《The Land of Aurora》Chapter 7: A serious warning


Chapter 7: A serious warning.

Another three months pass quickly, it is now winter. Despite remaining friends with Jasper, Diamond and Icelyn had totally forgotten about Parrot whom had not been turning up to class.

The three of them were planning their next party in the library when the headmaster of the school came to see them calling them in a gentle but firm voice. "You three come to my office right now."

Following the headmaster to his office and taking a seat each which was opposite his seat which was leaning against the blue wall.

"So what are we here for ?" Jasper asked.

"You three have been called for a reason."

"And what would that reason by ............................."Diamond attempted to cut in before she was cut off.

"Jasper and Icelyn, you both have been bailed out of jail by me under the King's order."

"Who is the King?" Icelyn look at the headmaster wide eyed.

"You clearly haven't been paying attention in class. Instead you have been focusing your time flirting with boys. You might look pleasent but I know what is in your heart."

For the first time in her life, the girl in indigo blue hair was stunned.

"Jasper, all you did is focus on causing mischieve in the school. Thanks to you half the school has defected to Mr Z."

Jasper couldn't believe his eyes, he attempted to ask a question but was once again cut off.

"Finally to you Diamond. Don't think that just because your parents have got into the Rainbow Diamond Planet, doesn't not mean you will get there. You might know about the King but you are not walking his ways."

"What?!" Diamond couldn't believe her ears yelled out.

"Faith without action is dead and yours is dead. If you were to go to the Rainbow Diamond Planet today, the King will say,' He never knew you.'"


"What do we do?" The three of them ask in unison.

"There is still hope for you three. By the end of two years beginning from next year, if you three take your lessons seriously and do as I say, you three might be choosen to carry a power to defend the Land of Aurora against the inflitration of Mr Z better known as Evil Black Death."

"What will our powers be ?" Jasper spoke up.

"It will be according to the names of the units you three are living in respectively." Continuing his speech not answering their questions of their new powers, the headmaster spoke solemnly. "I am sure you three have heard about the News Flash. Mr Jim has made a deal with Mr Z and so have your friends who have disappeared."

"What?!" Diamond could hardly believe her eyes.

"I know it is hard to believe but it's true. Mr Jim was waiting on the youth whom were Jasper's and your friends in the yellow lamborghini. The moment they broke into his house, he convinced them to join him. Evil Black Death was there as well."

"What about Golden, Amerthyst, and Monday?" Icelyn clearly wanting to know what happened to her friends, the headmaster had compassion.

"They too have volunteered to serve Mr Z. They did not want anything to do with the Land of Aurara deep inside their hearts. My Jim took them away while they were in their beds. Brian is included. Many of my teachers in the school."

"I am surprise you did not bring up Parrot." Diamond smirked remembering the time she kick him between the legs.

"He has made a half deal with Mr Z but not a full deal. He will soon reap what he sows. When he does, he will come running back. Be prepared to receive him back when he comes. You need another four people to bring about the unity."


"Mr Z use to tell us the King kicked him out of his rightful position because He is meglomanical, jealouse, and a bully. Tell me the King's side out the story." Jasper demanded while clenching his fists.

"Long ago, the Rainbow Diamond Planet was peaceful until Mr Z, originally called Green Light Bearer, haboured jealousy in his heart, desiring the Rainbow Diamond Throne for himself. The throne only serves one master which is the King, a battle broke out and he was cast out. As for the rest, pay attention in class and do not be afraid to ask questions."

Walking out of the headmaster's office, the three friends were more sober now.

"I wish I have taken my lessons more seriously." Icelyn look into the mirror clearly regretting her deeds.

"So do we." Jasper and Diamond answered in unison. "We have a long way to catch up."

"We should make it an effort to ask more questions then!" Icelyn responded cheerfully.


Parrot in the meantime had dated plenty of girls in the Black Wasteland as none of the girls in the Land of Aurora wanted to be with him after his two timing relationship.

He still kept his job but he stop going to class not wanting to run into Icelyn.

Work was not a problem as his boss told him that Icelyn had left to work in the beauty salon with another friend of hers.

"She must have gone to work with Diamond. They are probably bonding over me." He smirked to himself.

"The time for trial is over". Parrot heard the voice of Mr Z while he was driving the ice cream Van. "It is time to join me fully and become my full time servant."

"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin." The boy in green retorted sacarstically.

"You will pay for that you insolent little brad!" Immediately, he notice a black puff of smoke and bright green light disappear before his face.

"Whatever, its not like he can do anything." Parrot laugh to himself while driving around.

Work was smooth, he back to the ice cream shop before handing his boss the keys to the van. "What a good day of work today, party time later."

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