《The Night Hunter》Chapter 7: The Great Gathering


Chapter 7: The Great Gathering

"Is this really where the Night Hunters gather?" Rex asked as he was in his mom's care with Sean.

"Of course. What better place to hide among Mundane than beneath the valet parking lot of a hotel?" Mary said as she flashed a pass at the valet, the valet nodding and let her pass.

"While we are there, try not to draw attention to yourself. Your grandfather already does that merely by his presence. Wear the helmet and say equipment. There should be a hide option for items you wear. Best to hide the medallion and the helmet," Mary said. "This way, you get all the benefits minus the material defense of wearing it. Some Cheat Hunters are so powerful, they just leave their Night Hunter equipment off and never bother to use the hide option.

"I can't help being powerful. How is it my fault that none of them can beat me?" Sean laughed as Rex did as his mother said. "Rex, let me know if anyone gives you trouble. I'll annihilate them and their clan. Of course, you can use them as motivation to get strong enough to do it yourself."

"No one can but us are related to you. Thus, no one can see that Ancient Berserker title. Still, do not tell anyone. Also, keep the fact that you have a bloodline a secret, especially that of a Prime Night Hunter. Only idiots and fools flaunt their skills in front of others and unwittingly give their unseen enemies an advantage in their next encounter," Sean continued. Your mother is just dropping us off here, as she hates the Night. Just stick close to me and mind not the words and actions of others."

"Okay, grandpa," Rex nodded.

"Oh, and call me Uncle Sean in front of your father, sister, and that Raymond. I look in my late twenties due to eternal youth granted by surpassing level 100. They also don't know about Night Hunters and creatures of the Night. Thus, they count as Mundane and you cannot reveal yourself or make them suspect anything," Sean said, his mother rolling her eyes as they got off the car.

"Good luck and do not waver," his mother said and drove off as Sean and Rex rode an elevator down. There was a strange jade light and and the elevator doors opened to a grand hallway with antique paintings on both sides of the hall.

"Hello, Esteemed Elder. My name is Kevin Gaunt. You have safely arrived in Black Water City," a man bowed and greeted as he arrived before them with ten guards in black armor. "This must be Esteemed Elder's first time visiting Black Water City, Nevada. Welcome."

"The Underworld City, Black Water City, hidden beneath Las Vegas. That elevator did not go down but actually teleported my grandson and I here. It seems magic and Mundane technology are blending more and more. The Night Hunter supremacists will not be pleased," Sean chuckled. "This is my grandson, Rex Cerberus Valentine. He is my daughter's, formerly Gretel Gorgon's, son. I awakened his Night Hunter status and have come here for him to take his first promotion test. Since you are a host, you must be a Cheat Hunter. Naturally, you should notice he is level 9."

"Indeed. However, I can only ask the Esteemed Elder for forgiveness as I tried to see your status. Truly, I can only see question marks. You are indeed quite powerful," the man said and gestured to the hall behind himself. "Please. Right this way."


"We're under Las Vegas?" Rex asked.

"Of course. Why else would the elevator be in the valet parking lot of a hotel? I thought it would be under the hotel. Who knew we would be taken to a city with an even larger, thinner veil between the two worlds? The people here will be more powerful than I expected. No problem for me, but it would be best not to make enemies today," Sean said, Rex nodding as they followed the guide.

"How many will be taking the promotion test this quarter year?" Sean asked, the promotion tests held every four months.

"As Esteemed Elder made the request, the promotion test was accelerated and will commence soon. As for your question, one hundred and eight will take the test," Kevin said and they arrived in a giant banquet hall.

"My son has a dragon named Titus," Sean said to Kevin, motioning for Rex to summon the dragon. "Okay. Time to act like a gentlemen. Beware, Rex. This is a moment where one treads upon vipers in human skin. Keep your wits about you. Kevin, you may proceed."

Kevin puffed his chest and said in a loud clear voice, "Presenting the Esteemed Elder, Sean Gorgon the War God. Patriarch of the Gorgon Clan. Destroyer of nations of both Mundane and creatures of the Night. Slayer of the forty nine rogue Code Keepers and slayer of the third Demon King."

