《The Night Hunter》Chapter 6: The Bloodline Revives


Chapter 6: The Bloodline Revives

As Rex felt too drained from his fight and the new drama that barged into his life, he decided to rest. When morning came, he ate a quick breakfast and went to the Thousand Shark Company website, authorized entry as a gold light shined from his the screen of his computer. It assessed his body and confirmed that he was a Night Hunter.

The website asked him to make an anonymous username to be his alias to buy and sell goods on the black market. He thought about the destruction his Meteor spell caused and the Staff of Flame he owned. Nodding after a while, he entered Meteor Mage. The website only asked what his class was and no more personal information. After computing the information, Rex accessed the site.

"Welcome to the Black Market. Please enjoy our services, Meteor Mage," a voice said and Rex first browsed all the staffs with his mother's instructions and found a staff worth $980 with the self-repair and soul binding effect. As he would use the staff as his alias, he had to pick a popular staff so nothing would be traced back to him. It was a black and brown wood staff with a blue orb on the top. The wisp bolts were made of blue fire and did the same damage output as the Staff of Flames. However, it could not upgrade and had no effects.

"That is seriously quick service," Rex commented as he clicked purchase and a flying drone appeared in less than ten seconds. It was definitely a magic treasure and he had to pay it with cash before he stored the staff into his tattoo. He ensured the black diamond, Thief King's Last Laugh, made the staff undetectable, like the mask.

Left with $1,520, he decided to browse for magic items or armor. He could only use a staff, scepter, or sword anyway. Since he got two staffs, one for each identity; he needn't waste money to buy another. He realized that Thousand Shark Company had to have Cheat Hunters as it gave detailed information about the item, including history, effects, and stat upgrades.

What he needed was items that came with its own skills! In certain games, some items granted the user an ability so long as the item, weapon, or armor was equipped. These were usually high grade and extremely rare items. Many players hated that most were RNG drops. By RNG, players meant random number generator as there was no guarantee if the item would drop. You could kill the same boss a million times and not get the RNG item while another person could after his first kill.

He went on the advanced search options and typed his typed his budget limit. As he included other options, he clicked enter and saw the results. He was disappointed and remembered he still had to sell the rare skill: Heal. First, he looked ip up and nearly fainted. The lowest price he saw was a little over $300,000!

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Rex cried.

"LANGUAGE!" his mother roared from downstairs.

"Sorry mom," Rex said meekly and panted heavily as he imagined having that much money. He firmly imprinted in his mind to sell rare skill books that he didn't find useful. As he read about the various comments about Heal, he found out why it was so expensive. It was because skills evolved past level 10. For instance, his Meteor spell would increase the meteor's size and damage, but he still only summoned one meteor. Once it reached level 10, it would evolve and he could summon more. Skill levels didn't stop at 10! However, evolving the skill a second time required an additional ten levels.


"I will sell it for $300,000. The site says instant purchase as dozens bid for that price," Rex said as he rubbed his hands with glee. After clicking the sell option, a drone appeared to collect the skill. Another thing he learned was that lying about the item being sold resulted in immediate death, the Thousand Shark Company employing many assassins to torture you for days before ending the pain eternally. A moment later, he had $300,000 in front of him.

System AnnouncementWarning

Please be aware that too much money deposited in bank accounts is highly suspicious and will be noticed by the Mundane. Be sure to limit it unless you decide to deposit it in an international bank and make an account there. Good luck and try to aim to be a billionaire to live a lush life.

"Oh, that makes sense. Still, I can just keep it in my inventory. I'll probably deposit $10,000 a month? Yeah. I'll increase my budget to $50,000 and save $250,000. A quarter million dollars...." Rex sighed with awe before storing it away. "Well, it explains how my mother can buy this $800,000 house and did not need to pay a lease or mortgage."

He looked online with the increased budget and found dozens more options. He needed an item with a pet skill. Pets were essential for mage classes as they could attack and defend the mage from the enemy. Some pets could heal or bind targets while others acted as a tank and absorbed damage meant for the mage. There were many kinds of pets and they were the favorite parts of any video game he played. Finally, he found an item that he liked. Well, it amused him.

