won’t go well. And this guy is way stronger than those ruffian. However, I won’t back down from this. As a knight, I won’t run away from this fight.

“You’re quite good for a young age like you, but no matter who you are. I’ll kill you!”

That guy held his sword high and swung down even he wasn’t even close to me. However, I was suddenly hit with strong wind pressure. I closed my eyes instinctively which was a mistake. When I opened them again, that guy has already came close to me swinging sideway.

I wasn’t able to guard in time, and spark flew when my armor the sword collided. With sheer strength, I was blown away hard.

I almost dropped and rolled on the ground, but I tried my best to stand my ground even though I was still staggered from that attack.

“You have nice armor. To think, I couldn’t even cut it with one stroke. That must be a magic armor. What a great find! I’ll take it for myself after I kill you!”

He swung down his sword again, and I was hit with the same wind pressure. However, I won’t fall his trick again. I tightly grabbed my sword, stared at him with wide eyes and charged.


He was startled, but he swung sideway toward me again. I swung back deflecting the sword that was coming for me.


A loud sound vibrated when our sword clash. And I was almost toppled down from his sheer force. I kicked the snow below dashing close to his flank.

I activated my skill stabbing him 3 times. He thought that he could guard against that, but even I was amazed when I saw my sword went through his armor like it was nothing.

“BITCH!!! DIE!!”

Coughing in blood, he cursed and struck me with his fist. I dodged and slashed at him from the back. To my surprise, the armor didn’t do him any good. Then I realized that I was holding a magic sword.


He unexpectedly swung his sword backward, and I was blown away. What strength!! It was much stronger than before! Before I could recovered, another swing came toward me. I tried deflecting it, but the sheer strength made me unable to control my balance.

His strength increase with every swing and he swung them faster and faster. I get it! This guys is a berserker! The magic sword must have forced him to go into his berserk mode.

If I can hold on longer, I can win!!

*Clank* *Clank* *Clank* *Clank* *Clank* *Clank*…

*Huff* *Huff*

After dodging and deflecting his swings, I’m grasping for my breath. Thing has started to look bad. Even though, I deflected his swing, the pressure and sheer force trimmed my HP down a little by little.

I won’t be able to hold on if this goes on any longer. I need to finish with a counter! I watched his moment, and then I found my chance. He swung his large sword, and I used all my force to deflect it. The clash from our sword send him staggered, and so I dashed it for his heart while keeping my sword ready.

And then, his fist came toward me from another side just as I predict. I activated my 3 stabs to destroy his fist. And then I pulled back my sword and went for his heart. However, that was a mistake.

*Feshu* *Clank*

Suddenly, I felt tremendous pain from my right shoulder. I was forced to fall on my knee without knowing anything. It seems that he was able to swing down his sword in that instant pushing me to my knee and broke the armor. And then he swung down his sword again while I was still on my knee. I held my sword to block it.


Accompany with the pressure of the wind, his sword started piercing my shoulder and breaking my shoulder bone. I coughed out blood and I couldn’t even get up right straight. It was too heavy and painful. Both of my hands started to get numb as they had already shaking while holding the sword.

I’m losing too much blood, and I’m getting dizzy. However, I can’t fall now. I have promise to fulfil with my princess and White-san. I won’t fall! Even though, I’m resisting with my will. I can’t find any ounce of energy to push back my sword.

Somebody, help…


The pressure from the wind and the sword that stuck on my shoulder was removed as White-san’s monster came to help me. The little bug came rolling fast and hit the sword away from me.


That man started to attack the little bug. He swing at the little bug, but his swing was deflected easily with a roll attack. However, the little bug’s scale shell started to crack severely.

I have to help. I tried getting up, but I couldn’t control my legs.



*Clash* *Shatter*

A loud clash, and then the sword got shattered while the little bug was blown away bleeding severely behind me. White-san’s monster isn’t getting up. He’s been beaten up just to help me to break his sword.

“Thank you”

I can’t thank him enough by just to help me. That berserker came toward here gripping his fist tight. I don’t have the energy to fight anymore. I can’t even lift my sword anymore. Is this the end? Is this the best that I can do?

No – I don’t want this to end like this. I want to go on. I want to continue. I don’t want to go back like before. Princess saved my life by giving me purpose. White-san saved me by showing his kindness. I can’t let it end like this!!

GOD!! I don’t want to it to end yet! Please!! I can give you anything, so please help me. I want to keep living! I want to see my loved one’s smile! Please grant me this selfish wish!


Before I could see what’s the message was about. I lost consciousness.


Changing Perspective --- Shu


This is bad! Shifun-chan and Kori are seriously hurt. That damn berserker is too strong. I knew it from beginning, but I didn’t expect a boost in stats of that level.

I was going to watch the fight and kept helping in shadow, but now I have to step in. I broke the light shield I made with myself and used ‘Sprint’.

“Hahaha it broke now. Target the magician!”

“Kill him!!”

I ignored them and ran passed all of them. And then they all fell to the ground. Why? When they got close, I activate ‘Ice Domain’ and freeze their organ and brain. And so they died without me doing anything.

I ran fast, but then the mages in the rear targets me with their magic. I’m in a hurry here!!

“Ice Arrow”

Arrows enough to fill the gaps of the 2 cliff above appeared and rained those mage to their demise. I continued running and prepared to use my healing magic when I got in range, but that berserker will got there before I could do anything.

“Ice lance”

I made a lance out of ice, and then use my running momentum to throw that lance. It made a direct hit blowing an arm off that berserker, but I still couldn’t kill it. That berserk mode enable user to have tremendous regenerative power, so its HP is being restored to its fullest in no times. Though, losing an arm will use more time to fully regenerate.

Still that berserker didn’t even notice me even I just blew off its arm. That bastard is dead set on killing her. I made another lance, and aimed at its head. I was going to throw that last lance, but then that happened.

A scent beyond my understanding, happened in front of me.

Do you remember that I said something about helping Shifun-chan to shine, right?

Well, I meant that in metaphor and I didn’t expect her to literally shine! I know that this is fantasy, but there must be limit right??!! A cheat like me should be exception, but what about her?!!!

Shifun-chan held the sword tight and then she got up slowly. Strong wind energy is being circulated around her and her sword. As I see it, the sword went under transformation.

That’s the little iceberg I gave Kori to bring it to her. However, it was just a normal magic equipment. It wasn’t a bound one, so why is it transforming along with her?!

She stood up straight and then she blurred. After that she disappeared – no, she appeared behind that berserker. HOW?! I didn’t even see her move. It was too fast!!

And then that berserker turned into particle drifted with the air. Heh? What’s going on? Sorry. I didn’t quite get what’s going on since it was too fast. However, did that berserker just died?? Rather than dead, wasn’t his whole body turned to dust??!!

Was that your doing, shifun-chan??!! I rushed to her side to support her before she collapsed. When I came close, I realized something was wrong with her.

That appearance, no matter how you look it. There’s only one answer right??! Having golden transparent wings and halo above her head –

Oh right! Let’s do this!

“True Reading”


Error!!!! Status can’t be displayed at the moment. Target’s being undergoing transformation to become a Celestial Heaven Vassal.

My jaw dropped. This girl has just become a cheat. More importantly, GOD!! What’s the point of creating cheat and bug everywhere?!!


author's note

Sorry na everyone. i became a little busy and i couldn't finish chapter in time. I was supposed to post this on Saturday, but i delayed it.

And i'm sorry to tell that it's not time for the wolf princess yet...... the serious battle will come after few more chapter....

    people are reading<This Onii-chan got Summoned to a Diffferent World>
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