"Yeah. I did pretty well for myself. I love these gatherings. They always declare my best moments and the faces of the masses is always the most amusing. After the introduction, walk into the room as I do and come over to me," Sean laughed as the whole room was silenced as they all stared at Sean Gorgon, many pale with fear and awe.

Kevin breathed deeply and said, "Presenting the mage Night Hunter, Rex Cerberus Valentine. Heir of the Gorgon Clan and grandson of Sean Gorgon. Son of Gretel the Thousand Potion Empress. Accompanied by his dragon, Titus."

Rex breathed deeply as he walked into the room, his dragon following him. Unlike everyone in the room, he was not wearing robes with black pants, or a tuxedo. He wore a simple red V-neck with dark grey slim jeans. He also wore a black steel studded shoe with a white and black camouflage design. Finally, he wore a black, hooded jacket, the jacket having red clouds on it. He and his grandfather were the only ones not wearing formal attire of any nature. Rex would have worn something more formal if he had known where they were going.

"Being popular makes you feel hot under all the stares," Sean laughed as Rex walked over to him, the musicians in the room playing once more. "Never trust a man in a suit to not have a hidden agenda and never be tempted by a lady in a dress. Panicked thoughts might be running in their heads as only those accompanied by Night Hunters over 200 ever get announced. Well, I'm not bothered by such weak levels. HAHAHAHA!"

The room was still silent, save for the music, and all the Night Hunters naturally heard his words. The few Cheat Hunters in the room tried to assess Sean, but were shocked to see that they failed. One could only imagine how powerful Sean Gorgon was. After all, he killed Code Keepers. Not one, but forty nine! He had been in the Night and back more than any other in history. He was the only one fit to be called War God besides his more powerful son who went missing.


"Seems to me that fifteen stinking brats tried to assess my stats, even every piece of clothing on my person. Don't tell me you wish me to paint the walls, ceiling, and floor with your life's blood?" Sean asked, the musicians stopping their playing once more. "Only the host has the right to that. You fifteen anger me. Here I am, bringing my grandson to the promotion test, and I get assessed by fifteen idiots who think they are even fit enough to assess the soles of my shoes."

The room shook as Sean's spirit energy, both mana and Ki, went wild. None of the people felt the pressure, but fifteen people spit trails of blood into the air and fell to their knees. Blood bled out from their eyes, nostrils, ears, and mouth. Everyone was stunned and could only feel helpless in front of such power. Not even the most powerful of clans dared make Sean Gorgon angry. Who knew fifteen idiot Cheat Hunters, who should have known better, dared assess him.

"Break!" Sean said darkly, gasps heard throughout the room as the fifteen exploded.

"Soul devouring," a man trembled as the Night Hunters saw the bodies turn into white orbs instead of bursting into shadows. Inhumane screams came from each orb as they were sucked into Sean's mouth by an invisible force. The fifteen Cheat Hunters, as some knew, were rising stars who just broke past level 100. Who knew they would let arrogance into their heart and that it would cost them their lives and souls this night? Many had the power to kill them, but not many dared to do it so openly or risk the wrath of their affiliates.

"Some people truly do not have eyes," Sean spat and turned to the musicians. "I apologize for disturbing your music playing. Please continue."

"Yes, Esteemed Elder," the conductor bowed as if it were a normal occurrence.

"You didn't throw up. Good. You're ready," Sean praised as he looked at Rex.

"I nearly threw up after killing the zombies last night. This time, it just looks like an explosion of blood. I can manage this much," Rex said. "Although, I don't think I'll be able to make any real friends now......Grandpa, those are the three I mentioned were in my class. I'm not sure about Gaoli Qin, but I am positive the two twins were clearly not level 9."

"Qin? Oh, then it's the Qin Clan. They're a little stronger than the average clan, but existed longer than most. Those two must have been assisted by that Gaoli. If so, the boy must be a valued member of the clan," Sean said. "Oh, seems they have the backbone to approach us. Time to act surprised like you just became Night Hunter yesterday."