Inspection CompleteFreak Dragon Ring

A powerful mage once ventured into the Night and faced a powerful, black dragon that guarded an ancient temple. After killing it, he found three rings named after its hideous mature. It had the body of a gigantic lizard that dwarfed even an elephant in thickness and a giraffe in height and had a massive tail. On the back of its head and body were indestructible scale plate armor and had wings that could cut through diamonds. The armor had spikes and also curved over forehead to create a horn. This dragon had four completely red eyes and incredibly sharp talons. One can only guess what convinced a demon and dragon to mate in order to spawn the first of its race.


Gain the Summon: Freak Dragon skill upon wearing the ring.

Skill: permanent and not included in active, non-class skill restrictions.

Ring cannot be taken off or destroyed.

Skill mastery applies.

Wings: None.

"This......this is awesome," Rex said, too awed to say much more. Most people bought phoenixes or dragons, Rex shocked at how high they costed. The cheapest dragon was $10,000. Dragon pets that came from skill books already came in its final form, but was smaller and weaker. Dragons that came from items, or any summoning skill, started off as incredibly weak, took the longest to mature, the hardest to control, but had the most potential as its final form was not limited. That was why he bought the Freak Dragon Ring.

"It reminds me of the original Yu-Gi-Oh before it became weird and childish," Rex said as he paid $35,000. Now, he had $16,520 to spend. He didn't know what other items he needed and decided to save his money. He paid the drone and put the black and gold ring with a small diamond imprint of a dragons head on his left index finger. He was ecstatic as he learned the skill and summoned the dragon.


The dragon was incredibly small, the size of a cat, and breathed ice or giant boulders of exploding ice that froze and shattered instead of burned. He couldn't help but smile and had it enter ghost mode. Ghost mode was an option in which the dragon was invisible and could not be detected in anyway. However, it could not attack or touch anything either. He discovered that the dragon was also affected by the Mask of Illusion as it was a pet item skill, but an item he wore. His only problem would be when it used its dragon breath.

"So I can make it invisible to everyone, but it cannot be detected or attack my opponents in ghost mode. While wearing the mask, I don't need ghost mode to hide it, but its flames can be seen like my own. Other Night Hunters and creatures of the Night could see it, like me. The Mask of Illusion cloaks me, but it does not cloak the dragon as it just cloaks the ring in darkness. As only three rings exist, I can't use the dragon while I hunt as my alias. It will have to stay in ghost mode," Rex pondered aloud and let the dragon be. "I'll call it Titus, after its titanic potential and size from the legend in the description."

An hour after lunch had passed, Rex stood in the basement with Sean and his mother. A giant star pentagram circle was on the ground, five candles around the circle with each candle next the the point of a star. Ominous black and white fire burned on the candles, but the wick did not melt.

"You went shopping for more than the staff?" his mother asked, suspicious. "What did you sell?"

"Heh. Nothing," Rex smiled as the two saw the dragon.

"You bought a pet item, not an actual egg?" Sean asked, then nodded with approval. "Good. It won't die when its health reaches zero. I have four myself, but I prefer to keep them in the ring and not following me in their ghost forms. They're too big for that."

"You can do that?" Rex asked and, sure enough, the dragon disappeared into his ring. "Oh. Cool. I didn't know it could do that."

".....We'll talk about this later. Right now, we need to awaken the bloodline in you. If it fails, there won't be any stat bonuses, extra skills outside the restrictions, and you won't receive a unique item of the bloodline," Mary said.

"So good?"

"Good? Most clans have bloodlines. Most Cheat Hunters are usually born in clans with bloodlines," Sean scoffed. "However, people know they are Cheat Hunters from birth. Babies, toddlers, and children are too stupid to know what to say and what not to say. You can be said to be lucky in that regard as you were born a Mundane as you had a Mundane father."

"The Gorgon Clan bloodline might be in you, but it doesn't guarantee success. Those who do succeed are counted as geniuses. You will meet many like them in the Rain Dragon Sect. There is the chance of a different bloodline awakening as everyone is born with a bloodline, Mundane or Night Hunter," Mary said.

