《The Land of Aurora》Chapter 5: The beach party.


Saturday evenings arrive, unable to find Brian or Parrot, Icelyn headed out of her unit and accomodation to the school compound. "Oh well, these boys are probably expecting me at the party and have gone ahead of me."

Walking towards the school gate, Jasper and Diamond were waiting for her. "Hello there Icelyn, you look lively as usual, we were expecting you to be here." The couple spoke out in unison.

"So do you both." Giggling with her usual giggles which is mix with a flirtatious demeanour, Icelyn led the way to the beach party which had just started.

There were many youth at the party and the DJ had already started the music.

Looking around, she still found no sign of Brian and Parrot. Trying to hide her disappointment, she continued to giggle attempting to give her friends an impression that she was enjoying herself.

"Looking for Brian and Parrot ain't ya?" Placing his right arm around Icelyn's shoulder, he tried to cheer her up.

"Excuse me..."Icelyn turn to the left to look at Jasper who still had his right arm around her.

"There are still a lot of boys for you to flirt with tonight. Besides the DJ is only two years younger than you at most." Interrupting Icelyn's train of thought, Diamond place her left hand on her right shoulder.

"I know but for some reason, it is not the same without them. These two make my life more fun especially Parrot." Icelyn turn her face to look at the blue haired girl.

"Don't worry about them. Just enjoy yourself and do what you do best, flirt."

"Alright but before you go, do you like Parrot?"

"I am not sure. His mannerism just makes me like being around him. Not to mention, his 'innocent' mannerisms."


"Don't worry about these two. Just do what you do best, flirt!"

Heeding her new best friend's voice, she dance along to the music yet she couldn't get Parrot out of her head whom she surprisingly miss way more than her current boyfriend, Brian.

Many of the boys and girls engage in various types of activities apart from dancing. Some of the boys and girls including Jasper and Diamond went surfing in the ocean, enjoying the waves. Others played football and volleyball.

Icelyn join Jasper and Diamond for a while before she became bored and joined the youth who were dancing. The music which was playing at that time was 'Tik Tok.'

Time flew pass quickly, the party went on all the way to the stroke of midnight when the alarm on the clock tower of Aurora just behind the strong rang.

Icelyn had lost sight of Jasper and Diamond. Attempting to look for them, she was interrupted when someone touch her right shoulder. Turning around, the person who tap her was no other than Parrot.

"Parrot, how are you? Where have you been? Why didn't you answer my phone call?" Rushing towards him, giving him a hug, and planting kisses on both his cheek and forehead showed Icelyn was clearly more than delighted to see him.

"I have been a little busy honey but right now, we can have some fun! Baby." Parrot return the kisses, planting a kiss of his own on Icelyn's forehead while hugging and lifting her off the ground.

"You have change. Am I mistaken or are you really Parrot?Where are your glasses?" Icelyn's eyes and smile widen, nothicing his old glasses have been replaced by cooler looking ones.

"I have always been the same Parrot to you, haven't I?" The boy in green grinned at her, leading Icelyn to the dance. "The hot guy has just appeared in front of you."


"You surprise me once again. I never thought you were this good a dancer. It takes at least two years to get good in Salsa."

"Really, I just have some natural talent."


Jasper and Diamond whom made new friends, were surprise to see Parrot actually not only dancing confidently with Icelyn but leading the dance.

They had left the bond fire to invite Icelyn to join them. However, seeing Icelyn dancing with Parrot actually stopped them in their tracks.

"Is that the same dispicable Parrot?" Diamond could hardly believe her eyes.

"It looks like you have judge Parrot too soon.." Jasper who was holding Diamond's left hand spoke dryly.

"I still can't believe it......"

"Leave them alone. Icelyn is clearly enjoying herself. Let's return to the bond fire with our new friends."

Reluctantly, Diamond followed Jasper back to the bondfire.


Leading Icelyn back to his studio, Parrot took her upstairs. Switching on the television with his remote control, while cuddling up with her on his bed.

The two of them began to make out midway during the film, all the way to the morning light.

"I have to go now. It was great spending the night with you. You are fun." Giggling before giving Parrot a kiss on the head, Icelyn put on her clothes, leaving Parrot lying down on his bed.

"No breakfast for me it seems." The boy in green thought to himself.

"Why are you worried about breakfast, there are so many girls in the school." A familiar voice spoke to him.

Looking at his window, the person who spoke to him was no other than Mr Z.

"What are you doing here?" Lying on his bed half naked, he quickly pulled up his green blanket to cover himself.

"Calm down. I have been around for 6000 years now. I have seen naked people all my life. What you did is nothing new." Mr Z who was still looking at Parrot with his bright green eyes.

"Then what are you here for ?" Parrot still hiding under the blacket except for his head, lying on the pillow and the tip of his fingers holding his blanket wrapped around him.

"I just want to say you have three months of a free trial with my powers. You might as well use it well. Icelyn is still all over the place. You might want to get her back for the times she flirted with you and took you for a ride."

"What do you suggest I do?"

"Why don't you go for Diamond next, she is your first crush after all, hahaha!" Mr Z vanished in black smoke leaving a trace of green light as soon as he finished his speach.

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