"I woke up as one," Rex shrugged as the three walked over, accompanied by the girl he saw yesterday. Two men in their late twenties and an elderly man arrived. Clearly, the two younger men broke past level 100 and regained their youth eternally.

"Hello, Esteemed Elder. Hello, Rex," the six greeted.

"Hello," Sean and and Rex replied.

"I did not expect you to be a Night Hunter, much less the grandson of the War God. No wonder you seemed powerful in class," Gaoli praised, sincere with his words.

"Aren't you three in my guitar class?" he asked. "Now that I think about it, why did everyone avoid you?"

"It's the natural disposition of a Night Hunter," Soji answered. "This is Gaoli Qin, of the Qin Clan. I am Soji Akira and this is my elder twin sister, Suna."

"I assume you knew Gary was a Night Hunter? Man, so many near me and I never noticed. Not even my own mom," Rex sighed.

"Just be glad you met me, Rex," Sean laughed. "And the identities of the other five? Clearly, only one of the two girls is here to take the promotion test with you two boys."

"This is my cousin, Bingbing. She is already past level 10," Gaoli said as he introduced the girl Rex saw last night. "The man behind me with the black hair and beard is my uncle, Gaofeng. His best friend is a Cheat Hunter who also surpassed level 100. He is Kong Hu."

"It is an honor to meet the War God and his grandson," Kong and Gaofeng bowed their heads respectively.

"Ah, another gamer like me. As expected of the Qin Clan. I'm guessing this Bingbing and Gaoli both awoke the Qin bloodlines?" Sean asked.

"Yes, my nephew and daughter were indeed successful. Your grandson?" Gaofeng gestured.

"He...is not bad. Not the Gorgon bloodline, so i can"t really say I'm pleased. I trust you won't say a word to the cowards in the room?" Sean asked.

"Of course not," Kong said immediately. Bloodlines were extremely rare and valued. Not only that, Rex not having the Gorgon bloodline would make the people in the room ridicule him. It would incite Sean;s wrath and everyone would die.

"Esteemed Elder....these stats your grandson has...." Kong cried shocked as Sean allowed him to assess Rex.

"Like I said: not bad. No title either, but not bad," Sean nodded, laughing inwardly as he could see the Ancient Berserker title while ignorant of the Fire Lord title. "Pity he's a mage and not a warrior or rogue, but he'll make an excellent battle mage to be sure. Battle mage....are so few Night Hunters ever fight in close quarters and easily die if they cannot escape out of range. Damn shame it is."

"Battle mage?" Rex asked.

"It is a mage who also fights in close quarters, unlike most mages. The term is more like a description and not at all a class in itself," Sean explained. "I mean, mages can use both Ki and mana. That is something only they can do, unless the Night Hunter uses his eight free, non-active skill slots for magic. Not many do as they won't bother to raise their spirit stat as there is more efficient ways for magic defense. However, mages learn both magic spells and Ki techniques, no matter the mage promotional class they choose. The most magic spells you'll see a Night Hunter warrior or rogue use is eight, unless their bloodline grants a magic skill."

"Since both health and Ki are tied to stamina, a mage would definitely use Ki techniques. However, a regular Night Hunter cannot distribute his stats like a Cheat Hunter," Rex nodded.

"You're not a Cheat Hunter?" Gaofeng asked.

"He is like his mother and not me and my son," Sean sighed, relieved Rex did not say words that did not need to be said. "I raised his level using my own means. I had intended to have him partake in the Save the Hospital quest, but someone completed it."

"Yeah, we saw who did," Gaoli nodded, no longer afraid of Sean and acted naturally. "He wore a strange blue mask with three black stones in a pyramid formation where the forehead would be. I didn't see him use his weapon or magic, but Bingbing recognized witch mana energy outside the hospital. He even used a spell that completely destroyed the roof."

"Interesting," Sean said, impressed. "Did you identify him?"