Sean spat and said, "Don't listen to that shit. She is just trying to rationalize marrying a Mundane. That situation never happens. Only them Code Keepers and Night Hunter clans with several generations born with Mundane blood have a shot. Your mother is the first to intermarry with a Mundane. I'm just glad you could even be a Night Hunter. With Hansel gone, I'm above meeting another woman to continue the bloodline. I'll never meet another woman like my wife."

"Let us begin," Mary said, telling Rex to sit in the center of the circle. Then, his mother and grandfather began to chant in a voice that was extremely ancient sounding and not one they could make.

"The descendant has chosen to walk the true path. He enters the Night's embrace to slay that which live within and taint it. Ancestors grant the power of your ancient, unyielding bloodline to the descendant. Let the descendant continue your task in purging the creatures of the Night. The Night Hunter has chosen....awaken the power that sleeps inside!" the two chanted, the small flames on the candle enlarging into a massive pillar of flame while the pentagram circle shined.

Suddenly, the flame pillars became runes and converged into the center of the pentagram circle. Rex's eyes, mouth, and ears glowed with pillars of white and black light originating from inside his body. As the runes were sucked into the light, the pentagram circle began to shrink, the candles exploding as the pentagram circle formed a dome barrier with Rex inside.

Mary fell to her knees, Sean slightly tired as he said, "The process has begun. Soon, the bloodline will emerge....no....I cannot believe my eyes...."

"He is indeed my and Ramon's son," Mary smiled as two orbs of light floated above the dome barrier. One of the orbs displayed a jade snake encircling a stone sphere as if it were the world and the snake was a dragon attempting to swallow it whole. The second sphere revealed an bear that sat as if it were a human in meditation. A gold halo was around its head and had two golden saber teeth. Rex Cerberus Valentine had two bloodlines, one of the Gorgon Night Hunter Clan and one of a Mundane!

"Impossible. Only one could exist and the Gorgon bloodline was cast aside?" Sean gasped, falling to his feet as his daughter smiled.

"He should be receiving the passive skill: Divine Bear's Blessing. All his stats will be raised by 10. His agility gains an additional 10 while his strength receives an additional 20. He will also receive 1,000 health, 250 mana, and 200 Ki. It is a skill that is already at skill mastery. He will become the ultimate battle mage, instead of the ultimate warrior," Mary smiled as the snake and stone sphere exploded into ash while the meditating elephant shined and went into Rex's body.

"My god! Are you saying the Mundane you married was actually descended from one of the Prime Night Hunters?" Sean gasped, disbelief in his voice. "Those Prime Night Hunters, their bloodlines died out."

"No, father. Code Keepers are evidence they have not. I saw a Code Keeper killed in the Night and examined the body, discovering her identity. Her parents were Mundane, but her lineage traced back to the Prime. My husband is no ordinary Mundane for me to fall in love with. I did not know of this until I saw the dead body, already on the run and hiding from my enemies, you, and your enemies," Mary smiled. "Sarah, she has the Gorgon bloodline and it is strong in her. Unlike Rex, she will naturally awaken and become a Night Hunter by herself. She is already able to sense the creatures of the Night and I have to leave a night light and read her a book until she calms and sleeps."

"You are more cunning than me. I lost. I really feel like I lost. Did my prejudices blind me?" Sean said as he stared at Rex while the dragon appeared and looked at Rex, concerned. Sean was surprised as even the dragon seemed to grow stronger, doubling in size but stayed at skill level 1.

Based on skill evolution, it would take the dragon 100 levels to gain the fifth head as each evolution granted a head but required an additional 10 levels of skill mastery as the new skill displayed level one. 10 levels to form the second head, 20 levels to form the third, 30 to form the fourth, and 40 to form the fifth. This was he reason people chose and did not choose pet items instead of eggs. As the dragon enlarged but stayed at level 1 skill mastery, its potential had already risen.

"He will learn the uncommon skill, Mana Barrier, and a unique skill to the bloodline. That unique skill is: Celestial Avatar!" Mary said, stunning Sean. It was a unique skill that belonged to the oldest bloodlines. The descendant actually manifested a giant animal spirit body, Rex creating a giant grizzly bear with golden armor around his body, and temporarily gained the power of an additional ten levels! His spells, Ki techniques, and regular attacks would skyrocket! As a trump card, this was absolutely the best. The only side effect would be that all damage would be returned with double the pain after the effect ended.

