《The Land of Aurora》Chapter 2: Catching up - Tom boy to Femenine Fetal


Rounding up his new friends, having a discussion about Mr Jim, deciding it is time to take him down. "I guess we are going to see him again tomorrow aren't we?"

"You are a week late. We had to endure with him for this whole week. He is one of the strictest teachers in the school." His gang member and right hand man,Cody, appointed unofficially by him since day one.

"I thought the youth of Aurora are well behave." Golden shook his head in disbelieve, listening to the complains of his new gang members.

"That is on the surface. Many of us are good boys and girls are bad boys and girls who have not been caught. There is a lot to Aurora which you do not know about."

"Let me show you how it is done in the Black Wasteland. Does anyone know where he lives?"

"But there is a party tonight." One of his gang members and flat mate spoke up.

"Don't you worry, we will go to the party, then we will go to Mr. Jim's house and....................."

At the party in the school hall, walking over to Jasper, with a bruise right cheek. In front of him was a taller boy, with brown hair and olive complexion, the same height as him on the ground.

Behind the boy in red, was a girl in blue hair and neon blue dress with her hands round his waist. "Are you alright honey?"

"I am glad you are. I told you my ex would be jealouse". Diamond broke out laughing.

"Jasper you badass!" Golden rushed to his buddy, hugging both Jasper and Diamond at once. "The Black Wasteland never left you! I thought you were going to go soft for a while."


"Told you so."

"Are you still up to wrecking havock at Mr Jim's house?"

"Why didn't you let me in on this". Diamond stared Jasper in the eyes with a pout.

"It was going to be a surprise. You are acting like Icelyn now. Did you both become best buddies."

"We did. She has a good taste in fashion just like me."

"I guess we will enjoy ourself for the first few hours. Then we will go from there." Golden briefly interupted Jasper and Diamond, whom had gone into their own world.

"Sure thing. Everybody let's get the party started." Jasper shouted out loud before the DJ turned on the music.

Everybody began to dance. Golden's friends tried to crack on to Diamond's girls in the middle of the party.

Golden himself briefly had a fling with a random girl, whom was drag off by her boyfriend.

Midway, the party died down.

"Is everybody ready to go?" Jasper called out as soon as Golden and friends left the School Hall with him.

"Take us with you!" Diamond called out after the boys. "We want to join in the fun." Her girls coming out of the hall agreed with her in unison.

"Come along but don't say we didn't warn you". Golden turned around giving one of the girls a wink.

"Flirting with my friend aren't you!" Diamond smirked as she ran into Jasper's arms making out with him briefly before looking at Golden in the eyes. "Its alright. Jasper's friends are my friends."

'Let's get going. We don't have all night!" Taking command, Jasper led the way.

Mr Jim's house was not hard to find. Getting in Diamond's car, a huge royal blue lambogine, the GPS showed that his house was only 1000 metres away from the school and 2000 metres away from the beach.


"It seems Mr Jim loves his quite time after having a hard day's work and controlling his students". Diamond broke out in laughter.

"You are really a rich girl, aren't you?" Golden whom was sitting in the back middle seat between two girls.

"Shut up, Golden!" Diamond in the driver's seat retorted, followed by a smirk. "Or you are going to be walking home! Your issue with Mr Jim is none of my business, I am only helping you because we are friends."

"Where is the rest of the crew?" Jasper interrupted.

"They have gone ahead of us in Cody's car. It seems he has manage to some of the girls from your group, Diamond. There are actually six of them in one car too!"

"Whatever, we will catch up with them shortly." Starting the car, Diamond drove them to Mr. Jim's house.

Arriving at Mr Jim's house, they were met with a rude shock. The car in which Cody was in had exploded and so had Mr Jim's house.

Driving around carefully, they were unable to find anything or anyone.

Attempting to exit, the car, Golden was stopped by the two girls sitting on his left and right.

Diamond grab Jasper's right hand with her left hand, begging him not to leave. The girl with neon blue hair clearly trembling with fear.

"Do not go out. We do not know what has happen. There might be traps waiting for us." Jasper spoke up. Despite being just as much a party animal as Golden, the boy in red was a lot more calculative and could sense when something was up.

Tears came out from Diamond's eyes. "I am not going home tonight. I will be staying with you, Jasper."

"Tomorrow everything will be sorted out. There is nothing we can do at the moment." Golden conceeded despite clearly wanting to look for his friends.

Driven back home by Diamond, Golden exited the car and return to his unit with the two girls who are part of Diamond's clique.

He said nothing to the two girls who were equally silent but ended up in his bed with them. Knowing that it was Saturday tomorrow, Golden did not have to worry about class.

He thought he would be sharing a unit other boys but it ended up with two girls.

Deep down inside, Golden was actually please to have the whole unit for himself despite the fact his friends are missing.

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