"None of them are Cheat Hunters, but I gave my daughter an item that can assess Night Hunters below level 100. However, the Night Hunter's stats could not be seen. Since the name was also obscured, I believe he is around their level as the quest was restricted to below level 10," Gaofeng answered in his nephew's stead. "Should we capture him?"

"No, not at all. He is interesting. I'd like to see his growth," Sean laughed, the six secretly agreeing not to bother the mysterious Night Hunter.

"Is that...a dragon from an item?" Gaoli asked as he stared at the strange looking dragon. "Armor? Dragons never wear armor."

"It's name is Titus," Rex said, the dragon staring up at them. Since its enlargement, it was tall enough to match Rex's knees in height.

"Dragons are cool. Just never saw one like this before," Soji agreed. "It breathes fire?"

"No, it breathes ice," Rex said, the six staring at the dragon in surprise.

"It must not be a pure blood. Mixed perhaps?" Gaofeng pondered.

"Well, dragons are a prideful race and are difficult to raise. However, dragons from items have complete loyalty as they were not stolen from their race within the Night," Kong said. "Also, they don't die, permanently, unless the owner of the item holding the dragon's soul dies. It starts out very weak but has the most potential as it can surpass its final form."

"Are you prepared for the promotion test?" Bingbing asked the three as the adults moved to the sides of the hall to talk to allow the children and teens to mingle.

"No. I just found last night," Rex said, which was true. "What's it like?"

"Well, the fundamental basics of the promotion test is the same: entering the Night. The reason some creatures of the Night only show up on Earth is that they sneaked past the Night Hunters guarding the veil. Night Hunters also invade the territory in the Night, some of us actually born and chose to live there. It is easy to find something to kill there," Bingbing began.

"See, the Night Hunters are divided into three main classes. Those classes are mage, warrior, and rogue. They can be promoted to an advanced class, each having ten options. Well, the first promotion is like that. The second promotion test is something you discover yourself," Suna joined in.

"The first promotion test only has ten options per class. This is kind of like a skill tree. The next advanced class you become, at level 30, is based on your actions between after the first test and before the second test. Your friend, Gary Hill, is a prime example due to his twisted love of alchemy in regards to elixirs and poisons. Thus, he is a Dark Alchemist and the system gave him the personal quest to be completed in the Night," Soji continued. "Thus, your potential is only limited by the first advanced class you choose and your main class as they are the roots of your foundation on the path of cultivation."

"Well, that does not include the eight active and passive skills you choose before level 40. Most only buy skill books, or learn them, after their first promotion test. Some say, the less you get when you awaken and become level 1, the better the chance of learning more skills as they will have less variances between each other. For example, water and healing spells. They have a higher chance of being class skills than summoning and teleportation spells. If you chose a class, and it indicates your water and healing spells are class skills, you can learn eight more active skills as those two are class and not non-class skills," Gaoli agreed.

"The only problem is that the temptation to learn powerful skills is great as they are rarely seen or very expensive," Bingbing sighed. "If you are born a Night Hunter, your parents choose the skills based on the limit the system tells them. If you are a Mundane turned Night Hunter, you know the value of learning skills despite the chance they won't be class skills. Thus, you can't say being born a Night Hunter, or learning more of the free skills the system gives you as options, is a good or bad thing. The one thing you should do is pick a class that suits you, even if it indicates none of the skills you know will be class skills and count against the queue of eight active and four passive. Knowing that many skills is already amazing, if you know how to use them effectively."

"Yeah, kind of like video games. You have to pick the skills and weapons that suit your playing style," Rex understood.

"Just wait, the host will return once the hundred and eight test takers arrive with their parents or guardians. Then, he will explain it all and you will take your promotion tests. You, Soji, and Suna will be disadvantaged as you have less experience. Don't be hasty and think calmly. I'll wait at the sides with father and the others. Good luck," Bingbing said as she walked away.

"So....anyone know where the blueberry muffins are?" Rex asked and the other three could not believe Rex was hungry at a time like this.

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