Mana Barrier could be considered a universal skill as anyone could buy that uncommon skill book. Its consumption was the same as Mana Shield, but the caster could move and is not impervious to damage. Damage reduction of the shield is dependent on spirit and has a maximum damage threshold before breaking. It was more expensive than Mana Barrier for this exact reason as mages needed to be mobile to survive.

"Status," Sean said. Being a Cheat Hunter of a much higher level, he could see all of Rex's status table, the only exception being the Fire Lord title.

Name: Rex Valentine

Level: 9

Class: Mage

Title: Fire Lord (hidden); Ancient Berserker

Health: 1570 (1510+60)

Mana: 580

Ki: 480 (440+40)


STR: 50 (48)

AGI: 44

SPR: 33

STA: 38 (34)

Additional stats: 0

"Ancient Berserker?" Sean wondered as he assessed it.

Inspection CompleteAncient Berserker

Title awarded to descendants of the Great Bear Clan, a clan of Prime Night Hunters said to have gone extinct. Title cannot be viewed by non-relatives of title owner. The owner of this title is the last. Tasked with guarding the veil between Earth and the Night, the Great Bear Clan had been betrayed and their descendants were scattered like the wind. The more the Ancient Berserker kills, the more he heals to increase his masquerade ball of blood and death. All will remember to fear the Prime and never again forget the respect they are due.


Pain decreases by 25%.

Damage increases by 7%

All elemental resistances increase by 5%

Health returned by 3% with each kill.

Defense increases by 3% if surrounded.

"Okay, the Prime Night Hunters were truly the best. This Prime clan must have truly been magnificent until their betrayal. This is also good as Rex will heal 5% of his health, per kill, if he also wears the mask. Very intriguing," Sean sighed with praise.

As he spoke, the dome became a sort of cocoon. Sean nodded as this scene meant the body would now change to suit the esteemed bloodline that awoke. While Sean thought it a shame that Rex was not a warrior, Rex would be a mage not disadvantaged if a warrior or rogue entered close combat with him. There were many berserker titles and even mages benefit as the titles would grant them similar buffs.

As the cocoon broke, gold and red light shined. Rex had grown three inches and had a toned body. While still slim, there was no denying that he had the aura of an ancient warrior. Celestial Avatar was a unique Ki skill, not a magic spell. As Rex was a mage, he had no worries even thought the Celestial Avatar skill consumed all his Ki. Rex's body floated in the air, his shirt destroyed and revealed swirling gold runes on his body.

Finally, his bloodline item award appeared. It was a golden helmet with radiant bone spikes on the sides of the helmet. An emblem of a grizzly bear wearing gold armor was at the middle of the helm within a white halo. The helmet was called Fearsome Behemoth. It was a helmet that came with a skill known as Bear King's Roar, another unique skill. Rex did not have to wear it to use the skill, unlike his Freak Dragon Ring that stuck on his left middle finger eternally.

It had a range of fifteen yards and paralyzed the opponent with fear for 2 seconds. The skill could not level but could not be blocked. Even though it was a unique skill, people could by one with skill mastery, though it could be blocked, for $5,000. Unique did not mean expensive as it was outside of the ranking system.

"Ugh, mom? Did it work? I feel....almost godlike," Rex said as his body landed on the ground, the light fading as he awoke. "Whoa! Those stats! Are all bloodline's like it?"

"Stat boost wise, you're not the best or worse. The health, Ki, and mana boost are rare as it is not the result of the stat boost. Thus, you are stronger than most but you're a mage. However, you also gained a title and that is not ordinary at all," Sean grinned. "It seems today is not a bad day at all. Your mother told me your sister has aptitude for the Gorgon bloodline. I just need to wait until that seven year old turns ten. She won't be a Cheat Hunter. I can assess that much."

"Tonight, you will go take the Promotion Test and surprise all the other test takers. Make me proud," Mary said.

"I will. Oh, I definitely will," Rex grinned.

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