《The Land of Aurora》Chapter 2: Catching up - Tom boy to Femenine Fatal.


Following her new best friend, whom is also her flat mate, entering the purple apartment with the same name as her.

"I can't believe that this section has my name. I am honored." Entering her unit on the 2nd floor with Monday, talking loud enough for the boys who were looking at her to hear.

"How arrogant......but we are going to have a good time". Speaking in the tone of Wednesday Addams, closing the front door right after Amertyst enters.

"Thank you very much, Mis Sacarstic." Taking a seat on the purple lounge in front of the television. "This place is named after me".

"No, it is named after the purple precious stone and so is your name."

"Where are we going later?"

"To a party tonight. I would advice you to get Icelyn to help you out. She is a fashion guru. I will be going to see her personally."

"How did you know? I never told you anything about her." Turning on the television, feeling delighted to see her favourite tv series, Amertyst slouched on the lounge.

"I have been observing everything around me throughly and that includes you my best friend for life." Placing his belongings in the first room, she emerged with a change of clothing, walking into the bathroom.

Emerging an hour later, colourful 'Wednesday Addams', wearing a pink blouse and purple skirt with pink leggings, heading towards the door, calling out to Amertyst. "I am heading to Icelyn's unit. Are you coming with me?"

"Alright colourful Wednesday Addams, I will join you." Pressing the off button of the remote control, getting up from the lounge, following her new best friend. "How do you know where Icelyn lives?"

"She gave me her phone number when you were not looking."




The walk to the Sapphire apartment did not take long as it was just beside the Amertyst apartment.

"Monday!Amertyst!" Standing outside the main door was the girl in blue smoking a cigratte.

"Icelyn. When did you start smoking?" Looking on in disbelieve, looking intently at her blue haired friend.

"May I have a cigratte..........."Monday spoke up sullenly.

"Here you go!" Icelyn generously handed one of them to Amertyst's new best friend. "So what are you both here for?"

Before Amertyst could speak up, attempting to back away, Monday interjected. "My best friend needs your help in fashion."

"That will not be a problem. Let me finish off my cigratte".

Hours later at the party................

"I feel so unconfortable in this dress. Icelyn takes forever to finish her work."Clearly desiring to be back in her usual outfit, hoping Monday would feel sorry for her.

"Stop complaining. She just has great attention to detail. Besides, all the boys are looking at you. Just be grateful." Monday walking ahead of her, did not have the slightest hint of pity in her voice.

Turning her head briefly, spotting Icelyn dancing with a boy in green before abruptly leaving him on the dance floor by himself, taking the hand of a taller boy in orange. "What a flirt!"

"Hi there. Care to have a dance?" A tall boy abruptly appeared in front of her offering his hand.

"Who are you that I should say yes............!"

"Have you forgotten me this quickly? I am Monday's twin brother. We met in the cafeteria today."

"Oh, it is you. I didn't realise it as you were wearing blue."

"That is because I live in the Topaz Apartment. You should come around and have a look sometimes."


"Why is your sister wearing pink then?" Looking around for Monday whom had disappeared from plane side, Amertyst was not only trying to get away but was also testing her best friend's brother's confidence.

"I will tell you only if you dance with me." The tall boy in blue clearly speaking gently yet not taking no for an answer.

"Oh! Alright!" Amertyst finally cave in.

Dancing the whole night, it was almost 12 o clock, and the party was almost over. "Let me walk you home. Don't worry about my sister. She has probably gone home by now."


"She is capable of taking care of herself. Her goal today was to set you up with me."

Leaving the dance together which was in the school hall for the weekend, she notice his brown hair and blue eyes as they left to her unit.

"Did you enjoy yourselves?" Monday whom had gotten home way before them lying down on the lounge with a drunk boy spoke up.

Turning back to the boy and making out with him, still speaking to Amertyst and her twin brother. "Icelyn did a good job today".

"Yeah! Yeah!" Heading into her room, Amertyst shut the door behind her locking out everybody, leaving them in the hall.

Hearing a knock on her room door from the outside, she yelled out. "Go away!"

The knock persisted.

Opening the door, Amertyst was not surprise to see the boy in blue still t the door, remembering the words Monday told her in Icelyn's unit after the latter had finished up her knew dress. "My twin brother really likes you and he is one of the most sought after guys in the Land of Aurora."

Looking into his blue eyes with her green eyes, she relented. "Oh Alright. Come in but don't you tell anyone what we are going to do."

Dragging him in, shutting the door behind her, pointed to the knife on the table, looking into the his eyes only to see him calm as ever.

Dragging him onto her bed, they spend the rest of the night to the wee hours of the morning together.

Before kicking him out, she pointed at the knife on her table, dragging him close to her mouth she wisphered these words once again. "You tell anyone this and I am coming for you. Now get out of here."

"When can I see you again?"

"Whenever I decide we can but don't you ever let anyone know we are together."

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