《The Land of Aurora》Chapter 6: Three months of fun


Getting out of his bed and changing his clothing, green casual wear after having a good bath, Parrot headed out of his studio. Looking around to make sure Icelyn was not around, he headed to the beach.

Spotting Diamond sitting by herself, he decided to make his move. "Hi there. You have lovely blue hair. I guess you don't mind me sitting here."

Turning to look at him blankly, she move aside, allowing him to sit beside her on the towel she brought along.

"So what brings you here?" Parrot initiated conversation, trying to look at cool as he could.

"I am not sure what has happen."

"Did Jasper leave you?" These words earn Parrot a punch in the right triceps. "Ouch! What did you do that for?"

"For insulting my boyfriend, you moron." Smirking at him, while looking at him from the corner of her blue eyes, Diamond actually giggled a little.

"I guess you are still with him then?" Prodding for an answer, Parrot was met with a straight forward but unexpected answer.

"Firstly, don't ask a girl too many questions. Secondly, if somebody doesn't want you, she doesn't want you. You should learn how to pick up ques and signs. I suggest getting Jasper or Icelyn to help you."

"I can practice with you. Aren't you Icelyn's best friend? I am sure you would like her to be happy, don't you."

"I don't see why not. I never like you from the first day I saw you, however, you have certainly impress me with your unusual confidence today." Genuinely finding Parrot's new confidence impressive, she did not resist when he place his right arm around her.

Diamond responded by resting her head on his right shoulder, her blue hair blowing into his face.


The beach was crowded today and it was also a good time to enjoy the sun all the way till evening.

"You know what. I has been a good time today. Come to my place for some coffee." Diamond got up giving Parrot an invitation to come back to her unit.

Following her back to the Diamond Apartment which had different types of colour, Parrot was stun by the glow. "I always thought your Diamond Apartment is white?"

"It is actually transparent and it has different glows at certain times."

Walking into Diamond's unit, he notice it was big and empthy. While desiring to ask a question, he did not want to fall into the trap of asking too many questions.

"Since my friends have gone missing, the headmaster sent me a text saying I am free to life in a studio which formerly belongs to one of my friends. Usually Jasper keeps me company."

"I guess, I will be keeping you company tonight then."

"You sound cocky and funny tonight. I really admire your confidence." Diamond began to smile and lick her lips, Parrot picked up the signs.

"Let's watch a romantic film." The boy in green suggested.

Midway thoughout the film, Parrot made his move and to his surprise, Diamond actually responded.

A few hours pass. "I have to go back home. School starts tomorrow." Parrot got up from under the blanket with Diamond attempting to put on his clothes and leave.

The blue haired girl, however, grab his right wrist pulling him back on the bed with her. "Don't worry, Parrot. I will take care of this. I have an alarm clock which will ring at five o clock."

For the next three months, Parrot alternated between having an affair with Diamond while dating Icelyn who was working in the same job as he is.


Despite thinking he is in "Lala Land", his 'Paradise' ended for him on day.

One night, Parrot was in bed with Diamond, in her apartment, a knock came on the door.

"Who is that?" The blue haired girl called out from under the blanket with Parrot.

"It is Icelyn."

"Please come in. The door is not lock."

The door slowly opened and in walk the girl with indigo blue hair and dress, upon seeing Parrot snuggling up with Diamond she became enrage. "What the heck are you doing ?!"

Parrot still under the blanket with Diamond was in shock and unable to say anything.

Diamond whom have woken up from a spell, took one look at Parrot and frowned. "I thought you are no longer dating Icelyn, you liar. You told me she was just a friend!"

Icelyn did nothing but sat on the launge weaping.

"Get off my bed!" Kicking him off her bed, Parrot fell to the ground. "Now get dress and get out!"

Diamond allowed him time to put on his boxer shorts before kicking him between the legs. "That is for making my best friend cry." How she got dress before him was a mystery.

Gritting his teeth in pain, Parrot slowly walk to the main door, only to feel a kick on his butt and the door slam behind him.


"Are you alright, Icelyn?" Diamond, whom had kicked Parrot out sat down beside Icelyn while she was still weaping on her lounge.

"I thought he was different from the other boys and would genuinely like me."

"Hey don't sweat it, there is plenty of fish in the sea. Thanks to that deceiver that I have broken up with Jasper for nothing." Diamond clenching her fist, tears pouring out of her eyes could not believe what she had been doing.

"Yeah we still will be in school till 18 years old. Let's enjoy ourselves! Woo hoo!" Icelyn quickly bounced back to her happy self once again. "Let's forget about what happen tonight."

"I already have. Don't worry, we are going to have fun again tomorrow. What is on tomorrow ?" Jumping up and down, the girl in neon blue hair had also bounced back to her happy and laidback self.

"Summer is over and we are in mid autumn season. My guess, we are going to have a party to celebrate the autumn."

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